What to do at endgame.... cause I cant find anything!

What to do at endgame.... cause I cant find anything!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Agemnon.4608


Guild Wars 2 a PvP game? Lmfao. I think people really need to sit back and actually read the details on the game or any MMORPG game. Not one MMORPG is a PvP game. All MMORPG’s are pure PvE with tacked on PvP.

Also this game is amazing and it is unreal of the amount of things to do. If you get bored and can’t find anything and actually bum-rushed the game in 1 week then maybe this game isn’t for you or any game for that matter.

After you’re done all your quests in The Secret World it’s like, “Congratulations!” You’ve completed your storyline! Now go PvP!" They have dungeons but you’re pretty much locked out if you didn’t reach endgame on the first day.

What to do at endgame.... cause I cant find anything!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dead.7385


Quit and come back after a content patch? It was the exact same way in GW1. This isn’t a sub based game. You said you have done everything, and you hate everything you haven’t done. Not hard to figure out.

Wait for an expansion -> come back -> Profits.

Those that come out of the woodwork to 100% agree and dismiss anyone saying anything good as “rabid fanbois” are idiotic. Those that come out of the woodwork and run around saying “your playing it wrong” are even worse.

…Also it is you must note that there is a Rift expansion on the horizon. Nice that you left out that little detail. MMO’s don’t need millions to survive despite what people seem to think.

What to do at endgame.... cause I cant find anything!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Evil.9061


Guild Wars 2 a PvP game? Lmfao. I think people really need to sit back and actually read the details on the game or any MMORPG game. Not one MMORPG is a PvP game. All MMORPG’s are pure PvE with tacked on PvP.

Also this game is amazing and it is unreal of the amount of things to do. If you get bored and can’t find anything and actually bum-rushed the game in 1 week then maybe this game isn’t for you or any game for that matter.

After you’re done all your quests in The Secret World it’s like, “Congratulations!” You’ve completed your storyline! Now go PvP!" They have dungeons but you’re pretty much locked out if you didn’t reach endgame on the first day.

I guess experiences will vary. I beta’d it for 3 months and played live. Never Pvp’d and uninstalled the game with 10.4 healing, dps and tanking sets.

Good guilds and regular nightmare runs will get you the 10.2s and bullion for the 10.4s

What to do at endgame.... cause I cant find anything!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aphix.9846


i know really-the guy claims he doesnt play anymore but yet he lurks on the forum-loser sign #1,also he got duped into shelling out his cash believing it was a pve game lol-we have a winner,or shall i say whiner?

Oh dear. This is why I come on the forums. Read comments like this, also to check the update notes see if the sorted it out yet.

I’m guessing you’re level 14. How about you go play the game, get to where I am and then talk. This is not only a PvP game, I feel sorry for you just for thinking that.

If playing the game means logging on for 20 minutes and dumping 20g into the forge everyday for kitten and giggles, then I guess I do play…

What to do at endgame.... cause I cant find anything!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zenith.1234


Guild Wars 2 a PvP game? Lmfao. I think people really need to sit back and actually read the details on the game or any MMORPG game. Not one MMORPG is a PvP game. All MMORPG’s are pure PvE with tacked on PvP.

Also this game is amazing and it is unreal of the amount of things to do. If you get bored and can’t find anything and actually bum-rushed the game in 1 week then maybe this game isn’t for you or any game for that matter.

After you’re done all your quests in The Secret World it’s like, “Congratulations!” You’ve completed your storyline! Now go PvP!" They have dungeons but you’re pretty much locked out if you didn’t reach endgame on the first day.

You are talking about The Secret World which I have played and it became another gear treadmill WoW wannabe but it does give interesting quests and such. I really wish MMORPG"s would move away from the gear treadmill crap like GW2 did.

What to do at endgame.... cause I cant find anything!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ditrah.5128


People claiming WWW to be about zerg don’t get the concept. Just because you don´t understand where or how the tactic is, doesn’t mean there is none.
WWW is for organised guilds and a good guild can kill of a random zerg without much problem. But you don’t care about kills, that’s not the main goal.
There is also ranking of the servers which is what these guilds are working towards.

