What was in today's patch?
Maybe your server isn’t very friendly then.
I helped out on more than one server when this was happening and people were asking for help to stop it. The reaction is always the same. It’s hatred that you finish the actual event.
Blacklist, Ignore, Do it regardless. you cant?
what you are saying does not apply. if you are keen on doing it, how can you fail? unless you are alone. and if you are alone, you cannot uncontest the temple anyway.
so, meaning that YOU are asking for help, BUT people ignore you because they want to do something else.
you cant make another group to get the event done?
all because you alone want it done, everyone else have to bow down?
there are so many temples around orr and most of them are contested 90% of the time. so what in particular is so interesting with lyssa?
also my point isnt just that, but most of the orr events that got nerfed constantly when discovered by players since 8 months ago.
what you are saying is, its better to have an empty map where people dont go there at all because its trash and pointless?
i still remember when every single orr map was almost empty with only 1 or 2 people replying in chat. is that what you want?
Maybe your server isn’t very friendly then.
I helped out on more than one server when this was happening and people were asking for help to stop it. The reaction is always the same. It’s hatred that you finish the actual event.
why do you need it on more then 1 server if you just want karma gears? why are you purposely doing it so that wherever people go you just want to break the cycle?
it looks more like you dont want people doing the event to gain materials because you want to make life difficult for everyone else.
(edited by Boyd.5438)
Blacklist, Ignore, Do it regardless. you cant?
what you are saying does not apply. if you are keen on doing it, how can you fail? unless you are alone. and if you are alone, you cannot uncontest the temple anyway.
so, meaning that YOU are asking for help, BUT people ignore you because they want to do something else.
I do do that and I have been uncontested temples at offpeak hours with 3 people. Lyssa is kitten easy. But if stopping an event produces such mentality of course I don’t want it being used like that.
And no I don’t ask for help. I just get whispers telling me that they will never help me ever and would like me to be banned and put out of the game.
all because you alone want it done, everyone else have to bow down?
please tell me now, what are the events for?
there are so many temples around orr and most of them are contested 90% of the time. so what in particular is so interesting with lyssa?
Lyssa, Dwayna, Grenth and Melandru normally gets done a lot. Baltazar fails a lot. Every single temple provides gear of different stats.
also my point isnt just that, but most of the orr events that got nerfed constantly when discovered by players since 8 months ago.
what you are saying is, its better to have an empty map where people dont go there at all because its trash and pointless?
i still remember when every single orr map was almost empty with only 1 or 2 people replying in chat. is that what you want?
I seem to not share your memories. Are you playing on off peak hours? On a low pop server?
why do you need it on more then 1 server if you just want karma gears? why are you purposely doing it so that wherever people go you just want to break the cycle?
it looks more like you dont want people doing the event to gain materials because you want to make life difficult for everyone else.
I’m in a big guild and I get people sharing their sadness about getting bullied. You’re trying to defend the bullies.
Because having a group of 15-30 players pulling mobs over the top of npcs that you need to rez to do the bottom event and getting them to stack AoE and increase the event difficulty changes it from an event that is easy to complete with 5-10 people to something that you cannot complete…
And they do this to stop people from doing lyssa… I am fairly sure I indicated this in my previous post…
As for dying? as I said, no deaths… people trying to exploit usually cause deaths in dungeons that I have been in because they never learnt how to run them properly or how to create a good build… Separate point and issue but exploiting is exploiting.
The lyssa one is different though and needed a fix.
As I said, if people want this sort of noskill gameplay and hording just go play a Facebook game.
big guild.. kk. well whatever it is im out of it.
hopefully you guys get what you want. but mind you what comes around goes around. today you stuff someone, later one someone will stuff you up too enjoy.
I don’t exploit anything and have nothing to worry about, they nerfed the camps and plinx… well I just played somewhere else and balanced out my gameplay…
Don’t think you are the only ones that have ever lost something however in this case arenanet has made their stance quite clear.
As I said actively getting in the way of people completing events just so you can cheat your way to easy riches is never the right option.
