What kinds of things do you miss from GW 1?

What kinds of things do you miss from GW 1?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Meret.5943


What map were you looking at in GW1? I never would have gotten Grandmaster Cartographer without Texmod!!!

It was definitely not necessary to use addons to get that title. Personally I just did all I could on my own, then went to the guru thread with “commonly missed areas” and finished it up.

I think the post meant that the map would tell which missions/areas you vanquished, as opposed to GW2 where the map doesn’t tell you anything until you’ve paid money to be in that map.

What kinds of things do you miss from GW 1?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Booler.6598


Can’t believe I forgot to mention templates in my first post! I long to be able to save my traits then easily swap them. I don’t even care if the game keeps charging me a few silver to do it, or if they put a short cooldown or a ‘no swapping in combat’ restriction.

agree 100% what the hell were they thinking not putting in saved builds its entirly tedious to visit a town again because you wana change things up

Always in all ways

What kinds of things do you miss from GW 1?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shear Force.9154

Shear Force.9154

Guild Wars is what I miss from Guild Wars.

What kinds of things do you miss from GW 1?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zonzai.2341


Skill Caps – Doesn’t work with weapons, there are only a few elites, doesn’t work for traits, doesn’t work for PvP


Q: Can I get all the traits for my chosen profession but only select the traits I want for an upcoming adventure, or are my trait selection options limited?
Ben: If you have earned a trait, you’ll have it available to slot outside of combat. The more trait challenges you complete, the more options become available to you.
Q: How do I acquire traits? Are there some traits that can only be “unlocked” after acquiring other traits first? Will trait acquisition be solo or will there be incentives for players to group together to help each other obtain more traits?
Ben: Traits are acquired through challenges that are specific to each profession. We don’t have traits that require other traits first. Traits are a way for you to develop your character, so it’s important that you be able to acquire them solo. With that being said, earning them certainly doesn’t have to be a solo activity and players are free to help each other as they see fit.
Q: Do traits in Guild Wars 2 replace attributes in Guild Wars?
Ben: Traits partially replace attributes in that they allow a player to customize their character beyond the choices they make with their skill bar. However, we do have a set of attributes that more directly replace those that we had in Guild Wars. Instead of being heavily profession oriented, these attributes are more general, much like those you’d find in other RPGs.
Q: Can a trait be improved once achieved?
Eric: Nope, players can’t enhance traits.

So, at some time, they DID have something similar to skill capping (trait capping?) planned for the game.

Not quite the same thing. Skill capping is when you loaded up a signet of capture on one of your eight skill slots and went out to fight a mob that used that skill – bosses for elites. Then, after you get the boss to use the skill by fighting it, you have a certain amount of time to activate your signet. If you did it within the time limit you unlocked the skill for use with your character.

What Eric was talking about was having characters participate in “trials” – whatever that means – where you are rewarded with a trait afterwards. I imagine it was something like earning skill points by fighting with some NPC’s on the explorable maps (or at least some of them were). That’s just speculation though.

So we’re talking about two different things here – skills are what go on your skill bar. “Traits” as they were then described, are selected from your character’s traits panel and are passive bonuses; those ones you get to choose every 5 points into a trait.

Hope that explanation helps.

What kinds of things do you miss from GW 1?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Strelok.3051


Playing The Secret World has made me realize how much I miss the deck building skill system of the original game. I’m hoping that at some point they will allow us to start swapping out our actual weapon skills to make our builds a little more unique.

What kinds of things do you miss from GW 1?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: StormcrowX.9236


I miss the competitive missions that were actually fun, FA, JQ and AB kept me going for quite a while, while Zkeys made me nice money. I didnt enjoy WvW because its not balanced numbers-wise, and all anyone does is follow the blue icon in a huge zerg, imo that is not fun at all..

But in the end what really kills this game for me is the lack of skill variety, lack of builds etc. the passive trait system is a poor substitute and most elite skills are utter crap. Also making skills tied to weapons is possibly one of the worst design decisions ever made. I have actually stopped playing for quite a while.. i just got terribly bored after only 3 months and i played the original guild wars for years.

You are not one of their “most dedicated players”. Don’t worry, neither am I apparently.

What kinds of things do you miss from GW 1?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zhaneel.9208


Hundreds of skills to choose from to create your own unique build.
Max. Level 20
Farming for goodies during festivals. Farming in general.
8-man pugs: the good, the bad and the ugly.
I miss being able to watch GvG tournament finals. I think you would hit ‘B’ and you could pick any of the recent matches.
Better dungeons.
Great missions and likable characters.
Free minipets.
Great boss fights.
I do love heroes, but it kinda defeats the purpose of having a persistant world if you only need henchies.
Didn’t think first person view was such a big deal until I was without.
Non-gimicky elite skills.

