What new class…

What new class…

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xabrin.1749


Class Name: Duelist
Type: Light
Weapons: Rapier (stronger than a dagger but weaker than a sword with instant activated basic attacks), sword (main and off), dagger (main and off), pistol (main and off).
Theme: A pure melee class that’s encouraged to get close to foes at all times and attack with rapid burst damage, bleeds or debilitation.
Mechanic: Duelling – shown in the class skill bar as a coloured icon that gets more intense the closer to an enemy you are (shifting from blue to yellow to red) at each stage you get a buff to your armour and health pool, gaining more the closer you are to a foe. When all your non-1 weapon skills are on cooldown you can hit either F1 to deal damage with the Duelling skill and gain an offensive buff or F2 to feint with the Duelling skill and gain health or protection.

The class would be highly mobile and could be played as either a bursty damage dealer or a bleeder and as a glass cannon high risk high reward type or a balanced survivable type.

What new class…

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adine.2184


how could a pure melee class have a pistol….

What new class…

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xabrin.1749


how could a pure melee class have a pistol….

Never said those skills would be long ranged….more for flavour.

What new class…

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nekroseth.5186


Ok so I clearly agree with Op, we do need new classes.
Even trough the number of weapons lack right now, and could solve many problems, and combat “simpliciy” (might even dare to say boringness), it wont help those, who dont really have a class they like.
There are many class themes that are not detailed or present at all.

For example Thief was merged rogue-assasin. And actually it is not souch a good idea, it seems.
Why? We are limited in weapons. And even if we would not be, the same weapon can not be used 2 ways.
For example, the current “cluster bomber-bouncing shot” bow fits for a thief, or rogue, but not for an assasin. Who would use precise long ranged powerfull shots instead.
Trough if it gets a rifle with a sniper theme could fix it, but the problem is still the same.
So merging classes is not good. Keep it in mind Anet in the upcoming classes.

So my list is still but in order how moch i would love to se them.

1,A plated, offensive caster
Heavy armor
Some artwork included under the post.

Heavy-Medium armor.
Hybrid Direct damage ranger-caster hybrid. With many asure like gadgedts
Artwork also introduced. It was introduced anyways. Time to implement it.

3,A shaman, or Druid.*
Basically wont matter what name it takes, but there is a big need for a Pure nature based class, let it be caster or Hybrid.
slow but high dmg spells, transform, heal, support.
Weapons wont matter. Also a single picture as artwork.

4, Ritualist.
I would love to see ritualist again. As moch as i regret that Anet remade necro i would like to see Ritualist remade right now, with a more fitting concept to Gw2. (unlike necro)
Light armor- Staff-Scepter-Focus ect…

5,A classical style Wizard.*
Light armor, and mixed spells for manipulating the area, instead of nuking only,
Staff ofc ect…

6,A Summoner
that was mentioned as cronomancer was.
I dont mind any theme as long as it is centered and themed araund summoning things.
Any armor, any weapon.
Some artwork below. If you ask me, Anet should take the time and implement a different tipe of summons for each race.
For example Asura golemancer. Sylvari plants. Humans godly servants (like hound archon, astral daeva) Charr mechanical stuff…and so on.

A YES, without new classes or weapons i would quit playing and buying in next expansion.
Fix current game? Games are NEVER FIXED truly. If you wait for a perfect game you better stop playing pc games now. Or wait for ethernity…or make your own.

What new class…

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cosmic Afro.9562

Cosmic Afro.9562

I think it was high time I add another idea of my own again. Seriously, lots of great ideas are being thrown around.


Class Name: (Unsure Name)

Type: Heavy

Weapons: Sword (MH) Dagger (MH) Shield (OH) Focus (OH) Greatsword

General: Bringing versatility to the heavy class through the manipulation of light and darkness. There are two function keys; the purpose of them is to swap skills like the elementalist but unlike that profession it doesn’t go to a strict skill set. The first function key correlates to the first three weapon skills and the second function key to the last two skills, meaning you could have your sword emitting light while your shield pulses darkness.
Just to clarify:
Sword and Shield equipped
[F1] [f2]
[X] [X] [X] [X] [X]
Press F1 [f2]
[Y] [Y] [Y] [X] [X]

The same application could be used for the greatsword.