The only way people can stuff me up is with activities like lyssa so it is win win here.
Blacklist, Ignore, Do it regardless. you cant?
what you are saying does not apply. if you are keen on doing it, how can you fail? unless you are alone. and if you are alone, you cannot uncontest the temple anyway.
so, meaning that YOU are asking for help, BUT people ignore you because they want to do something else.
I do do that and I have been uncontested temples at offpeak hours with 3 people. Lyssa is kitten easy. But if stopping an event produces such mentality of course I don’t want it being used like that.
And no I don’t ask for help. I just get whispers telling me that they will never help me ever and would like me to be banned and put out of the game.all because you alone want it done, everyone else have to bow down?
please tell me now, what are the events for?
there are so many temples around orr and most of them are contested 90% of the time. so what in particular is so interesting with lyssa?
Lyssa, Dwayna, Grenth and Melandru normally gets done a lot. Baltazar fails a lot. Every single temple provides gear of different stats.
also my point isnt just that, but most of the orr events that got nerfed constantly when discovered by players since 8 months ago.
what you are saying is, its better to have an empty map where people dont go there at all because its trash and pointless?
i still remember when every single orr map was almost empty with only 1 or 2 people replying in chat. is that what you want?
I seem to not share your memories. Are you playing on off peak hours? On a low pop server?
why do you need it on more then 1 server if you just want karma gears? why are you purposely doing it so that wherever people go you just want to break the cycle?
it looks more like you dont want people doing the event to gain materials because you want to make life difficult for everyone else.
I’m in a big guild and I get people sharing their sadness about getting bullied. You’re trying to defend the bullies.
Wow seriously this person..
its okay if you want to complete lyssa
we can just go to another server
or you can be nice and do lyssa on another server
you’re being selfish by forcing the majority (most of the time) to complete lyssa dude
it’s not that you own the map
people who wanna farm are players too WE ALL SHARE THE SADNESS OF BEING BULLIED BY YOU DUDE(FYI)
and you say what are the events for? kidding me?
go complete balthazar! people need those more than lyssa (FYI)
Considering that I get limited guesting, it was happening on most servers, people did not let people complete the event chain (you know the whole game part of the game), were incredibly rude and we would have to link up with multiple people in a guild or so forth, convince them to guest IF THEY HAVEN"T ALREADY GUESTED TOO MANY TIMES, just so we can complete some content and get some items from an event that people are exploiting so they don’t have to put any effort into the game and will likely just use the profits from to amass a wealth so they can flip stuff on the trading post.
Oh yeah.
Also balth needs more people, is MUCH harder and is a pain in the kitten to do with the whole moral system… I try and complete any of the temples when I can including balth by balth is the only one that consistently fails even with large zergs.
Wow seriously this person..
its okay if you want to complete lyssa
we can just go to another server
or you can be nice and do lyssa on another server
you’re being selfish by forcing the majority (most of the time) to complete lyssa dude
it’s not that you own the map
people who wanna farm are players too WE ALL SHARE THE SADNESS OF BEING BULLIED BY YOU DUDE(FYI)
and you say what are the events for? kidding me?
go complete balthazar! people need those more than lyssa (FYI)
then go and farm something that doesn’t break a game mechanic. Nobody will be angry at you in frostgorge if you’ll just kill mobs. Stand in the middle of orr and farm undead as much as you want, run the never ending event chain and farm karma and loot like that, but for goodness sakes stop stopping the events from being completed because you want phat lootz. It’s interfering with other players.
I’m a mad farmer(I do so to help my guild with mats), but, I respect players who are doing events by not doing just one area, I kill anything and everything in my path in every zone imaginable. I like to farm, that’s my fun, just want it like it was when I started. I could care less about a legendary.
Mud Bone – Sylvari Ranger
everyone have their own play style mate, you dont like it you can choose a different group. you dont have to ruin it for everyone else around you.
but farmers were ruining it for actual players there. Isn’t it the same as saying to a police man “why did you stop that thief? You’re ruining the fun for him!” without taking other people into consideration.
oh give me a break…that is such a lame excuse. You’ve obviously never been to this event or to the place that was being farmed because you could easily get a group and do the event if you wanted
…or are you trying to say you could do the event by yourself?
