(edited by Zietlogik.6208)
What type of GW2 Player are you? And...
I’m a semi-hardcore player who values his time very highly. I enjoy WvW, jumping puzzles, and I’ve started some PvP (mostly because I think the ascended gear is going to do me in when it comes)
Top 3:
1) Change drop rates for rewards. I’ve decided that I’m going to keep playing this game until I’m broke, then I’m going to quit.
2) Change the computer AI to not be so brain dead.
3) Update WvW to reduce the effectiveness of siege and to discourage so much zerging. (Don’t know how to do this though).
(edited by TooBz.3065)
I’m a fairly hardcore player, although I’m too lazy to do anything substantial, like making a legendary. I am slowly working on it though. I prefer PvE content, and rarely do PvP, and even more rarely WvW. I enjoy JP’s, and have almost all of them completed, and I love doing explorer achievements. I’m an achieve-aholic.
Top 3:
1. More challenging content. The Gauntlet was a good refreshment from face-rolling bosses in most dungeons.
2. DE’s to be more substantial, and more rewarding. As they are, most don’t change much of the environment; spare some enemies holding a town, or a tower not standing at that moment. The rewards are pretty small too, so I don’t have much interest in completing them unless they’re easy.
3. Better dungeon boss mechanics. Most are just hack&slash; tank&spank, etc.
The temp Aetherblade dungeon mechanics were nice, and I’m sure the Molten Alliance dungeon had some cool mechanics as well. (Tower was broken from F&F part 3 through the middle of Southsun; ended up not playing again until a week into Dragon Bash)
Vicodium – Ranger (IX) Coldsnap
Explorer and pure PvE. Took a 5-6 month break in feb/march and came back last month. Just hit 100% World Completion and did every single jumping puzzle (including Wintersday but I wasn’t here for Halloween. afaik that’s the only one I haven’t tried/done yet.)
3 4 changes I’d like to see:
1. Get jumping puzzles out of WvW. If I wanna be ganked by kittenbags who get off on ruining other people’s fun, I’d go back to Age of Wushu.
2. Fix the kitten classes. Rangers especially, but not only them.
3. Split PvE and PvP already, kitten .
4. BONUS: Hire new artists to make medium armor.
(edited by arjeidi.2690)
Im explorer/roamer type.
1. Balance classes/skills, etc. and add more
2. Less things dependant on RNG stares at mystic toilet
3 Encourage teamwork in some way. In ex., like they did in GW1 with team builds.
l80 Human Engineer – Expert of explosions l80 Sylvari Mesmer – Phantasmal Assassin
3) Update WvW to reduce the effectiveness of siege and to discourage so much zerging. (Don’t know how to do this though).
In all honestly that almost seems like a backwards request. In order to successfully deploy and maintain siege it requires teamwork, and even though it can potentially be “zerg-like” it isnt a straight up PvDoor zerg. If anything I would prefer it have more emphasis on the siege itself and less on the group deploying it (the almighty zerg).
1. More challenging content. The Gauntlet was a good refreshment from face-rolling bosses in most dungeons.
2. DE’s to be more substantial, and more rewarding. As they are, most don’t change much of the environment; spare some enemies holding a town, or a tower not standing at that moment. The rewards are pretty small too, so I don’t have much interest in completing them unless they’re easy.
3. Better dungeon boss mechanics. Most are just hack&slash; tank&spank, etc.
The temp Aetherblade dungeon mechanics were nice, and I’m sure the Molten Alliance dungeon had some cool mechanics as well. (Tower was broken from F&F part 3 through the middle of Southsun; ended up not playing again until a week into Dragon Bash)
Fully agree, the Gauntlet was a very nice addition, not designed for every player and their grandma, but unfortunately they should not have built it right above a mass PvE farmfest directly below them (frame lag, skill lag, the camera angles are horrible) It was a good start though. And it is unfortunate you missed the F&F dungeon, this was the most enjoyable dungeon to date I have played.