I don’t understand what people expected.
To never have to do the same dungeon twice unless they need tokens from there?
There is no infinite game-play in any game and if you don’t enjoy doing events and dungeons then why do you play the MMO format?
You knew there would be no super-wow-status to earn from doing it all. If you can´t sit back, relax and just do whatever you feel like but only what you MUST to progress, then this is not the game for you.
Bottom line is you must enjoy doing events, dungeons, pvp or achievements to enjoy this game.
Personally I don’t need a second job, I just want something where I can have a bit of enjoyment. An open world where I can grab a few people and do whatever for an hour or two.

(edited by Ditrah.5128)

What to do at endgame.... cause I cant find anything!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aphix.9846


Bottom line is you must enjoy doing events, dungeons, pvp or achievements to enjoy this game.

Yeah if that’s what Anet is going for then…well that’s just plain stupid. I do not know anyone who enjoys those things without any progress/rewards. Just farm events for the sake of farming …events ? Same with everything else. I wont farm dungeons/events if they give nothing. I’ll have 45 million karma and 83983 tokens and nothing to do with them.
Yeah, well thought.

Progress is a must in mmorpg. What most people don’t seem to get. I can not progress further with my character at this current state…

What to do at endgame.... cause I cant find anything!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zenith.1234


I know this simple sentence after this one might shock people’s brain and be a massive surprise but I digress. This game is barely 1 month old and it takes time to add in content. This game has plenty of progression just people need to get away from the WoW mindset of having to be rewarded for every single thing in existence.

What to do at endgame.... cause I cant find anything!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ditrah.5128


Bottom line is you must enjoy doing events, dungeons, pvp or achievements to enjoy this game.

Yeah if that’s what Anet is going for then…well that’s just plain stupid. I do not know anyone who enjoys those things without any progress/rewards. Just farm events for the sake of farming …events ? Same with everything else. I wont farm dungeons/events if they give nothing. I’ll have 45 million karma and 83983 tokens and nothing to do with them.
Yeah, well thought.

Progress is a must in mmorpg. What most people don’t seem to get. I can not progress further with my character at this current state…

Well let’s just agree to disagree then, I still don’t understand why you though there to be endless progress in an anti-grind game?
I love the progress the guild is doing in WWW, it’s not my character progress though.

What to do at endgame.... cause I cant find anything!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aphix.9846


The game’s been out for 1 month and I got the best gear available and best skins for me.
And I’m done. Clearly they’re doing something wrong.
Not a wow mindset if I haven’t even played the game. Just common sense of rewarding people with items r some sort of progression whatever……………why the kitten else would you run a dungeon like CoF when I got the full set + weapons and done every path and sm. People find it fun really ? :S

What to do at endgame.... cause I cant find anything!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zenith.1234


The game’s been out for 1 month and I got the best gear available and best skins for me.
And I’m done. Clearly they’re doing something wrong.
Not a wow mindset if I haven’t even played the game. Just common sense of rewarding people……………why the kitten else would you run a dungeon like CoF when I got the full set + weapons and done every path and sm. People find it fun really ? :S

Best gear? lol GW2 is not a gear treadmill so you can’t have better gear. This game is a cosmetic game where you enjoy getting sweet looking armors. Maybe you should have read about the game before buying thinking it was all stats?

What to do at endgame.... cause I cant find anything!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aphix.9846


Bottom line is you must enjoy doing events, dungeons, pvp or achievements to enjoy this game.

Yeah if that’s what Anet is going for then…well that’s just plain stupid. I do not know anyone who enjoys those things without any progress/rewards. Just farm events for the sake of farming …events ? Same with everything else. I wont farm dungeons/events if they give nothing. I’ll have 45 million karma and 83983 tokens and nothing to do with them.
Yeah, well thought.

Progress is a must in mmorpg. What most people don’t seem to get. I can not progress further with my character at this current state…

Well let’s just agree to disagree then, I still don’t understand why you though there to be endless progress in an anti-grind game?
I love the progress the guild is doing in WWW, it’s not my character progress though.

