(edited by cassius.5809)
What makes Gw2 a great MMO
…they had an excellent hype campaign
Yeah I admit it was becoming publicity for a competitor so I understand their point. I’ll use the other games forum for that discussion.
It feels like a virtual world, and it feels like it’s living and evolving. This makes it a great place to wander around in and goof off for an hour or two. It’s also filled with “things to do” – one can follow stories, achievements, etc., whatever takes one’s fancy. There is such an abundance of ambient detail in the game, it always amazes me whenever I play it. Not to mention, it’s absolutely gorgeous, and utterly charming in the way that a “light”, family-friendly fantasy game should be.
The TP system is superb. It allows you to either wander the land at will, immersed, or jump out of immersion immediately and get to a place to do something specific that you want to do.
The combat system is amazing: it’s forgiving enough so that a beginner can get along ok with blind button-mashing, but it’s deep enough so there’s a high skill ceiling if you want it (you can do things better and more efficiently if you want to).
The build system is deep and addictive. Even within professions, there’s a huge variety of possible builds, all viable. Even the min-max best builds aren’t that far ahead of any themed build you could fancy.
The class balance is amazing, possibly the best I’ve ever experienced in any MMO. In PvP, one never feels that another class has any unfair advantages, and one wins and loses in a fair way. If one loses, it’s because one isn’t playing one’s best, or the other player is better, not because the other class has an IWIN button.
On the social side, the game rewards co-operation like no other game. The normal human instinct to help out is rewarded in this game, unlike any other MMO, where it’s punished. This often leads to conversations, which can lead to friendships, etc.
(edited by gurugeorge.9857)
other than WoW, GW2 is the only MMO i enjoy playing and feel is worth my time. Some of the reasons:
*Overall polish/look-and-feel
*Beauty of the gameworld, attention to detail
*Fluidity/mobility/complexity of combat
*Cooperation in PvE vs competition (tagging boss mobs, racing to ore nodes to beat the other guy, camping corpses, using the system to torment others)
*Lack of a sub fee + a complimentary gem store as opposed to basically requiring you to buy from the cash shop if you want to enjoy the game.
Open world
no loot, resource stealing
combat feels very fluid, fast and engaging
BtP business model
Dynamic events
the ability to co-operate with others with out being in a party
The beauty and detail of the world and the npc’s
Quality of life- like deposit all collectibles, collectibles tab and the ability to use crafting stations as a bank
Horizontal progression
continual updates both to core game and new content
the passion they clearly feel for their game
the community in game
You know…I’m not sure I’ve ever seen a great MMO. MMOs tend to move between good and tragic.
I think Guild Wars 2 is a good game with some relatively big flaws. It’s also the best MMO for my specific play style.
I don’t think any MMO to date is something I’d consider great, but thanks to Guild Wars 2, I think they’re moving in the right direction…again to cater to people with my play style.
I think this game over time can be great, but whether that happens or not remains to be seen. In the mean time, I’ll enjoy it for what it is now, with the understanding that I’ve already gotten my money’s worth many many times over.
On the point about passion I love the fact they’ve clearly been listening and monitoring discussions about this game in relation to some of the recent features (wallets, balancing of RNG and tokens)
It’s just nice to see an mmo with devs putting in so much hard work. Whether the decisions that get made or the content we get are wise or correct is a different matter. They aren’t resting on their laurels as much as other MMO’s (5-6 years for new content in one I play and it turns a decent profit!) and clearly put a considerable amount of time and work into their game. I don’t like this 2 week schedule, but I imagine it isn’t easy to produce work to a timescale.
I like the fluidity of combat
I like the “do what I want, when I want”,
I like the lack of gating brought by downscaling,
I like that money is meaningless outside of cosmetics,
I like the sheer range of cosmetics in such a short space of time (more than most achieve in a lifetime..)
I like the fact that builds aren’t so complicated, I can break for the game and pick right up on return
I like the potential on the horizon for Elona, Cantha and Elder Dragon content.
However, that last is also my biggest concern. When/whether we will get them and how they will be presented is probably the biggest thing for me. The Living and Personal Story have been let downs for me, but I remain hopeful that the epic stuff will be spot on as the years go by.
