What's with this ''kitten'' abuse word usage?
You have to be kitten me, right ?
I assume you are joking but if not: Bad words filter to ’kitten" so the issue is that a lot of people cuss lol This means the forums are actually full of foul mouthed anti-carebears.
Its an automatic censorship for Bad words.
i think one of the web masters simply love cats
It doesn’t suck your life away and force you onto a grinding treadmill"
oh the sarcasm … it’s … it’s …
Well, honstly I can say I prefer seeing kitten over ******** everywhere.
I I never knew this. I’m going to have to try this out as I’m a manner’d bear and don’t swear on the forums. here lets see- kitten kitten kitten /p>
-Bwahahahaha, it worked! heh I understand now :P
I I never knew this. I’m going to have to try this out as I’m a manner’d bear and don’t swear on the forums. here lets see- kitten kitten
lol +1
You Motherkitten! guess you fooled me you kitten eating kitten lover
kitten this kitten motherkittening kitten
It’s to celebrate making Charr playable.
IMO though, it should be Quaggan instead of Kitten.
Well I’ll be kitten it works.
It’s an extremely aggressive language filter.
It’s what this forum censors naughty words too. Now I think a lot of people use it purposefully as a joke… or this community just cusses a ridicules amount normally.
The first time I got censored with it was when I was trying to say Charr are bad “rear end” but bad kitten fits too. :P
well what if your actually mean to say kitten and people think you are swearing? its sometimes confusing.
personally I think it makes people sound psychotic but the devs like it.
Now I think a lot of people use it purposefully as a joke… or this community just cusses a ridicules amount normally.
I have. In a recent thread, I referred to the Mystic Forge/Mystic Toilet as “the Mystic Kitten Flusher”. It works on several levels.
delicate, brick-like subtlety.
I kinda wish it was another word, i really like cats but now every time i see the word kitten I am reminded of expletives
lol it is funny because a lot of times the word kitten fits so well in some of the sentences with bad words. Nice work anet at filtering
some list of filtered words:
f__k (the clothing brand FCUK is not filtered though)
and the list goes on.
I was seeking assistance going to the old British town of kittentone, to seek a manuscript on grapes. Don’t skitten, it was a mikitten. My map was under the peakitten next to the arsenal all along.
Testing how the swear filter goes with substrings, please ignore
EDIT: Badly, as it turns out
personally i think they should change it from kittens to pandas
It’s perfect, because in my universe there is absolutely no way a kitten can be anything but a cute little furball of fun making all those who swear sound equally ridiculous :-)
It has the complete opposite effect of what those who swear are aiming for.
Oh no someone said a swear word what ever will we do! Honestly society needs to get over it.
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