This would allow for a versatile skill set with skill swapping and weapon swapping simultaneously. It should also eliminate the need for a weapon swap because you should have a huge variation on weapon skills anyways. Light with light, light with dark, dark with light, or dark and dark. I have no idea on utilities but if this core mechanic could be implemented I’d be more than happy.

“We fight to maintain power because we know what it was like without it.”

(edited by Cosmic Afro.9562)

What new class…

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cowrex.9564


Deaf players are not amused by your idea.

Jokes aside. I’ve been working on a concept for a shapeshifter class.

Will post when I finish. Not in this thread tho, it’s going to be a few weeks.

Haha, now that’s funny. Well, I’d like to go with a hybrid type of class. I am still working on the kinks and bongs.

Give a man fire, he will be warm, set a man on fire, he will be warm forever! …or dead…

What new class…

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khorthall.1682


I’d like to think they would plan on revamping existing guild wars 1 classes.. They had their way of changing up the assassin into a thief (Or perhaps just a lot similar, didn’t play the assassin much) and sort of just replace Monk with a heavy hitting magic user – Guardian.

So what else would we possibly see? Well, if we did see a new class, my opinion is that it would be a Soldier / Heavy armor. Why? We only have 2 heavy armor, we need a 3rd to balance it out with the 3 mediums and 3 lights we have.

So, what could a possible heavy armored profession be that isn’t already direct melee (Warrior) and magic-melee (Guardian)?? Well, quite simple.. even though those two classes can have their multiple builds of damage and support, I see the 3rd heavy class having most of their skills being of Control.

So examples? Well, there is a chance that there would be a return of a…

Class Name: Dervish
Type: Heavy
Weapons: (Melee & Ranged/Caster) Greatsword, Hammer, Staff — 2 handed only.

General: A heavy fighter using the powers of Control and Conditions in his favor to turn the tide of battle. His main abilities — Possible Shapeshifting into Avatars of Balthazaar (Melee) or Lyssa(Caster) — Would cause a change in the 2handed weapon skills into the Avatars favor. Maybe even add an extra Avatar as (Range) damage. These would not be elite skills, these would be like the elements that the Elementalists can switch through, water/air/fire/earth. It could possibly balance out when only using 2handed weapons.

His fighting style would be to Control the battlefield (( Immobilize, Cripple, Chill )) while his damage comes from the multiple conditions that come with the Avatars favor. Pulls, Knockbacks, Walls, Chain ability that has the person switch places with the target? His specials would obviously be his use of Avatars like a common mechanic, like Engineer kits or elements. As a Melee Avatar all of his skills, even with a staff equipped, will only be melee skills that focus say on (Hammer) knockbacks, (Greatsword) Pulls, (Staff) Walls — while applying what conditions they have to keep up with damage or support. And as a Caster Avatar it would only lead to less melee fighting and more to direct Control and Condition effects.

As for skills I can’t name many off the top of my head. But for Elite skills? Probably more Avatars that focus on their own area. Long ranged physical damage (Melandru) Avatar? Support/Medic (Dwayna) Avatar? Perhaps an Avatar of all of the Six gods.

HOWEVER! I do know I have gone too far with the Avatars and such, because Dervish are from Guild wars 1 where only humans were played, so lore-wise it would not make sense for a Norn Dervish / Asura Dervish to become Avatar of Balthazaar and whatnot. But that can easily be changed in the name.

Avatar of Balthazaar could just become Avatar of Strength. Others would be such.. Avatar of Knowledge. Avatar of Healing, etc etc.

Anyway, I just figured I should toss out an idea that somewhat could work.

What new class…

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rukia.4802


Assassin. Just take every reference from the profession in GW1.

Lead/Off/Dual attacks and the combinations you could pull off is what I miss most.

We have one, it’s called a Thief.

Thief is Thief. Not Assassin. And it sucks horribly.

“I find this rain quite pleasant, it feels as though raindrops are blessing our victory”

What new class…

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xiv.7136


Class Name: Risen Knight

Type: Heavy armor pet class

Weapons: Sword (MH), Mace (MH), Greatsword (MH) Shield (OH) Focus (OH) Torch (OH)

- Pure melee class
- Has 2 undead skeleton minions at his side at all times but that are not like ranger pets; they cannot gain aggro on mobs and they cannot be targetted by players; in order to deal damage, the minion attacks decide LOS based on the Risen Knight himself


- F1: Undead minion #1, passive attack health regeneration for Risen Knight, active Stun target 2 secs, 30s cd
- F2 Undead minion #2, passive attack removes 1 condition per 10 seconds, active Poison target, 30s cd
- F3 Swaps places with an undead minion, breaks stun
- F4 Both minions become rooted and emit a 900 radius field plague and pestilence: combo field dark and smoke that causes blind and confusion, 60s cd

I like pizza

What new class…

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nekroseth.5186


If you would read posts abaut Thief you would know its is a merged Assasin-Rogue.
Trough i agree. The Assasin should be separated from the class. Merged classes are dumb.
It desroys the concept of a class for many players.
If i want to play an assasin, there is no room for a goofy side skills, and traits and weapons.

