What new class…
What are those winged creatures that live deep in the sea? The one’s who help you. I have a feeling it could be a playable race in the future.
Class Name: DREAMWALKER (or oracle, shaman, etc.)
Class Type: Medium (or maybe light…)
The Weapons: Sword (either hand), Dagger (either hand), Focus (either hand), Warhorn (off hand), Rifle (two handed)
The Basic Stuff: Kinda sorta a nature based class, but not like the Sylvari. Not the happy, pretty kind of nature, but the rough, brutal kind. Style wise, it fits somewhere between mesmer, ranger, and necromancer. I’m thinking somebody who uses witchy, otherworldly magic; power that they don’t completely understand, and only barely control.
Gameplay: The Dreamwalker uses (wait for it) dreams, nightmares, hallucinations, potions, and assorted spirit world stuff to beat enemies into submission.
For the profession mechanic, the Dreamwalker is able to go into a trance-like state, the (insert really awesome name), which does many things:
-gives some really good healing (the Dreamwalker is severely limited in heal skills)
-unlocks a few weapon skills (probably just the fifth one for each weapon)
-unlocks several utility and elite skills
-unfourtunetly, a (small) decrease of basic stats
-a light haze around the edge of the screen (similar to the daze condition), impairing your vision
-a small decrease in speed
-and perhaps most importantly, the end of the trance will see your MAXIMUM health LOWERED HEAVILY (just to make that clear: you don’t take damage, but your total health is decreased, similar to the deep wound condition in GW 1). Might lower other stats too. This will wear off after some time out of combat.
The trance can only be entered when its meter (above the skill bar) has been filled. You can do this in several ways:
-The most basic is killing enemies. But each time you go into trance, the number of deaths required to fill the bar increases; this will start to reset after leaving combat, although depending on how high it got, you might be waiting quite a while.
-There are also a few skills that will get you into trance. These are mostly POTION utility skills (more on types of skills in a bit). Not all of them fill the bar all the way, and they tend to have long casting and recharge times.
While in trance, using either of these methods will EXTEND the trance period (which isn’t crazy long).
Skill Types:
POTIONS: Simply put, using a potion skill (which will typically have a longish cast time) will make a potion; the old skill will be replaced by a new one, for drinking it. There are many different kinds of potions for many different effects, but here’s the most important part: after being cast, the option to drink the potion WILL NOT WEAR OFF. This makes the a potion a very nice out of combat skill, ready to be used whenever conflict starts.
RITUALS: also with longish cast times, these make nice AOE skills: aoe damage, aoe buffs, aoe conditions. A cross between necro wells and mesmer mantras, rituals (like potions) are cast ahead of time, replaced by an activation skill, and are ready to be used at your leisure (though these DO wear off). One drawback, however, it that they can only be activated in the same general area where they were cast; therefore, this is the kind of skill to use if you don’t plan on running around a lot in combat.
Etc., ect….
More on Weapons: hmm…
Traits: hmmmmmmm…
A Few Skills: ??
The Dreamwalker isn’t the easiest profession to play. Potions need to be planned ahead of time, and you need to make a concentrated effort to take out low-health enemies whenever you can. Several skills can only be used during trance. Use trance too often, and your health will be in serious trouble. But once you’ve figured it out, the Dreamwalker can end up being a very strong profession.
The list on the front page has now been edited to include more recent results.
No need to create a new one!
We miss the old monk and ritualist
Why u no keep em!?!?
my vote: shape shift Druid
Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows
Class Name: Berserker
Class Type: Medium
Weapon of Choice: 2 Handed Axe
They would wear the minimum amount of armor, and work on a Blood Rage mechanic, the more rage the more damage and damage mitigation.
Imagine a Kodan Berserker…..’ nuff said
I have no problem going out the same way.
Ulhan Sturmfaust [TW]
I’d much rather see all the existing classes get new weapons than get a new class.
Some ideas.
- Polearm: A cleaving two-handed weapon with a focus on ally defense.
Sample skill: “Hold Formation; Stand your ground creating a line centered on your position for 5 seconds. Any foes that attempt to cross the line are knocked down & grant Retaliation to nearby allies.” - Fists: A two-handed, single-target weapon set that focuses on rapid attacks.