Because that’s exactly what you will be attempting now unless you bring a group..because malchor’s leap was empty before the farming started and will be again afterwards.
Yeah, another anti-farming intervention. Anet, you really know how to fix things instead of banning bots, you just reduce their income (and everyone’s else who didn’t done anything wrong).
Wow seriously this person..
its okay if you want to complete lyssa
we can just go to another server
or you can be nice and do lyssa on another server
you’re being selfish by forcing the majority (most of the time) to complete lyssa dude
it’s not that you own the map
people who wanna farm are players too WE ALL SHARE THE SADNESS OF BEING BULLIED BY YOU DUDE(FYI)
and you say what are the events for? kidding me?
go complete balthazar! people need those more than lyssa (FYI)then go and farm something that doesn’t break a game mechanic. Nobody will be angry at you in frostgorge if you’ll just kill mobs. Stand in the middle of orr and farm undead as much as you want, run the never ending event chain and farm karma and loot like that, but for goodness sakes stop stopping the events from being completed because you want phat lootz. It’s interfering with other players.
Well like i said, majority of people (most of the time) there wants to do the farm and only some (most of the time) wants to complete the event. For goodness SAKE, you’re the one who interferes with what the majority wants to do with the event. you can’t simply tell us to stop farming bro / what to do. who are you? seriously this person havent heard the term effective and efficient in his/her entire life.
hey Mirta.5029, since you say you can do those temples, why not do it now? i can see 3 FULL population servers with them contested why not do it now?
straits and malchor is empty atm. so, what u gonna do about it? where is your passion to un-contest it?
or was that just all talk not action?
this is the things im talking about. people always claim this and that but heck. why are they contested? where is your passion?
TC BG and DB full and contested. show some love. open it all?
or is there no point because there is nothing good coming out of it?
show me. im keen to see what u can do with your “3 man” group you claimed earlier.
would love to see it on youtube too. 3 man band. please.
or is it just to disturb and annoy everyone else? forumers are watching
(edited by Boyd.5438)
The number of people against a fix to an obviously unintended circumstance in an event chain is mega lol worthy.
Blacklist, Ignore, Do it regardless. you cant?
what you are saying does not apply. if you are keen on doing it, how can you fail? unless you are alone. and if you are alone, you cannot uncontest the temple anyway.
so, meaning that YOU are asking for help, BUT people ignore you because they want to do something else.
I do do that and I have been uncontested temples at offpeak hours with 3 people. Lyssa is kitten easy. But if stopping an event produces such mentality of course I don’t want it being used like that.
And no I don’t ask for help. I just get whispers telling me that they will never help me ever and would like me to be banned and put out of the game.all because you alone want it done, everyone else have to bow down?
please tell me now, what are the events for?
there are so many temples around orr and most of them are contested 90% of the time. so what in particular is so interesting with lyssa?
Lyssa, Dwayna, Grenth and Melandru normally gets done a lot. Baltazar fails a lot. Every single temple provides gear of different stats.
also my point isnt just that, but most of the orr events that got nerfed constantly when discovered by players since 8 months ago.
what you are saying is, its better to have an empty map where people dont go there at all because its trash and pointless?
i still remember when every single orr map was almost empty with only 1 or 2 people replying in chat. is that what you want?
I seem to not share your memories. Are you playing on off peak hours? On a low pop server?
why do you need it on more then 1 server if you just want karma gears? why are you purposely doing it so that wherever people go you just want to break the cycle?
it looks more like you dont want people doing the event to gain materials because you want to make life difficult for everyone else.
I’m in a big guild and I get people sharing their sadness about getting bullied. You’re trying to defend the bullies.
Wow seriously this person..
its okay if you want to complete lyssa
we can just go to another server
or you can be nice and do lyssa on another server
you’re being selfish by forcing the majority (most of the time) to complete lyssa dude
it’s not that you own the map
people who wanna farm are players too WE ALL SHARE THE SADNESS OF BEING BULLIED BY YOU DUDE(FYI)
and you say what are the events for? kidding me?
go complete balthazar! people need those more than lyssa (FYI)
kittening hilarious.
