What're your favorite hairstyles?

What're your favorite hairstyles?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PyroKenny.1427


I was looking through the sylvari hairstyles in the makeover kit, and I just LOVE all of the creativity that goes into them! I don’t know, I guess if you replicated the human male hairs (my least favorite) onto a sylvari, i’d love it, because I LOVE SEEING LEAVES AND PETALS TURN INTO HAIR!!! I suppose my second favorite would be norn or human female. Third could possible asura. I’ve noticed that a lot of people would prefer bald asura, but I could study 4 years of cosmetology and would never be able to pull off bald asura… or maybe I should experiment with hats…

What're your favorite hairstyles?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zeefa.3915


I am one of those with a bald asura… because I honestly did not like any of the hairstyles at all. There are some I might like in exclusive to the kits… maybe… but at this point I like my asura to stay as she is. She wears her helmet all the time anyway.

Also had a difficult time with my charr, as I again did not like most of the styles… most of the styles even from the kits just look kinda off to me. But it is better than for asura anyway.

For norn, human and sylvari I am able to find multiple styles I like though. Sylvari may be my overall favorite in this regard as with almost everything else in their design. While it can obviously be said for any of the races I feel it goes even more so for sylvari that they are art. The details, the structures, the symmetri and lack of such, the colors the glow, it all just speaks to my creativity.

Life doesn’t stop being funny just because the dead can’t laugh.

What're your favorite hairstyles?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Huggywuggles.2814


Personally, as someone who’s playing an Asura main, I prefer the green Mohawk look simply because it reminds me of my old WoW main’s “SGF” (Sexy Green Fauxhawk) which is, incidentally, a hairstyle I’d LOVE to see in game-the fauxhawk.

I am a Juicebox Hero. I poke straws in Risen Eyes.

What're your favorite hairstyles?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mulzi.8273


For the female asura, I really like the exclusive double ponytails from the hair style kit. Dunno why, but it seems to fit when making a decent looking asura.

What're your favorite hairstyles?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: EsarioTwo.9251


Mushroom Sylvari. That flavor though.