(edited by Tryant.9027)
What to do with gold?
Depends on what your goals are and what you want to do in-game. If you want to do more higher level fractals and possibly raids, I would start working on getting a full set of ascended gear once you know what stats you want.
keept it for the case you decide to go for high level fractals ect. because your 300 Gold will melt like ice in the sun the moment you use the money up for materials ect. to create ascended gear…
300 Gold are in this gold grind game NOTHING, its just a droplet of water on a burning hot stone going poof instantly the moment you invest your gold on anything thats related on fashion or endgame content, bringing you quickly back to reality, that you are poor again in an eyeslash….
keept it for the case you decide to go for high level fractals ect. because your 300 Gold will melt like ice in the sun the moment you use the money up for materials ect. to create ascended gear…
300 Gold are in this gold grind game NOTHING, its just a droplet of water on a burning hot stone going poof instantly the moment you invest your gold on anything thats related on fashion or endgame content, bringing you quickly back to reality, that you are poor again in an eyeslash….
Yeah i know, theres a cool infusion with blue and dark effect but its close to 280g just 1, but lets say i would want to rush my legendarie twilight, its better craft or just save it to buy on tp? And what are the pros of doing high level fractals? Since the stats dont change much, just the trinkets and they can be easily obtained with wvw and laurel.
how much is it to craft a full set of ascended gear? (armour and weapon).
I literally just started a week ago, so right now I was just getting crafting levels.
It is far better to craft Twilight. You will need an insane amount of mats but still it will be cheaper than buying it from the TP. Have in mind that this will probably take you some time to achieve (speaking of months).
As for your other question, high level fractals have a lot of loot and you can acquire ascended armor and weapons cheaper
I’d agree that maybe it would be worth putting into maxing some crafting to 500 and creating some ascended gear, will come in handy if you decide to do high level fractals etc.
Depending on what you like, it could be worth saving for weapons / skins as well. That’s what I’m now saving mine for, I use a staff and there’s only about 5 staffs in the game I like the look of, which all typically happen to be the ones that cost 300-600g! xD
Another option to consider, is converting some gold to gems to buy some upgrades, for example if you want another bag slot, I think you could currently change about 110g to 400ish gems (I think those amounts are about right) to buy one off the store.
You’ll save about 1000 gold by crafting Twilight rather than buying it
If you’re really not sure what to do with it I’d be happy to take it off your hands.
yeah with 300g you can max out all crafting and start with ascended. Or if you are in a guild 300g will get you about half way through scribe
The first thing I’d do is make sure you are only using 20 slot bags.
Then, I’d slowly (not all at once! Repeat!) convert gold to gems when the prices are relatively reasonable (less than 100g for 400 gems) and buy an extra bag slot/bank slot when they go on sale. After that I’d aim for a copper fed salvage kit.
If you want ascended, focus entirely on weapons first, as armor is very expensive and not that big of a deal.
My path would be like
Bag Slot —-> Bank Slot —-—> Copper Fed Salvage Kit —-> Bag Slot —-> Ascended weapon crafting —--> (bank slots as you feel full) —-> Shared Inventory Slot —-> Infinite Gathering Tools
And yes, that would be a lot of gold.
Personally, I never bothered with legendaries. I went for this:
for there you have been and there you will long to return.
(edited by ArchonWing.9480)
So higher the fractal level, so more rewarding does the fractals become and the chances rise, that you receive ascended rewards and you earn golden fractal weapon skins more oftenly..
Better don’t rush it with legendaries…. they costs tons of gold and materials and are in the end not better than any crafted ascended weapon, just with the difference, that you can change stats with legendaries while outside of combat and that they are visually more bling bling…
Don’t know what your goals are in the game, but if you are a fashion crazy person, then be prepared to grind your butt off for tens of thousands of hours just to be able to buy all the skins, the colors, the gear, the materials ect. that you need.
and the only tip I can give you, before you burnout on this grind wave of a game just for some pixels – just enjoy first the game and its real content, than to spent only time with the thought, how you can make effectively the most gold and how you should use it in the game….
Because just having lots of gold in the game makes you not happy, it creates no fun for you, while explorign the game, being part of its content naturally does, while you waste not time and thoughts on just the point, that you need to farm gold, because if you play the game only to farm gold, then you will burnout on this game quickly and everything will become quicker boring for you, when the only goal you have is practically only – making gold.
I guess you are in the 1k to 3k AP range maybe and you play GW2 now for like say max 4-6 months, right???
Thats what I guess on someone saying from himself that the account is “relatively new” who has 300G and farms around Silverwaste.
As someone new like this, I think you should focus yourself more on the story content, more on other classes (unless you are already fixated onto only those 2 you have, cause you don’t like the rest) because legendaries don’t run away from you.
If you enjoy first the real content of the game, instead of power farming for gold just to get a legendary quickly and being burned out after that then, you’ll see, that that way you will have alot more fun with the game, because if you just play it normally, without powerfarmign for gold just to get some skins quicker, you will make gold just by normally playing the game and once ypou have done most of the real content that this game provies, then you wikll realize in the end, that you will have from just normally playing the game most likely already more than enough gold, materials ect. to be able to craft your legendary, without that you had to constantly farm and grind for something over and over and over, like in a map like Silverwastes… because you wil lrealize, if you farm this map constantly that it would come out of your ears and eyes very quickly, as doing the event chains thre nonstop, becomes extremely boring very quickly, despite making gold there being very effective
But the game has just to offer more, than just olny silver waste gold farm ^^
Just take it as advise from someone who has burned out itself without realizing it directly – the burnout hammer hits you always first, once your done with your goal and you begin to realize, what the **** you have done with yourself.
The first thing I’d do is make sure you are only using 20 slot bags.
Then, I’d slowly (not all at once! Repeat!) convert gold to gems when the prices are relatively reasonable (less than 100g for 400 gems) and buy an extra bag slot/bank slot when they go on sale. After that I’d aim for a copper fed salvage kit.
If you want ascended, focus entirely on weapons first, as armor is very expensive and not that big of a deal.
My path would be like
Bag Slot —-> Bank Slot —-—> Copper Fed Salvage Kit —-> Bag Slot —-> Ascended weapon crafting —--> (bank slots as you feel full) —-> Shared Inventory Slot —-> Infinite Gathering Tools
And yes, that would be a lot of gold.
Personally, I never bothered with legendaries. I went for this:
+1 Agreed, love my convenience and utility far more than skins and fashion.
“Archon archon he’s our man, if he can’t wing it no one can!”
“Understanding is a three edged sword: your side, their side, and the truth.”
“The objective is to win. The goal is to have fun.”
Umm I’ll take it off your hands :p