But ultimately, incredibly sad for the human race.
As I stated in another thread, despite the suspicious timing, the update did NOT contain any content changes. The changes to the Lyssa Temple event are totally unrelated.
Obfuscation, pure and simple.
There were an excessive number of bots at that location on several servers, so the spawns during the event (only) had their loot reduced. No changes were made to any creature outside the event, including wraiths in other locations. We tried to find the simplest, safest change possible. I hope that answers the question, but I really don’t want to get into a debate about “What is farming?” or “Does farming hurt the economy?” or “Economy? It’s a game, who cares?”
Really is that the attitude from you guys WHO CARES? we care the people that play the game care… You state that you don’t want a grind yet certain items that are needed in mass require a grind…. Great kittening response from a “Game Admin”
everyone have their own play style mate, you dont like it you can choose a different group. you dont have to ruin it for everyone else around you.
but farmers were ruining it for actual players there. Isn’t it the same as saying to a police man “why did you stop that thief? You’re ruining the fun for him!” without taking other people into consideration.
Farming a zone how is that like being a thief? your making these broad statements again… are you one of those people with 4-5 legendary pieces who got them before a lot of these nerfs and want no one else to get them Because some of your logic makes no sense..
There were an excessive number of bots at that location on several servers, so the spawns during the event (only) had their loot reduced. No changes were made to any creature outside the event, including wraiths in other locations. We tried to find the simplest, safest change possible. I hope that answers the question, but I really don’t want to get into a debate about “What is farming?” or “Does farming hurt the economy?” or “Economy? It’s a game, who cares?”
Really is that the attitude from you guys WHO CARES? we care the people that play the game care… You state that you don’t want a grind yet certain items that are needed in mass require a grind…. Great kittening response from a “Game Admin”
He said he didn’t want to go into discussing remarks such as ‘Economy? It’s a game, who cares.’
That does NOT mean he is saying ‘who cares’. it means he is not going to react to others saying that.
Punctuation matters.
Try reading the quoted bit again, now looking at the little signs that are there to mark quotes.
I’m not a big defender of this game when it comes to these changes… but seriously: try to read what he said.
He didn’t say ‘Who cares’.
There were an excessive number of bots at that location on several servers, so the spawns during the event (only) had their loot reduced. No changes were made to any creature outside the event, including wraiths in other locations. We tried to find the simplest, safest change possible. I hope that answers the question, but I really don’t want to get into a debate about “What is farming?” or “Does farming hurt the economy?” or “Economy? It’s a game, who cares?”
Really is that the attitude from you guys WHO CARES? we care the people that play the game care… You state that you don’t want a grind yet certain items that are needed in mass require a grind…. Great kittening response from a “Game Admin”
He said he didn’t want to go into discussing remarks such as ‘Economy? It’s a game, who cares.’
That does NOT mean he is saying ‘who cares’. it means he is not going to react to others saying that.
Punctuation matters.
Try reading the quoted bit again, now looking at the little signs that are there to mark quotes.I’m not a big defender of this game when it comes to these changes… but seriously: try to read what he said.
He didn’t say ‘Who cares’.
replied via PM no need to debate this on here
Between punishing people for trying to do that event legit, and punishing those that actually punished the former. I’t s a good thing Anet picked the latter. :P
one day when something affects you, whether here or somewhere else, and people laugh and are happy about your misfortune due to the way things are handled, that day will be the day of enlightenment
Normally I don’t pick activities that effects other individuals in a negative way, so even if said day would come, I would just see the error of my ways, learn not to be a griefer and move on
hey Mirta.5029, since you say you can do those temples, why not do it now? i can see 3 FULL population servers with them contested
why not do it now?
straits and malchor is empty atm. so, what u gonna do about it? where is your passion to un-contest it?
or was that just all talk not action?
this is the things im talking about. people always claim this and that but heck. why are they contested? where is your passion?
