What makes guild wars 2 fun?
What makes guild wars 2 fun?
grind (or credit card)
For me, the biggest reason is just how playing Ele/Tempest feels.
It’s hard to explain, but everything is so fluid, and you can do a bit of everything. Skills are flashy (REVERT THE VISUAL NERFS), you feel powerful. No other profession compares from a purely subjective POV.
Engineer comes closest, but it feels more like controlled chaos instead of deliberate, flowing combat. Everything else feels clunky (Guardian, Revenant, Warrior), spammy (Thief, Ranger) or slow (Necromancer, Mesmer.)
The day they nerf Ele into uselessness is the day I stop playing this game :p Not that I think that’s going to happen.
I’m talking about the game itself and what can make me hungry and I really want to know what makes it fun so I don’t have to feel bored plyin it
I’m talking about the game itself and what can make me hungry and I really want to know what makes it fun so I don’t have to feel bored plyin it
That’s what I get for not reading the OP. My apologies.
The lore/plot is the biggest draw for me. I want to know what happens, and how it connects to the lore of GW1.
You kinda need to find your own reasons to keep playing. That could be stuff like finding out what happens in the story, trying out a new elite spec or profession, exploring the new maps, doing the new collections or achievements, leveling up crafting disciplines, doing Fractals or the new raid, or trying out the new elite specs in PvP. Longer-term goals like crafting Ascended/Legendary gear could be another option. Finding a new group of people to play with or a new active guild would help immensely.
IMO, if you’re still bored or unmotivated, you should just take a break. There’s no point playing if it feels like a chore.
(edited by Glenstorm.4059)
For me, what I enjoy the most is the story, the lore, the quests, music, and graphics.
The thing that makes me the most excited to play the game is when they add new elements to the lore.
On the other hand, the thing that pulls me away from it the most, that I’ve found, is grind.
You need to try a bit of everything to see what appeals to you most. Everyone has their own answer. Some people like PvP, some like WvW, some like raiding, some like doing Adventures, some like working towards legendaries, some like role playing, some like hanging out with their guild, some like making 20 alts.
The combat, mostly. In this game I actually feel like I’m engaging enemies, whereas with other competitors are basically a graphical overlay to spreadsheets.
It’s going to vary from person to person. Right now I’m enjoying completing the collections we got with HoT. I’m 1,100 airship parts from having the Ex Machina title and then I can spend about 14 more hours in TD to get the Chak Gerent mini.
This is entirely subjective and the answer will differ greatly from person to person.
But the biggest thing that makes it the most fun, for me, is playing with my husband. We make characters that we bring to LIFE that we level together and form their own ‘story’. For example I made an asura ele who I gave the cutest nose that looks slightly dented on her profile. I gave her a voice that my husband just adores, which includes how she can’t pronounce her Ms and Ns due to her “dose issue”. A bit like exaggerating the sounds you make when you have a cold. I developed her character so her background story was that she was bullied at “Krewe School” due to her nose issues but now she takes no kitten and burns people up. Plus she is madly in love with one of my husband’s characters who is a stuffy asura who believes everything in the world was invented by him and he has a mere mortal servant (my asura mesmer) at his side.
These things just bring the game to life for us and we have hours and hours of fun.
Aside from this the game has so much content, I find it difficult to get bored. Someone in guild always wants to do something whether it be a JP, map complete together, world bosses, a few dungeons, fractals, PvP… and we are just loving the new missions since launch of HoT.
We also enjoy getting all those little APs you didn’t know existed and aside from core game-play we sometimes focus on those, such as finding all the exalted masks in the Maguuma.
Personally, I find it a shame when people get bored and quit, because you’ve either done everything in game way too quickly and the novelty has worn off, or you aren’t exploring properly everything this wonderful game has to offer and that’s a real shame.
Guild: Creators of Destiny Awakening [CDA] Disabled GW2 gamer; love all aspects of GW2!
Champion: Magus, Illusionist, Phantom and Shadow
To me, it’s the organic nature of the world. I can get involved in what’s going on around me, without going to a quest giver to get a wall of text and a star that takes me to another guy with another wall of text.
If I see a field on fire, I can pick up buckets and put it out. If I see an outpost being attacked I can jump in and defend. Sometimes, often even, I’ll notice something I’ve never seen before, even after playing for three years.
Recently we started doing guild treks again (one of the guild mission types) and many of the areas we’re asked to search are areas I hadn’t had on my radar at all. Some of them are quite well hidden.
I like the organic nature of the game. I can lose myself in a fantasy world. I can’t do that in most other MMOs.
Why don’t you try taking a hard look at the Wiki and search awhile.
There is simply so much to do, try, love, hate, get frustrated over, feel the thrill of a well fought fight or campaign, on and on.
Personally, when I check the Wiki I always find more stuff to do. I don’t or simply cant do everything but there’s so much I don’t have to.
While taking part in guild activities, I still think of myself as a solo player and while the game is designed less and less for me (which I hate) , I still have to decide which of the many things I’ll do next that I enjoy.