On the Third heavy armored class i alredy mentioned, i would like to see a Long range offensive caster.
A soldier class sounds quite a lot like pure boredoom. We alredy have a warrior, that containts every physical weapon master. (and i must add it was hard to implement any decent non boring “roles” for him)
And there is the Guardian that is pretty moch the same, with magic and defence.

The only other thing that i could imagine is an offensive caster, or an Heavy armored physical long range dmg class.

Risen knight? Sorry, but i have to say its a totally stupid idea. Besides that Zheitan is defeated, and there supposed to be no more risen at all, and that they are all controlled by Zhaitan, they would be a totally rip of from Death Knight. And by that not talking abaut wow, but all the Death Knight classes out there (starting with the first from D&D). Not like its a problem, but i dont think it should be implemented as a Risen -_-
Make it a Simple Death Knight then and ok.
Besides i wanted to play a kitten decent necro with skeletons, and it was totally revamped by Anet, to this ….thing. If we would get a class with the skilltheme and setup i wanted for necro, i would get insanely angry.

Dervish. Ok to me, trough i found it boring. Besides dervishes use light clothing and not even armor at all, considering history. Besides it did look exacly like that in gw1 to.
I dont say no, fi anyone wants a decent class like that.
And besides dont even bother thinking abaut lore, exspecially abaut stupid stuff like , what races or anything.
If they want they will make a class if they want to, not caring for lore at the slightest.
Cosider how extremely stupid asura warrior-guardians are …yet there they are.
Charr also have guardians, they just dont have racial skills thats all.

What new class…

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cosmic Afro.9562

Cosmic Afro.9562

There needs to be a class with duo shields.

“We fight to maintain power because we know what it was like without it.”

What new class…

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Amra.6028


how could a pure melee class have a pistol….

How could any class in a game that hates any melee build not have long range skills? .3

What new class…

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SuperSpicyCurry.2415


Class name: Reaver
Class type: Soldier

Weapons: Axes (dual), Scepter (MH), Shield(OH), Staff, dagger (OH)

Theme: Dark knight type character (we already have holy knight, and normal knight, now we need a dark knight for a third soldier class) Can summon temporary specters that are fairly powerful but they have low health. Specializes in inflicting conditions and doing more damage for each condition on the foe.

Healing skill 1: Gain more health based on the number of conditions inflicted on your foe
Healing skill 2: Gain more health based on number of conditions on yourself
Healing skill 3: Channel that absorbs damage for 3 sec and heals for amount of damage inflicted (longer CD)

F1-F4 Specters: Spirits from the beyond that fight alongside the reaver, they are fragile and can only be controlled for a limited time period
-Specter of agony: lasts 10 sec with 20 sec CD, attacks in melee range while inflicting vulnerability
-Specter of flames: lasts 10 sec with 30 sec CD, attacks ranged while inflicting burning and granting might to allies
-Specter of plague: lasts 10 sec with 40 sec CD, releases AoE pulses of conditions every 2 sec while granting boons to allies within radius
-Specter of feast: lasts 10 sec with 45 sec CD, stationary grants aegis and regen to nearby allies and heals conditions

Axe mainhand is about raw damage that increases based on conditions on the foe but cannot inflict many conditions itself, axe offhand inflicts bleeding and vulnerability, dagger offhand inflicts poison, scepter skills focus staying ranged with a skill that allows stripping boons from enemies, staff melee range and releasing auras that drain enemy health, shield allows you to sacrifice some of your health to grant regen and aegis to allies and a coutner skill that releases aura that damages and inflicts fear

What new class…

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

GW2 lacks 1 heavy class and lacks an unholy heavy class as well so how about an Hell Knight or something like that.
Uses a combination of dark magic (life leech, teleports, chill) and physical attacks.
I would totally play it.