TC BG and DB full and contested. show some love. open it all?
or is there no point because there is nothing good coming out of it?
show me. im keen to see what u can do with your “3 man” group you claimed earlier.
would love to see it on youtube too. 3 man band. please.
or is it just to disturb and annoy everyone else? forumers are watching
Honestly, your post just reeks of contempt. It’s as if you’re one of those farmers who tell players that want to complete the event to screw off.
If this is the case, then this patch is your “karma”, with respect to the irony of one of your other posts, namely this one:
Boyd.5438big guild.. kk. well whatever it is im out of it.
hopefully you guys get what you want. but mind you what comes around goes around. today you stuff someone, later one someone will stuff you up too enjoy.
More so, I don’t understand why this is surprising for so many players. Everyone saw the nerf coming. It was blatantly unintended, and while I wouldn’t go as far as calling this an exploit, no one should have not saw it coming.
(edited by Heijincks.9267)
oh give me a break…that is such a lame excuse. You’ve obviously never been to this event or to the place that was being farmed because you could easily get a group and do the event if you wanted
…or are you trying to say you could do the event by yourself?
Because that’s exactly what you will be attempting now unless you bring a group..because malchor’s leap was empty before the farming started and will be again afterwards.
1. Malchor’s leap was never empty. Lyssa was being done all the time, because Lyssa is easy. The temple that never gets done is Baltazar.
2. I do do the event and make sure that the farmers leave. You get so much hate for it though. I can see how it could scare away new players.
oh give me a break…that is such a lame excuse. You’ve obviously never been to this event or to the place that was being farmed because you could easily get a group and do the event if you wanted
…or are you trying to say you could do the event by yourself?
Because that’s exactly what you will be attempting now unless you bring a group..because malchor’s leap was empty before the farming started and will be again afterwards.
1. Malchor’s leap was never empty. Lyssa was being done all the time, because Lyssa is easy. The temple that never gets done is Baltazar.
2. I do do the event and make sure that the farmers leave. You get so much hate for it though. I can see how it could scare away new players.
1. why does the majority are choosing to farm rather than doing lyssa as they first come to lyssa before you begin to do your daily work? its because farming is easier and you choose the hard way
2. oh right? actually new players tend to learn from experienced players. We usually tell them what to do and they usually follow as they would know that it would be best for them too. how can it even scare new players?
Yeah, it just sucks that those of us who actually play get punished cause of botters. guess I will have to find me another farm.
Bots, and people who got abusive towards others (usually done in tells to minimize the chances of being reported) who advanced the event chain.
More so, I don’t understand why this is surprising for so many players. Everyone saw the nerf coming. It was blatantly unintended, and while I wouldn’t go as far as calling this an exploit, no one should have not saw it coming.
It was an exploit.
Anet never interned for it to be more desirous to NOT finish an event than to finikitten – this was an exploit of the game’s design.
I admit, I’d be shocked and disappointed if Anet did any more than they have, though. This is the kind of exploit where if you got pulled over by police, they’d be saying “just wanted to tell you your tail lights are out” kind of thing.
lol i knew that “botting” was “related”. so, is there another way to prevent this botting issue instead of punishing everyone else?
Allowing people to complete the event as normal instead of having players fight players seems like a good situation to me.
Yep, but don’t tell the malcontents that…they’re not looking for reason or logic when they come here to kitten and moan.
Cursing, insulting whispers, attempting to pull mobs on the person, telling him that you will never help him with the event. You’re also stopping a temple from being uncontested and are disallowing people from buying karma gear.
Maybe your server isn’t very friendly then.
That’s the thing. It’s rarely the many that screw things up for everyone. Usually just the few being kittens.
1. why does the majority are choosing to farm rather than doing lyssa as they first come to lyssa before you begin to do your daily work? its because farming is easier and you choose the hard way
2. oh right? actually new players tend to learn from experienced players. We usually tell them what to do and they usually follow as they would know that it would be best for them too. how can it even scare new players?