Sample skill: “Uppercut (Burst skill); A mighty blow that sends the target skyward. Damage and knock distance vary with Adrenaline”
- Fists: A two-handed, single target weapon set focused on debilitating attacks.
Sample skill: “Touch of Pain; Consumes all remaining Initiative. A single strike to one of your opponent’s vital areas, inflicting weakness & poison plus causing damage after 4 seconds. Damage varies with amount of Initiative used.” - Greatsword: A two-handed, cleaving weapon suitable for any homicidal maniac or winner of last year’s “Mister Madman” competition.
Sample skill: Hell, I dunno. I just want my big, red-headed norn thief to become a homicidal maniac in a claymore and a kilt.
- Torch: A ranged offhand weapon, because being able to bleed, poison, & burn on a single class would be pretty awesome.
Sample skill: I don’t care. So long as it burns people for a good long time.
- Longbow: A long ranged condition damage weapon because the staff is kinda lame at condition damage.
Sample skill: The usual collection of generic wizard-y skills that Eles normally get. No doubt with their own version of Infiltrator’s Arrow knowing ANet.
I’m too lazy to outline anything else, but I think new weapons, and maybe new utilities, would be less disruptive and more fun than adding new classes
New Soldier is needed! 3 of each except Soldier… I want Shadow Knight Anet!
New Soldier is needed! 3 of each except Soldier… I want Shadow Knight Anet!
I agree that we need a new heavy class, but so many people have suggested this, we have to be capable of thinking up something better than a death knight knockoff. Let’s start brainstorming.
A. People want a darker class, Guardian is super light, similar to paragons or paladins. Warrior kind of sits in the middle
B. Needs to be heavy
C. The guardian can fill as a heavy caster, but he’s not exactly great at it, maybe something to fill that?
D. Then again, just because it’s dark doesn’t mean it has to be necromancer…y, and that already fills the dark caster roll, so maybe no caster qualities?
E. Dark warriors from around the world? ANybody know of any?
If they added a shapeshifter, I’d without a doubt play again.
Shapeshifter / Druid (because they’re practically the same thing) would be insanely cool.
Only thing is, if they make a profession based entirely around shapeshifting, the whole Norn racial transformation thing would probably become a little… obsolete.
But Idk.
I keep wanting a Heavy profession based around polearms, but realistically it would probably make a lot more sense just to add a polearm weapon to the Warrior’s arsenal. I mean, how would a guy in plate armor with a polearm be super duper unique from a Warrior? It wouldn’t.
(edited by Sieg.8439)
Class Name: Dervish
Class Type: Heavy Armour
Weapons of choice:
Scythe (2H) (they were in GW1 they will return)
Staff (2H)
Scepter (M/O)
Sword (M/O)
Axe (M/O)
Shield (O)
General gist/ miscellaneous:
They will run similar to a thief weapon skills which allows massive diversity within the weapon skills. Similar to GW1 they will have the abilities to transform (mind you keep the greatest ones for the elite) Since they are servants of the gods including Balthazar they are allowed to wear Heavy Armour. They well have magic as well. the Weapon skills will be very diverse so multiple builds can be created and Dervish builds will become very vertile. This will be a new heavy armour/caster. As well anyone who has seen Dervishes in GW1 knows that they are dark looking espically if you give them a scythe and make their armour black lol. Also known for their stylish hoods.
[GWAM] and [LUST]
Mess with the best, die like the rest.
Class Name: Dervish
Class Type: Heavy ArmourWeapons of choice:
Scythe (2H) (they were in GW1 they will return)
Staff (2H)
Scepter (M/O)
Sword (M/O)
Axe (M/O)
Shield (O)
Warhorn(O)General gist/ miscellaneous:
They will run similar to a thief weapon skills which allows massive diversity within the weapon skills. Similar to GW1 they will have the abilities to transform (mind you keep the greatest ones for the elite) Since they are servants of the gods including Balthazar they are allowed to wear Heavy Armour. They well have magic as well. the Weapon skills will be very diverse so multiple builds can be created and Dervish builds will become very vertile. This will be a new heavy armour/caster. As well anyone who has seen Dervishes in GW1 knows that they are dark looking espically if you give them a scythe and make their armour black lol. Also known for their stylish hoods.
but if you want the gw 1 you need dervish with medium armor ( gw1 was medium)
+ a desert wanderer with heavy armor?
that gets way to hot
Class Name : BARD
Role : It would be another Support type class such as the Guardian. Supporting it’s allies with various battle buffs through their song. They can also DPS of course. Maybe give various debuffs to their enemies through their attacks.