What new class…

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rustypipes.6238


Class Name: Dark Knight
Class Armor: Heavy
Weapon Type: Fists, Boomerangs, Gadgets.

This class can only use the color black for it’s armor, always wears a mask and uses gadgets and it’s trusty boomerang to turn the tides in battle.

Gains bonuses when fighting Jokers, Penguins and Two Faced mobs

What new class…

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JCWolf.1674


Summoner would be awsome.

What new class…

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nekroseth.5186


Yeah Hell knight sounds a bit more like it. Might as well be a Long ranged caster.

Since we have a “soldier-caster” as guardian, could balance it out wonderfully.
A goody goody defender with an Evil(ish) offensive character.

I would love to see some REAL undead summoner class, unlike the current thing we call necromancer. (i seriously cant hate it more, the way it was implemented).
Trough i am not sure mixing the 2 would be a good idea.

I might as well say, the only real pet class is Ranger and Necro(if you consider those useles things as permanent pets). But might as well say Ranger is the only pet class so faar. And pet system should be explored and exploited a bit more.
It could have a permanent pet tipe you can unlock as a personal side story each 10 level 3-4 pets.

What new class…

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Surbrus.6942


How about get rid of the bugs from the existing classes? That’s what I would do before introducing new classes.

This is not an official thread on anything being released, just player ideas on what they would like to see.

I do not understand why people feel the need to crap on every thread that isn’t whining about something.

Well excuse me for preferring exciting options to be more developed. I’m also the guy that prefers lower number of classes with more options in D&D and other games also.

Maybe you should reevaluate who has the crap opinion before you post one.

What new class…

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: fefner.5729


Class: Monk

You know the rest :P

What new class…

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nekroseth.5186


" I’m also the guy that prefers lower number of classes with more options in D&D and other games also."

I like the thout that there are more players out there that, understand the magic of low numbers.
A good system does not need numbers on hp bar. And the reson many players actually bothered to even look at Gw was, that it is trying to implement the
“what you see is what is going on”.

Whitch is the future of gaming. In the near future, when games becoem like Matrix, players wont say : Oh he cut my leg off, i have 10% less movement speed -_- .
The only reson Gw did not implement things like this so drastically roots in the current technology.
And because of the narrow minded USA perental control mindset, and Pegi and other kitten things that drag down the inellect of humanity…instead of letting it go as netural it supposed to be.
(did the kids get shocked when the tiget eate his father? , no he became stronger.)

So yes i agree, on this.
And on the other thout, i think you think abaut expanding current classes to the max before making new ones at all.
I do agree on that a bit with you, but i still think, the next time the current classes get a chance to imrpove in souch was as : weapons, skillsets, aspect themes and balance (if anything like that exists, or should at all) will be with a new expansion, when we actually get new classes.
So i dont think this is an thout that could or will work.

If you are talking abaut balance, then i disagree. But thats a totally differeant topic.

What new class…

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: omegaut.7206


Roaming off the beaten path here, and possibly of a cliff as well, since this game involves dragons, how about a Dragon Hunter Class. I could see myself with a few tamed dragons by my side!

Iiiric – Necromancer – Representing Necromancers EVERYWHERE.
Yak’s Bend

What new class…

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: FLFW.3105


Class Name: Developer

Type: Light

Weapons: C++,C,Java,PHP etc etc.

Skills : Drink Coffe ( increases his will to work ) , Read Forums( Reads forums, checks community suggestions ) , To Arms ( Actually does something ) , Rally ( motivates other colleagues to work also ) , Eat/Drink ( keeps his HP full so he can keep working ) .

GuildWars 2 is good game with bad management.

What new class…

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cosmic Afro.9562

Cosmic Afro.9562

Existing classes should have bugs fixed? Yes, they should.

Ok, I’m glad we got that pointless discussion out of the way. Back to suggesting new classes that we’d like to see in the future.

“We fight to maintain power because we know what it was like without it.”

What new class…

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nekroseth.5186



Btw If we are considering new classes, i was wondering if current classes could not take up “aspects”.
For example. There is the Class Thief . Ater 45 you could buy an 5 gold manual instead of the current traitbook, and pick from Assasin or Rogue.
As rogue you keep the goofy like stealer class, as Assasin, …. you know the rest.

This might sound only as a slight modification, but in truth it basically gives 2-3 classes each class, that is not a really stand alone class, but also not fully dephendant on the current class.