Whilst there’s quite a few things that appeal to me, I’d say GW’s difference in design here and there are what are brilliant.
WvWvW, whilst is called a zergfest by lots, feels like it has legitimate strategy, and is constantly alive with organised sieges, assaults and skirmishes and disruptions aswell as embargoes.
The community is nice. I’ve only had issues with bots, and one person. Everyone else seems really kind though, at least of my server. But I find people who are absolute kittens and spend their entire lingo using 733t speak are non existent. Yu can have a conversation without people needing to know your builds, and run a dungeon without being booted because you’re using something uncommon.
Lastly, cosmetics. I remember seeing this anti gw2 video about how there’s no appeal in cosmetics and that stats are what make people feel good and honestly, that’s a load of garbage. I love my character looking good, and quite frankly, if they look ugly, I’m not appealed to play them. That’s also part of why I love the extensive dying system, and why I hate not being able to play gw2 at max graphics without my computer collapsing on itself.
it is a good game but bad MMO.
Right now, I hate more things than I like about Guild Wars 2. But Anet did a nice job with the leveling system and they give you clear directions as to where you’re supposed to level next. The transition to a new makitten mooth and I don’t feel like I’m forced to play in a map that I don’t want to play in.
MMOs are like buffet restaurants where every single restaurant has its own specialized food type. Each MMO has its own list unique strenghts and weaknesses. But since this thread is about what makes GW2 a great MMO ill only mention the strenghts
- I like the basic idea of the combat system (even if the execution is lacking in some cases).
- Maps are quite diverse for MMO standards. A single map often has multiple types of landscapes and a nice mix of world events, jumping puzzles traditional quests in the form of hearts and dynamic events.
- The community is a quite laid back and mature.
- On my server the zones are quite populated so it feels like an actual MMO instead of a game where you sit in major cities and pick instances from menus (like in wow).
- Frequent updates
- A lot of “little things” like the music, the random NPC conversations, specific skins, the pollish and little details.
(edited by Locuz.2651)
Open world
no loot, resource stealing
combat feels very fluid, fast and engaging
BtP business model
Dynamic events
the ability to co-operate with others with out being in a party
The beauty and detail of the world and the npc’s
Quality of life- like deposit all collectibles, collectibles tab and the ability to use crafting stations as a bank
continual updates both to core game and new content
the passion they clearly feel for their game
Plus Anet LISTENS to its player base and trys where possible to make them happy…just look at what’s in the next update…loads of requested features…
WvW is awesome…
Can use both $$$ or time to obtain gold.
The GW2 economy is probably the best ever, no hyper inflation.
Attention to little details like the singing merchants in the Bazaar…
Trying to make GW2 appeal to the widest audience possible…
Most of what I like about this game over other MMOs is stuff other people dislike.
Things like the lack of gear progression. Once you get to level 80 you can get exotics relatively easily and for most content ascended gear is optional. I’m used to single player RPGs so I think of upgrading your equipment as something you do to make other content easier, not a goal in it’s own right. I like that I can just get my exotics and then not have to worry about it. I’m saving up guild commendations and laurels for ascended gear but I’m in no hurry to get it.
I also like that there’s no duelling, open world PvP or kill stealing. I like playing with other people around but not when everyone outside your own party is a potential threat. I also like that when you die you don’t risk losing everything you have with you to some random passer-by.
Also the lack of a subscription fee and pay-to-win content in the gem store. I couldn’t afford to keep up with either model whereas this one works perfectly for me because if I have the money I can buy something extra and if not I can go without it and the whole game is still fully accessible.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
1. Buy to play
2. Awesome graphics
3. Smooth combat ( I like certain professions better than others )
4. Very solo friendly, the best I have run across in an mmo thus far.
5. A huge amount of content.
6. I love the way wvw is separate for pvp.
7. A large growing map, very good for exploring and farming. The farming never gets boring.
8. The in world events and dragon events are cool. I like the way you can run across events randomly and join in.
That’s all that comes to mind right now.