Armor : Medium Armor.
yes yes please
Class Name: Dervish
Class Type: Heavy ArmourWeapons of choice:
Scythe (2H) (they were in GW1 they will return)
Staff (2H)
Scepter (M/O)
Sword (M/O)
Axe (M/O)
Shield (O)
Warhorn(O)General gist/ miscellaneous:
They will run similar to a thief weapon skills which allows massive diversity within the weapon skills. Similar to GW1 they will have the abilities to transform (mind you keep the greatest ones for the elite) Since they are servants of the gods including Balthazar they are allowed to wear Heavy Armour. They well have magic as well. the Weapon skills will be very diverse so multiple builds can be created and Dervish builds will become very vertile. This will be a new heavy armour/caster. As well anyone who has seen Dervishes in GW1 knows that they are dark looking espically if you give them a scythe and make their armour black lol. Also known for their stylish hoods.but if you want the gw 1 you need dervish with medium armor ( gw1 was medium)
+ a desert wanderer with heavy armor?
that gets way to hot
He decided to get an upgrade from GW1 :p
[GWAM] and [LUST]
Mess with the best, die like the rest.
Class Name : BARD
Role : It would be another Support type class such as the Guardian. Supporting it’s allies with various battle buffs through their song. They can also DPS of course. Maybe give various debuffs to their enemies through their attacks.
Armor : Medium Armor.
I Want O.O
The bard sound on gw2 heheh so fun i want Minstrel http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aEY0b1y0dlk
(edited by Altariel.4610)
Bow effin mage.
Class name: Bowmage
Role: Ranged bow/caster dps with support/cond builds aswell.
Armor: Medium or light
weapons: Longbow/shortbow/crossbow
Also idk if anyone has noticed there’s 3 classes for light armor and medium armor but only 2 for heavy >.>
(edited by Mosharn.8357)
Got a few ideas cooking, will put them up later. In the meantime though, what about racial classes (didn’t see anyone suggest it so far)? Such as, if you’re playing a human, you get access to a class no other race can select; then have one for each race. Humans could get Paragon, Norns could get Berserker, etc etc.
More than anything else, I want a 3rd Heavy Armor class. Warrior is so versatile conceptually that I’m having a hard time coming up with a clear mental picture, though. Generally an aggressive magic-assisted counterpart to a Guardian’s focus on defense seems most likely.
Ideally we would get two more Heavy classes, one each of Medium and Light, and one more Race, so I could have a male and female of each race and all different classes. I don’t have any really clear ideas for those classes though, aside from wanting some kind of unarmed fighter.
How about get rid of the bugs from the existing classes? That’s what I would do before introducing new classes.
Wow, Mrs. Debbie Downer I believe you’re in the wrong thread.
Back on topic… a new profession I’d like to see would be something similar to the GW1 Dervish. Using buffs to do damage. Like a double edged sword. Attacking would remove buffs from you but would, in turn, have cool effects on your target. The only gripe I had with them were the weapons. Couldn’t get past them only being able to use scythes.
Class Name: Pilot
Class Type: Scholar
Weapons of choice: Pistol, rifle, mace, hammer, dagger
General gist/ miscellaneous:
Since the formation of the pact against the elder dragons, the five major races of Tyria have become increasingly willing and able to share technology and magic, and the results of these collaborations have bred a new class of battlefield weapon: The War Machine. While its specific design may differ from place to place, what is clear is that these weapons require especially skilled operators. The Pilot is such an operator, trained to pilot and maintain any any all of such weapons encountered in the field for the good of the people of Tyria. Unlike other professions, all Pilots experience a replacement low-level story arc which begins with an experimental race-specific War Machine design, and their training in its operation. As they move in to other zones, pilots may acquire additional War Machines in the same manner as Ranger pets by acquiring these weapons from supplies, operators, and other sources from around the world.