Another example :
Necromancer -> could take the Aspect of the Spider godess, with more life steal, many spider ish skills, snares and a lot of mobility.
Or take up Wizardry, that would change his minions to classical skeletons and zombies, with a lot more toughness, to take hits, would also get more direct damage, but lose a lot of conditions, and life steals.

I can imagine a LOT of aspects to all current classes, and the system could be well designed, if taken the time. As sead, the current classes are not jet exploited jet, but there is an insane need for new classes alredy.


(edited by Nekroseth.5186)

What new class…

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cosmic Afro.9562

Cosmic Afro.9562

That is actually a really nifty idea. Not to mention if you really wanted to, you could stay in your current class.

Of course, we’d have to think about execution. How would they implement something like that? Would there be a separate trait page aside from our current one, or would taking up this new side-class override the current traits?

If a person didn’t like the traits or class, would they receive some kind of reimbursement? Could there be a small fee for switching back meaning you’d have it unlocked forever? Five gold is a hefty investment for most players and while the current trait books are absolute, this is fairly chancy.

Instead of level 45, I’d suggest level 70. Start your true specialization much closer to the end game; it also doesn’t make sense to have a five gold fee in between a one gold and a two gold fee.

Ideas for class build-offs:

-Siphoner/Spider God/Godess: Focus on siphons and mobility
-Wizardry: Focus on minions and damage, less conditions

-(Class name unsure): Focus on AoE through weather manipulations
-Geomancer: Focus on heavy conditions, slow attacks

Well, that’s all I can think of, but there’s a huge amount of potential for this. I implore you to flesh it out.

“We fight to maintain power because we know what it was like without it.”

What new class…

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: WTFRobocop.8351


well probably a monk or a paragon like in guild wars 1

What new class…

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cosmic Afro.9562

Cosmic Afro.9562

I’ll be doing a list of serious class suggestions on the initial post from now on.

“We fight to maintain power because we know what it was like without it.”

What new class…

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adine.2184


well probably a monk or a paragon like in guild wars 1

The biggest problem with the Monk going forward is that it was clearly merged with the guardian . You also have to keep in mind that the roll the monk filled in GW1 no longer exists in GW2 .

What new class…

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PlagueParade.7942


Honestly, we already have 3 medium and 3 light weight classes but only 2 heavy classes so I think it’d be good to round it off to 3 of each.

How about a dragoon or lancer type class?

Weapons that could be used would be: (mainhand or 2h) Spear, trident, (offhand) shield, or whip.
I’d like to see if the spear or trident could be a single handed wep (being of a lancer/dragoon type class why not?). Would be awesome to have a char with a trident in main and whip in offhand like the gladiators of old.


Spear: #1 a. swing b. chop c. thrust /#2 throw/ #3 rapid thrust
Trident: #1 throw /#2 lance (a fast atk forward running thrust) /#3 whirl atk

Whip: #4 snare, #5 stun (or maybe blurred atk with distortion)
Shield: #4 bum rush, #5 three hit block

I think this would be a fun class to play.

What new class…

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Olfinbedwere.5049


Class Name: Dwarf
Class Type: Dwarf
Armor Type: Heavy
Weapons of choice: Two-Handed Axes, Shovels, Spewing Ale, Dwarven Songs
General gist/ miscellaneous: It would be the only class that is restricted by race and the only race that is restricted to one class. Their skills would include, chopping things and diggying holes, drinking, and singing about the time when there used to be hoards of loot in this game.

What new class…

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jaken.6801


Going through old classes i have to admit its kinda unlikely we would see the old ones coming back as they were before, since the GW2 redistributed their maintraits allready into new classes or abilities.

Derwish: Mainfocus beeing a condition/boon close combat fighter with the ability to shift forms into Avatars of the gods…
Well his Elite got shafted, since now its the Elite of entire human race appearently (wrap your head around that) and almost every class is able to get boons or cause conditions by attacking, the necro is even able to inflict them on himself to spread it between the enemies later on. Also everyone can be close combat now, so everything aside from his scythe is taken care of?

Assassin: Teleport condition fighter using daggers and combos. Quick second wave fighter with medium armor…
These are the basic abilities of the assassin, which you can find now easily in other classes, most promintent the Thief. I dont care if you used a different build in GW1, but the basics are all covered in him. Combos are realised in the first skill of your weapon, because this is usually a combo.

