What is there to do in between events

What is there to do in between events

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RuneCrimson.7380


Ok I left GW2 cause I got bored of roaming doing hardly nothing….Map completion was ruined when I found out I had to go to WvW to even complete it. I don’t do PvP cause its a free for all bully rampage in every game so what else is there to do in GW2 in between events? Or if yer not interested in the event thats up.

{Knights of Revengence} [KoR-Lord]
“Nothing is true! Everything is Permitted!”

What is there to do in between events

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Karizee.8076


Dungeons, Fractals, Guild Missions, crafting, mini-games – pretty much whatever you like.

What is there to do in between events

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RuneCrimson.7380


Have to go in with groups in Dungeons and Fractuals I have 4 people in my guild and hardly any play and do not play with others cause I like My loot and XP and I have heard it before no one gets yer XP and loot blah blah I have seen different so lets not get into that fight again lol Crafting I have done a little but gets boring after a few hours lol mini games I have done their ok. The game has just gotten so repetitive. Its all about groups and such and I just play with people I know cause I would rather share my stuff with friends and family then with people I do not know and just hang around to leech off people.

{Knights of Revengence} [KoR-Lord]
“Nothing is true! Everything is Permitted!”

What is there to do in between events

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

Much as you might not believe it, no one shares loot or XP. Every character gets their own loot and XP.

What is there to do in between events

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RuneCrimson.7380


I do not believe it cause I have seen different I watched someone take My loot more then once and I have seen XP split between Myself my wife and two friends when we where playing a while back. But like I said not getting into that fight. When i kill a monster and get 200xp and kill it with two other people and get 67 xp I know its being split. Its obvious. But no one pays it no attention cause its not important to most. But its important to me when I play a MMO I want my loot and XP cause its hard work I do not some leech player who stands around waiting for someone to kill something or jump in and take the credit for the kill.

{Knights of Revengence} [KoR-Lord]
“Nothing is true! Everything is Permitted!”

What is there to do in between events

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: emikochan.8504


I do events in between events. Also loot is entirely personal.

Welcome to my world – http://emikochan13.wordpress.com

What is there to do in between events

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chameleon Dude.1564

Chameleon Dude.1564

I know you don’t want to get into the split xp/loot thing, but it really isn’t split. Mobs give xp based on 1) the type of mob, and 2) how long it has been alive in the world – so places don’t get farmed repeatedly for xp.

As for what there is to do in the game: since players seem to be content zerging around to grind in a game that promised to be grind-free… not much, I’m afraid. PvP is lackluster, WvW is either a zergy lag-fest or a laggy zerg-fest, crafting is a few minutes looking at a recipe list and minigames… yeah… I’m normally a fan of those, but the ones here are meh.

If you want to play, I’d suggest finding people to play with – fun can happen and no, they won’t steal your loot or xp.

What is there to do in between events

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RuneCrimson.7380


Guess I will have to get some people together that I know that has the game. Cause I have seen people I do not know take stuff from me including xp but its cool. Thanks for the info about what to do.

{Knights of Revengence} [KoR-Lord]
“Nothing is true! Everything is Permitted!”

What is there to do in between events

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tolunart.2095


Guess I will have to get some people together that I know that has the game. Cause I have seen people I do not know take stuff from me including xp but its cool. Thanks for the info about what to do.

Oh you’re that guy. I thought I recognized the name. You’re completely wrong about the way the game works, but I know that you won’t believe that, so please please please play something else.

What is there to do in between events

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RuneCrimson.7380


And thats why I will never believe it…rudeness that happened to me on the board and in game as I watched it happen. Glitch or not it has happened more then once I watched it I don’t need someone telling me I am wrong I know what I saw. Matters little I do not have to listen to the rudeness.

{Knights of Revengence} [KoR-Lord]
“Nothing is true! Everything is Permitted!”

What is there to do in between events

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kalarchis.8635


I don’t see any rudeness in this thread. Loot and xp are not shared. This is simply a fact of the game. If you saw someone take your loot or xp then you are mistaken in what you saw. I don’t say this to be rude or to invalidate your opinion. The reason you might get different XP from the same mob is because monsters give more XP the longer they’re on the map. You might have killed a mob that had been around for hours when you were by yourself, and then killed the same mob that had just spawned with a couple friends, and you would get less XP for the second mob but it has nothing to do with XP being shared, because it isn’t.

