[iQ] Intrinsic Quality
What's the most expensive thing you've found?
[iQ] Intrinsic Quality
Since launch? I think I’ve gotten some exotics worth 4-6 gold each.
besides 9 pres (7 from MF, 2 from mobs in dungeons) most expensive would be probably lord’s sword that i sold back then for something like 120g (dropped from champ chest if i recall correctly)
i didn’t count BL tickets because their value really depends on skin you buy and when you sell that skin
[Teef] guild :>
Some named exotic that was worth something like 18-20 gold at the time. Think its the scepter on my older necro now.
Never even sniffed a precursor.
Soraya Mayhew – Thief
Melissa Koris – Engie – SF for Life!
I never found anything worth more than 3gold at the time…
I will say this. About a year ago I had about 50 Hoelbrak Runes in my vault. At that time they were only like 20silver each. Ive since then gotten rid of all of them.
Now If I look at the TP… those things are worth more than 10Gold each…
I hate my life.