Ritualist: stationary ghost summoning Allrounder.
Well, he got split up into Guardian and Engenier. His stationary ghosts are now turrets and the ability to summon ghosts (-weapons) are with the guardian. While he had some cool abilities like “spirit rift” i dont see him returning in his old form. Maybe if he was more like a pet class, beeing able to summon old heroes to his aid. that would be awesome though.

Monk: light healer, protector and “holy” fighter.
Well, you will hate the guardian here too. he took this place and since there is no dedicated healer in GW2 the monk is “useless”? Maybe. The normal Monk is a follower of Dwayna, so if he would follow another god, maybe Balthazar we would have a more aggressive light fighter… but this would mean we get our Hand to Hand asian martial artist, maybe?

anyway. Class ideas?
With not all classes revealed, but with weapons allready known thanks to the HoM i was thinking along the line of a “Gunslinger” or “Weaponsexpert”. Which would fit the Charr way of fighting.
A medium cladd fighter, using wepons, depending on his distance to the enemy.
Game mechanic beeing able to switch 3 weapons, one for every distance.
Depending on which spot the weapon would take, its attack would change:
example rifle:
close combat: Shotgun capabilities
Medium range: LMG short burst qualties, supression fire, etc.
Long Range: Sniper

so in the end it would be like this:
Close range slot: rifle, pistol (both hands), Knife (offhand), Shield (offhand)
Medium range: Rifle, pistol
Range: Rifle, Rocket Launcher

Well a new weapon would be needed, the rocket launcher as a means of long range AoE.
Basicly the class would be an 80s action movie equivalent, changing its weapon as he gets closer to the enemy and using some utility skills to support his approach (mines, grenades, well stuff the engenier has right now would actually work)

What new class…

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cosmic Afro.9562

Cosmic Afro.9562

As this thread progresses, it’s fascinating to see ideas over-lap (ex: the bard) while some still take their own unique approach (ex: Nekoseth’s class mini expansions). I look forward to more opinions!

“We fight to maintain power because we know what it was like without it.”

What new class…

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Thelgar.7214


I’d like:

Golem Pilot – And I want the Golem to GW2 fly – hover above the ground when swifted.

Shapeshifter – Change into good stuff, not pigs and moas.

Minimancer – Able to have 3 to 5 minis up at once and have them function in combat.

Golemancer – I want an always on Mr. Sparkles kind of thing.

What new class…

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CeNedro.7560


I’d love to see a class called Oversize. The weapons would be some magic mushrooms(similar to the ones Alice experienced) which change your body type. From supertiny to XXL your character gets unique abilities.
For example XXL: Its pure weight is a destructive force(to coil up and use your enemy as pinball/bodyslam/earthquake/…).

That would be really AWESOME!

(edited by CeNedro.7560)

What new class…

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cosmic Afro.9562

Cosmic Afro.9562

^There is a character in your personal story that has an ability eerily similar to this concept, CeNedro. I won’t spoil who or how but perhaps they were hinting to this being a future class already?

“We fight to maintain power because we know what it was like without it.”

What new class…

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cosmic Afro.9562

Cosmic Afro.9562

There should be a skill revolving around magnetism so we can hold weapons in mid-air. Perfect reasoning for duo greatswords.

“We fight to maintain power because we know what it was like without it.”

What new class…

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Surbrus.6942


Shapeshifter – Change into good stuff, not pigs and moas.

I’m still thinking a lot of ideas can still be implemented into existing classes to further expand on them.

How about give the Ranger a Staff and have it give more Druidic magic, maybe a shape shifting ability on the staff, or just put shapeshifting into utilities/elites. Some more arcane/illusionist shapeshifting could be given to the Mesmer, more elemental shapeshifting forms could be given to the Elementalist. These could be provided via utilities/elites or weapon skills.

What new class…

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hermes.7014


Class Name: Blood Knight
Class Type: Heavy
Weapons of choice: Greatsword, Scythe, Sword, Axe, Longbow.
General gist/ miscellaneous: A warrior who has mastered the ways of dark magic in order to increase own power at expense of life energy.
A low vitality crowd control oriented class that relies on both physical strength and magic to drain the life out of enemies and weaken them.

Class burst skill (F1):
Bloodthirst: A red bar must be filled by suffering damage before using this skill. Continuosly drains life from surrounding enemies for 10 seconds. 120 seconds cooldown.

