What the? A new forum login?
Yes, there is a new site and it was bugged for a while, but they fixed it.
TivacWeb Programming Lead (3 hours ago, from this posting)
Yes, we enabled a new account site today. It lives on account.arena.net, and it currently has an annoying login redirect bug that breaks forum logins.
ANet may give it to you.
Why would something be wrong? They just updated the interface is all.
Same here. I had to re-enter but worked okay.
Why would something be wrong? They just updated the interface is all.
Seen some of the things hackers go out of their way to recreate false websites, and sometimes make small mistakes here and there.
Why would something be wrong? They just updated the interface is all.
Seen some of the things hackers go out of their way to recreate false websites, and sometimes make small mistakes here and there.
that was the first thing i tough about.. i can now put my tin foil hat back into the panic box.
*thought :p
Anyways, I haven’t seen this anywhere.
It doesn’t save my email. I don’t like having to enter it in every time