What to do while doing homework?
While doing homework, you should be doing your homework. When you’re done with your homework, you can do whatever you want. That or you could just continue to push out your hit songs and make so much money that you never need a degree to fall back on. You are Taylor Swift after all. Yup.
Seafarer’s Rest
Pretty much this. As long as you have a toon that has 100% world completion you’ll be right.
As an old fart who spent his life in the army I’d say put the game on hold for two weeks, study like a madman and get good grades, resume playtime only when it won’t negatively affect your real life. Two weeks without a game never killed anyone.
Just 2 cents from a graduate of the school of hard knocks.
Good luck with your exams!
Exams, study, school, real life important duties before games, my friend.
Just my honest opinion.
As others have stated; 2 weeks of no gaming won’t kill you.
As an old fart who spent his life in the army I’d say put the game on hold for two weeks, study like a madman and get good grades, resume playtime only when it won’t negatively affect your real life. Two weeks without a game never killed anyone.
Just 2 cents from a graduate of the school of hard knocks.
Good luck with your exams!
As a freshly graduate I agree with Ferguson.
Focus on your study for the upcomming 2 weeks, get good grades, and you’ll have a much more ‘satisfied’ feeling when you’re able to play witouth having this nagging feeling that you should actually be studying
[EU] Piken Square
Representing: ‘The Only One’ [One]
Put some chillstep on, and study. Games can wait.
Login reward, that’s your best friend.
login and login off, 2 weeks is easy going.
As an old fart who spent his life in the army I’d say put the game on hold for two weeks, study like a madman and get good grades, resume playtime only when it won’t negatively affect your real life. Two weeks without a game never killed anyone.
Just 2 cents from a graduate of the school of hard knocks.
Good luck with your exams!
Pretty much this. A degree will help your job prospects. Which means more discretionary income. Which means more gold if you decide to get it via gems. So why would you want to not miss GW2 for 2 weeks? The login rewards?