Weapon skills

Greatsword: Wide fan shaped radius slow weapon.
1: Hilt Strike: Strike your foe on the forehead with the hilt of your sword – Effect: Weakness / Severe Tendons: Deliver a strike aimed to your foe’s ligaments. Effect: Weakness / Upward Slash: Slash your enemy upwards.
2: Groundsplitter: Thrust your sword into the ground, cracking it with dark energy and launching surrounding enemies in the air while damaging them. – Combo finisher: Blast
3: Trail of Corruption: Whirl your blade towards the enemy, leaving behind a trail of three Wells of Corruption. – Combo field: Dark – Combo finisher: Whirl
4: Draining Blade: Charge your blade with dark energy and channel it towards the enemy, draining 5% of the damage dealt and absorbing one boon. – Range: 1200
5: Savage Leap: Leap at your foe slashing them. Combo finisher: Leap

Scythe: Wide fan shaped radius radius slow weapon.
1: Arching Slash: Deliver a downward slash upon your foe. Effect: Bleeding / Gut Strike: Slash at your foe’s body, causing bleeding. Effect: Bleeding / Ankle Strike: Trip the enemy ankles with the weapon shaft. Effect: Cripple.
2: Cursed Blade: Slash the enemies in front of you with a dark imbued blade that unleashes a powerful blinding ranged wave. – Range: 900 – Effect: Blindness.
3: Soul Reaper: Swing your scythe in a circular movement, damaging and attracting nearby enemies. – Effect: Magnet – Combo: Whirl
4: Anchor: Throw the scythe at your foe to deal damage and pull it back to you, knocking it down. If enemy has stability, you are pulled and knocked down. (Also known as the infamous Risen Putrifier attack :P) . – Combo: Physical Projectile 100% – Range: 1200
5: Death Wheel: Swing your scythe in a vertical rotating threefold attack advancing towards the enemy.

To this point so far. I will update this post as I get more ideas for support skills and other weapon skills, along with cooldowns and potency.

Whether something is either wrong or right, someone will always complain about it.

(edited by Hermes.7014)

What new class…

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fizz.1072


i would love a battlemage, always enjoyed being a magic using warrior

What new class…

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nekroseth.5186


Thy for the feedback Afro. I Made a whole new post abaut it.
Agreed the lv 70 might be better ofc. Some learn a lot even after 80.

I am not sure abaut prices and traits, i think this is a topic devs should bother with, they know the system a lot better and know what would be the best solution.

If you ask me, i personally would add simply more traits to chose from at major ones. And make minor ones be selectable to (like 3-4 choices only), or make sure minors are globally benefical to all aspects.
All this after you unlocked the aspect.

Abaut the rest of the replyes…..Monk merged? Make it an aspect of guardian.
Btw, i dont think this is some problem…there are no ingame lores that set it to stone there are no monks, and monks are all guardians. And monks are like guardians….nothing like that at all.
I actually see many priests in towns with heavy armor……that are clearly not guardians.
Also i seen many Priory healers…that are surely also not guardians….but clothed healers.

I personally miss a divine caster class. Priest would be welcome. It would be actually quite refreshing to see a priest in mmo-s that is not forced to healbot for once -_-
Could be implemented with crazy indepth innovative way.
Reinvent the Priest ANET !!!!

As elementalist i would surely add an Arcanist and a Archeologist . Its a tipical Priory like dude.
Might as well make Guardians →spellblade, that is more offensive with less cc, but more mobility.

What new class…

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cosmic Afro.9562

Cosmic Afro.9562

^Not all elementalists are in the Priory though which is why I wanted to stay away from something akin to that. Having a branching class related to an order doesn’t exactly follow the game’s ideal of “doing what you want how you want to do it”.

“We fight to maintain power because we know what it was like without it.”

What new class…

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gohlar.3671


The existing classes are hollow shells of their GW1 counterparts, I think they need to flesh those out more before trying for a new one.

What new class…

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cosmic Afro.9562

Cosmic Afro.9562

As has been stated before, this thread is well aware that bugs and class mechanics need to be addressed as well but that is not the purpose of this discussion. Please keep on topic.

“We fight to maintain power because we know what it was like without it.”

What new class…

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cosmic Afro.9562

Cosmic Afro.9562

A message has now been added to the front to address the issue.

“We fight to maintain power because we know what it was like without it.”

