What to do with the badges of honor?
If you want to be safe, buy siege and sell it on the TP. If you have the skill points, wood, and mithril, you can upgrade it and sell it for more.
I’m saving it, using it when I want exotic weapons/gear. Might save 500 for a Gift of Battle if I ever feel like a legendary.
I’m saving it, using it when I want exotic weapons/gear. Might save 500 for a Gift of Battle if I ever feel like a legendary.
With the announced changes to legendary weapons, I’d start saving up your mats.
I’m saving it, using it when I want exotic weapons/gear. Might save 500 for a Gift of Battle if I ever feel like a legendary.
With the announced changes to legendary weapons, I’d start saving up your mats.
The problem remains the same: The Precursor.
That and most of the legendaries looking like utter crap, but that’s a different issue…
Anyone know about exotic WWW weapons?
Do they work in the MF?
I’m saving it, using it when I want exotic weapons/gear. Might save 500 for a Gift of Battle if I ever feel like a legendary.
With the announced changes to legendary weapons, I’d start saving up your mats.
The problem remains the same: The Precursor.
That and most of the legendaries looking like utter crap, but that’s a different issue…
I assume he means that they might be used for the crafting of the precursor. I agree with him.
I think saving up w3 badges, charged quartz and dungeon tokens with an eye on the upcoming precursor changes is a good idea.
welcome to forum wars my love, where nobody answer your question but offers some unwanted suggestion.
we both have one legendary and a second gift of battle and 3k badges…
maybe some waste of badges in exotic weapons just to craft precursors for guildie is the reason he asked this question (that wasn’t what to do with the badges), we have bunch of guildies with everything crafted up but the precursors.
i’ll try it for you ok?
Join the Rainbow Pride
holy crap the title was actually what to do with badges of honor… shame on you salvatore!!
Join the Rainbow Pride
Yeah, please lock this thread. OP clearly trolled us in his title.
No i didn’t that was just a general question i would like to be answered too. Noone is answering the second question thou… i didn’t want to know nothing about incoming changes on legendaries and precursors.
(edited by Salvatore.4983)
i wouldn’t say trolling, you could have read what he asked. i for example didn’t even notice the title at first…
Join the Rainbow Pride
what the heck is an MF?
Playing the engineer “as intended” is simply not viable.
mystic forge aka mystic toilet. you flush items in it and it gives you crap in return
Join the Rainbow Pride
Get exotic equipement from WvW vendors. You can buy exotic weapon for 1g and xxx badges. You can also get different armor/weapon skins for 5-100 badges.
No i didn’t that was just a general question i would like to be answered too. Noone is answering the second question thou… i didn’t want to know nothing about incoming changes on legendaries and precursors.
Create another topic then.
I think you didn’t got it.
What i’m looking for is both ideas for using BoH and the answer to the question if i can use the exotic weapons acquired with BoH in the MF.
This is not a competition there is nothing to win.
If u try to win something you only won another post.
Now if you don’t have any suggestion or answers please leave.
Even more simple.
(edited by Salvatore.4983)
- buy siegeweapons and donate them to one of your WvW guilds on the server, they fight for you every week so you could at least help them via donations that actually help
- get a Gift of Battle just in case you every going to craft a legendary
- buy Skins, some of them are really beautiful if you are into more simple looking skins
- buy gear for your character to try out new builds that would work better with different stat-combinations
Currently playing Heart of Thorns.
When you get to level 80 you can use the badges to buy armor skins. Before that it’s armor, not skins, so you will need to transmute or use it as is. People dont realize that even though they might not play WvW, the badges have uses.
lol… he already have 1 legendary and a second gift for the second one. on a side note i tryed the invders exotic weapon in the mystic forge and it worked.
that finally answered your second question i believe
Join the Rainbow Pride
lol… he already have 1 legendary and a second gift for the second one. on a side note i tryed the invders exotic weapon in the mystic forge and it worked.
that finally answered your second question i believe
You know what the problem is? The thread title.
Currently playing Heart of Thorns.
Yae i would like to know what you think is smart to do with the BoH not everything i can do.
I do agree on the title but you should read the remaining text! :P