War Machines
Pilots are specially trained by their races to operate technological, biological, or magical large mounted units, collectively known as “War Machines” War machines may only be piloted by their assigned pilot, and may not be healed or buffed by normal sources.
Pilots may freely enter or exit their war machines, and, like a ranger may equip two at a time. While mounted, these war machines fill roles similar to those found in the soldier professions, providing groupwide buffs, heavy sustainability, or heavy damage depending upon which war machine is selected.
However, as these war machines can not be buffed, healed, or otherwise augmented through normal means, pilots must exit their war machines to repair or augment them. An unmounted war machine is, incapable of independant action of movement, but the Pilot’s class mechanic may be used to command the War machine to use a limited set of abilities. Additionally, while mounted the pilot’s weapon skills are replaced with those of the War Machine.
Generally, unmounted pilot skills are heavy on CC but light on damage and hard defense, while mounted pilot skills are heavy on damage and direct defense. A good pilot learns when the most advantageous times are to pilot, when to hop out, and how to use the duality of his profession to defeat enemies.
War machines require heavy upkeep, and the Pilot’s primary class mechanic is the Power gauge. When dismounted, many pilot weapon skills increase this gauge when used, in addition to their other effects. While mounted, all War Machine weapon skills incur a cost in power.
While mounted, the pilot gains access to three “overcharge” abilities, which allow the pilot to spend a large portion of power for a powerful effect. These three overcharge abilities differ per War Machine.
Pilot utility skills marked as “maneuvers” have two distinct effects, one effect while the pilot is mounted, and one while the pilot is unmounted. These skills share a skill slot and cooldown, and often have contrary effects in either state. For example “Escape” while mounted may unmount the pilot while providing a persistant AoE blinding pulse, while using the same maneuver while dismounted will break stuns and instantly mount the pilot’s war machine from a distance.
Repairs and Enhancements
When dismounted, the pilot’s f1 ability is always “mount”, and while mounted, it is always “dismount” However, just as a pilot can “overcharge” while mounted, the pilot uses his F2-F4 keys to execute a number of repair any enhancement skills while dismounted. These skills have no cooldowns, but they are all channeled effects. Some are tiered channels, increasing the power of a given buff the longer the channel is maintained, and some are flat channels, such as the F2 “repair” ability, which simply restores the currently deployed War machine’s HP over time.
Pilots may trait in to a number of interesting effects, including persistent effects from mounted or unmounted war machines, passing War machine enhancements to other allies, and increasing the effectiveness and utility of mounted or unmounted weapon skills and class abilities.
Example War Machines
While the term “War Machine” may imply mechanical origins, it may be a misleading moniker, as many entities can serve the function:
Engineered tanks and siege equipment (Charr Tanks, Dredge mining equipment)
Large animals in heavy armor (Siege devourers, Armored Dolyaks)
Constructs (Sylvari “treefolk” constructs like mosshearts, Undead or Steamwork constructs, Asuran Golems)
Writer/Director – Quaggan Quest
(edited by PopeUrban.2578)
I’ve been thinking about a shapeshifting class but I don’t feel it would fit well in the world of Tyria since Norn can already shapeshift. I wanted to create something that would have a lot of versatility in the way you play. Something that an average player could pick up and do well with and something that could be taken far by an exceptional player. I wanted it to be somewhat like the “Chronomancer” that was originally going to be in GW1 but with heavy armor.
All of the percentages are just there as an example. Some stuff would probably have to be change for balancing problems.
Class Name: Chrono Knight (can’t think of anything right now.)
Armor Type: Heavy
Weapons: Greatsword
Axe (MH & OH)
Shield (MH or OH, not both)….why not main hand??
Scepter (MH)
Class ability (F1-F3): There will be 2 sets of these abilities. Each will have 3 choices available which will have a passive affect on your weapon skills. The ones on the left will be Time Control and the ones on the right will be passive attack effects.
