What to do with gold?
If you can’t find anything you want to buy with gold in this game maybe it’s time to move on.
Well, other than getting ascended weapons and accessories on toons, whenever I have “spare gold” it usually goes to the gem store.
First I get myself a nest-egg of about 800 gems to sit on, in case there’s some deal that comes out later. Then, whenever I see skins or services I want, I convert gold to gems and buy it.
I never get a chance to amass much gold, because I have an on-going list of things to spend it on.
The main thing is I collect mini pets, so whenever I have enough I buy one from the TP. But I also get dyes and skins when I find ones I like, and sometimes buy crafting materials if I don’t feel like waiting until I’ve collected enough.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
Donate your gold to crafters in need! (serious) (actually need about 300g right here, and it’s not even for a legendary… dang you Wings of Dwayna, why must unlocking your glorious skin require so much toil?)
You can complete collections and buy minis.
Give it to me, I want to see how well Nightfury Shoulders work with Preserved Bee Queen, together with a poly luminescent refractor, but the price for Nightfury really is hefty.
Get a guild hall for your bank guild….
Been There, Done That & Will do it again…except maybe world completion.
What to do with gold?
I experiment with mine.
I concur with CETheLucid: do a Scrooge McDuck.
Buy a bunch of gems to be ready if something comes on the gem store you want.
ANet may give it to you.
Chak Egg Sac ~10,000g (for a exotic aura item)
Permanent black lion items(hair style, merchant, bank, etc) ~8,000g
Max luck ~1500g mostly buying/salvaging thousands of greens.
One full ascended set for every armor type ~1500g
Max all crafts ~1000g
Max Scribing ~1000g
All town portal scrolls (essence of Lion Arch cost 150g) ~500g
Gem store items:
Max Bank tabs (10 extra bank tabs) ~1000g in gems
5 Shared inventory ~500g in gems
3 Storage Expander ~400g in gems
3 Permanent gathering items ~300g in gems
3 Bag tab for your main ~200g in gems
Achievements that cost a lot of gold:
Spirit Crafter ~ 3000g
Treasure Hunter ~1200g
Winter’s Present ~1000g
Acolyte of Dwayna ~900g
Ex Machina ~400g
Exotic Hunter ~ 400g
The guild hall upgrades cost +20k gold for all of the upgrades. If you want to upgrade a guild without players donating. I do not know the exact cost but some of the upgrades stupidly expensive.
“Quoth the raven nevermore”
Platinum Scout: 300% MF
(edited by Ulion.5476)
legendary weapons are so yesterday everyone’s got 1
if u are into aura check these out:
chak egg sac
winters presence
queen bee
ghostly infusion
(edited by Taxidriver.2043)
Some of those exotic auras look nice but I am unwilling to give up a ascended trinket for a aura effect. Wish A-net would make a unique aura equipment slot.
“Quoth the raven nevermore”
Platinum Scout: 300% MF
Heya guys, I’m wondering what you do with the gold you’ve amassed. I’ve been fortunate to obtain hefty sum (<3 mystic forge), and am wondering what’s there to buy/obtain besides ascended armor and legendaries (pre’s).
You don’t need money, waste it on something. You only need few gold for traveling and buying/crafting food and you get enough by just playing.
I usually either waste everything on gems and buy useless stuff or start the long process of crafting another legendary or rare, expensive weapon skin.
legendary weapons are so yesterday everyone’s got 1
This made me lol. But seriously, I’d like to thank everyone for these suggestions they’re great and I’ve decided to go aura hunting
Ex Machina ~800g
I think you’re mixing this up with another collection? It’s no where near 800g.
- Kudzu, Dreamer, Frostfang, Eternity, Flameseeker Prophecies ~
~Nevermore, HOPE, Moot, Incinerator, Meteorlogicus, Howler ~
I’ve spent a lot of my gold on Endless Tonics. Wintersday, Halloween, Elementals, Karka, and Silverwastes Mordrem tonics are all very affordable, so it’s easy to amass a good collection however you want.
Then there are high-priced Endless Mystery (Beast/Plants/Furniture) tonics, and the always-great Endless Mystery Quaggan tonic. There are also old Town Clothes tonics floating around at various prices. The Infinite Toxic Krait tonic is the single best thing I ever spent gold on, including my ascended gear.
I haven’t yet dropped the money for Infinite Molten Beserker (60g,) Infinite Aetherized Tonic (140g,) or, good heavens, the Batwing tonic. (429g!) I hate you, Nightfury, for making it so expensive. ;_;
work on a really expensive Mystic forge weapon not many of those are around.
Ex Machina ~800g
I think you’re mixing this up with another collection? It’s no where near 800g.
The cost has decreased since I got it. Less people are focused on it and vials of linseed oil are cheap now. Seem that reclaimed weapons are 1/3 the price now :P.
“Quoth the raven nevermore”
Platinum Scout: 300% MF
If you have a LOT of gold, you probably have enough to start looking at long term investments that require a hefty buy in along with some speculation. Investing, of course, has its risks.
If you have tens of thousands of gold, you can play the market with expensive items, but it is a waiting game. Depends on your patience.
If you have lots and lots of gold, and don’t want to invest any of it, you could start a collection of your own. i.e. collect all skins of a given weapon type. Or collect all the weapons within a certain skin set, etc.
If you have tons of gold and want stuff to spend it on, you’re out of luck if you already have all the legendary weapons you want. You’ve got permanent hairstylist kit, and a few other items, but there aren’t any “big ticket” items (stuff that costs over 10k).
Help out a lil old otter craft his first legendary :’D
Levi Ironhart, Cassandra Irehart, Lucio Trothart
Discord Gearhart, Naevius Soulhart, Frisk Softhart
Ex Machina ~800g
I think you’re mixing this up with another collection? It’s no where near 800g.
The cost has decreased since I got it. Less people are focused on it and vials of linseed oil are cheap now. Seem that reclaimed weapons are 1/3 the price now :P.
Makes sense! You can also buy most of the items that need linseed oil on the TP cheaper than making them.
- Kudzu, Dreamer, Frostfang, Eternity, Flameseeker Prophecies ~
~Nevermore, HOPE, Moot, Incinerator, Meteorlogicus, Howler ~