No sub fee, but still a full game and you can earn cash shop stuff without ever spending a real dime beyound game price. And the encouragement of exploration and co-operation, even with strangers. I dont have to worry about kill stealers, and dont have to worry I will upset people if I help.
Most of what I like about this game over other MMOs is stuff other people dislike.
Things like the lack of gear progression. Once you get to level 80 you can get exotics relatively easily and for most content ascended gear is optional. I’m used to single player RPGs so I think of upgrading your equipment as something you do to make other content easier, not a goal in it’s own right. I like that I can just get my exotics and then not have to worry about it. I’m saving up guild commendations and laurels for ascended gear but I’m in no hurry to get it.
I also like that there’s no duelling, open world PvP or kill stealing. I like playing with other people around but not when everyone outside your own party is a potential threat. I also like that when you die you don’t risk losing everything you have with you to some random passer-by.
Also the lack of a subscription fee and pay-to-win content in the gem store. I couldn’t afford to keep up with either model whereas this one works perfectly for me because if I have the money I can buy something extra and if not I can go without it and the whole game is still fully accessible.
I think the buy to play method they came up with benefits them because it keeps people playing and the more people who play the more people will eventually buy something.
I also feel, because players aren’t forced into a subscription, it makes the player more SUPPORTIVE of the game.
People often don’t mind buying things when they aren’t forced too. I think people probably spend more in situations like a buy to play system.
1) No gear grind. Getting a full set of exo’s is ridiculously easy compared to getting a full set in most other MMO’s, and you don’t have to redo it every couple weeks. As a byproduct of this, there’s also no stat inflation other MMOs deal with.
2) Fully cooperative gameplay. There is absolutely no way whatsoever you can negatively impact the gameplay of another in PvE, either by griefing them or by stealing nodes or whatnot.
3) Fluid, dynamic combat. Every other game feels clunky after this one. As I said in another thread, this game ruined other MMOs for me.
4) An immersive world with tons of small, loving details. Bears threatening picnic-goers in Queensdale, repair merchants advertising shoes fixed while you wait, hidden corners of beauty in the world, and so on.
5) Skill-based PvP. I hate how other games have PvP rewards that let you win more easily. This game only has cosmetic rewards.
6) WvWvW is amazing. I love my server (NSP PRIDE!) and get to run around patriotically smiting people on other servers I enjoy the week-long matches, they let us use awesome tactics and force us to continually play and react.
7) Dynamic events are superb. Some are lackluster, but the Seraph-vs.-Centaur meta event in Harathi Hinterlands is epic. It’s, in my opinion, one of the best-implemented dynamic events. It’s as involved as any lengthy quest chain in other MMO’s, but is an entirely public event.
8) Living story. Every two weeks, there’s a massive release of new content for me to play with. Typically, this lasts me quite a while, as I’ll generally get all of the achievements, and find by that point that I want to stick around for more.
9) The love the devs put into their game. The amount of attention and effort they put into the game shines forth in nearly all aspects of the game. They listen to the community a fair bit more than most other games I know, even if they don’t respond to it as much.
10) The community. While there are some unpleasant people, they are far rarer for whatever reason. In other games, PuGs would usually have an average of 1 to 1.5 nasty individuals per group. I have yet to need to ignore anyone in GW2, nor have I ever needed to quit a group because of the people in it. I’m in a guild of wonderful people, on a very involved and kind server, and I love it.
Ferguson’s Crossing
1) No gear grind. Getting a full set of exo’s is ridiculously easy compared to getting a full set in most other MMO’s, and you don’t have to redo it every couple weeks. As a byproduct of this, there’s also no stat inflation other MMOs deal with.
2) Fully cooperative gameplay. There is absolutely no way whatsoever you can negatively impact the gameplay of another in PvE, either by griefing them or by stealing nodes or whatnot.
3) Fluid, dynamic combat. Every other game feels clunky after this one. As I said in another thread, this game ruined other MMOs for me.
4) An immersive world with tons of small, loving details. Bears threatening picnic-goers in Queensdale, repair merchants advertising shoes fixed while you wait, hidden corners of beauty in the world, and so on.
5) Skill-based PvP. I hate how other games have PvP rewards that let you win more easily. This game only has cosmetic rewards.