I can’t decide whether or not this class should have weapon swap or not because of the way the F1-F3 work. To switch between your two categories of F1-F3 abilities you would either use weapon swap or F4. This will be dependent on whether or not this character needs weapon swap or not. It might be too confusing if there is.
Time Control “stances”: These control the speed of combat. Some like slow paced combat, some like fast paced. Some will be able to use both by using certain abilities with slow time for harder hits/effects, then speed up time to get those abilities off CD. This would be a difficult class to master but could be very rewarding if played well.
F1- Normal Time- Your abilities will have the normal recharge rate and damage/effect. Nothing special but it fits with controlling time.
F2- Faster Time- Your abilities recharge 30% faster but do 20% less damage/effect but you will attack 10% faster. This will be faster paced combat/support, with more abilities that hit for less damage/effect but you can get more abilities off in a shorter amount of time.
F3- Slow Time- Your abilities recharge 20% slower but do 30% more damage/effect but your abilities now have a .5 second cast time. Slow, bursty combat/support. Your abilities can’t be used as often but they will do more damage, heal for more and have higher hitting conditions.
Ability Passives:
F1- Damage – This will be what you use when you want to deal raw damage only.
F2- Conditions – This will reduce the damage of your abilities by 20% but each ability will now add a condition. Your 1st ability will always add bleeds, the others will be dependent on the weapon you have equipped.
F3- Support – This will reduce your damage by 20% but will add boons and support to your abilities. Regen, protection, healing, dazes, knockbacks, etc. The effect will depend on the weapon being used. If you aim towards an ally, abilities could shoot waves of boons their way. It could also give boons to allies near, passive healing, stuff like that.
Utility skills would obviously have to do with controlling time and your enemies. Slowing enemies, spooling attacks to hit at once, stuff like that. You could pull enemies through black hole like portals and bring them with you away from their team. Lots of cool things can be done with time.
Sorry for typos, I was trying to type this fast.
(edited by Mattguy.7420)
Ritualist and Dervish Hybrid (click for more details)
Class Type: Adventurer
General gist/ miscellaneous:
The Wayfarer’s profession mechanic is the Urn of Remnants. The Urn of Remnants is an equipable weapon that can be crafted by artificers and slotted with special upgrade items called a Hero’s Remnant. The Wayfarer finds remanants of unique heroes across the land of Tyria, particularly in special lore locations such as statues to fallen heroes and grave sites. The Remnant within the Urn can be swapped out from the inventory screen, but not while in combat.
When an Urn with a slotted Remnant is equipped, the Weapon Swap button becomes the “Enshrine” button. When the Wayfarer activates the “Enshrine” skill, they form a small shrine on the ground to the hero whose remnant they carry. At the completion of this ritual a shrine object is created and the spirit of the Hero is summoned into battle.
When a Shrine is not set (on timer?), the Wayfarer keeps the remnant of a cherished hero close to them. This is called a Union, and provides the Wayfarer four unique skills in the f1-f4 slots based on the Hero. When the Hero is enshrined and summoned, these skills are no longer available, and the Enshrine button is used to deconstruct the shrine and unsummon the Spirit.
When the Wayfarer is not striking foes from afar with rift energies from the Staff and Scepter (see below), they can equip sharp farmer’s tools to reap pain and vengeance on the plagues of the land. In melee combat the Wayfarer sweeps their scythe back and forth across the bodies of their foes, and speeds up this deadly dance by gaining bursts of quickness for ending boons.
The Wayfarer’s utility skills include powerful “Flash” skills (like signets), which instantly consume boons to gain short spikes of quickness. Each Flash skill passively grants a boon every few seconds and the boon is removed to gain 2s quickness.
“Whirls” make the Wayfarer turn their surrounds into whirling storms of chaos and magic, bringing harm to nearby foes and aiding allies. These follow the Wayfarer wherever they move.
Finally, the Wayfarer brings vengeance up from the land itself. “Bindings” cause spirits and energy to seep up from the ground, allowing the Wayfarer to change the battlefield.
Weapon Rites: Brutal Rite, Wailing Rite, Vengeful Rite, Nightmarish Rite, Spirit Light Rite, Ghostly Rite, Empowering Rite, Furious Rite.