1. So you’re yet another person that wants to play it in easy mode and get rewards for essentially Akitteng. Why should the game reward you for that?
2. So you’re teaching new players to forget about how the game is should be played and just Akitten with you there too?
1. why does the majority are choosing to farm rather than doing lyssa as they first come to lyssa before you begin to do your daily work? its because farming is easier and you choose the hard way
2. oh right? actually new players tend to learn from experienced players. We usually tell them what to do and they usually follow as they would know that it would be best for them too. how can it even scare new players?1. So you’re yet another person that wants to play it in easy mode and get rewards for essentially Akitteng. Why should the game reward you for that?
2. So you’re teaching new players to forget about how the game is should be played and just Akitten with you there too?
EASY MODE?? I guarantee people farming are putting more time into the game than you. You think the droprates are good or something? People spend days on end out there…you obviously don’t know what you are talking about.
EASY MODE?? I guarantee people farming are putting more time into the game than you. You think the droprates are good or something? People spend days on end out there…you obviously don’t know what you are talking about.
Time and difficulty are not synonymous. It takes far less skill to farm Pent/Shelt for 250 [insert T6 material here] than it does to complete the Mad King’s Tower jumping puzzle, even if the former takes significantly longer to do.
EASY MODE?? I guarantee people farming are putting more time into the game than you. You think the droprates are good or something? People spend days on end out there…you obviously don’t know what you are talking about.
Time and difficulty are not synonymous. It takes far less skill to farm Pent/Shelt for 250 [insert T6 material here] than it does to complete the Mad King’s Tower jumping puzzle, even if the former takes significantly longer to do.
What difficulty? Oh yea…figures you’d use the one event that is not even available anymore as a reference. There’s nothing difficult about this game. Farming is encouraged so much that their most difficult aspect (fractals) is based upon grinding out the levels. facepalm
Ah… Finally. Thanks anet. However I am STILL going to keep clearing the Lyssa statue. You know why? Because this is one of the few, well desinged (mostly) and balanced boss events you have in the open world. If only all the world bosses were this well designed.
For thoese of you who want to know what this exploit was all about, OR want a guide on how to clear Lyssa look here:
EASY MODE?? I guarantee people farming are putting more time into the game than you. You think the droprates are good or something? People spend days on end out there…you obviously don’t know what you are talking about.
having in mind that I’m on my year off I sometimes invest up to 10 hours into this daily. I’m sort of a hardcore player (because for the upcoming 3 months I still have time for it), so I highly doubt it. Also if you can leave your character on auto attack and just collect the loot I wouldn’t call it challenging. You can be throwing an orange into the air and catching it again and again and again for 6 hours at a time, but it still won’t make the activity challenging.
EASY MODE?? I guarantee people farming are putting more time into the game than you. You think the droprates are good or something? People spend days on end out there…you obviously don’t know what you are talking about.
having in mind that I’m on my year off I sometimes invest up to 10 hours into this daily. I’m sort of a hardcore player (because for the upcoming 3 months I still have time for it), so I highly doubt it. Also if you can leave your character on auto attack and just collect the loot I wouldn’t call it challenging. You can be throwing an orange into the air and catching it again and again and again for 6 hours at a time, but it still won’t make the activity challenging.
If you consider yourself hardcore and that this game is challenging, I have some ocean front property in Idaho for sale.
Just throwing my 5 cents:
I think you (Anet) took the easy route, you nerfed the loot. This is not a way to “fix” an exploit, at least not this one, any mmorpg/rpg rewards a player for killing mobs, be it in item or cash, by doing this you’re telling your players “yeah kill them but you wont get anything” as if the reward system wasnt bad enough as it is.
To me, the proper way to fix this exploit, because it is what it is, was by adding a timer in the event- You either destroy the walls in 3 minutes (or whatever time you think would be enough) or the risen destroy the power supply (or whatever its there).
other solution would be to add champions with huge aoe (karka champion comes to mind) when theres enough people there to scale it that high, preventing people to stand in place spamming 1.