Similarly, the only loot that any player even sees is their personal loot. If you’re playing with a friend, their loot will not even appear on your screen and vice versa. There are some environmental items, such as the eggs at Karka Queen or an Oakheart branch, that can be picked up by any player, and that might be what you saw. But as far as loot itself, it’s entirely personalized to each player.

What is there to do in between events

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RuneCrimson.7380


If you say so….I saw My wifes loot and to prove to her I could take it took it from her. But its a pointless thing to go over and over. I know what I saw.

{Knights of Revengence} [KoR-Lord]
“Nothing is true! Everything is Permitted!”

What is there to do in between events

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


And thats why I will never believe it…rudeness that happened to me on the board and in game as I watched it happen. Glitch or not it has happened more then once I watched it I don’t need someone telling me I am wrong I know what I saw. Matters little I do not have to listen to the rudeness.

Loot is assigned to specific players in this game. No one can take your loot period. It’s been known from day one. It’s in the wiki.

No one can take your experience either.

About the closest thing that can happen is that you don’t get XP or loot because you didn’t hit the threshold.

In order for you to get credit for a kill, you have to do a certain percentage of the damage. If five guys are hitting something, and you hit it a couple of times, you might not get credit for that kill because you didn’t hit the threshold.

However when in a party that threshhold is much much lower. It’s much easier to get credit for a kill.

So you kill things faster, because you’re with other people, and you get more loot.

You’re only hurting yourself by not playing with others.

What is there to do in between events

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: zenleto.6179


If you say so….I saw My wifes loot and to prove to her I could take it took it from her. But its a pointless thing to go over and over. I know what I saw.

Are you sure you were playing this game?

Fire up the Hyperbowl ma, we’re going to town!

Would you like some hard cheeze with your sad whine?

What is there to do in between events

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


If you say so….I saw My wifes loot and to prove to her I could take it took it from her. But its a pointless thing to go over and over. I know what I saw.

Actually perhaps you should say what you saw in detail, because frankly, after over 5000 hours including playing with my wife a good portion of the time, I’ve never seen this.

What is there to do in between events

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RuneCrimson.7380


I have hit the monsters tons of times and watched it give me split XP between myself my wife and a friend. Why am I seeing different then everyone seems to be telling me when I watch for things like that in all games. So I know if I can play with people I do not know or not. Its a MMO and thats just how they are no matter if it says it or not there is always a loop hole around it. I have watched it while I played and watched it while my wife played its happening so if its not suppose to then there needs to be a fix cause I sure as heck took my wifes loot and watch a split in XP more then tons of times. Anyway what I see and what others see has to do with people not caring about loot and XP and I do cause it matters to the character getting stronger and if someone else is getting it then I am not leveling or getting what I need for my character. I have seen myself get loot for my wifes class while she got loot for mine or others it makes no sense if its specific for us…if it was we would be getting loot for our class not someone elses. and if the mob was suppose to give us our own loot it would be the same for me as it would be for my wife and its not. never has been.

{Knights of Revengence} [KoR-Lord]
“Nothing is true! Everything is Permitted!”

What is there to do in between events

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


I have hit the monsters tons of times and watched it give me split XP between myself my wife and a friend. Why am I seeing different then everyone seems to be telling me when I watch for things like that in all games. So I know if I can play with people I do not know or not. Its a MMO and thats just how they are no matter if it says it or not there is always a loop hole around it. I have watched it while I played and watched it while my wife played its happening so if its not suppose to then there needs to be a fix cause I sure as heck took my wifes loot and watch a split in XP more then tons of times. Anyway what I see and what others see has to do with people not caring about loot and XP and I do cause it matters to the character getting stronger and if someone else is getting it then I am not leveling or getting what I need for my character. I have seen myself get loot for my wifes class while she got loot for mine or others it makes no sense if its specific for us…if it was we would be getting loot for our class not someone elses. and if the mob was suppose to give us our own loot it would be the same for me as it would be for my wife and its not. never has been.