3 Encourage teamwork in some way. In ex., like they did in GW1 with team builds.
This seems to be their biggest challenge, and the largest disappointment from any player coming from GW1 to GW2, the emphasis on teamwork, teamplay and a cohesive team build made all the difference in GW1, and allowed you to go from content to content progressing in difficulty without it relying purely on you alone. Their dungeons were supposed to be “team based content” but it is anything but that, it is just a 5-man tank n spank mini-zerg
I login because of my friends, i get whatever loot and rewards i can before the next nerf wave happens then i log out..
I used to enjoy the Guildwars franchise, now its mostly my friends here that draws me.
I’m a Challenge seeker, Theorycrafter, and Storynut
1. I want more challenging content implemented, challenges such as the Queen’s Guantlet mostly, but changes to existing AI to make it more challenging too. At the same time, I would prefer less of a focus on non-combat challenges such as mini-games, but I would still like to see these added every so often. Non-combat challenges have little to no transferrable skill and it’s like learning something completely new that isn’t applicable to the game overall, but things like mini-games are a nice escape every so often. I do find the jumping puzzles to be enjoyable once in a while as well.
2. I want the same kind of build flexibility from Guild Wars. The potential of new skills is exciting, but I also want to see max stat gear be easily available and easy to swap in and out. I’d like to see all costs associated with changing what character build I’m running eliminated, or at least be so negligible they aren’t noticed. Features like the upcoming legendary attribute swapping I’d like to see across the board on armor and weapons. Gear mod prices I’d like to see come down drastically. Anything and everything make it closer to free for me to change my build and experience combat in a new way are a win.
3. I want far better story telling that can be repeated. Story telling is lacking, and I almost want to be forced to experience the little details via cutscenes, with cenematics and voice overs. Wooden Potatoes recently released 40 minutes of content on his channel to catch people up who missed the Living Story (which was wonderful for someone like me). I want stories to always be accessible, so that I can experience them around my time, and not feel compelled to play more often. I realize this may not be what ANet wants from their players, since it seems like they want people to constantly be playing so they’ll spend more money on gemstore RNG, but I’d be willing to pay $40 a year on large amounts of content expansions similar to the cost and scope of EotN. If it meant cenematics with some really good production quality $60 wouldn’t be out of the question either. Obviously the current business direction doesn’t seem to support this, but it’d be like buying a new console game once and year, and if the value is there so is my money.
Norn Guardian – Aurora Lustyr (Lv 80)
Mia A Shadows Glow – Human Thief (Lv 80)
Hardcore casual, if that makes sense. (I play ~15 days a month, about 7-12 hours on those days) Dungeons and WvW.
1) Make the ranger pet optional – fail mechanic is failure. (Seriously, the only class where the class mechanic is a handicap, and can’t be ignored.)
2) Stop adding temporary stuff – if you can’t make something good enough to leave in the game permanently, don’t bother. Temp content that’s seasonal, the way GW1 did it is fine. More cutesy mini-games and one off dungeons and bloody immersion breaking skins? bleh. Really, it feels like the design decisions are being made by an ADHD 12 year old girl.
3) Stop balancing the entire game around 10% or less of the playerbase. More interesting PvE/WvW content and balancing is welcome – destroying entire builds/classes because of 5v5 node capture is stupid. The biggest giveaway that the GW2 people aren’t the GW1 people is the failure to segregate the PvP from PvE/WvW. PvP balance requires that every class have the exact same strengths/weaknesses, or it will always be imbalanced. The other 90% of the playerbase has no desire at all to play such a dumbed down experience.
I will update the OP with a pseudo “Wishlist” of reasonable requests
1) Really need to stop putting off getting a LFG tool in game…….I hope ya’ll are paying the person that runs gw2lfg.com…if not that’s borderline pathetic
2) Fix rewards…way too much rng based, really unbalanced, needs help
3) Guild support…….last online….edit msg…halls…. ally(multi guild) chat…..
Personal wishlist
1) WvW ranks account bound
2) less rng….isn’t this on everyone’s list?