What kinds of things do you miss from GW 1?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rilke Cadmus.6829

Rilke Cadmus.6829

2) Skill templates!!! I really don’t like having to spend 15 minutes and 3.5s having to reset traits and skills every time I want to run something else (which occurs frequently)
3) Usable Elites: I still haven’t found a usable elite in my time playing gw2
4) carrying multiple heal skills or no elites (ie: replacing the elite with a half-decent utility or another heal skill)
5) Being able to solo anything I want (I really don’t like having to rely on groups for dungeons, I Hero Henched literally EVERYTHING in GW1 [minus DoA, Urgoz, and The Deep])
6) A non-broken drop rate. I can run the same exact event/farm/dungeon for the same amount of time as 6 other people and only get 2 rares where they all get at least one exotic and half of the time some drop worth 5g or more. (I have been playing since the 2nd beta, and in that time, I have only received 9 exotics, only 1 of them an actual mob drop (a level 76 peice of armor that I couldn’t use, the other 8 being from the Karka Chest or map completion, and therefore scripted. [and even then, only one of them was level 80])
7) Free Map travel. If waypoints were free and I didn’t have to pay for armor repairs, I would have enough money saved to buy a full set of T3 Cultural (which I can’t farm for, see point 6)
8) Not necessarily from gw1, but having to perform at least 27 runs of a dungeon to accumulate enough tokens to get a full set of dungeon armor is ridiculous, and smells significantly like grind to me. I would just buy an exotic armor set, but see point 6 yet again.
9) at least gw1’s economy lasted 2 years before it imploded, GW2 managed to do that within 3 months of release. ( gem prices at release were 20s~ for 100 gems, now its anywhere from 1g 20s to 2g for 100 gems)
10) a PERSONAL story, not an NPC’s Sidekick story. The only npcs I ever grew attached to were my 3 mentors from the various orders, and after the loss of “Claur” Island, my characters took the back seat and all we ever heard was idolization of Trahearne.

Tnekk/ Fyrni/ Rina Selania/ Doroga Icemaul
“And also… I can kill you with my brain.”
~River Tam~

What kinds of things do you miss from GW 1?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: StormcrowX.9236


click to move
urgoz and the deep
8 man parties
being able to loot kitten without accidentally opening up an npc interaction everytime.
being able to drop things on the ground
costumes that were wearable in battle
skillz title track
cheap and easy to obtain max gear.

You are not one of their “most dedicated players”. Don’t worry, neither am I apparently.

(edited by StormcrowX.9236)

What kinds of things do you miss from GW 1?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rilke Cadmus.6829

Rilke Cadmus.6829

Can’t believe I forgot to add Click to Move in my list (I really need that with my 5fps).

Tnekk/ Fyrni/ Rina Selania/ Doroga Icemaul
“And also… I can kill you with my brain.”
~River Tam~

What kinds of things do you miss from GW 1?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cosine.1786


The ability to play with people from different regions. Nyuck nyuck nyuck

What kinds of things do you miss from GW 1?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nightarch.2943


1. Cross professions or secondary professions for some. This allowed a lot of skill variety for the game, and if they would of implemented this from the start people would not be crying about lack of variety. For example if a guardian crosses with a warrior he’ll get the warrior’s weapon skills and weapon types that the guardian could not use before like off hand swords, maces, etc.
2. Actual story. I miss actually getting those quests that tell a story rather than giving you a chore list, tasks to me are a step back and to be honest I feel like a butler caring for some rich spoiled brat.
3. Separate costumes tab next to every armour piece, drag and drop for aesthetics. Light, heavy, medium all for the sake of variety. (more of a suggestion but you know what I mean, no town clothes)
4. Humanity in general, guild wars was always about the humans and the humans alone made the original story great. Charr and Asurans just seem out of place. On a side important note I miss manly looking humans. They all mostly look like pre-teens and teenagers, same for hairstyles.

I will always remember Guild Wars 2 as that game where you had to kill ten rats without a story.

Guild Wars 2 is not a sequel to the original Guild Wars but merely an alternative story setting.

(edited by Nightarch.2943)

What kinds of things do you miss from GW 1?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zonzai.2341


4. Humanity in general, guild wars was always about the humans and the humans alone made the original story great. Charr and Asurans just seem out of place. On a side important note I miss manly looking humans. They all mostly look like pre-teens and teenagers, same for hairstyles.

I get what you are saying here but that’s more of a complaint with GW2. At least for me. I tried so hard to make a male human that didn’t look like a 15 year old and then just gave up and made a female human instead. I almost never play female characters. But when the dudes all look like women, may as well play a woman… Anyway, one human character in GW2 is too many. I wish I’d rolled an asura necro instead.

What kinds of things do you miss from GW 1?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: gimmethegepgun.1284


1. Being able to pick your builds instead of half your skills being preset builds, which are often mediocre with no synergy.
2. Skills with non-ridiculous cooldowns. The fact that a skill in this game may be very similar to a GW1 skill, except that you used it through a Diversion, is terrible.
3. Elites that mattered and were usable. Most of the elites in GW2 are pretty awful, not really worthy of elite status, and nearly all of them take WAY too long to recharge.
4. ABs and FA, not that either of them would actually work in GW2’s gameplay style.
5. Cast bars and interrupt skills.
6. Always being able to see enemies instead of them getting stealth.

