Hey there,
Personally when I log into Guild Wars 2, I stay in for about 10 mins then I just log off. I’ve no desire to really do anything in the game. Now this doesn’t have anything to do with the whole Ascended Gear system, or how there is now a rift between players because of fractal staging, or whatever else is happening in the game. I just don’t find the game fun, like at all.
I really couldn’t put my finger on exactly what was even wrong with the game. There are builds to differentiate my character. The art style is pleasing. There’s content to finish. There are people running around, and chatting. There’s pretty much every core feature a successful MMO needs.
So why do I, and so many other people end up not logging in to play this game?
Well, I was recently given this very delightful short (9mins) video that really put so much into perspective for me on game design.
(clicky – http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=uepAJ-rqJKA#! The makers of this video have posted no opinion towards GW2, and the mechanics within the game. This is just a general video on Aesthetics of a Game.)
Really, I think I’ve found the reason (for me at least) why I feel Guild Wars 2 just isn’t standing up against other MMO’s I’ve played, and enjoyed.
Guild Wars 2 game mechanics do not match the overall aesthetic of the game. In other words, how the game plays doesn’t exactly equal the intended game environment we’re all experiencing.
Here are a couple examples:
- Lots of content equals not a lot of in game balance for the player. Often this game feels like a chore. Just running through one zone to another can demonstrate how monsters, events, and quests can be overwhelming. Not only do zones feel over crowded at times, but newer content often feels at odds with the older content.
- Getting rid of the trinity system equals everyone doing the same thing, but on a level of effective to not very effective. Getting rid of the trinity was supposed to offer open doors to all jobs, but as many of us have noticed this system really put job classes in a position where we’re all basically DPS. This is reflected with how events, dungeons, anything involved in a group feels more like a ‘zergfest’ than an actual strategic group effort. Not to mention with everyone basically becoming dps, the sad base foundation of damage per second is the fact that there will always be jobs that can do this more effectively than others.
Now this thread isn’t a hate on Guild Wars 2, and I don’t intend on promoting negativity towards this title. Really, I want to offer another way to look at what’s really causing problems between Players and Developers in this game in hopes these issues can be fixed.
What are some issues you feel as a player in Guild Wars 2’s game mechanics really reflect poorly in the game itself? Or if you feel I’m totally off my rocker on this issue, why so?
Thanks for reading.
I’m going to quote one of my posts in hopes of a little clarification on this thread for posters, and readers.
Great, now it’s gonna be a grindfest with a holy trinity in it.
Lol, I really don’t think you understood my post.
I am not saying:
- Getting rid of the trinity system is a bad idea.
What I am saying is:
- ArenaNet’s mechanics of getting rid of the trinity system didn’t translate well into Guild Wars 2.
That’s not to say we should have a trinity system. That is saying maybe the developers should take a look at their system, and find ways to improve upon it so the game doesn’t feel like a ‘zergfest’ at times.
Also those were only examples to start a discussion. There are plenty of other issues that may have been poorly implemented, and I truly believe discussing these features will help improve this game.
(edited by TheUndefined.1720)