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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vindred.1352


Hey there. I’d like to take a moment to point out some things, so bear with me and we’ll all survive this.

Alright, first:
Kudos to ANet for being awesome on the FREE expansions. Seriously, that’s some customer service if I’ve ever seen it. I can’t complain too much about these. However…
These new pseudo “expansions” are seriously lacking in content comparative to actual add-ons. Again, it’s free so not bad but it’d be nice to see some new classes and new skills to go along with all the new ground to cover. cough cough Dervish cough cough

Anet really needs to re re revamp the leveling. I get on only occasionally now because solo leveling is comparable to a drill in the eye once you’ve leveled a couple chars. The grouping system isn’t quite there yet in terms of general usability (such is to be expected of a newer system). I won’t pretend to know how to fix it, but it does need to be given thought.

Ah, player v. player, the pinnacle of GW2 gameplay and probably one of the most refined competitive modes in the mmo genre as of now. Never big on it myself, but I can at least respect it’s splendor. That said, this is supposed to be a dynamic story driven game, not a murder simulator. These updates as of late have always delivered on the lore portion, but as far as actual gameplay goes they are focusing their endgame content with the assumption that all players will PvP at some point. It’s given GW2 a HUGE edge with the arena lovers but has crippled it in alot of other ways. Crafting, dungeons, classes; as I mentioned above, there are a lot of points that should be given a second thought.

What’s my story? Why do I bring these things up? Am I mad, bro?
Kind of, yea. Like many others I was on the GW2 band wagon since announcement. I am proud to have played it as long as I did and I still occasionally log on to see what’s new. But with fierce competition like ESO and Wildstar on the horizon, ANet is going to get trampled if they don’t strengthen the core of this game (Which has been almost completely combat oriented until now). Linearity and restriction made GW1 a “one-or-two-play-through” game and I don’t want GW2 to see such an unimpressive fate. I love GW2, I just can’t commit to it like I did with other epic MMO’s. At this point I’m practically begging ANet to make it more immerse so that I can get sucked in once more.

Go ahead and reflect. I’d love to hear more opinions, be they contrary or compliment.

Where’s my Dervish, ANet?!

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


How much would you like to bet that Anet won’t be trampled? People said the same thing about Guild Wars 1 and it never happened.

First of all, this game is focused on PvE not PvP. It’s not even CLOSE to being focused on PvP. Anyone who says so isn’t paying that much attention.

More importantly, ESO is going to be very popular on the consoles, which it’s coming out for. The audience for consoles and computer games is pretty different and generally speaking, most console games that come out aren’t that great on computer. Now Skyrim got by because Skyrim had six zillion mods on the computer, most of which you won’t be able to have in an MMO.

ESO will make a lot of money but it’s not going to hold most players. It’ll have the same problems every MMO has. Too competitive for the casuals, not hard enough for the hard core and not enough content for the content locusts.

No one said Anet needs an expansion to release a new class or race, btw, they can still do it through the living story. It doesn’t mean they will.

However, releasing new classes in Guild Wars 1 caused no end to troubles.

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Esplen.3940


I highly doubt that GW2 will die when ESO and Wildstar get released. Even if Anet were to do nothing from new in terms of updates to the game (and just did LS) until then, the game will live on.

Your points in this thread have nothing to do with anything. It’s mostly just rambling.

Your first point
You say it’s great that they’re doing free content, but you want more free content, and not just any content, but content that you want. Great. Why not ask for Anet to also give us drinks. But not just any drinks, we should all get the drinks that we enjoy.

Your second point
The leveling is so casual it hurts. You might not like the lower levels, but it’s the same in any game. If you can’t bear through the lower levels, then craft your way through them, or just swap in at dungeons for exp rewards. There are so many options that this isn’t even a complaint. It’s just people (or you, in this case) being adamant.

Your third point
There is no point here. You start off by saying that PvP is great, but then you tangent off to say that there needs to be dynamic stories (cough Living Story, anyone? cough) instead of a Murder simulator.

Wait, so you want dynamic lore in sPvP?

Continuing on, you then go off to say that every update is doing lore, but push people into PvP. In what ways are players getting pushed into PvP? Please, do tell me, because I am not getting pushed into the Heart of the Mists anytime I login.

You then state that things need more looking at. You can say the same thing for anything in existence. There is always room for improvement, making this point null on so many levels.

Why am I bashing you so hard?

You just rambled about nothing and stated that pretty much everything needs to be improved, but don’t worry, because everything is great. it’s just that everything sucks so everything needs to get better. Okay, bye.

^ Gist of your entire OP.

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dardevilmon.6702


I still dont see why ppl want expasnsions over living story you would probably get all the same content but you would get it once in like 6 months compelte it in 3 weeks and then you got 5 months of same stuff all over again :/

Living story gives us a conent to play every 2 weeks and the biggest reason ppl are complanin(IMO) is becose it comes out so soon that it doesnt have as much of an impact as an exspansion that totaly overwhelms players unlike livivng story where you get bit by bit(this is all my opinion correct me if i am totaly wrong)

And end games is totaly not focus in PvP becose tbh gw2 doesnt have the kind end game most other mmos do but i will say that the skill and class balancing is centerd araund PvP which sometimes kittens some skills in PvE.

And like it has been said milion times gw2 is mostly game for casuals (i do want some harder content :P)and in this respect livivng story is much better then expasnion becose ppl can log in ever day for like 1-2 hours and easly finish all the living story in 2 weeks which i think most ppl find great :P

PS:sorry abaut the spelling i kidna suck at it xD

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BiJay.9830


Anet really needs to re re revamp the leveling. I get on only occasionally now because solo leveling is comparable to a drill in the eye once you’ve leveled a couple chars.

