What keeps you playing?

What keeps you playing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arc.1425


I hope this question (or my experience listed below) doesn’t sound derogatory right off the bat, but I am really interested in what people have to say. Please keep that in mind, I’m trying to keep it positive for the most part. =)

I stopped playing GW2 about a month and a half after launch. Without going into my personal reasons, I was just hoping that this fresh, newborn game would work out the kinks and gain new appeal once I gave it some breathing room. But it kind of seems like things got worse, at least in terms of what an average player has to say about the game. It doesn’t look like most of the problems I had were addressed at all, and many seem to have grown much more frightening to me.

So what keeps you going? What do you enjoy about GW2 that makes you want to hang around? Do you like the new changes? If you don’t like them, do you just ignore them or do you find that the effects Anet put in place have changed what you like doing, even indirectly?

GW2 was a blast for that first month and I really hope I can enjoy it in the future. Hope some peeps feel like responding, would be nice to hear some genuine feedback.

What keeps you playing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fabsm.5897


I really like playing Guild Wars 2. Mainly because i am not a hardcore player, i haven’t finished all the things that could be done in this game, because i tried everything in moderation.

I enjoy every aspect of the game, but i understand that some player may be frustrated from the lack of vertical progression (i.e. gear) that has been only recently introduced in Fractals dungeons.

Still, i will enjoy looking for these adventures too, because i don’ expect the game to cater to MY wishes, but i try to adapt to the game as it changes (hopefully for the better, sometimes not).

There are some things that i don’t like (atm, Fractals, Ascended Items, lack of Boss Waypoints in dungeon), but i usually try to move on.

I really expect this game to become better with time (as WoW has done till the recent years), and even if some choices are not quite what i like, i will wait and try all of the new features in moderation.

I think most people suffer from burnout, due to the WoW-style that imposes running to maxlevel-maxgear-cookiecutterbuild to be ready for the next “expansion” or raid.

Playing without this mentality will bring back new life to your game, at least that has happened for me.

Ah, playing with guildies, friends and especially with A LOT OF THEM, is better yet.

Guardian of Moonlight Shadow [MLS]

What keeps you playing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Humor.5763


Short, and simple answer to your title without even reading.

There’s nothing else to play at the moment. That’s what keeps me going, and the attitude isn’t going to change, unless ArenaNet thinks up of some kind of a miracle, that keeps players with short attention spans around. After the third level 80, the skill animations, and flashiness just doesn’t cut it anymore.

Like God…
Only Better…

What keeps you playing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Valdur.3607


I’m still playing because I like the game and like to play with guildies or running outthere solo… I play for the fun of playing plain and simple.

What keeps you playing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GraynX.8947


what an average player has to say about the game.

If your basing this off of what you read on the forums, please don’t. The forums posters are not the average player. In most MMOs, the average player plays about 20 hours, never sees high-end content, doesn’t pvp and certainly, does not post on the forums.

So, take anything you read here with a grain of salt. That includes my posts!

To answer you question, just about everything you enjoyed in the first month is still here and a little more! It is still a beautiful game with lots of cool things to find while exploring. I still get surprised while exploring the map.

The ingame population is still one of the friendliest. People will still help you out for no other reason then you are just there.

WvW is challenging, fun and addictive. I am on the bottom tier, but the struggle and successes are just as rewarding.

This game has been easiest to do things with my friends compared to other games. I have played nearly every AAA game that has come out since EQ. I have never played with my friends and guildees on such a regular basis, as I do in GW2. They succeeds at making it easy.

Those are just a few things that keep me playing. I encourage you to stay away from the forums and just enjoy the game. You already paid for it, why not play it?

Beat Reporter at www.guildwarsinsider.com

What keeps you playing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xiv.7136


It’s just the most fun MMO, and the most beautiful.

Also, WvW – it’s just extremely relaxing to run around, either doing objective play with the groups, or just roaming and fighting.

I like pizza

What keeps you playing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Morrigan.2809


I love it, plain and simple.
Sure I don’t agree with some of the changes but I still play pretty much the way I did at headstart and I’m still enjoying myself immensely. To me the world just grows more beautiful the more I play

Gunnar’s Hold

What keeps you playing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: moirweyn.9872


A few reasons:

1) I love the concept behind the game and I am hoping they actually come back to their manifesto and deliver on what they sold us
2) I actually enjoy the pace of the game
3) I still haven’t completed the maps
4) Nothing else to play at the moment to be honest

“There are two types of people in the world…and I don’t like them.”

What keeps you playing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gele.2048


accivments ill do them all

What keeps you playing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: offence.4726


Never loved anything so much since the good ol’ lineage days. Im 660 hrs in and I will probably never quit it . Artstyle , mechanics , graphics , too little white space to describe.

play hard , go pro.

