What to do with laurels
Since the introduction of Laurels on January 28, 2013 I haven´t missed many daily´s and I haven’t missed a single Login Rewards since it was introduced.
Laurels are an easy way to get ascended rings, necks, and trinkets. Some turn them into cash by buying the Heavy Crafting Bag (tier 6) and selling the contents on the trading post.
I’m floating around 130 at the moment and using what laurels I get to work on Ascended armor.
“I’m finding companies should sell access to forums,
it seems many like them better than the games they comment on.” -Horrorscope.7632
I usually load up on harvesting equipment or crafting bags.
If you’ve been in the game that long – you know exactly what you can spend them on.
The only reason you posted this was to show off your hoarding skills.
Nice job – I guess……
t6 mats you can get a lot with that much xD
most people I know buy the heavy bags, you get about 70~80 silver per laurel with them, other people use them to buy ascended trinkets. It’s really up to you and whether you want to gear up or cash in.
Nice amount there Healix! Guess I’ve missed or spend more then I thought.
I think all your questions can be answered here: http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Laurel
That pile could generate some serious coin….(or outfit lots of toons in Ascended trinkets).
Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances
I spend laurels for T6 bags and profit with pure gold
@Blockhead Magee, I’m a hoarder, no doubt about that (really need more bank space!), but I’m no show off. I really haven’t had any reason to use them. I don’t need ascended gear (got enough ascended rings in my bank and Guild Commendations), so only thing I can think of is t6 bags. Was wondering if I missed anything.
As well as the Living Story Season 1 rewards found at most City Laurel Vendors.
Good luck.
If you don’t have Ascended Amulet and Accessories on each of your L80 characters, that would be my first recommendation.
I usually buy t6 mats with them. It allows me to slowly make progress towards another legendary without spending anything or I can sell them if I desperately need gold. I have also been wanting to get one of the laurel minis that cost 75 laurels but I cannot help but spend them before I get that many, haha.
PvE- Grolex (Warrior)
PvP rank: 20 Rating: 1864 (season 7)
Yeah, buy mats, sell mats, then buy everyone a legendary
buy mats and sell mats. then buy eternity.
Endless cat tonic.
On every character.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6zkT2uZAGA – GW2 – A world of wonder
Endless cat tonic.
On every character.
Chauncey Von Snuffles, too. ^^^^
-Mike O’Brien
Because we can’t be angry about both?
You can convert laurels to money via t6 bags. You can spend them on ascended amulets/trinkets for alts. You can also buy that mini kitty that looks darn cute :P
If you are heavy into WvW, you can spend them to buy WvW xp and gain levels and raise your WvW skills. Of course if you are patient you can achieve this by grinding WvW xp. I recommend Edge of the Mists for WvW xp, especially combined with a candycorn gobbler. This assumes you don’t already have all the WvW skills where you want them.
you need 50 badge too not only 2 lauren
you need 50 badge too not only 2 lauren
You dont have 1k laurels and not have tons of badges from achievement chests alone.
Oh jeez, if you have extra laurels, why aren’t you converting them to T6 crafting mats?
Holy crap, if I had that many laurels I’d be buying up T6 bags like they were going out of style and either craft a legendary or crash the market. Good lord.
I’ve got 300 banked. Any amount I get above that get spent on T6 materials (which I am short on after completing my Legendary).
What to do with laurels
Sorry, it was to good of a straight line.
RIP City of Heroes
This week on GW2 Hoarders . . .
I don’t have nearly as much, but when I’ve hoarded enough I’m buying Goedulf.
I don’t have nearly as much, but when I’ve hoarded enough I’m buying Goedulf.
My first laurel purchase was Chauncey. Then I got the wolf puppy. And then I got the cat tonic. I’m very satisfied with my laurel purchases. <3
Buy T6 crafting bags. Sell them. Profit. Buy precursor.