But your choice was – nerf the loot. again.
dont make players hate the time spent ingame because they dont get anything. And no, the Guaranteed bonus chest with a rare item is not the way to do it, rares have no value anymore, same goes for ectos. make the rewards mean something.
Remember what you had in gw1 pre nightfall. The best thing that could happen to anyone was getting that perfect rare. think about it.
There is far more then a guarenteed gold in that chest, and if you do the events optimally it’s actually a very good reward for time invested.
Throwing more loot at the players is just going to make the rewards worth less and less. That’s inflation for you.
For a real solution check this out:
There were an excessive number of bots at that location on several servers, so the spawns during the event (only) had their loot reduced. No changes were made to any creature outside the event, including wraiths in other locations. We tried to find the simplest, safest change possible. I hope that answers the question, but I really don’t want to get into a debate about “What is farming?” or “Does farming hurt the economy?” or "Economy? It’s a game, who cares?"
Obviously your company cares otherwise you wouldn’t have an economist on board. Those people who are disgusted with the loot drops in the rest of the game and feel they must find better ways to get loot care.
You got a bot problem then ban the bots. You got an infinite spawning mob set during an event, then make sure the event proceeds past that stage in a given amount of time regardless of player actions. Player actions can just speed the event up but not stall it.
You want players to complete these events instead of trying to farm them for loot? make the rewards for the events better the farming. Make these event rewards ramp up as various sections are completed in specific amounts of time.
If there were excessive bots before the patch, then why aren’t they still there?
There’s literally no one farming anymore with the wraiths having no loot table.
A lot of people were being falsely reported as bots while guesting on another server that had the event up. Either from a disagreement, language barrier, or unknown reasons. I think the majority of the bots were probably guardians since they could just target the wall with staff and aoe everything without damaging the wall.
If the bots don’t exist, why can’t you reset the wraiths to have loot again? And work on a better system for bot detection, because mass-reporting from trolls, on people they don’t like, isn’t a good method. (And no, it didn’t happen to me. I barely even went there.)
the thing is that Arenanet fails to realize, that no matter what, someones going to make a bot that needs a nerf…or a ban, everygame, everywhere, every possible exploit theyll be there automating it. instead of punishing everyone for it just simply find a way to hi the bots themselves rather than punishing the players doing something legitimately. like how they did in Guild Wars 1…that MASSIVE bot ban…do it here. nerfing a farm wont stop the bot, the person running the program will simply play the game normally then and set aside the program until he/she finds something else that the bot will run…its not preventing them from botting, its just messing the farm up that wont let the bot work THERE- in turn messing up the farm/fun or whatever else for the other players. BAN the accounts/dont nerf the farm because there are bots.
like saying: Grease the bird feeder pole to prevent squirrels from climbing and eating the birdseed when all you need is a friggin Pellet/BB gun instead…
or taking antibiotics to remove a wart instead of freezing the kitten thing off and moving on INSTEAD of whining about “oh i forgot to take the meds!”
they are going about it all wrong
Yeah, it just sucks that those of us who actually play get punished cause of botters. guess I will have to find me another farm.
Farming and botting are pretty much the same evils on a different scale.
JAH Bless – Equal Rights and Justice for all.
Justice And Honor – Tarnished Coast.
If you consider yourself hardcore and that this game is challenging, I have some ocean front property in Idaho for sale.
hardcore when talking about time investment.
Challenging when talking about high level dungeons done properly and overscaled evens (Lyssa with 100 person zerg gets so funny).
Other than that finishing Mass Effect 1 on the highest difficulty as a sniper was probably harder due to the constant sniper riffle bobbing, enemies taking 5 shots to kill and shots embedding enemies into walls and glitching the game out.
(edited by Mirta.5029)
big guild.. kk. well whatever it is im out of it.
hopefully you guys get what you want. but mind you what comes around goes around. today you stuff someone, later one someone will stuff you up too
I like farming, but your attitude stinks.
Im not happy with the amount of people farming skelk in southsun, but I dont grief them,
We share this game, and events are designed to be finished, not exploited, I never exploited an event like this in the name of farming, your not farming, you are exploiting plain as day.
exploit = Make full use of and derive benefit from.
farmers benefitted.