What keeps you playing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arisal.9740


Still, i will enjoy looking for these adventures too, because i don’ expect the game to cater to MY wishes, but i try to adapt to the game as it changes (hopefully for the better, sometimes not).

I think most people suffer from burnout, due to the WoW-style that imposes running to maxlevel-maxgear-cookiecutterbuild to be ready for the next “expansion” or raid.

This is pretty much how I feel. I think so many people get burnt out playing 24×7 and don’t play it to have fun. If you sit back and play it for what it offers its really is a unique and awesome game.

So many people have an idea of the perfect game for them and honestly they will never see it because no game is perfect. Just accept the game for what it is and in time maybe they will offer something similar to what you are craving. If not then there is nothing wrong with playing other games. It will always be there if you decide to give it another chance down the road.

What keeps you playing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NudeDude.2645


i don’t play gw2 anymore, i would love to start again tho.

There is just not enough things to do in gw2 imo.

What keeps you playing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tsmith.7915


my love for exploring that and I have been taking my time playing the game lol I was level 59 for almost 2 weeks! Not by choice.....studying for finals suck

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What keeps you playing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chuo.4238


I, too, am looking for a reason to keep playing. At the moment, I just can’t get motivated about GW2.

What keeps you playing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Joey.3928


WvW and sPvP. Can’t wait for the big WvW update in Feb!

Estel Wolfheart
Norn Ranger
Hardcorepwnograhpy [HARD] | Isle of Janthir

What keeps you playing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raine.1394


They got a lot of things right with the game. Game world is stunning. Combat system is a little clunky; but, not considering the bugs, it’s adequate and fun. Story is not bad. I loved the Brevik quote about the Diablo story being tacked on at the end: I don’t really look for good story telling in video games. I also got hooked by the vision for GW2 and the features that support players playing well together. It’s been refreshing after WoW. I know they’ll iron out most glaring issues and I’ll definitely stick around until the vertical progression kicks in fully. I have no interest in grinding in GW2, just not what it was supposed to be about.

What keeps you playing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mimizu.7340


what keeps me playing?

pure stubbornness.

Mimizu Heavy Industries [Doll] – Underworld

What keeps you playing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mike.9451


1. Nothing else to play.
2. Game is free but not enjoying it. But playing regardless.

What keeps you playing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lankybrit.4598


Leveling my characters.

Doing my Daily.

Map completion.

Having fun with the different Professions and Races.

Leveling lots of different disciplines.

Basically, having lots of fun doing all the above. Don’t have a character higher than 38 yet though.


My Life in Tyria: http://lankygw2blog.blogspot.com/
Updated every Monday

What keeps you playing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JediJoe.3960


Nothing does. Just re-installed Fallout: New Vegas…

What keeps you playing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nastyjman.8207


I play on and off. But I mainly play PvP and WvW. My motivation is mostly finding out the perfect build by myself. I also love the fact that I only have ten skills to use, not a bajillion skills to keep up with and rebind. Also, it’s only been four months, and the stuff they add is amazing. What more when January and February comes. Plus, I can’t wait for the April Fools event (hoping that there is).

First Team to reach 250 has 87% chance to win (Updated 7/30/2014) : http://bit.ly/1lWH6T8

What keeps you playing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mimizu.7340


Nothing does. Just re-installed Fallout: New Vegas…

i have never uninstalled it.

Mimizu Heavy Industries [Doll] – Underworld

What keeps you playing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: timestandstill.8964


Well it sure as hell isn’t these forums. Sheesh.

Rely on iron, not false gods.

What keeps you playing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: johnnycosmic.9130


Its free and I get a little amusement from wvw.

/rant on

Otherwise ive never seen a more horrific game design in my life with fotm. Not only does the entire concept suck with an endless level chain dungeon for top gear, but if you do get a group and happen to lose connection you are done no matter how far in you are. Congratulations to what ever anet suit who implemented that, you practically pushed a lot of people from the game. I sure as heck wont be buying any expansions in the future.

Last night is what nailed it for me, stuck on frac 9 for about 2 weeks because I simply cant find a group, finally get a group and on the third last dungeon almost to the end I get booted, I easily get back in in seconds but it don’t matter I was done thanks to the way this dungeon is designed when you lose connection, your done.

/rant off

What keeps you playing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Garambola.2461


Agony and “similar mechanics to be added in the future”

And that is about the only thing that makes me want to NOT play.

I just randomly do whatever I feel like. It has kept me interested so far though I am a bit worried since I only played 4 hours today.

What keeps you playing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: thefounder.2074


It’s free.. i seriously doubt i’ll ever spend a cent.

It’s a mildly decent diversion while I wait for more immersive games to release.