6) WvWvW is amazing. I love my server (NSP PRIDE!) and get to run around patriotically smiting people on other servers
I enjoy the week-long matches, they let us use awesome tactics and force us to continually play and react.
7) Dynamic events are superb. Some are lackluster, but the Seraph-vs.-Centaur meta event in Harathi Hinterlands is epic. It’s, in my opinion, one of the best-implemented dynamic events. It’s as involved as any lengthy quest chain in other MMO’s, but is an entirely public event.
8) Living story. Every two weeks, there’s a massive release of new content for me to play with. Typically, this lasts me quite a while, as I’ll generally get all of the achievements, and find by that point that I want to stick around for more.
9) The love the devs put into their game. The amount of attention and effort they put into the game shines forth in nearly all aspects of the game. They listen to the community a fair bit more than most other games I know, even if they don’t respond to it as much.
10) The community. While there are some unpleasant people, they are far rarer for whatever reason. In other games, PuGs would usually have an average of 1 to 1.5 nasty individuals per group. I have yet to need to ignore anyone in GW2, nor have I ever needed to quit a group because of the people in it. I’m in a guild of wonderful people, on a very involved and kind server, and I love it.
The community is only good from your perspective. From mine? I get at least one noob per pug that refuses to listen, uses all caps, and repeatedly kills us all with his stupidity. I ask an honest question in map chat? I get at least 20 responses dripping with sarcasm. I see more bots running around than actual people on my server, and my ignore list is probably almost full.
And yeah, I’m sure the devs love their community so much, they can’t wait to release new, overpriced gem store items for all of you to buy twice.
Those are the only quips I had with your list. The rest are spot on.
The community is only good from your perspective. From mine? I get at least one noob per pug that refuses to listen, uses all caps, and repeatedly kills us all with his stupidity. I ask an honest question in map chat? I get at least 20 responses dripping with sarcasm. I see more bots running around than actual people on my server, and my ignore list is probably almost full.
And yeah, I’m sure the devs love their community so much, they can’t wait to release new, overpriced gem store items for all of you to buy twice.
Those are the only quips I had with your list. The rest are spot on.
For the community part, you have my deepest condolences. Maybe I’m lucky or maybe I’m blind, but I am glad that I haven’t had those experiences and am sorry that you did.
For the devs part, I’m not really seeing the problem. Yes, the stuff is fairly expensive with real money, but you can also spend gold on it. When the magitech gear came out, I did the math, found that it costs roughly 28 gold, and worked on getting it throughout the week. If I recall correctly, order armor plus the necessary transmutation crystals costs in the vicinity of 30. Kitten, cultural armor without the transmutation costs 119g if the wiki has its information right. 28 gold for 800 gems is fairly nice, IMO.
Also, keep in mind that they plan on giving us expansions for free, unlike any other MMOs out there. They may be doing it in segments, but they explicitly stated that they want to give expansions for free. I wouldn’t really call free “overpriced”.
Ferguson’s Crossing
What makes it a great MMO, is an f2p system that is not an obnoxious pile of crap.
They took my money and left me wanting more, which they gave for free.
By far the best launch of an MMO IMO. The controls are smooth. Graphics are great. Ease of exploration is a big one.
Art. Game is very, very beautiful.
The biggest thing for me was the idea that we can share stuff.
What I mean is that if I am harvesting a node, you can harvest as well, instead of worrying about you stealing my node if I am busy fighting a mob.
If I am fighting a mob, or doing a required task, you’re not going to steal what I need by hitting the same mobs.
If I am fighting something a few levels above me, and you come along to help, we both get credit and loot.
Regardless of what anyone thinks about anything else, this, to me was epic!
What makes it a great MMO, is an f2p system that is not an obnoxious pile of crap.
GW2 does have a few positives, however, it has a long ways to go before being considered a “great” MMO. As for it being F2P, well, simply because it’s F2P does not automatically mean it’s F2P done right. This pretty much sums up GW2’s F2P model.
