Recently I saw a wonderful thread about GW2 as a significant part of ones life. I love the richness of the characters in this game, and the layers of story I can uncover as I play, but for me it’s a little different.
My main MMO is a different game, in which I lead a guild. That’s a significant time investment, with people I love playing with. I can’t possibly replicate that level of commitment in a second MMO.
So GW2, much as I love it, is a casual game for me, not a way of life.
Recent developments, including the new announced expansion (which, to be clear sounds very amazing, and I’m happy to see all the anticipatory excitement from players) have made me wonder if this is a game I can continue playing and spending money on without feeling like I’m just not part of target audience.
Maybe I’m missing something that would make the difference, and this is not in any way to denigrate the players or the game who love things the way they are.
A couple of specific examples. I’m part of a couple of guilds-one has hardly anyone on ever, and the other usually has people on, but the chat is almost nonexistent. There is a teamspeak server for the Guild, and from what I can tell that is where most of the social interchange is-even though the guild says the external voice isn’t mandatory. When I log in and say hello, no one responds, and requests for help often get overlooked as well. I have decided to look for a more suitable guild, but I don’t know that there is one that supports the kind of casual participation I can bring to the table. (This is particularly frustrating to me as I run a guild in another game where we spend a lot of effort to bring casual players along. I know what I am looking for, but I can’t be the one to lead it.)
There is also a lot of the living story (and if you’re just going to tell me to LTP, please skip the exercise) that seems inaccessible to me if I can’t find someone to join in. I’m talking mechanics that would be simple with a partner, but since I am casual, and not at the leading edge of the living story instances, finding someone to bring along is very difficult, given the guild situation described above. I’ve tried to use LFG, but so far no success.
I’ve learned the mechanics-for example, having to both hit the boss and prevent healing from adds in one instance-but the two are so far apart that doing both these things on a solo basis seems to be impossible, after 3 extended sessions during which I attempted it. So, it appears to me that the living world content is pretty much going to be not something I can keep up with. It also means the descriptions of the action in the HoT expansion being that it’s going to get more complex, and presumably require more not-solo play, that there is no point in my spending money on that content. I certainly won’t be pre-ordering it.
This is a fantastic game, and I love the time I have spent in it. But at this point it appears to me that the avenues for me to enjoy what I consider base content (not raids/wvw or clearly group focused content with the highest level rewards) are getting more and more limited.
So, what is it I’m missing? Anyone know of a casual friendly guild that might be able to give me a guild “home” that feels like a home?