I’ve watched it too. I always watch stuff like that. Did you know different level characters get different amounts of experience based on their levels for the same kills?

So if you and your wife are attacking something at different levels, you will get different amounts of experience. However, if you were to solo that same creature, you’d get the same experience you got if you killed it with her.

And bonus experience is only for the amount of time that a creature has been in the world without being killed.

I’ve tested this myself many times.

What is there to do in between events

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lindbur.2537


You again? I see you never really got the point people tried to make the last time you showed up.

A remnant of times past.
“Memories are nice, but that’s all they are.”

What is there to do in between events

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sligh.2789


I have hit the monsters tons of times and watched it give me split XP between myself my wife and a friend. Why am I seeing different then everyone seems to be telling me when I watch for things like that in all games. So I know if I can play with people I do not know or not. Its a MMO and thats just how they are no matter if it says it or not there is always a loop hole around it. I have watched it while I played and watched it while my wife played its happening so if its not suppose to then there needs to be a fix cause I sure as heck took my wifes loot and watch a split in XP more then tons of times. Anyway what I see and what others see has to do with people not caring about loot and XP and I do cause it matters to the character getting stronger and if someone else is getting it then I am not leveling or getting what I need for my character. I have seen myself get loot for my wifes class while she got loot for mine or others it makes no sense if its specific for us…if it was we would be getting loot for our class not someone elses. and if the mob was suppose to give us our own loot it would be the same for me as it would be for my wife and its not. never has been.

Super Nintendo is good, I think you will like it based on your comments. Truly, I mean that.
You need to immerse yourself in the world, it is not just about rewards, those things are secondary to a world as beautiful and deep as Tyria. Forget about rewards and just play the game, the rewards will be there.

What is there to do in between events

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Garambola.2461


About the loot: It is random and on purpose. We do not get loot based on our classes.

Why? Because we then either sell the loot we cannot use or lately salvage it for Essence of Luck.

What is there to do in between events

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lindbur.2537


Check his post history. See for yourself. Be prepared to spend loads of time trying to convince him of anything, or show him irrefutable proof.

Loot and experience are not shared between anyone, so please present evidence to back up your claims. And please use level 80 characters.

A remnant of times past.
“Memories are nice, but that’s all they are.”

What is there to do in between events

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Stooperdale.3560


Nobody in this game owns any mobs, resources, or events. Anyone who contributes gets the reward. Extra people participating do not lower any of the rewards for anyone else. That’s the game design. It encourages players to work together.

What is there to do in between events

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Majic.4801


If you say so….I saw My wifes loot and to prove to her I could take it took it from her. But its a pointless thing to go over and over. I know what I saw.

Apparently not.

What you are describing is the sort of thing I used to hate about LOTRO, but bears absolutely no resemblance whatsoever to Guild Wars 2. It is, ironically enough, the exact opposite of what you’re describing, and that’s one of the main reasons I simply cannot play any MMOs except GW2 anymore (though sometimes I wish I could).


Each player who participates in killing a monster will have the opportunity to loot the body. Each monster has a damage table and a threshold value of damage done to it by the player before it will give full credit for the kill. This value is about 5% to 10% of the monster’s health.3 The loot dropped is unique to the player, and loot received by one player does not affect what another player receives. One monster may drop the same rare item for multiple players.


The article explains how experience is awarded. There are not mechanics that “split” or reduce experience awarded for anything, whether kills, events or any other activity.

And for good measure…


Gathering is the act of collecting crafting materials from resource nodes, which are marked on the compass. General types of gathering resources include ore veins (metal), trees (wood), and non-tree plants (cooking ingredients). Once used, the node is temporarily exhausted for that character, but remains available to other characters.

All of this has been this way at least since BWE2 when I started playing, and has stayed that way ever since.

If GW2 isn’t appealing to you or you don’t like group-only content, there’s nothing wrong with that. Gods know I have plenty of complaints myself.

But rejecting the game on the basis of demonstrable falsehoods that are obvious to anyone who plays the game is unnecessary and just plain silly.

But then, maybe that’s the real point of this thread, after all.

