What to do with past event items?

What to do with past event items?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: The Moose.7532

The Moose.7532

Clockwork Chaos – Oscillating diaphragm, focusing crystal, translocator beacon, positional relay beacon.
Southsun – map fragment, map of southsun cove, mysterious soggy bag
Investigation kit, sample detector, candy-powered matter meter….

Is there any reason I should hold onto these? There’s just so much stuff that was used in the past event releases, I’d like to clear the bank space. But I’d also like to be sure I won’t need them for a specific purpose in the future…

Not to be pushy, but a Dev response would do wonders here…

What to do with past event items?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Breaking Bad.6241

Breaking Bad.6241

Right click – destroy. If you ever need those again, there will be a way to get them again.

What to do with past event items?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

The only reason to keep them is sentimental…as momentos. If you need the bank space, then destroy. Any item needed in the future will be provided, as new people join the game all the time, and there would need to be a way for them to obtain the item.