My PVE guilds have mostly quit for WoW, League of Legends and Planetside2. I’m not interested in playing those and since GW2 is mostly a solo player’s paradise, I can get online and PUG any content i need easily and log out; I dont really mean this as a backhanded compliment but… GW2 is easy to put down and very forgettable; i mean that in a good way haha.

What keeps you playing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Naii.9810


I still have yet to get one character to level 80 and gear him up in exotics, after that I’m done.

What keeps you playing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hinoreth.5978


I am a slow player because I work a lot, so I am still working on some goals and that keeps me playing to a degree. Many of my friends who played constantly have left for other games but there is usually one person on my friend list playing once in a while when I log in.

I am currently not playing the game (went back to playing console games for a while) because I am very frustrated that in order to 100% complete the map for the achievement or to ever complete a Legendary weapon I am forced into PvP. I greatly dislike PvP, as does most of my server aparrently since we never control the areas needed to go beyond 96% map completion (everyone I know who got 100% cheated before the 7 day transfer rule started). Those of you who’s hackles just raised over my making this statement can go ahead and lower them. I get why the requirement is there; it doesn’t however lower my frustration or increase my enjoyment…so until I am less frustrated over it, I won’t play.

But to get back to the OP’s question…what keeps me playing? I still have goals I would like to achieve. I have three dungeons that I still don’t have all the explore mode achievements for. So I will play again eventually to go through those runs…and will pop in to goof off in the holiday event. Then I will retire a while again.

What keeps you playing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Top Kitten.7816

Top Kitten.7816

I really have no idea why I continue to play, 777 hours in since day 1 of the pre-start and all I really do is log on overnight do the PvE dailies and finish for the day. I played GW1 for 4 years and did almost everything, WoW for nearly 3 years before getting bored by childish simplification and I thought it would be graphically better, more flexible and a solo’ers paradise. Being old and disabled that’s important to me.

It lived up to the graphical expectations but in every other respect it has failed miserably. Disconnection and bad programming dogged the early days and now its become firmly aimed at PvP, something my disability won’t let me be good at. WvW had possibilities but the lag in large fights makes it unplayable. As for solo play…… completely useless as healing is woefully inadequate. Finding groups for dungeons is horrendous, even WoW has a random dungeon finder. Updates give you 3 minutes to complete what you’re doing which is not enough to even get safe. Load times are abysmally long, log into a fight and you are half dead before you get a screen to see. As for flexibility…….. basically there isn’t any, skills are too restrictive, certain classes can only be played 1 way successfully until lvl 80, GW1 was far superior. The only character I have successfully reached 80 with is Ranger, I have all classes but most are stuck between 30 and 50 due to constant deaths.

I now spend more than 50% of my time back in WoW and a little time in GW1. Maybe in 2 or 3 years GW2 will be worth playing but as I’m an achievement fanatic I will be so far behind by then as to make it worthless.

I most certainly wish I’d spent my money on something more playable……

What keeps you playing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


absotively nothing right now. I’ve become so disgusted with their lack of rewards for time spent system and gem store greed model that I and my friends won’t be back until they fix it. And by fixit we do indeed mean the complete removal of DR, the restoration of drop rates of rares and exotics notably from vets, champs, chests, events, globs of ectoplasm, T6 mats, the focus for new armors weapons to be on the 400 skill crafting system not he mystic toilet, the focus of these drops to be open world and not dungeons.

We will be floating in the ether awaiting these fixes.

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

What keeps you playing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Torqueblue.1945


The Trees. No really the ability to chop down saplings is one of the first in many MMO games i’ve played that allowed me to do that. I mean COME ON chopping down saplings for wood,jewels. acorns…..wait acorns are not in this game. anywho that is one of the many reasons i still hang around.
that and the goal of finding a goal. really i just want to get a one of those plain looking average quivers from the new dungeon and then just get on with my life(guild war 2 wise i mean).
the other thing that keeps me going is the the gathering really. mining, CHOP CHOP CHOP-pin’ down saplings and pickin’ potatos is really relaxing in this game. there is the ever so often jumping puzzles and killing and dailys but thats about it.

Scotch and Pills, what could possibly go wrong? – Max Payne

What keeps you playing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lionaeron.5724


what an average player has to say about the game.

If your basing this off of what you read on the forums, please don’t. The forums posters are not the average player. In most MMOs, the average player plays about 20 hours, never sees high-end content, doesn’t pvp and certainly, does not post on the forums.

So, take anything you read here with a grain of salt. That includes my posts!

^this pretty much disregard everyone and everything including this forum and your own opinion because you’re just a minority and this game is the best chuck out the rest


What keeps you playing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Great Samuel.5346

Great Samuel.5346

I just read the forums. There more fun that the actual game.