What is your opinion?

What is your opinion?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cirth.1543


Hey everyone it’s been a little over year since I have played GW2, I see nothing really has changed much. I see Guild Halls haven’t made it into the game yet as well the supposedly the player housing (if I remembered correct that ArenaNet said there would be player housing in GW2). Also they haven’t added a “new” Elder Dragon to fight.

I don’t know if this subject is still being talked about or not, it should be and I’m surprised people haven’t set up a petition for it. If you have played GW 1 and the expansions you were allowed in one (1) guild only. Of course now for GW2 you can be in multiple guilds, which has in my opinion totally ruin the game as well the name for the game. I see most people/small guilds become “ghost” guilds and join the bigger guilds with about most or all of the guild updates.

Now about the first part of this post I was talking about, the guild halls, Elder Dragon, and player housing. I haven’t been keeping up to date about GW2. Does everyone feel there is really nothing to do for endgame content besides make a new character(s), WvWvW, PvP, Arena, or explorable dungeons. I’m more surprised because I would have figured ArenaNet would have a “new” Elder Dragon “quest chain” out by now as well the guild halls. The player housing I have no idea about heard people love them from other games.

Now to the opinion part. :P
What is your opinion about the game in general. Lets split it up into parts.
A. What’s your opinion about the leveling. To me it seemed pretty easy not much of a challenge to hit level 80.
B. Guilds in general. What you would like to see change/put in or not change/put in and why.
C. Endgame content. Should there be a bigger/harder Dynamic event(s) where you need at least 50+ people. Also why do you think ArenaNet hasn’t brought out quest chain(s) for a “new” Elder Dragon. (if they have already said anything about it put a link and your own opinion please and thank you)
D. WvWvW/Commanders. Now before I get into this I believe everyone has heard about ESO (aka Elder Scrolls Online) for that game you can become the Emperor.
Now what do you think about something like but for each world the high ranked players or who contributes more until the switch becomes a commander and keeps it.
I understand some people don’t listen to commanders since they some how were able to get 100g and spent it just on that instead of something else that might be more “useful”.
E. PvP. I have no comment on PvP really thanks to WoW/Blizzard Entertainment they ruined PvP for me.
F. Arena. Same thing have no comment not really into it.
G. For this fill in anything that I might have missed or you wish to put down that you might like or dislike. I bet someone might say well what about the story(s) I would think everyone likes those that is one reason why I didn’t put them on here as well classes/professions and races.
I know I also didn’t put down crafting I don’t see a reason why since everyone can do all the crafting without having to redo the crafting all over again like in WoW. As well the AH/Gem pricing I didn’t put this up for 2 reasons you have kittens and kitten heads one lowering the price were its better to vend items the other upping the price so high that you might as well spend real money or find/make it yourself.

What is your opinion?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

My opinion is that you should read the Game Releases or Release Notes to find out that many things you have mentioned aren’t what they were last time you played.

Good luck.

What is your opinion?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gele.2048


1 guild was beter way beter true small guilds are limited a lot ,also guild halls not in the game is EPIC pain no gvg as well

What is your opinion?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hopeless.5403


Sorry stopped reading after “player housing.”

What is your opinion?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kalarchis.8635
