What is really wrong with the game?

What is really wrong with the game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Excell.1042


First of all, let me state that I’ve always supported and loved my time in this great game, however, the last weeks in particular i’ve been more and more aggravated by the developement choices going on. I’ve been talking it over with several people and found that theres several factors at play here, I will adress all of these in this post:

When I first started playing GW2, I saw alot of possibilities in PVE, it was said that the Story dungeons were the “easymode” and the explorable dungeons were the hardcore endgame experience that approximately 5% of the playerbase would complete.

This was the truth, untill around early 2013 when dungeons were nerfed and became easier and easier, I found myself running dungeons more and more, and eventually I got burnt out on them.

I kept on trying to convince myself that in the future we got to see more dungeons and maybe a raid alternative, however, all we got since launch is a revamp of AC and Twilight Arbor Aetherpath ((Which isnt all that rewarding))

Now, with the recent feature patch you’ve added the collectable achievement rewards for dungeons, in which you collect all armor and weapons from a certain dungeon, then get rewarded with an Ascended Acessoire.

Woooooowww. Thats a really good reward! Makes me certainly want to run the same dungeon path over and over to get something I could get quickly with guild missions.

This is also where the ball is dropped PVE wise, aside from Tequatl and Wurm
((Which I’ve done too much now, as I can hardly carry myself to their spawn points))
Also, these events arent really a replacement for raid content, as these mostly dont feel that challenging, as they are just big zergs against a stationary target, that will ocassionally do something threateningly.

So? Dungeons? Have done them 100000k times. Tequatl and Wurm? About the same time.

There is nothing to do pve wise, aside from grinding gold for more skins, which i’ve found myself quite burnt out on aswell.

Of course, theres Dry Top ((Which was Amazing for its release)) but its still only an endless farm for skins!

This is a gamemode i’ve loved alot at the start of the game, and still am to this game, however, I too am burned out on this, why?

First of all, a balance patch every 3 months is not a good thing, it causes people to run the same builds, which leave some classes underpowered and useless in pvp, which leads to alot of rage when you’re being paired up with said class.

New Pvp modes? Are these even comming? because all we have is conquest conquest and more conquest, which gets kind of boring after 3 rounds.. this too is a reason why people do NOT like pvp, its fun the first 3 rounds, and then its boring.

BUT THE WORST PART about SPVP is your kitten matchmaking system? putting 4 of the same classes together, leaving one poor sap to just sit out a match because you cant possibly win with 4 thieves, or it becomes a 4v5 and that is also doomed for failure!


(edited by Excell.1042)

What is really wrong with the game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Excell.1042



I myself dont really play WVW aside from the season, thus I have very little I can say on the matter of WvW.

What I do think is that it will need more than what it is now.. from my casual experience on WVW, all it is seems to be Door V Door V Waypoint

However, as i’ve very little experience with it, I cant comment on this much!

I still want to adress the issue that to most people, WvW was only fun during the seasons, im one of those people. And when I looked at the WvW season achievement panel, internally all of my will to play the game has about left me? 5 events every week for 4 weeks to get 2 pretty impressive skins? Really?!


Really, you (Anet) should really start working on communication with your fanbase, because all we’ve been getting is “Nothing’s Off the Table” then, when we ask “What is on the table?” we get a shady answer like “There are some pretty big things we’re working on in the background”

Really? What kind of answer is that? I will quote one of your employees aswell, kittenponded to a pretty big thread on the forums called “Megaserver and roleplay” , the quote goes something like this:

“Guild up Roleplay Folks”

So yeah, work on your communication.

What is really wrong with the game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Excell.1042


Content Updates
Okay, so, one of the biggest annoyances in this game for me, so far, have been the content updates, and the breaks imbetween them. First of all, I do NOT think Living Story is the way to go anymore, I find more and more players daily saying “Really, I dont care anymore”. Why is this?

Its badly written! Even though Season 2 has been a stepup from Season 1 ((Which was confirmed in an interview, was written in 2 days)) It still isnt there.

Now, why is Living Story not fun? Its 30 minutes of meaningless content and scavenger hunts or “kill X amount” , every 2 weeks. They are not engaging, the story parts are not really that fun because you get nothing from them, and most people just do them to get their achievement points. Again, there is NO character growth, there is no challenge to overcome, and therefore it isnt quite fun.

Other than that? No more SAB because it interferes with the narrative? So let me get this straight! No SAB because it interferes with the narrative, but WVW tournaments, Halloween, Wintersday, dont? I mean, there are other stories going on with those festivals, as did SAB, and im sure that no one finds SAB’s story confusing with the LS going on aswell.

ANother thing: Breaks! Taking breaks are good, BUT since March 2014 we havent seen many updates, have we? We had 1 feature pack, that was good, then we had about 4 months of a break? and now we’ve got another break of ((7 weeks to go)) before the 30 minutes of content resume? Really! Do you need SO MUCH time to develope 30 mins of content that will go in break again after 4 patches! ((We all know it will happen, Wintersday is next, then another break))!

Major Changes

I think it would be fair to say that multiple people do NOT like the way this week has went, the Feature Pack 2 for me, removed any will to play the game, and I am pretty certain that comming tuesday, i’ll be trying out a new game, and hell! I might just stick to that for awhile, and make a decision on wether im back.

Besides, I dont think its fair to hype the Feature pack 2, because what was really new? China got it a few months back? So why do we even call it Feature Pack 2? call it China Port 1.

Anyway, that is it, a fair rant, and I hope it wont spark too much flame from the a-net fanbase. I’ve also put in a screenshot representing the time i’ve invested in this game, just to reveal that I havent just pulled this all out of my “kitten”.