Experience gained if not MORE from the endless mobs for experience…virtually a powerlevel.=benifitted
they wanted Karma armor? NAW….guest on a server that has the temple uncontested…or on one that dont care for farming.
completing an event is one thing, but when several people ran in and uncontested just THAT ONE area and claimed they were doing the event…it wasnt always true, some trolled. so it can go both ways.
greif our farm by doing event.
we greif your event by farming
it was not exploiting, it was never completing it. the game mechanics were functioning as made.
a TRUE exploit is saying “i clicked BUY NOW on a legendary and it appeared in my inventory when i had no money and i clicked again and another appeared and the person(s) never got payment but lost their item.”
farming an enemy for a drop is not exploiting.
exploit = Make full use of and derive benefit from.
Actually, exploit is one of many words in the English language that has many meanings, such as:
tr.v. ( [[tfd.com]] k-sploit [[tfd.com]] , [[tfd.com]] k [[tfd.com]] sploit [[tfd.com]] ) ex·ploit·ed, ex·ploit·ing, ex·ploits
1. To employ to the greatest possible advantage: exploit one’s talents.
2. To make use of selfishly or unethically: a country that exploited peasant labor. See Synonyms at manipulate.
3. To advertise; promote.
Clearly (2) applies here in the most general sense .. the fact it is WAI doesn’t prevent it being abused, for which the word ‘exploit’ also applies.
I take it you’re one of the farmers who were abusing this, judging by your defense of it.
Guys… a patch is never needed to modify loot drop percentages…
Loot drop percentages are done server side not client side. If it was client side, loot percentages would be hackable.
But still would need a download.
When server side changes are done, a new build is created, so the game executable needs to be updated with that new build even if nothing changes client side, which is why when they do routine maintenance we still have to do a 48 megs download.
Exactly, the last time they did that was when they were “fixing” the drop rates of unid’d dyes a few months ago so yeah they definitely have a client patch with each loot adjustment trust me.
This is so discouraging…
Anet what do you want us to do? Really? Every farm spot keeps getting nerfed. It seems like are only looking out for the interests of the TP traders. What ever can boost their profit margins right?
What are we to do? Just farm events themselves? For 1.8s a pop with increasing long cd’s…
Farm hearts? What for 50c to 3s a pop?
Farm dungeons, maybe….but we get smacked with dr and not everyone has an army of alts…
DR, intentional reduction of loot drop were there can be a mass of mobs
I give up…
Maybe you missed it…but Arenanet has said time and time and time again that they do NOT want farming in the game. Period.
So, no you aren’t supposed to go find another farm. You are supposed to go find another game if that’s what you want.
This is so discouraging…
Anet what do you want us to do? Really? Every farm spot keeps getting nerfed. It seems like are only looking out for the interests of the TP traders. What ever can boost their profit margins right?
What are we to do? Just farm events themselves? For 1.8s a pop with increasing long cd’s…
Farm hearts? What for 50c to 3s a pop?
Farm dungeons, maybe….but we get smacked with dr and not everyone has an army of alts…
DR, intentional reduction of loot drop were there can be a mass of mobs
I give up…
Maybe you missed it…but Arenanet has said time and time and time again that they do NOT want farming in the game. Period.
So, no you aren’t supposed to go find another farm. You are supposed to go find another game if that’s what you want.
you. cant. just. simply. say. that.! BRO.
again, many people wants to make legendary because of the cool skin that it offers and it requires a lot of Money! don’t you think that it’s silly that we need to get 8 stacks of t6 and globs and all that with only doing world events and dungeons (other than cof(you said that we shouldn’t be farming), which takes a lot of time). lets say you can gather average of maximum 15-20 t6 per day. it means that you need about 133 days just to complete the t6 stacks (how about the other gifts?) and you can’t guarantee that people will get time to play everyday. It’s like anet wants us to get legendary but then they don’t want us to get the legendary too. Yeah and many of my friends quit the game too because of the nerfs. Happy?