Ok. Not endless, some WvW ranks or whatever, or just some sort of rare items. All we have are exotics- VERY easy to get and legendary – VERY hard imo. Need something in between imo, at least.

What to do at endgame.... cause I cant find anything!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: IndigoSundown.5419


I remember “the whole game is endgame” being part of the GW2 hype. I’ve been disappointed with this aspect of GW2. I don’t have all my exotics at 80. I haven’t maxed map or most of the crafting professions. I expected to be challenged and to earn rewards appropriate to my level anywhere in the game. This has not been the case as down-leveling still leaves lower level content too easy and reward scaling is not happening much.

What to do at endgame.... cause I cant find anything!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Malediktus.9250


GW2 isnt a pvp game, in fact, less than 10% of the games content seem to be pvp related.

1st person worldwide to reach 35,000 achievement points.

What to do at endgame.... cause I cant find anything!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gizzox.7491


i have the same problem as the thread says. I got full exotic and am bored to hell. I knew it was a pvp based game and wvw seemed pretty exciting as did the spvp. BUT they’re not fun. I don’t like losing durability in wvw cuz it makes no sense since u’re supposed to die in pvp d’ah. Despite that, i can’t rly enjoy it. I could play eye of the storn, warsong gulch, arathi basin for days and days and didn’t get bored of it. I’m playing LoL for 2 years and i can’t wait to log on. But here at’s like: running, more running, bashing door, running, get swarmed, bash door, kill 1guy, running….i get sick of it after 2hours IF we are winning. It’s just not entertaining to me even tho im a HUGE pvp fan. It’s not very tactical, it’s unorganised, chaotic, max range only(more or less). even PvE is better and u play it undependant from the other 4 in the grp…

What to do at endgame.... cause I cant find anything!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gizzox.7491


I don’t like exploring all over again since i’ve seen it already, i like my proffesion the most so nothing there to do.
I dont’ say there has to be more gear or stats, i like that it’s not adictive. Saying u have to enjoy events and dungeons is kinda dumm since u can’t enjoy doing tthe same thing for 2 years. The multiplayer expirience has to be exceptional which in this case is clearely not. Or atleast not yet.

(edited by Gizzox.7491)

What to do at endgame.... cause I cant find anything!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Halfcentaur.9706


“I was expecting a plethora of repeatable scripted weekittenreadmill activities after I maxed out in a week.”

Go away. Also, WoW came out 8 years ago. WoW had zero endgame content when it was released. Far less than what GW2 has right now.

What to do at endgame.... cause I cant find anything!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Agemnon.4608


Guild Wars 2 a PvP game? Lmfao. I think people really need to sit back and actually read the details on the game or any MMORPG game. Not one MMORPG is a PvP game. All MMORPG’s are pure PvE with tacked on PvP.

Also this game is amazing and it is unreal of the amount of things to do. If you get bored and can’t find anything and actually bum-rushed the game in 1 week then maybe this game isn’t for you or any game for that matter.

After you’re done all your quests in The Secret World it’s like, “Congratulations!” You’ve completed your storyline! Now go PvP!" They have dungeons but you’re pretty much locked out if you didn’t reach endgame on the first day.

You are talking about The Secret World which I have played and it became another gear treadmill WoW wannabe but it does give interesting quests and such. I really wish MMORPG"s would move away from the gear treadmill crap like GW2 did.

They also had terrible PvP farming where people just traded points. And factions just cause imbalances like in WoW (which is even worse since they have racials exclusive to races, which are in turn exclusive to faction although WoW has Isle of Conquest and Alterac Valley which are fun and SotA is sometimes).

What to do at endgame.... cause I cant find anything!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cribbage.2056


It seems like the OP is one of those people who think there should be a “reward” for doing an ingame activity. Now, I realise that puts him in with the vast majority of MMO players, but it is wrong in my book. Rat-and-pellet games are stringing you along. You pay them to entertain you, but instead they get you to sit back and switch your brain off while your gold/points/materials/insert imaginary currency here ticks upwards.

Really, if that’s all you want, I will write you an app where pressing the spacebar makes a counter go up by one. You can sit there all night seeing how high you can get it. Every 1000, I’ll make it play a jingle and say “congratulations, you’ve reached level x!”