What new class…

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cosmic Afro.9562

Cosmic Afro.9562

If classes could use a spear above land, which ones do you think would have it?

“We fight to maintain power because we know what it was like without it.”

What new class…

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nekroseth.5186


Warrior propably. First of all.
Besides, i think spears or lances ware planned really hard, but for some reson it was missed afterall. I wonder why.
There are like millions of load screens and pictures that show warriors with pikes, and lances and spears.
Second i would imagine ranger. And of course Guardian, trough i would imagine him with a more hybrid weapon like trident or polarm.

Spears are basically kittennig simple to use….you stand out wait for the rider to come near, and trust it. THe rider basically kills itself.
It is mostly used for bigger scalecombat or against riders. It is totally crap vs melee and close range combat. Unless it is a javelin that is a lot shorter and can be thrown. (like the spartans had)
So i say ANY class shud be able to use it.

What new class…

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cosmic Afro.9562

Cosmic Afro.9562

Elementalist is too scholarly to use a spear. While the class does in fact have a dagger, that was likely the next best choice for another weapon set.

I can see a Necromancer using a Spear for life siphoning or extreme bleeding.

Mesmer? Nah. It doesn’t justify that I don’t “see” it happening, but I just don’t see it happening. It doesn’t “feel” like a mesmer weapon.

Definitely not the engineer. A spear is not a gun.

Ranger is possible. It would make sense for that class to have it.

A thief would likely not use a spear. It’s too large of a weapon for them to run around with if you want to think about it from a realistic point.

Warrior and Guardian? Yup, spear away.

“We fight to maintain power because we know what it was like without it.”

What new class…

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Warlocan.9621


I want bard too :P

I like the Bard too

Class Name: Bard or Musician

Class Type: Medium

Weapons of choice:
-Flute 2 hands
-Harp main hand
-Guitar main hand
-Sword offhand
-Focus Offhand
Whip 2 hands

General gist/ miscellaneous: Bards traveling through Tyria singing about the great heroes, war and hope. Bards can use their music ability to weaken enemies while assisting their allies.

Do not be fooled by its fragile appearance, they are more dangerous than many other.

Screenshots: Bard with harp and sword
My char in gw2 with the whip

What new class…

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sacros.7418


Class Name: Dragon Knight/Shifter
Class Type: Heavy
Weapons of choice: Lance , Sword , Greatsword , Shield .
Abilitiy: Able to shift into 2 Dragons with filling two different bars for each of them.
First bar; Rage: Increases with the players attacks while being able to shift into a Black/Destruction Dragon when this gauge is full.
2 bar; Pain: Increases with damage taken while being able to shift into a White/Support Dragon when this gauge is full.
When shifting into a dragon form , the player may remain in this state as long as he wants , however when shifting back into the original form , the gauge becomes empty again.
In dragon shape , the player will be granted 6-7 skills with no usage of utility/healing skills but being able to survive long enough without them increasing the player’s base lp by 30% (or 20-25% whatever).
Additionally , some utilities can only be used while both rage/pain gauges are full while in non dragon form to give some balance and reward players for not permanent shaping into or remaining in dragon form , the skills should however have adequate cooldowns.

It’s an idea that I came up with after reading this thread and I have more. Think it could work out.
Otherwise I would like to see a real summoner class , druid/shaman love nature , monk timemage/chronomancer (hard to implement with mesmer already having time manipulating skills)

(edited by Sacros.7418)

What new class…

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sacros.7418


Or how about…
Class Name: Mystic/Moon Knight
Class Type: Heavy
Weapons of choice: Lance , Sword , Greatsword , Shield, Mace .
Abilitiy: This class should be a melee fighter with arcane/nature magic skills.
The specialty of this class is that it has one Mana/Power gauge wich starts at 100% and cannot be filled during battle what means that you have to use your F1-F5 skills carefully in order to be effective in the long term. It should be a risky class to play but very effective if played patiently. You can spam all skills instantly if you want but then you`ll be out of Mana/Power. However the F skills should be very powerful like aoe fear or dmg spells, combo fields (maybe they should all be channeled) while consuming a great amount of Mana.
Furthermore , in order to be different from the guardian , the Mystic/Moon Knight should have both melee and ranged spells as weapon skills to both attack with the weapon and cast spells from afar.
The F skills thing may be unoriginal , but all in all it would be an interesting class to play.