The community is only good from your perspective. From mine? I get at least one noob per pug that refuses to listen, uses all caps, and repeatedly kills us all with his stupidity. I ask an honest question in map chat? I get at least 20 responses dripping with sarcasm. I see more bots running around than actual people on my server, and my ignore list is probably almost full.
And yeah, I’m sure the devs love their community so much, they can’t wait to release new, overpriced gem store items for all of you to buy twice.
Those are the only quips I had with your list. The rest are spot on.
For the community part, you have my deepest condolences. Maybe I’m lucky or maybe I’m blind, but I am glad that I haven’t had those experiences and am sorry that you did.
For the devs part, I’m not really seeing the problem. Yes, the stuff is fairly expensive with real money, but you can also spend gold on it. When the magitech gear came out, I did the math, found that it costs roughly 28 gold, and worked on getting it throughout the week. If I recall correctly, order armor plus the necessary transmutation crystals costs in the vicinity of 30. Kitten, cultural armor without the transmutation costs 119g if the wiki has its information right. 28 gold for 800 gems is fairly nice, IMO.
Also, keep in mind that they plan on giving us expansions for free, unlike any other MMOs out there. They may be doing it in segments, but they explicitly stated that they want to give expansions for free. I wouldn’t really call free “overpriced”.
It’s purely an opinion on my part. Since I don’t have the time to constantly farm gold, I can’t buy gems that way, and my current job doesn’t allow for much “extra-spending”. I think I remember the Guild Wars 1 costumes in the store being about 5 dollars. Now that was affordable.
As for the expansions part, you’re talking about the Living Story content, right? Because Anet said they probably weren’t going to give us expansions. If you’re talking about the Living Story content, I would definitely feel obligated to buy stuff off of the gem store if that content was much better than it currently is. I can literally complete each new content patch in about half an hour to 2 hours. If the patches contained at least 2 days’ worth of content, then I would feel that the gem store prices are about right. But not at the moment with the patches they’ve been dishing out.
I suppose what makes GW2 a good game (not a great one, IMO. A good one) is that I am not constantly fighting other players.
In nearly every MMO I’ve played, there is always a large myriad of ways in which another player can mess you up. Many of these are intrinsically built into the game. They make it so loot goes to the first person to get it, encouraging loot stealing. They make it so loot goes to the first person who attacked an enemy, making the game about connection speed. They make it so loot goes to whomever did the most damage, so players will just leave 51% killed monsters everywhere and make other people go through the effort of finishing the job. They make resource nodes extremely rare, on an hour long timer, and make it first come first serve. They’ll make it so specific tactics are necessary for the game, and if you don’t follow these tactics then everyone dies.
The big problem I’ve experienced in nearly every other MMO I’ve played is that other players are not my friends. They are my enemy: they exist to be taken advantage of, and they will knife you in the back as soon as you turn around. Their direct actions inhibit or harm other players, whether unintentional or by game design. This leads to a large amount of hostility in the game, and when you have a thieving, backstabbing community it ruins the game.
I suppose what makes GW2 a good game (not a great one, IMO. A good one) is that I am not constantly fighting other players.
Ugh, I remember in ToR there being a line to kill certains NPCs. Then of course some guy would run up and just kill it with 5 or so of us raging on the inside.
What makes it a great MMO, is an f2p system that is not an obnoxious pile of crap.
GW2 does have a few positives, however, it has a long ways to go before being considered a “great” MMO. As for it being F2P, well, simply because it’s F2P does not automatically mean it’s F2P done right. This pretty much sums up GW2’s F2P model.
That video actually has nothing to do with GW2’s F2P model. That’s exactly why I think it’s great. If the game is still profitable with this model, it’s f2p done right.
What makes it a great MMO, is an f2p system that is not an obnoxious pile of crap.
GW2 does have a few positives, however, it has a long ways to go before being considered a “great” MMO. As for it being F2P, well, simply because it’s F2P does not automatically mean it’s F2P done right. This pretty much sums up GW2’s F2P model.
That video actually has nothing to do with GW2’s F2P model. That’s exactly why I think it’s great. If the game is still profitable with this model, it’s f2p done right.