3) Separate balance….split skills
What type of a player – I spend about 50-60% of my time in PvE and the rest in WvW. When I PvE I really like to change up the content I play and I rarely ever choose what I’m doing based on the loot. I play for a short time (1-2 hours) a few days a week, and some weekends I can get a good 8-10 hours, but that’s not all the time.
1. Add an in-game Looking for Game tool.
2. Housing – simply for the enjoyment of designing and furnishing it with reward items. I always found this to be a fun addition to RPGs.
3. Update the meta-events to be something more than stand in one spot and auto-attack.
Raingarde – Level 80 Necromancer
(edited by Stone.6751)
I am 99% WvW player about 4% pve and 1% spvp.
1. I would like to see new maps for wvw and new objectives.
2. More new pve content that stayed in the game longer. I try to help our server a lot in WvW so if our borderlands or SMC gets under attack I feel obligated to go help and this pulls me away from the Living Story and I sometimes don’t get to finish.
3. Giving us the option to disable right-click targeting would be absolutely amazing.
GW2 is the best mmo out at the moment in my opinion. WVW keeps me playing so I hope more fun changes for WvW are coming.
(sorry, I don’t give much wxp)
Additions: 1. I really feel that this game would benefit from implementing a trinity system, although most of you probably disagree. I hate dying on my Elementalist for building straight damage.
2. More armor. Better looking armor. The radiant armor was pretty cool. I’d like to see a ton more armor types like that. When I first logged into GW2, I was stunned at the lack of variety in armor and the amount of armor in the game. (I’m going to mention and compare to WoW, please don’t hurt my family.) I came from WoW where there was so much armor and with such different looks that I couldn’t believe it. Then I came to Guild Wars 2 and there really isn’t that much armor in the game whatsoever.
3. This one’s a subtraction. Get. rid. of. RNG. Or at least get better RNG. I’d like to see a system where if you don’t get certain mats or armor from monsters killed, that the drop rate will increase each time you don’t get the stuff you’re looking to get.
I’m a hard core casual. I’m casual about the game but I play it a lot. I like rewards, but they’re not my focus. I love exploring, story and lore. Finding stuff I’ve never seen before. Jumping puzzles and puzzles in general. To that end..
1. I’d like to see more content that makes you think. Puzzle stuff that you can’t go to Dulfy to solve (because there’s a randomized element).
2. I’d like to see longer event/quest chains that feel epic…not necessarily in that I have to or want to fight a boss at the end. But something I have to work through, think about, something that makes me feel like I’m having an adventure on the longer term. (the personal story doesn’t do this).
3. A way to turn off map markers, but leave the ones discovered on. In other words, make it so explorers on a new character know where they’ve explored, without showing them very POI on the map.
3. Giving us the option to disable right-click targeting would be absolutely amazing.
This has been in the game for a while now…check your settings
Pretty much purely PvE and I would like to see..
1. Added guild features making the interface comparable to the old GW1 (last logged on, member since…., easier way to make a small edit to message.. etc..)
2. Ally system, so you are able to speak with your brother/sister guilds without having to swap over, and rep there nor do you have to waste guild slots for a bunch of allies either.
3. Further overhaul of rewards, make blue and green items worth salvaging or at least make me think of them as less of a hindrance and more of a reward for having looted them… also the new skins/champ boxes were a nice addition. Personally as an addition to this I would like to see a possibility at a reward for doing unique events per map.. like a certain amount… you get a chest per say.. 5 unique events done on a map without leaving… then one at 10.. and 15.. and the rewards get better as you increase the amount of events you do without repeats counting… ya know… maybe reward people for actually completing events rather than failing… or better yet have there be a negative effect for those who failed the event consecutive times like a monetary penalty of some sort to even out the fact people are failing on purpose.
On a more personal note… Let’s work on getting an area set up not in the open world where a guild can group together and get organized for activities away from all the other players so you have kind of a better idea of organization and who is actually going to be there to participate.