“Not the same, real and true. True you feel inside.
Always follow what is true.” — Sentry-skritt Bordekka

(edited by Majic.4801)

What is there to do in between events

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MachineManXX.9746


I have hit the monsters tons of times and watched it give me split XP between myself my wife and a friend. Why am I seeing different then everyone seems to be telling me when I watch for things like that in all games. So I know if I can play with people I do not know or not. Its a MMO and thats just how they are no matter if it says it or not there is always a loop hole around it. I have watched it while I played and watched it while my wife played its happening so if its not suppose to then there needs to be a fix cause I sure as heck took my wifes loot and watch a split in XP more then tons of times. Anyway what I see and what others see has to do with people not caring about loot and XP and I do cause it matters to the character getting stronger and if someone else is getting it then I am not leveling or getting what I need for my character. I have seen myself get loot for my wifes class while she got loot for mine or others it makes no sense if its specific for us…if it was we would be getting loot for our class not someone elses. and if the mob was suppose to give us our own loot it would be the same for me as it would be for my wife and its not. never has been.

I now see the problem you THINK you are having. Say you are playing a heavy armor class and your wife is light. (example only) You loot a light armor chest piece. You now assume you “stole” your wifes loot.

Same thing in reverse. Your wife loots heavy armor boots and you assume she “stole” your loot. Am I correct so far?

What you fail to realize is that armor and weapon types that drop as loot are totally random. Sometimes you get something you can use, sometimes not. It was never meant specifically for you or your wife or anyone else for that matter.

What is there to do in between events

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RuneCrimson.7380


I have hit the monsters tons of times and watched it give me split XP between myself my wife and a friend. Why am I seeing different then everyone seems to be telling me when I watch for things like that in all games. So I know if I can play with people I do not know or not. Its a MMO and thats just how they are no matter if it says it or not there is always a loop hole around it. I have watched it while I played and watched it while my wife played its happening so if its not suppose to then there needs to be a fix cause I sure as heck took my wifes loot and watch a split in XP more then tons of times. Anyway what I see and what others see has to do with people not caring about loot and XP and I do cause it matters to the character getting stronger and if someone else is getting it then I am not leveling or getting what I need for my character. I have seen myself get loot for my wifes class while she got loot for mine or others it makes no sense if its specific for us…if it was we would be getting loot for our class not someone elses. and if the mob was suppose to give us our own loot it would be the same for me as it would be for my wife and its not. never has been.

I now see the problem you THINK you are having. Say you are playing a heavy armor class and your wife is light. (example only) You loot a light armor chest piece. You now assume you “stole” your wifes loot.

Same thing in reverse. Your wife loots heavy armor boots and you assume she “stole” your loot. Am I correct so far?

What you fail to realize is that armor and weapon types that drop as loot are totally random. Sometimes you get something you can use, sometimes not. It was never meant specifically for you or your wife or anyone else for that matter.

I would think that was the thing thats happening but for one thing…I have been told from the beginning that loot is suppose to be specific for only us. If thats the case then it should be dropping what My current character is if it is specific. So if I am confused about anything which is making me think what I am its cause of what I a being told that contradicts everything that I see. Including the whole thing with XP. If we are suppose to get the same XP and it matters how long the monster is currently spawned then when i kill it with my wife we should get the same XP according to how I am hearing things. Either way if I am just confused and I am seeing something thats not happening its cause of what I am being told by others and its contradicting what I am seeing In-game 100%.

{Knights of Revengence} [KoR-Lord]
“Nothing is true! Everything is Permitted!”

What is there to do in between events

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


I have hit the monsters tons of times and watched it give me split XP between myself my wife and a friend. Why am I seeing different then everyone seems to be telling me when I watch for things like that in all games. So I know if I can play with people I do not know or not. Its a MMO and thats just how they are no matter if it says it or not there is always a loop hole around it. I have watched it while I played and watched it while my wife played its happening so if its not suppose to then there needs to be a fix cause I sure as heck took my wifes loot and watch a split in XP more then tons of times. Anyway what I see and what others see has to do with people not caring about loot and XP and I do cause it matters to the character getting stronger and if someone else is getting it then I am not leveling or getting what I need for my character. I have seen myself get loot for my wifes class while she got loot for mine or others it makes no sense if its specific for us…if it was we would be getting loot for our class not someone elses. and if the mob was suppose to give us our own loot it would be the same for me as it would be for my wife and its not. never has been.