Having said all that, his observations about PvP in this game were kinda spot on. sPvP is dull, because all the maps are the same and none of them have any real tactical depth. And WvW involves too much follow-the-zerg running around.

Make PvP more interesting before people lose interest would be my request.

What to do at endgame.... cause I cant find anything!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gizzox.7491


yay, my thought exactly…If it’s a pvp based endgame it’s supposed to be fun as hell playing even if u get no rewards. It’s not my idea, it’s theirs. and that’s the only way it’s gonna work. Half of all players got bored after a month. I started playing with 7 friends and im one of 3 who got to 80 and the only one left playing. And even i log on once every 3 days to see how the weather is like ingame….sad, i was looking forward to it over a year, couldn’t sleep before release for days normaly etc since i haven’t played an mmo for 4 years. :<

What to do at endgame.... cause I cant find anything!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Valhingen.4957


Well, as soon as they make PvP fun (taking a deep breath: Mesmer/Thief/Guardian, Ranking, Rewards (i.e. dyes), Autobalancing, Downed States, Zergfest (!!) as the only strategic option, PuG groups vs premade etc pp) I might be back. Stopping playing umtil then.

There’s a reason no one plays Daoc anymore: it’s outdated. Please arrive in the present.

What to do at endgame.... cause I cant find anything!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fozzik.1742


What to do at endgame.... cause I cant find anything!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BeardRex.6739


and its a shame cause I really like this game

I guess you don’t like it enough. Been 80 for two weeks now. Still have things to do.

Do a /age and get some perspective on how much you’ve actually played.

What to do at endgame.... cause I cant find anything!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gizzox.7491


no1 said there aren’t things to do. U can play 1 year and get a bad looking legendary staff. That’s a bit mean, true also. We said there are not a lot of FUN things to do. some like to play more, some less. If u’ve had enough of events and dungeons for now u’d want to chill with ur uber looking nightmare gear like i do. But i can’t, pvp’s simply not that fun. Maybe if u play mesmer and u kite ppl around without being able to kill them, or atleast that’s what i’ve seen of them. dunno..not thrilled is what i wanted to say.

+Fozzik, we know that already, not getting what u’re rly pointing at

What to do at endgame.... cause I cant find anything!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Token.6501


It’s never been a PvP game for me, but i’m not easily bored either. It’s always possible to retire from the game and try something else for a while; with your lifetime membership it’s very easy to come back to GW2. The people who persevere will end up with some kinds of advantages i’m sure. It’s a fair certainty that the game will change because that’s what developers need to do to keep earning their paychecks. At this point in time I’m pretty sure there are some outstanding goals in the PvE game, that few if anyone has achieved. With over 2 million clients sold, ArenaNet is fairly successful with Guild Wars 2 already, i’m sure the game will still be here for many more years to come.

(edited by Token.6501)

What to do at endgame.... cause I cant find anything!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gizzox.7491


dunno about that. it’s getting a bit rusty becouse of the brazillion launch bugs, complaintsand people don’t like to buy things that look rusty. After all the majority of new players after lauch are those who get convinced by someone else. logging on here and then is bad too imo, u lose the touch and are not as “in” as u were.

What to do at endgame.... cause I cant find anything!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Edge.4180


Zeph, it may be time for you to find another game to play. The simple fact is, you’ve apparently consumed all the content in the game that interests you at a rate that exceeds the developers ability to publish.

Now, it sounds like you enjoyed everything up until this point, so when new content is published you can always come back and enjoy it as well. Fortunately, you can pick right back up where you left off without worrying about whether or not you have an active subscription. And that’s pretty cool.

Beyond that, I personally don’t understand the lack of things to do at max level, but that’s probably because different things interest different people. Until I’ve adventured in every corner of Tyria, there will always be something for me to do. And once that’s done I’ll still enjoy just revisiting the maps and stumbling across events and participating in them. To this day I am still discovering events in zones that I’ve never seen before, even in starting zones, even though I’ve leveled through them a number of times.