Eh? There’s too much stuff you can do on your level. Whatever you do you get experience. Leveling up also doesn’t accomplish very much – you will only unlock a few new zones while you still have enough to do in the others and have to get new gear which is more appropriate for your level. You can get all the skills you need very early. I think GW2 is a RPG where the level matters the least.

These updates as of late have always delivered on the lore portion, but as far as actual gameplay goes they are focusing their endgame content with the assumption that all players will PvP at some point.

I don’t really know what you’re speaking of. Do you play a different GW2 than I do? The only PvP I see in the recent updates are new PvP maps and a few mini games which are PvP-ish but totally different to the normal PvP. The updates are more PvE in both lore and gameplay.

(edited by BiJay.9830)

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Naus the Gobbo.5172

Naus the Gobbo.5172

I have my doubts about the Living Story, but here is the difference between how ArenaNet deals with content updates and how other MMOs deal with content updates:

Guild Wars 2: Every 2 weeks I can log in to the game and have something new to do. It may not be a whole lot, but it is fresh content.

Other MMOs: Once a patch hits I get a lot of new content. But after perhaps three weeks, maybe even less than two, I have already experienced all that content.
Now I have to wait about 5 months before having anything new to do.

Perhaps you don’t like how ArenaNet has dealt with the Living Story so far, but they are just getting started.
And since you aren’t paying for the game I think it is reasonable for you to be a little patient.

What we do in life echoes in eternity
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6zkT2uZAGA – GW2 – A world of wonder

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vindred.1352


It’s good to hear feedback, especially from such hardened fans of the game. I do appreciate you all sticking by it. I myself often defend it in arguments with my friends. Thank you. Problem being, that all sounded more like simply trying to tear my post apart rather than showing genuine interest in game improvement. There has to be something out there that could make this game better in your opinions, otherwise that would imply this game is perfect. I fear I’ve just offended rather than gauge public opinion.

A few counterpoints to consider:
Living story is GREAT. Again, never had a problem with it. However I wouldn’t mind dropping $60 on a large pack that adds new classes/skills/etc. At it’s core this game could stand to be a bit more immersive.

Since I was never part of a huge guild and only played mostly for my ragtag group of chums, most of my leveling was done solo. As such, I did almost every lower level zone completion over and over again. Crafting helped slightly, but in the end it was always the same. Then once I got to 80 and 90% of the “endgame” required an hour of sitting outside a dungeon waiting to pair up with players incapable of performing and getting a group breakdown on the first boss. It really soured me on the late game content. It doesn’t do the story justice when it’s cramming the same section down our gullets, so to preserve the exceptional content involved, I was merely suggesting a revamp to leveling so that we aren’t dragged through that repeatedly. Perhaps making it easier since there’s a large player base now and apparently a good sum of endgame as you’ve said.

The PvP stuff… I may actually be wrong in being so critical. It’s just that in other mmo’s you say "I’m bored of dungeoneering, let’s go (fishing/exploring/mount riding/etc etc.) When I get bored it’s either farm or queue up. There’s probably less focus on PvP, but the lore can only get us so far as well. I just can’t spend 5 hours a day on this game getting completely sucked in like you can on others without hitting the arena or dungeon crawling (exception being farming, which oddly enough, I found to be incredibly fun)

As mentioned above, I was mostly solo. GW1 worked great with solo. GW2 not so much. While I don’t like the idea of centering a game completely around the ability to find other players, this is an MMO, so it’s kinda already in the name. No big deal. I can live with it. It would be easier if there were more comprehensive ways for the loners to occasionally find each other and group up though. Dungeon finders are a wonderful thing. Probably one of the only things Blizzard did right.

In conclusion, I apologize if there was any misunderstandings as to the message I was trying to put across. ANet watches their forums closely and listens to their loyal players. I’m glad people are still very satisfied with the game and it is my intent merely to discuss possible kittens in this giant’s armor, so to speak. There’s always room for improvement.

Where’s my Dervish, ANet?!

What's new?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vindred.1352


Kittens… I do believe that’s either a typo or the forums just censored me. Either way, hilarious.

Where’s my Dervish, ANet?!

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Draknar.5748


I don’t think I’ve played a game where leveling solo on my alt didn’t feel like a drill in my eye at some point. If anything, GW2 is the most enjoyable leveling experience I’ve ever had. They’ve given us so many ways to level I can keep it fresh! (at least on my first 4 characters).

I can’t think of any game where I’ve leveled 4 chars to max through different methods.

First character was OCD map completion leveling, where you hit max level before you get to a level 60 zone.

Second was WvW leveling, which went super fast compared to first character.

Third was leveled mostly through crafting with a little bit of WvW and random events/hearts as I saw fit and felt like helping guildies.

Fourth I duo’d with GF and I specifically hit zones that I felt I didn’t really focus on before. Zones that I honestly couldn’t think of one event that stood out in my mind. I’m sure we all have certain zones/continents that we merely ran through for exploration but never spent the time to experience the various events/metas. That’s what I focused on this time around.

Fifth character I’m not sure how I’m going to level him up.

In every other game I’ve played leveling up is exactly the same every single time. I like that in GW2 I can do it in so many different ways. You finish your main, then roll alt and you’re like “ugh, this quest again, I remember this one, I hated it”. Don’t have that problem in GW2.

I won’t stop because I can’t stop.

It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….