What's the game like for a total MMO Noob?

What's the game like for a total MMO Noob?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nerdrosh.5397


I was even inspired to make a video on the subject: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ei9Vs2RU2c0 – Would be a great help if you checked it out!

I’ve never played an MMO. Well, that’s not strictly true – I did play Warcraft for half an hour, but I didn’t enjoy it. Something about being in a game where everyone knows what to do aside from you – it’s almost like your first day at big school. Anyway, I went for this one, and boy was I impressed.

I guess the thing I like more than anything is the idea that everyone helps everyone. When someone appears to be struggling in a battle against those pesky (Asura – Synergistics) Inquest, I just seem to feel compelled to help them, and it works vice versa. It’s almost as if the game has been designed in a way where the community can work together, no matter what experience level you’re at, and no matter how much you know about the game.

The interface isn’t too clunky, and the graphics are impressive. (FYI, in my own situation, there was a recent update that dramatically improved performance) I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t initially a bit overwhelmed by it all, and choosing a “safe” server probably wasn’t the best way to go. But after I got to around level 8 or so, I was actively encouraged to venture out to that dark corner of the map, where I encountered not just other enemies, but other people in the same position as me. As well as that, the conversation going on in the bottom left is almost like an invitation to earn experience… “I’m doing this quest in five minutes…” for example. “Anyone consider joining me?”

Now I’ll admit my Noob status is still there. For example, I haven’t touched PvP, (slightly embarrassed to admit I had to Google its’ meaning), and I still don’t really understand Guilds, or those pets that some people have with them – but that’s the beauty of it. For a relatively small outlay, I can play as little, or as much as I want, knowing there are probably hundreds of hours lying ahead of me.

It’s only when there isn’t a subscription do you realise the beauty of it. It almost obligates people to play, because knowing that time is ticking away, even when you’re not in the game world – you’ll play anyway. Not because you like it – but because you feel compelled. Then, if you do start to like it and your subscription runs out – pony up some more cash! This was a huge innovation, because this method is basically saying: “Here is our game. Give it a try. If you don’t like it. No biggy. You can move on.” That was tremendous.

Anyway, I feel I’m waffling now, so I’ll just say, that in closing, I’m hugely enjoying this game, and that lack of a subscription means I can play it in my own time, and at my own pace. Just brilliant. If you’re a noob like me, give it a try, and don’t take it at face value. I’ve only scratched the surface, and still I feel lost in a huge world. Crucially, take your time, and enjoy yourself.

Any other total noobs out there? How did you find it? Anyone got any tips or cool things to share? Let me know, I still know pretty much nothing!

What's the game like for a total MMO Noob?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheDaiBish.9735


Guilds are kind of like Clans in FPS games; groups of organised people. Usually, Guilds are either casual (meaning their more for social purposes) or aim in progressing in a specific area (PvE, WvW, PvP). Given that the next update will be introducing Guild Missions, you may want to consider joining one.

As for mini-pets, some people are collectors, and just like collecting them.

I would give some tips, but a big part of this game is exploring, and that also means finding things out for yourself Although if you find yourself doing a checklist mentality when it comes to map completion, turn off all of the icons using the eye in the bottom left of the world map.

Happy Hunting, and see you in game!

Life is a journey.
Time is a river.
The door is ajar.

What's the game like for a total MMO Noob?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Anjhouli.7049


First of all: Welcome! ^-^
I totally agree on many of your remarks, and I have played this game from headstart to now. I moved here with my guild from another mmo, and gw2 is in large parts what we were looking for. It encourages playing together in contrast to competition over something as silly as a gathering node.
Probably after a while you’ll see some flaws, but every single game has those, and in this case, the wonderful world, the lack of subscription, the great ingame community etc etc outweigh the flaws by far.
As far as i can see, you already found out the strategy to play this game: Take your time and enjoy. Speed-leveling just spoils the fun of exploration. I totally get doing that with your third/fourth toon, but with the first one… It’s a new large world to get to know.
When you want to do dungeons, I’d recommend joining a guild, or in a pug: tell them you are new to the dungeon. ^^ There’s probably someone in the group willing to explain.

What's the game like for a total MMO Noob?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hellkaiser.6025


It’s amazing for an mmo newbie (seriously stop saying noob it’s self derogatory)

You probably won’t remember it til the end of time as the greatest mmo in history, but at least it will be your first.

Irony…. xD

What's the game like for a total MMO Noob?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Danikat.8537


Based on this forum I think it’s actually better for people who haven’t played other MMOs.

I’m not a complete newbie, I played Ultima Online about 10 years ago and played GW1 but that’s not exactly your typical MMO. I didn’t come into this game expecting to keep doing the same things in the same way as I did in other games, I was expecting something completely different from anything I had done before, which seems to have made it easier to get used to the game.

I’m also not bothered at all by the relatively minimal vertical progression (or the progression that has been added) because I’m used to single-player RPGs where the focus is on playing through the storyline(s) and levelling up and getting new gear is just something that happens as you’re going along rather than the drive and focus of the game.

Danielle Aurorel, Dear Dragon We Got Your Cookies [Nom], Desolation (EU).

“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”

What's the game like for a total MMO Noob?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bartem.2731


Here’s a tip, the game is a lot more fun with others. Take the leap of faith and join a guild if you don’t have a close friend playing. You’ll see you’ll get a lot more out of the game. If the guild is too hardcore for you, switch to another one.
Another tip, be upfront when you start doing dungeons that you may not be the most experienced player out there. More people will help you out, you’ll learn a lot more. If a person or a group doesn’t like it, leave the group.
My girlfriend is a newbie not only to MMOs but to computer games. She’s hooked up on this game to the point she put 300 hours into it. It’s a great game.

What's the game like for a total MMO Noob?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vol.5241


If you are new to MMO’s, I suggest you go find a very casual guild that has very helpful members. They will provide you with a completely open and different experience than if you were to go solo.

If you don’t like guilds, considering joining public mumble/teamspeak channels for your server. My server, Yaks Bend, provides this, and on Fridays we have over +100 people in channel.

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What's the game like for a total MMO Noob?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nerdrosh.5397


Wow, this is all great stuff. Incidentally, had no idea “Noob” was derogatory – after a Wikipedia search (universally reknowned for nothing but facts, right), when it’s spelt “Newb” – that’s the kind way.

Anyway, I’m now set to join a Guild. Once again, thanks everyone! This forum is incredibly helpful.

Happy gaming!