Flash skills: Harrier, Cloak, Thorns, Conviction.
Whirls: Mystic Twister, Winds of Disenchantment, Mystic Sandstorm, Cloaking Winds.
Bindings: Dissonance, Shadowsong, Anguish, Preservation, Restoration.
Weapons of choice: (uses existing weapons as Scythe and Sickles, unless these got implemented)
- Urn of Remnants
- Greatsword (faux-Scythe): A Greatsword in the hands of a Wayfarer is a deadly scythe used for mowing down wheat and foes alike. With a scythe the Wayfarer attacks in a full sweep from left to right and back again. The Wayfarer can maintain painful doses of bleeding on foes surrounding them, and cripple those that want to get away. The Wayfarer’s strikes with the scythe become more powerful as enemies weaken.
- Staff: A staff provides the Wayfarer a way to channel pure spiritual energy at foes. The Wayfarer strikes the foe with projeciles of lightning and blasts of ethereal energy. Some traits duplicate some staff skills by either the Hero Spirit or the Shrine, or both.
- Axe (faux-Sickle): An Axe in the hands of a Wayfarer is a deadly sickle for plucking fruit and rending enemies. With a sickle the Wayfarer is capable of striking and parrying in a successive series, cutting wide gashes in an arc smaller than the Scythe. A rapid flurry in front of them causes weakness and vulnerability. The sickle can also do more damage the more boons the Wayfarer has.
- Scepter: A Scepter provides a conduit of spiritual energy for a long range single attack, an unblockable burning of the spirit, and the drawing of health from the Wayfarer or Hero Spirit to heal self and allies.
- Sword (faux-Sickle): As a sickle this weapon can root a foe to the ground until the player moves, or removes conditions from the foe to deal damage.
- Focus: The focus is capable of summoning a companion of the Ancestral Ghost for melee or ranged damage, and create rift of spiritual agony across the ground.
- Torch: A torch can be used to remove a condition from nearby allies and deal damage to foes, or summon a Spirit of the Land to provide healing around it.
- Trident: A ranged weapon suitable for thinning the barriers between water and the mists.
- Spear (faux-Scythe): A halberd-like melee weapon for doing sweeping attacks, reaping conditions for extra damage.
(edited by FacesOfMu.3561)
Class Name: Muse
Class Type: basically a hybrid of mesmer/bard/chanter
Weapons of choice: Staff/scepter/maybe a spear inspired weapon/harp type bow
General gist/ miscellaneous: not too much detail but attacks would be song/chant/sound based.
*Sonic wave/blast
*stun/daze/debuff song
*Song attack that brings nearby beast npcs into battle as a pseudo pet
*chants to heal/buff self and party
- Could add a utility like the necro has and it turns the muse into a screaming banshee.
Just some basic top of mind thoughts.
(edited by circusfreak.2403)
Class Name: Jester
Class Type: Medium/Light
Weapons of choice daggers/1H crossbow/darts/axe/this might be a good class for a whip.
General Gist: clown prince of battle and deception. Cowardly tactics.
Not sure of any specific attacks. Perhaps a toolkit system like engineer. Attacks like explosions that knockdown enemies and grant invisibility or invulnerability. poison dart ranged attacks or a 1H crossbow. Alot of trap skills. Maybe on AoE present that explodes like the engineer barrel releasing a hord of small jesters.
New Soldier. Shadow Knight.
Can shape shift into Risen and demons.
Has melee and magic ranged attacks.
Can turn downed and defeated ally into minions.
can heal wounds of ally and self with each melee attack.
Mindcontrol Elite.
Heavy Armor.
Axe (both hands)
Mace (both hands)
Scepter (Both)
I thought this thread had died a while back and wow, was I wrong. I apologize for not looking through this earlier, I’ll go re-evaluate this now.
Then again, the forums don’t give you a notification when something’s been posted on it so there’s that excuse.
loved everything
Karate monk. Maybe with options for gloves and staves. I would say kungkitten but it’s apparently a dirty word.