This is the meat of the content that I really enjoyed while leveling up. It’s not like there’s a switch that turns on when I get a character to 80 that suddenly turns all that content into drudgery, as if it’s suddenly beneath me and not worth spending time on. It’s what I loved doing before 80 and it’s what I continue to love doing after 80.

When I no longer enjoy doing it.. I’ll just go do something else. Eventually the game will be updated with new content and I’ll give that a spin as well. There is no secret solution here, nor am I saying anything that anyone should be surprised about. This is just common sense stuff.. and it’s why threads like this one rarely make any sense.

What to do at endgame.... cause I cant find anything!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Telegraph.7509


OP – stop playing this game. You have gotten your entertainment value out of it – wait for the expansion or a major patch. Go play another game, watch a TV series, read a book, whatever you’d like.

I am not being snarky or anything – it’s like a movie. You have finished watching it. Some people may like a movie so much they’ll watch it 50 times. If you are not one of them, don’t force yourself.

What to do at endgame.... cause I cant find anything!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: sainguine.2870


exactly.when i got tired of eating cream corn every day all day i switched to yams.cream corn was getting dull and noone was forcing me to eat cream corn.when i was bored i switched because i wear my big boy pants

What to do at endgame.... cause I cant find anything!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kedrith.6724


“I was expecting a plethora of repeatable scripted weekittenreadmill activities after I maxed out in a week.”

Go away. Also, WoW came out 8 years ago. WoW had zero endgame content when it was released. Far less than what GW2 has right now.

You do realize we are in the 2012 right? this is no more time for making half made MMO.
So WoW HAD no endgame (debatable, but let’s assume you’r right) so what? now it has and GW has not. Even if WoW didnt have any end game how would that affect someones GW2 experience?
You people should really stop taking sides on MMO like it’s a football match.

What to do at endgame.... cause I cant find anything!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vzur.7123


its guild wars-duh.of course they are going to tack on "pve"to attract some cash.welcome to marketing.at least the kids will be gone soon and we can pvp in relative peace.there is no room for crying in war

If anything, it seems to me like its the PvP that’s tacked on. I bet the vast majority of resources went into the PvE game.. and that’s where to vast majority of players are.

Although I will say that as far as longevity goes, I’d bet the people who do get into the PvP are a lot more likely to stick around, for a lot longer.

This is why I wikitten [wish. it. lol] were better integrated together (ala DAOC, realm abilities, etc) -there are lots of players who enjoy both, but only if they’re rewarding enough. Keeping them so entirely separate also keeps the PvP irrelevant to the rest of the game.

What to do at endgame.... cause I cant find anything!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: sainguine.2870


<—-Midgard Pellinor and Lake Superior Shard.This game has pve tacked on to grab the casual money off the rip

What to do at endgame.... cause I cant find anything!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kedrith.6724


Although we gotta admit the PvP doesnt offer a huge variety of things to do.

What to do at endgame.... cause I cant find anything!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cribbage.2056


Kedrith, you make an amusing point. I wholeheartedly agree with you that 2012 should be no time for half made MMOs, but looking around it does seem in fact to be the ONLY TYPE ever made these days.

When I ask myself why that might be, the following things occur:

1) Realities of business (i.e. pressure for return on investment) drive timing of release, NOT the completeness of the game. A game doesn’t need to be anywhere near complete to get huge sales.

2) Realities of software development. Look at beta test feedback and compare it to live feedback. It kinda makes me think there are some things you will just not know until the game goes live. You might as well release knowing you have a reasonable amount of re-work to do, as long as you are confident you can do it before players get peeved (this last bit seems to be where they all misjudge things)

3) When everyone else is releasing half made games, you don’t look so bad when you do it.

What to do at endgame.... cause I cant find anything!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sin.8174


Although we gotta admit the PvP doesnt offer a huge variety of things to do.

PvP should be about one thing… kicking kitten and taking names. >_>

I personally love the thrill of the hunt in WvW. I’m not a zerg player. i’m that chick, up on top of the cliff, watching you pass right under me before I pounce on top of you and your friend for a little mayhem.