The video discusses the F2P model. It’s very much applicable to GW2. Now, whether you believe it to be otherwise is a moot point. Chocking content and corralling the user base to dip into RMH systems is far from F2P done right. As I’ve already mentioned, GW2 has a lot going for it, notwithstanding its current F2P model.
What makes it a great MMO, is an f2p system that is not an obnoxious pile of crap.
GW2 does have a few positives, however, it has a long ways to go before being considered a “great” MMO. As for it being F2P, well, simply because it’s F2P does not automatically mean it’s F2P done right. This pretty much sums up GW2’s F2P model.
That video actually has nothing to do with GW2’s F2P model. That’s exactly why I think it’s great. If the game is still profitable with this model, it’s f2p done right.
The video discusses the F2P model. It’s very much applicable to GW2. Now, whether you believe it to be otherwise is a moot point. Chocking content and corralling the user base to dip into RMH systems is far from F2P done right. As I’ve already mentioned, GW2 has a lot going for it, notwithstanding its current F2P model.
That video is talking about pay to win inside of ‘fee to pay’ models.
GW2 is not pay to win unless you call converting gems → gold winning (which is quite horrible at that, since it’s ~$50 to hit max level. You don’t pay to allow yourself to get more Charged Quartz Crystals or Laurels or to reset your daily chests. You can’t pay to do that.
You may want to sift through more Jimquisition videos to get how he works. Reading the description below the video may also be a good idea. Not being sarcastic or condescending. GW2 very much falls in line with what Jim discusses. The game does not test a players resolve by challenging and substantive content, rather, gating what content there is behind RNG systems and the like.
Then please, quote Mr. Jimquisition, instead of thrusting the entirety of his career at me.
I saw nothing in his video that pertained to GW2.
I don’t need to quote Mr. Jim. The video is right there for all to watch and/or listen to.
I don’t need to quote Mr. Jim. The video is right there for all to watch and/or listen to.
You do need to quote something specific, because like i said, there’s nothing in that video that can be conected to GW2.
The reason this game is great to me, my friends play it. The biggest reason is simply that for me. Other reasons I may enjoy this game more than a regular “Joe” just picking it up, I played Guild Wars and had explored and leveled to the max on multiple characters. I also had all the expansions.
All in all, This game is amazing graphics and dynamic story with very fun PvP and questing. Those are hard things to find in a MMO, all in one game of course.
I don’t need to quote Mr. Jim. The video is right there for all to watch and/or listen to.
You do need to quote something specific, because like i said, there’s nothing in that video that can be conected to GW2.
…they had an excellent hype campaign
GW2 lived up to my expectations and even beyond. You could interpret the manifesto video how you want, some overreact, some doesn’t believe it at all and some “yeah this will be good”.
I don’t need to quote Mr. Jim. The video is right there for all to watch and/or listen to.
Actually you do need to quote him if multiple people have watched the video and not been able to connect the dots. It tends to give you a reasonable argument instead of just saying “go watch more of his videos and read a summary of a video” when we watched the video…
GW2 very much falls in line with what Jim discusses.
Perhaps you meant to link a different video then because the one you did link is not particularly applicable as it dwells primarily upon games where cash shops provide an in game advantage in a game where you have already paid for the content. Since cash shop purchases are funding content additions for GW2 the video lacks relevance here.
I’m having a flashback to a Christopher Hitchens Q&A. Actually, I don’t need to at all. I’ve already explained myself in previous posts. If that proved insufficient and the proverbial dots still aren’t apparent, I’m sorry.
Ok let’s get back on track to the original discussion. These posts have once again turned into more I’m right/your wrong/you’ve misunderstood/no I haven’t which is all this forum gravitates towards.
This is the first game I’ve been more than happy to voluntarily pay for. Even when I buy RNG boxes and get nothing out I suppose I can just consider that payment for the 100s of hours work going into each biweekly update.
Most importantly this game has that addictive quality, which I think is due to having so much content with goals being so accessible. Once you reach 80 everything is within 24 hours reach of playtime. You don’t have weekly gated raids, there isn’t a string of 100 quests to get to a particular dungeon etc. bar legendaries and RNG items you can experience pretty much all this game has to offer as a casual player.