Also, it would be very nice to see some additions to the game encouraging playing an alt character… right now it seems like people are being penalized more than anything for having multiple characters.
(edited by Magnus Steelgrave.6580)
I am doing pve mostly. I played 1.8 k hours since headstart.
I would like:
A makeover for dynamic events. They are fantastic in principle but they could be so much better. More event chains, with riddles, levers to lever, chains to pull, pressure plates to activate, with harder bosses and better rewards.
Make a classic dungeon with randomized layout, monsters and rewards (like one or more floors in Nethack).
More mini-dungeons and jumping puzzles with meaningful rewards.
What I don’t like:
Monsters which causes me not to play. Stun, knockdown, daze and the lot mean that I can’t do anything. Replace it with burning, poison, torment, whatever. I am not advocating to make the combat easier (just the opposite), but I think it bad design to give players the feeling not to be in control. I prefer even a one-hit-ko over being thrown hither and tither by pulling, stunning, knocking and then dying anyway.
I don’t like to have to go through HotM. Make teleporting to the cities free.
Remove or redesign the guild rush in Southsun Cove. I am soooo bad at that
I mostly just do the Living Story these days. I don’t even really have enough time to level characters anymore but thankfully I already have two 80s.
Exploration, PVE, altoholic, and overall drifter.
Three ambitions I hope to see:
1. Remove WvW maps from map completion. Give the PvE guys something different instead (like Jump Puzzles) and give the WvW guys something more substantial (like hold the big castle at least once).
2. Add in new Dynamic events that aren’t tied to a Living Story. Make them permanent. If you have to make them part of the Living Story then at least keep them in there after that chapter is done. “Due to the Queen’s Jubilee, the Centaurs have taken advantage of the lull in activity nearby. They are tearing stuff up in new events! Oh now the Jubilee is over, we still have those events going but extra Seraph NPCs are around to reflect that the celebrations are over and people are back at work.”
3. Award people that complete a certain Achievement Point level some consumable which unlocks all the WPs for an alt, but not the Poi or Hearts. This way people could finish the map easier with the alts, or at least partake in things quicker.
Top three:
1. Remove vertical progression entirely. A lot of us have burned out on it in other games. We’ve now tried it here and found that a slow grind isn’t any different than a fast grind (except in dancing, of course).
2. Fix economy and loot system so that play is rewarding and crafting is viable. Remove DR entirely as we play MMO/RPGS to experience intrinsic and extrinsic rewards. It makes absolutely no sense to consciously make your game unrewarding to play.
3. Replace two week development cycle with a three month cycle which focuses on a permanent evolution of the Living World. (Formally announce the abandonment of the expac approach to the MMO.) Moving to a team-based cycle that allows for longer development by each team is a good start in that it recognizes that a longer cycle is needed for quality content and code. Now go all the way and realize that you still have a two week release cycle. It is not needed as a value proposition. I want quality, permanent content and I will know Anet is serious about it when they move to a longer development cycle.
Top three:
1. Remove vertical progression entirely. A lot of us have burned out on it in other games. We’ve now tried it here and found that a slow grind isn’t any different than a fast grind (except in dancing, of course).
2. Fix economy and loot system so that play is rewarding and crafting is viable. Remove DR entirely as we play MMO/RPGS to experience intrinsic and extrinsic rewards. It makes absolutely no sense to consciously make your game unrewarding to play.
3. Replace two week development cycle with a three month cycle which focuses on a permanent evolution of the Living World. (Formally announce the abandonment of the expac approach to the MMO.) Moving to a team-based cycle that allows for longer development by each team is a good start in that it recognizes that a longer cycle is needed for quality content and code. Now go all the way and realize that you still have a two week release cycle. It is not needed as a value proposition. I want quality, permanent content and I will know Anet is serious about it when they move to a longer development cycle.
for #3 I think Colin had a post somewhere explaining that this is simply their “year 1” approach to the content updates and the temporary nature of them. Perhaps with the pieces already in place, they can do more in a 2 week time to provide more fleshed out and permanent content in year 2
1. Raids
2. Player housing
3. crafting skill to accommodate housing (carpenter)
4. World shaking changes to, well, the world.
5. Quest lines for specific rewards.
6. pretty much everything the OP said.
