What to do when you hit 80?

What to do when you hit 80?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: thekillermoose.1825


So i was just wondering what to do when you just hit 80. Do you buy a full set of exotic or what?

What to do when you hit 80?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Yaki.9563


What I did:

Run AC, complete dailies, continue to explore, start running SE for another armor set, eventually I’ll run fractals….

I’d like to go and do all the jumping puzzles but I keep getting distracted by the dungeons and exploring. I still haven’t gotten around to trying WvWvW either.

Don’t buy exotic armor sets imo. You can get armor for free by doing dungeons or WvWvW. If you don’t like dungeons then you don’t really need exotic armor anyway.

What to do when you hit 80?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DreamOfACure.4382


First, I figured out what stats and item skins I wanted.

Then this becomes my daily routine.

1. Complete my dailies
It’s a good warm-up for the day and only takes 20 minutes or so. Gets me to roam, see new events, do some resource gathering, practice my combat.

2. Do a dungeon for gold (and tokens that contribute to the gear I want.)
Example: I wanted the Heavy Armor helmet from Sorrow’s Embrace for my Guardian.
Example2: Usually I’ll go to Citadel of Flame because path 1 and 2 are easy.

Then I have choices:

- Play my personal story if I haven’t finished it

- Pick a zone that interests me, and roam around in it for fun

- Possibly complete a map (do all the hearts, vistas, skill points, etc..)
I’m not the type to min-max rush towards map completion, so there’s tons left for me to work on

- Ramble in map chat – Sometimes you can find the silliest conversations going on

- Check the trading post (prices of items I want, dyes, etc..)

- Work on my crafting (Need to get some maxed for my legendary)

- Theory craft on what I need for my Legendary

- Go participate in the monthly events (I like the Living Story, because it gives people a reason to stick to one zone, so I can roam around and chat with them, all social and what not :P )

- Gather energy to start doing Fractals
I’ve been putting that off for SO DANG LONGER

- Find a dragon to fight
I don’t normally do this because I lag in the presence of so many other players :/

That’s what I do after I hit 80.
More or less the same as what I did when I was working towards 80.

I’m a casual player who spends most of his time wandering or talking to people.
I don’t work hard and give it my all; I do it bit by bit, slow and steady.

And I’m enjoying myself quite a lot.
Except for the prospect of forging a legendary… The gargantuan amount of work and money involved makes me sad.

“Bleeding, Poison, Confusion, Torment, they all look delightful on you.”

Lv80s: Guard, Thief, Necro. Renewed my Altaholic’s card on the HoT Hype-Train. Choo choo~

(edited by DreamOfACure.4382)

What to do when you hit 80?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JemL.3501


the same youve been doing

I took an arrow to the knee

What to do when you hit 80?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ansultares.1567


@OP: Finish your exotic set however you see fit. See the sights, experience a little bit of WvW, realize you’ve “beaten” the game and re-assess exactly what you enjoy about it.

If you don’t like dungeons then you don’t really need exotic armor anyway.

Only because WvW amounts to little more than a mini-game.

What to do when you hit 80?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Onshidesigns.1069


The level cap only means all the content in the game is available for you to play.

What to do when you hit 80?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Reihert.1509


100% map completion (it is fun outside the plain nord area).
Dungeons on exp is cool too, but it is more for the challenge.

After it, either grind (laurels/FOTM) or pvp.

What to do when you hit 80?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Karizee.8076


Only because WvW amounts to little more than a mini-game.

If WvW is a mini-game in GW2, then raiding is a mini-game in WoW.
Take a look at the WvW forums. Threads started with the new match just 2 days ago already have over 10k views.

DreamofaCure gave you some good ideas of things to do. I hit 80 about 3 weeks after launch and I’m still building and perfecting sets, running dungeons, making named exotics for show and working towards a legendary.

I do dungeons, kill dragons, do Fractals, take down corrupted god temples, do jumping puzzles and pretty much anything me and my guild is up for.

I love the non-linear, no treadmill approach this game has. I can pretty much do whatever I want to work towards my goals. None of the content becomes obsolete, it all stays relevant. None of the content has gear gates, I can jump into anything.

What to do when you hit 80?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Yourself.6870


When you hit 80:
- look up and try out different builds until you find one you want to play (unless you already found one)
- look up the stats you need for your chosen build
- find out which dungeons offer the armor/weapons you need
- run these dungeons for token
- …
- profit!

What to do when you hit 80?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JemL.3501


Only because WvW amounts to little more than a mini-game.

If WvW is a mini-game in GW2, then raiding is a mini-game in WoW.

They are, instances are minigames inside the main game. When i (we?) say mini game, it means an ‘’alternate world inside’’

The thing is WvW is bigger (?) than a dungeon and is focused more into PvP than a group of people beating up some mobs, but still being some what mindless of just cap objectives which are events, atleast is linked with the mini game pve map, so is holding hands and dont give you that ‘’instance feeling’’ that much.

Theres a lot of tweak and job to do with WvW, the culling is just the tip of the iceberg, besides it should be top priority too, that is what players are taking it as competitive environment in GW2…the spvp (haha haha?) we arent even going to start with that.

And last but least…lets just not talk about this here.

I took an arrow to the knee

What to do when you hit 80?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dabrixmgp.4758


How do you do WvW if your server is dead and you cant WvW when guesting? I think we lost the last round by 300k points.

What to do when you hit 80?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rynn.1324


the same youve been doing

This. Nothing really changes at 80, except that you now have easier access to more areas of the game. Just keep playing.

[Tarnished Coast] Lizzibeth Huffles, Asuran Genius (Engineer) at Play

What to do when you hit 80?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Karizee.8076


Only because WvW amounts to little more than a mini-game.

If WvW is a mini-game in GW2, then raiding is a mini-game in WoW.

They are, instances are minigames inside the main game. When i (we?) say mini game, it means an ‘’alternate world inside’’

The thing is WvW is bigger (?) than a dungeon and is focused more into PvP than a group of people beating up some mobs, but still being some what mindless of just cap objectives which are events, atleast is linked with the mini game pve map, so is holding hands and dont give you that ‘’instance feeling’’ that much.

Theres a lot of tweak and job to do with WvW, the culling is just the tip of the iceberg, besides it should be top priority too, that is what players are taking it as competitive environment in GW2…the spvp (haha haha?) we arent even going to start with that.

And last but least…lets just not talk about this here.

Getting your whole server on TeamSpeak to coordinate strategies to take out your enemies and rise in region wide ranking seems a bit EPIC to be calling a mini-game.

Are dungeons mini-games? Are Hearts? Are Dynamic Events and the Trading Post? Collecting gear and pets? What exactly is the “main game”?

What to do when you hit 80?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MaRko.3165


So i was just wondering what to do when you just hit 80. Do you buy a full set of exotic or what?

Yup. Rewarded myself with a full set and now I’m trying to get 100% world map. There are/were so many areas that I did not even set foot in – its amazing. Its been keeping me busy for weeks! Some of the View Points are at the end of jumping puzzles and others are just plain a PITA to find how to get to!


“I was playing Farmville and a kitten MMO GW2 broke out of it…”
I cut my gaming teeth on Adventure&ZorkI,II,III.