I now see the problem you THINK you are having. Say you are playing a heavy armor class and your wife is light. (example only) You loot a light armor chest piece. You now assume you “stole” your wifes loot.

Same thing in reverse. Your wife loots heavy armor boots and you assume she “stole” your loot. Am I correct so far?

What you fail to realize is that armor and weapon types that drop as loot are totally random. Sometimes you get something you can use, sometimes not. It was never meant specifically for you or your wife or anyone else for that matter.

I would think that was the thing thats happening but for one thing…I have been told from the beginning that loot is suppose to be specific for only us. If thats the case then it should be dropping what My current character is if it is specific. So if I am confused about anything which is making me think what I am its cause of what I a being told that contradicts everything that I see. Including the whole thing with XP. If we are suppose to get the same XP and it matters how long the monster is currently spawned then when i kill it with my wife we should get the same XP according to how I am hearing things. Either way if I am just confused and I am seeing something thats not happening its cause of what I am being told by others and its contradicting what I am seeing In-game 100%.

Here are some facts. They are easy to test.

Your achievement points affect how much experience you get. I have an 18% bonus on experience because of my achievement points. Potions and buffs can affect this too. Some guilds if you’re in different guilds affect achievement points and your level affects achievement points.

Want to guest to my server, I’ll prove to you that you don’t split experience or loot.

Drops that drop for you may not be usable by you. Just because they’re “your” drops doesn’t mean they’ll fit your character. That’s not the way it works and NO WHERE does it say it is.

What is there to do in between events

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Apathy.6430


I do not believe it cause I have seen different I watched someone take My loot more then once and I have seen XP split between Myself my wife and two friends when we where playing a while back. But like I said not getting into that fight. When i kill a monster and get 200xp and kill it with two other people and get 67 xp I know its being split. Its obvious. But no one pays it no attention cause its not important to most. But its important to me when I play a MMO I want my loot and XP cause its hard work I do not some leech player who stands around waiting for someone to kill something or jump in and take the credit for the kill.

lol, are you for real?

What is there to do in between events

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RuneCrimson.7380


Then the drops are not specific like people are telling me. Either way I see Different then what I am being told so I just stick to my little group and if I get something that I think belongs to them I hand it over to them.

{Knights of Revengence} [KoR-Lord]
“Nothing is true! Everything is Permitted!”

What is there to do in between events

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Apathy.6430


Then the drops are not specific like people are telling me. Either way I see Different then what I am being told so I just stick to my little group and if I get something that I think belongs to them I hand it over to them.

You’re putting a lot of effort into trolling.

What is there to do in between events

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


Then the drops are not specific like people are telling me. Either way I see Different then what I am being told so I just stick to my little group and if I get something that I think belongs to them I hand it over to them.

The drops are reserved for your character. You can see this because it says so when you point to it. That’s ALL that drops are specific to you means. It doesn’t mean the drop will be usable by you.

What is there to do in between events

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GrandmaFunk.3052


Third time is the charm?

GamersWithJobs [GWJ]
Northern Shiverpeaks

What is there to do in between events

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: disneyrich.3901


Then the drops are not specific like people are telling me. Either way I see Different then what I am being told so I just stick to my little group and if I get something that I think belongs to them I hand it over to them.

Not sure why I’m getting into this, but I’ll bite. But from seeing your post history, does lead one to a picture of how open minded you are. As there are tons of good fun guilds out there. I am in one that is fun and laid back. We don’t care what job you bring, but we can all share ideas on what works in what situation and how to make yourself a better player

What they are saying is the drops are specific to you.. as in , its YOUR loot. Yes, you may be playing a light class , and all your drops are medium or heavy, or getting weapons you can’t use. That STILL means they are YOUR drops. If your wife, as you say is getting drops/items you can use………….guess what? She can send them to you. Problem fixed.

