What new emote would you like to be added?
/dance2 (new dance)
Well, flip is good. /faint
Only one emote I want:
(or maybe I should say I want it back?)
i need-
/kick zorromos
/Facepalm (plant your face in the palm of your hand and nod the head back and forth as if to be thinking “no. no. no.”)
/Gibbs (slap the nearest character in the back of the head. with slap sound. Not available without another character within reach)
From my old COH days,
I want to see how my spider pet dances!
i want some air instruments .
Cause I don’t like my norn dance as much as the others.
and some others that spawn some kind of glowing ghost instrument and when you /* they’ll play something nice together.
/campfire you sit down on a log and a campfire is spawned and you start roasting marshmellows and drinking ale.
Sitting in chairs.
/hands on hips
/nod (Kinda in game but the emote says “Character agrees.” just a nod would be perfect)
/giggle (Laugh is in, but a quieter giggle maybe covering their mouth.)
/toast or /drink (Pulls out a cup and takes a drink.)
/crouch (Maybe they just take a knee, since /kneel is a bit submissive looking with the head down and on both knees.)
And lastly stances from a chest out heroic pose. To a slouched relaxed one. Just something to give a little extra character to our characters.
(edited by Banono.4597)