What kinds of things do you miss from GW 1?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: deathgrips.7146


- Moving and resizing every piece of the IU at will
- Changing the order of ALL the skills in my bar and still having the number corresponding to their place in the bar
- Not having a “works for everything” key. I hate it when I want to pick up a drop or rez a player and the game opens a chat window or try to rez a stupid NPC

This and a Gwen like character(an NPC story arc that will span through possible future expansions) and the EMOTIONS! EMOTIONS!(first thing i did after leaving the Pre-Searing zone was look for Gwen).

Weapon set swap for Elems and other professions(why can’t i kill mobs at long distance with my staff and if they come close switch to D/D)

There is a ghost Dimetrodon in my head, and he curses me with procrastination.

What kinds of things do you miss from GW 1?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: maddoctor.2738


Not quite the same thing. Skill capping is when you loaded up a signet of capture on one of your eight skill slots and went out to fight a mob that used that skill – bosses for elites. Then, after you get the boss to use the skill by fighting it, you have a certain amount of time to activate your signet. If you did it within the time limit you unlocked the skill for use with your character.

What Eric was talking about was having characters participate in “trials” – whatever that means – where you are rewarded with a trait afterwards. I imagine it was something like earning skill points by fighting with some NPC’s on the explorable maps (or at least some of them were). That’s just speculation though.

So we’re talking about two different things here – skills are what go on your skill bar. “Traits” as they were then described, are selected from your character’s traits panel and are passive bonuses; those ones you get to choose every 5 points into a trait.

Hope that explanation helps.

That’s why I said “similar”, not the same. I do know how elites worked in Guild Wars 1, the point is at some time in development they allowed players to get “something” for their characters by finishing certain challenges, killing certain mobs etc just like how was done in Guild Wars 1. You got traits yes, not skills, but it would still have had the similar effect of “forcing” players to go out in the world to hunt for specific “bosses”, instead of finishing random skill challenges as the game is now.

What kinds of things do you miss from GW 1?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: deathgrips.7146


On a side important note I miss manly looking humans. They all mostly look like pre-teens and teenagers, same for hairstyles.

Androgynous emo-goth necromancers!

There is a ghost Dimetrodon in my head, and he curses me with procrastination.

What kinds of things do you miss from GW 1?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arcanorum Ignis.9218

Arcanorum Ignis.9218

What kinds of things do you miss from GW 1?

In short, everything…

What kinds of things do you miss from GW 1?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dragon Relic.8216

Dragon Relic.8216

Guild Halls and GvG. To me GvG is what Guild Wars is, battles among guilds and without it is just silly to me. It is something I think that must be in the game in the future.

What kinds of things do you miss from GW 1?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Right Toe Of Grenth.4032

Right Toe Of Grenth.4032

I miss my hexes! Give my mesmer and necro back!

What kinds of things do you miss from GW 1?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nightarch.2943


@Zonzai, it’s not really a complaint it’s more of a opinion. It’s true though… Earlier I browsed through all the facial options and almost all of them looked late-twenties/middle-aged. However this is how I feel when creating a male human character in Guild Wars 2.

Guild Wars 2 is not a sequel to the original Guild Wars but merely an alternative story setting.

(edited by Nightarch.2943)

What kinds of things do you miss from GW 1?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SolomonT.2896


I miss the ritualist/boss drops/stealing elites from bosses/ and honestly i miss the lvl cap at 20, i much prefer that than the 80
im fine with the pre set skill bar and the solo profession

What kinds of things do you miss from GW 1?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mitch.4781


Guild halls, Allainces and the old guild chat/allaince system. Multiple and creative builds, necros actually being good, decent minions, more varied maps, proper boss drops, rit’s n monks, Cantha, Elona, petless ranger..decent ranger class, the way conditions would show as different colours on a mobs health bar and not a crappy tiny icon, group missions, skill capping, decent elite skills and more of them, henchmen, free map travel, customisable UI..Honestly the list could go on and on. The only thing GW2 really has over gw1 is jumping, underwater and better graphics. As a game..is it really better playabiltiy wise? I ’m not sure the answer is yes

What kinds of things do you miss from GW 1?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shamdon.6512


elite forms, different armor skins, there actually being an effect to drinking alcohol, GUILD HALLS, but the lvl cap isn’t bad

All your bases now belong to us.
Lord of the Bobble heads
Guild: Live In Our Nightmare [Lion]

What kinds of things do you miss from GW 1?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: shogei.8015


What I miss is my fellow guild members.

We were an 8oo member strong international alliance. The region structure of GW2 has split us onto two servers that cannot play together and the member limit has split us into (now) three guilds that cannot talk to each other.

Guild warrior for life!