Here are some I’d like to see:
Shapeshifter (can switch between different forms like Elementalists can shift between atunements or Engineers between kits)
Druid/Shaman/Witch doctor
Berserker/Savage/Barbarian (medium armor offensive fighter)
Monk/Martial artist (light armor defensive fighter)
I would like to see a Chronomancer like they had decided against in Guild Wars1. A caster who controls time? That’s my type of profession!
+ ten bajillion.
I wanted a chronomancer ever since i read about it during GW1. I was literally crushed when they revealed all the professions and didn’t have it. Why? It’s such a rarely used and awesome concept.
I would like to see a Chronomancer like they had decided against in Guild Wars1. A caster who controls time? That’s my type of profession!
+ ten bajillion.
I wanted a chronomancer ever since i read about it during GW1. I was literally crushed when they revealed all the professions and didn’t have it. Why? It’s such a rarely used and awesome concept.
Oh sweet Wakfu Xelor
Made from clockwork, even spawns a giant 12-dial clock on the battle field to zip around on and wreak havoc.
Class Name: Demonic Overlord (Subject to Dispute)
Weapons: Sword, Shield(OH), Dagger(OH), Focus(OH), Staff, Hammer (Dual Wielding Enabled)
Armor: Heavy
Class Dynamics: This class can morph in appearance between its Demon Form and Regular form. Each form has its own unique abilities of darkness depending on form and weapon. There would be an Option to be Melee or Ranged with spell casting type attacks. There would be Benefits for being in either form and maybe speccing would favor one form or the other
I think a lot of what could be perceived as a new profession treads too close to other, existing professions, and could be instead implemented as new weapon style. I’m by no means opposed to new professions, but the current roster will likely be a big factor in how they’re implemented.
The Dark Knight archetype could instead be implemented through a new Necromancer Sword or GS; the Duelist archetype is already present with an arcane twist in Mesmer; the Druid archetype could fit with Staff Rangers, and that’s halfway there as it is. While I feel a Bard profession would fit in well here, it might even be too close to banner/shout/warhorn Warriors. There are workarounds; xiv’s Chanter would bring the music while having a separate identity, for instance.
I think the Golemancer idea that’s been tossed around here a bit is one of the best ones. As said before, it’s in the lore, and it would have a unique mechanic that could be utilized in interesting ways. FFXI’s Puppetmaster class, for example, had a personal, adorable automaton that you named, upgraded and customized to different roles. This customization went so far as to completely change its appearance for the more sweeping changes of physical vs. magic or ranged, or even a balanced build. It would be neat to see something similar implemented, be it through a pet management menu like Rangers, or through utility skills, as per Conncept’s suggestion.
I’m not entirely sure the game needs a third Soldier profession, as it currently stands. While I’m sure this is not the case in PvP, in PvE the high population of Warriors and Guardians seems to offset the lack of a third Soldier, making heavy armor just as common a sight as light and medium armor. That might change if one were to add, say, a fourth Light profession in Golemancer and a fourth Medium profession in Bard/Minstrel/Chanter/Troubadour/etc. I have yet to personally see or create a suggestion for a heavily armored archetype that would not, in my opinion, step on the toes of any current professions.
tl;dr: Golemancer’s a great idea, Bard’s a good idea but tricky to implement properly, new archetypes are possible with new weapons instead of new professions, there’s a lot of heavy armor out there already, and I have no new ideas of my own to bring so I comment on other people’s ideas.
I would love a profession that could dual-wield 2 focuses. Would look epic.
I’d love a heavy armor adventuring class (agile heavy), light armored tank class and medium armored caster but I don’t think that’s going to happen.
To answer the actual question: some kind of class that has to balance between their offence and defence, being able to sacrifice one in favour of the other. The class mechanic would be centred on this ability to completely reverse their bonuses/boons or what have you. Sacrifice Soldier/Sorcerer or something.
The light armored tank could be some kind of Warder archetype, focused entirely on CC (basically take the few skills that the Guardian has that forces enemies to stay inside a bubble and expand on them into a full class). Keeping enemies out, or keeping them close etc.
