What's the current living world season?
Its Season “Heart of Thorns Beta”. The story thus far is that Season 2 ended, and now the drama of the Revanent and class revamps have pulled tyria into the gates of madness. To join all you need $50 to buy the expansion pack, and watch live streams as the Devs awkwardly be excited and exhausted at the same time, while the forums rage over theorycrafting and unanswered mysteries over the current state of the world.
And while everything I’ve said is meant as a joke….. they are all sadly true.
Nothing is going on right now. The next LS stuff will happen sometime after the expansion is launched. You can buy Season 2 from the gem store, but Season 1 isn’t replayable.
There’s no current one, but you can buy season 2 from TP and play it. It is like some kind of a prequel for upcoming HoT expansion, and in my opinion it’s worth buyin it…