What's your favorite profession?
Warrior because I’m OP.
Warrior because I’m OP.
LOL, there’s no wrong answers. Its just a matter of preference.
sry, didn’t see there was a post like this already. feel free to lock or combine.
Dont know, ive only played around with 3 so far, and my highest lvl prof is only 32 (ranger) [i work alot haha, rl sucks :P]
I love the engineer simply because of how technical it is and because of how much variety it gives me.
Weapon Kits allow you to wield up to 4 weapons at once with NO cooldown! While turrets are just plain fun if you use them properly! Not to mention all the TF2 references for a TF2tard like myself <3
Although no one could go wrong about Warrior either. So the answer is simple: Anyone with a biggass gun!
Lots of fun ways to play. Interesting to experiment with new toys. Something for every situation. I think if the devs ever feel like making the turrets more durable then we would be a viable point defender in sPvP as well.