Good topic, thanks for posting it.
I am many types of player rolled into one. I am “ooh shiny!” in regards to easily being distracted and having flashy armor weapons etc. I also enjoy exploring, a lot. I like seeing new zones and new things. It took me 3 months to get my first level 80 because I was rerolling characters to explore each starting area with the race it belonged it to and then just exploring all the zones. It’s all I did for the longest time. I also enjoy dungeons a lot. It’s one of those things I really look forward to in any MMO, finally getting high enough to do that first dungeon!
That being said, dungeons are my number one subtraction. Either stupidly easy or vice versa. One shot mechanics are always a cheap and lazy tactic. They have their place, such as Liadri(sp?). That was a tough fight, that gave me something to feel good about completing. If you have that in a dungeon which you are going to run repeatedly, it loses any sense of accomplishment past the first time, and becomes “Oh great this part again.” Or “I don’t want to run that path it was so annoying the first time, I got my completion I don’t want to go back.” Dungeons just aren’t fun to me here except a few select paths. I don’t mean CoF1 – easy and loot(gold) pinatas aren’t what I am referring to as fun.
The world is beautiful and I loved every zone, some more than others. However once you have completed it, there isn’t much to return for except killing kitten or Golem or SB etc. I like that the new event has you revisiting the zones though. However I’d love to see DE’s in general be less static. I know they plan on randomizing the timers in the future and that’s a good start. However I am looking more for them being in different locations, different zones – Why can’t Claw hit Wayfarer foothills at some point? Well that may be unfair too the lower level players in the zone, but maybe scale him down because he just had his butt kicked in Frostgorge, and he is severely wounded or something. Anything other than the same spot, same mechanic time after time.
I’d like to see more new zones. Not at the rate at which we are seeing other content but maybe one ever 3 months? As I said I love exploring, and once you have explored what there is to see, and you level multiple characters through it, it gets old fast. Adding some more low level areas as well as high level areas is always a good thing.
My biggest challenge and frustration of this game, to this point is the world exploration being tied to WvW maps. Yes I know it can be done when easier at certain times and with almost no PvP, but I don’t like any PvP at all and have no desire to ever set foot in those zones. I did it once a few weeks ago to give it a shot. I was able to get some done, but the rest was being reclaimed and I had to bow out. This is a personal thing and I don’t need anyone to agree with me. The question was asked and I am answering
-Edit- Apparently using the short form for Shatterer gets censored. I think Anet is a bit gung ho on that censorship.
(edited by Poledo.3256)
An absent and very happy one
I’d say I’m casual in the sense of time spent, but semi-hardcore in terms of playing (I don’t use guides or markers, I enjoy challenge ect).
Improvements? Hmm…
- Choice of weapon skills. Tie skills to slots to aid in balancing.
- Less +stat traits, more traits that promote smart play and counter play (think the Interrupt traits)
- Build saver
- Keep working on the Dynamic Event system. Make them require co-ordination and teamwork.
- Improve the scaling on the World Boss fights. Make mechanics scale as well as / instead of health.
- Smarter AI. Give enemies the exact same tools as players; weaponswap, traits, utilities, combos, sigils, runes. As well as this, more roaming packs and bosses.
- Big ask, but a complete restructure. Randomly generated maps (think Minecraft) and Point Wells, where players have to build the forts using supply. Maps are also a) completly covered for each individual player and have to be unveiled or b) player drawn in-game. In both cases, players can generate copies and send them to people to unlock theirs. Maybe have a specific line for Scouting (things like increased map uncovering, more copies of maps generated ect) and Architect (Less supply to build forts, faster fort building ect). Personally, I think WvW would benefit from more sandbox features like this.
Time is a river.
The door is ajar.