When the game launched and my guild did dungeons we were sending each other all the greens and blues we did not need. As others have said, all you keep saying you seen this and that. Well, not many really believe you unless you start showing proof, which the burden of proof is on you sadly. All you have to do is hit that print screen button and all your gw2 pics are saved to the folder and then you can up load them. Im guessing you wont, because you know what it will show.

As Vayne said, you might have boosters and the account xp bonus. But in no way would xp be cut if you are in a party or not. Then leveling would be SLOWER. I have leveled faster with more people doing events , as more mobs come and therefor get more xp per time spent.

What is there to do in between events

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RuneCrimson.7380


I went in to check out the event for the first time in months….Got told I have to read cliff notes on Diffy.com so I dipped….Its not even worth playing much anymore. Gotta read rules to even play now….and to map complete gotta go into WvW where I will never get what I need cause I will get downed every 5 minutes. Not being able to map complete without being forced into a PvP situation ruined it for me a while ago…thought I would pick up just doing events and such and I get told I have to read the rules just to play the event. blah. The game just keeps getting better..good thing its not a pay per month game.

{Knights of Revengence} [KoR-Lord]
“Nothing is true! Everything is Permitted!”

What is there to do in between events

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


Anything I could possibly say here would earn me an infraction. lol

What is there to do in between events

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Apathy.6430


I went in to check out the event for the first time in months….Got told I have to read cliff notes on Diffy.com so I dipped….Its not even worth playing much anymore. Gotta read rules to even play now….and to map complete gotta go into WvW where I will never get what I need cause I will get downed every 5 minutes. Not being able to map complete without being forced into a PvP situation ruined it for me a while ago…thought I would pick up just doing events and such and I get told I have to read the rules just to play the event. blah. The game just keeps getting better..good thing its not a pay per month game.

Don’t play it then, there’s a LOT of other games that are more enjoyable than this.

I mean, this is a pretty stereotypical run of the mill MMO, so maybe you and your wife should look into a different genre. I hear Diablo 3 is pretty straightforward and easy to understand.

What is there to do in between events

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mtpelion.4562


I went in to check out the event for the first time in months….Got told I have to read cliff notes on Diffy.com so I dipped….Its not even worth playing much anymore. Gotta read rules to even play now….and to map complete gotta go into WvW where I will never get what I need cause I will get downed every 5 minutes. Not being able to map complete without being forced into a PvP situation ruined it for me a while ago…thought I would pick up just doing events and such and I get told I have to read the rules just to play the event. blah. The game just keeps getting better..good thing its not a pay per month game.

You don’t HAVE to read the guide. You can attempt the event (I’m assuming either the marionette or the wurm?) but you will die several times until you figure out the mechanics. Many Bothans died writing those guides.

Server: Devona’s Rest

What is there to do in between events

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vol.7601


Anything I could possibly say here would earn me an infraction. lol

That’s the main reason why my main account got permabanned. I’m just…too blunt.

Thankfully I can control my urges.

OP is, in kind words, lost.

What is there to do in between events

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aeonblade.8709


And thats why I will never believe it…rudeness that happened to me on the board and in game as I watched it happen. Glitch or not it has happened more then once I watched it I don’t need someone telling me I am wrong I know what I saw. Matters little I do not have to listen to the rudeness.

This guy is a notorious troll, I thought he had finally left, but looks like he’s back for another round of trolling.

No one can steal your loot or experience. It is literally impossible in this game. Calling people rude for trying to help you makes you look silly fyi.

Anarai Aeonblade [GASM] – Guardian – DB
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.

What is there to do in between events

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: KarateKid.5648


Anything I could possibly say here would earn me an infraction. lol

I was thinking the same thing.

What is there to do in between events

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Justice.3608


Lmao @"Free-for-all bully range".

Time to nut up my friend.

What is there to do in between events

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: miriya.8496


LMAO I was wondering when you’d post again, these threads are always sad and hilarious.

Hish Tulla | 80 Necro | [STYX]

What is there to do in between events

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lindbur.2537


This reeks of extreme narrow-mindedness and density, the likes of which nobody has ever seen on online forums before till today!


A remnant of times past.
“Memories are nice, but that’s all they are.”

What is there to do in between events

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cassocaster.4576


I got nothin’……<Casso looks at feet>