I dunno, PvP was always about having fun just doing whatever. :/ It’s becoming ruined by people looking for some sort of gratifying goal. The only thing that, in my opinion, should be added to make it a bit more worthy.. is some sort of rank system. otherwise, I’m loving WvW.

Orphyn X – 8X Thief – Tarnished Coast
Lady Raevyn – 11 Necromancer – TC
Fanboy- The New Godwin’s Law.

What to do at endgame.... cause I cant find anything!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kedrith.6724


3) When everyone else is releasing half made games, you don’t look so bad when you do it.

Yeah, but that’s the reason so many MMO has failed recently.
Anyway i think aslong as industries keep making MMO ala WoW (please wow haters dont take this literally, i know WoW hasnt invented anything blablabla) nothin will change and we will see more and more failures.
Take EvE online, which has nothin to do whatsover with any other MMO around, surely cater to a much different and smaller audience (i personally find it boring as hell but that’s just me) but is still alive and expanding.

What to do at endgame.... cause I cant find anything!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Token.6501


How do you figure it’s half-made? It’ll never be finished.
There’s a playable game here with content that goes well beyond reaching the level cap.

What to do at endgame.... cause I cant find anything!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Telegraph.7509


3) When everyone else is releasing half made games, you don’t look so bad when you do it.

Yeah, but that’s the reason so many MMO has failed recently.
Anyway i think aslong as industries keep making MMO ala WoW (please wow haters dont take this literally, i know WoW hasnt invented anything blablabla) nothin will change and we will see more and more failures.
Take EvE online, which has nothin to do whatsover with any other MMO around, surely cater to a much different and smaller audience (i personally find it boring as hell but that’s just me) but is still alive and expanding.

I think MMOs tends to be more successful if they can engage more of the “social” aspect of it into the game. So that you want to stay and play a game not necessarily because the game itself, but the people in it. This has been a big thing in the East Asian MMORPGs. The gameplay of those things is always pretty awful, but they attract a huge crowd because of the complete lack of fees and the interactions involved in it.

In another sense, one way to monetize MMOs is to turn them into a platform where huge numbers of players make small transactions on a variety of things, similar to the apps market that smartphones run.

What to do at endgame.... cause I cant find anything!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cribbage.2056


Yes, I agree.

Part of me thinks that the first game to come along offering truly challenging, thought-provoking, dynamic content in a polished way will do very well.

The other part looks at how many people enjoy farming, raiding and basically collecting imaginary currency and wonders. Maybe Blizzard have the majority of humanity pegged. Maybe what we really wanna do when you get right down to it is having someone feed us a small pat on the back “achievement” for completing a stupidly simple task over and over.

What to do at endgame.... cause I cant find anything!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kedrith.6724


How do you figure it’s half-made? It’ll never be finished.
There’s a playable game here with content that goes well beyond reaching the level cap.

You know what i mean.
The guy who opened this thread expresses his feelings about the lack of end game. And i agree with him, there’s a clear lack of things to do once you’v reached the level cap. The point is; aslong as they keep adding content while i’m busy finishing the content they released everybodys happy. but that’s just not the case.

What to do at endgame.... cause I cant find anything!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gizzox.7491


how can u call an mmo game where u can’t connect ur friends, do pvp, do dungeons, events etc. cuz everythings bugged as hell finished? I know that was the case at start but still…u cannot put a broken product on the market or there will be complaints oviously. Starting with the bad mood of several daily crashes we finaly got to “join player X on his overflow” at lvl 45. From there to 80 it was pretty fun won’t argue about that. Running dungeons with full gear = meh, every 8th person u see is gonna look the same in 3 months so don’t “it’s all about the looks”.
Saying that explring’s fun and the thing to do all the time’s crap. every game has zones and it doesn’t mean thatim gonna install al of them and walk every corner of the map to get a title and a few exotics which are obviouly not hard to get.

What to do at endgame.... cause I cant find anything!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Soulwatcher.2604


and its a shame cause I really like this game

I guess you don’t like it enough. Been 80 for two weeks now. Still have things to do.

Do a /age and get some perspective on how much you’ve actually played.

I have 315 hours and I am board to tears because I am being punished for playing the game the way I want to play!