There have been a lot of returnees recently and it is often up to me to deliver the straight answers they need over what has changed. As yourself, if you were a returning player, would this present an optimistic outlook for someone trying to get back into GW2?
- There is new content in the form of Living Story part 2. If you have not unlocked any of it, it will cost you 1400gems to get up to speed. The Living Story episodes take less than 6 hours to complete the lot, if you are half-competent.
- Outfits were added meaning that instead of buying one item for the stats you want, and another for the appearance, you only need to buy the stat one and add the appearance in your wardrobe. Great addition.
- You now get pretty darned good loot from Personal Story, and you may not have to buy any new gear till you hit level 80. Items dropped are now more likely to fit your character class, and you can cover up how odd and ugly your mish-mash gear looks with gem store outfits. Don’t waste transmute charges until you want your end-game look.
- There is one new dungeon path. No new Personal Story, and they rearranged the current one so it doesn’t make sense anymore.
- Traits are messed up. You now unlock the tiers as normal but have to perform tasks to obtain actual traits. This costs 360SP + 43G, or you are forced into group and WvW content. Either way, you grind.
- Town clothes are now worthless. Everything you spent money on in this direction is wasted.
- SAB is gone and is not returning in the near future. This has been edited as new information has arisen. See below
- EOTM was added and its a quick way to level BUT… you won’t get any of the skill points and few of the traits you need for when you hit level 80, so you will have all the gear, but no idea, when it comes to your endgame build.
- WvW has not changed much. They added some new ranks and skills, and buffs that give small bonuses to servers that are behind on points as well as some changes to maps. They tried a league system. I don’t play WvW so I can’t say whether this was good or not. (thanks to Ashen for his input here)
- SPvP has not received many updates, a couple of maps maybe.
- If you make a new character, expect to level to 15 quicker than before, but be locked from certain abilities and F-skills until level 22.
- There are 2 new maps for PvE, Dry Top and Silverwastes, which are pretty darned cool.
- Ascended gear was added which gives better stats than Exotic PLUS some gizmo for Fractals that I just can’t get my head around. Oh and you have to grind crafting to get most of it.
- Stepped progression in levelling means you will almost always be weaker than your actual character level. reworded to alter context
Nothing there is factually incorrect. If you were a returning player, would this make you want to try GW2 again?
Ah yes! You reminded me!
- Craftable precursors never came and there is no realistic hope for them on the way since we don’t get much communication these days.
- Housing or guild housing never happened.
- But they DID make guilds multi server!
SAB (thanks Vayne!)
Gaile Gray said:
According to Colin Johanson, Guild Wars 2 Game Director, Super Adventure Box will be back in the future. We don’t have a timeframe for the return of the SAB, but we will be bringing back this popular content.
I know you would like more details, more info, a date, etc., but that’s not available right now. I hope the above comment reassures you, though, because at the core, the important answer is that yes, SAB will be back in the future.
(edited by GuzziHero.2467)