(edited by salaman.7913)
Hey all,
Just a couple of ideas I think I saw mention of a few of these in the posts and I’ve not thought too much about these
in an expansion there could be some vampire/warewolf thing going on
Obviously I think it’d be best that warewolfs are not necessarily tanky and its up to the character to play the vamp/wolf as tanky/squish as they want but their dps will suffer,
I don’t want the vampire to be similar to the necro so.. I think the first thing they could do towards removing similarities would be to make their ability art quite red (being bloodsuckers and that haha) and close range so they use daggers and stuff. They could have neat abilities like dropping into a pool of blood to avoid damage for a couple of seconds (league anyone?)
and I’ve not thought about the warewolf but some battle calls increasing health regen or swiftness/might that kinda stuff would be fun —-> also epic emotes like roar where they scare the living kitten out of everything
a dwarf class? not thought about it but.. I love my dwarves
a monk.. a druid .. shaman (lets not get too wow orientated but those classes could be tampered with to suit guildwars)
instead of having aoe cc’s there could be more use of strategic wall placing .. so for instance instead of a stun just place down a wide kitten wall or something, wouldn’t be too overpowerd I think it depends on how the player uses it and the players skill ^^
anyways .. if you guys can add any ideas abilities passives uniqe stuff weapon types feel free to add
also great ideas everyone! hope they release a class or something soon!
instead of new class, i would prefere something like a second tier class. eg:
ranger: beastmaster or archer
warrior: berserker or lanzer
guardian: paladin or dark knight
mesmer: illusionist or mentalist
necromance: lich lord or summoner
elementarist: theurg or runecaster
engineer: constructor or rifleman
thief: assassin or raider
level cap will be increased to 90 and you get an additional trait line with a passive skill and one active to choose from a list of, lets say 5 traits. the 10 additional trait points you earn can only be applied to you new traitline. the individualism comes from the 5 traits you can choose from. you dont gain any additional stat points from increasing your level, the only way to become a second tier classman is with a new quest line.
every class brings 2 new utility skills and 1 new weapon with unique skills( eg. spear for the lancer class )
Stomp some Piken!
I just want the Ritualist in GW2. That’s the only new class I want really.
armour type: Lightight
name: Glycomancer
weapons: Staff
abilities: -summon candy corn minions (minor, lesser (utilities) and greater (elite)
– construct candy cane ballista (elite)
-Puke (cone spell; causes poison, chilled, blind)
-Sugar rush (power, haste, swiftness)
-candy blast (like arcane wave, but has a candy animation)
-candy wall
-Sugar crash (cripple, vulnerable, weakness)
-pie (projectile – stun and confuse foe)
class mainly for comedy :P
Kiel Replacement Movement
Hey all,
Just a couple of ideas I think I saw mention of a few of these in the posts and I’ve not thought too much about these
in an expansion there could be some vampire/warewolf thing going on
Obviously I think it’d be best that warewolfs are not necessarily tanky and its up to the character to play the vamp/wolf as tanky/squish as they want but their dps will suffer,
I don’t want the vampire to be similar to the necro so.. I think the first thing they could do towards removing similarities would be to make their ability art quite red (being bloodsuckers and that haha) and close range so they use daggers and stuff. They could have neat abilities like dropping into a pool of blood to avoid damage for a couple of seconds (league anyone?)
and I’ve not thought about the warewolf but some battle calls increasing health regen or swiftness/might that kinda stuff would be fun —-> also epic emotes like roar where they scare the living kitten out of everythinga dwarf class? not thought about it but.. I love my dwarves
a monk.. a druid .. shaman (lets not get too wow orientated but those classes could be tampered with to suit guildwars)
instead of having aoe cc’s there could be more use of strategic wall placing .. so for instance instead of a stun just place down a wide kitten wall or something, wouldn’t be too overpowerd I think it depends on how the player uses it and the players skill ^^anyways .. if you guys can add any ideas abilities passives uniqe stuff weapon types feel free to add
also great ideas everyone! hope they release a class or something soon!
no idea about werewolves but vampires were a little creature living in caves in gw1 so i doubt we’d find the stereotypical turn to DUST in the sun in gw2
I just want the Ritualist in GW2. That’s the only new class I want really.
ritualist merged with monk and paragon to make guardian
Kiel Replacement Movement
Dervish was my fav class across all games. So unique. The reasoning of why it was scrapped is beyond my comprehension.