(edited by Keiran.1896)
What would YOU like to see for Wintersday?
So, now we have almost seen all the content of Halloween, I’m sure that some developpers are already working on some content for Christmas. So, maybe that if they read a few threads sometimes, we could inspire them? Anyway, I’m just curious, so what you, players, would you like to see in that event?
In Guild Wars 1, it was a fight between two gods, Grenth (death) and Dwayna (life). Grenth wanted to set an eternal and deadly winter on Tyria, while Dwayna wanted spring to come back. We were able to choose our side – yea, even the bad guyz.
Grenth minions were called Grentchs ( http://huntersinsight.files.wordpress.com/2010/12/grentch.jpg ), and they were very good at ruining Wintersday by making trapped gifts and destroying kids’ snowmens.
Dwayna had minions too – snowmens ( http://wiki.guildwars.com/images/thumb/a/a8/Snowman_(smiling).jpg/150px-Snowman_(smiling).jpg ) and their goal was obviously to make Wintersday an happy party.
Now, in Guild Wars 2, as far as I know, gods have not been seen for a while. But that didn’t prevent Mad King from coming back, so I guess we have good chances to see them again!
The first thing that I would want for Wintersday is obviously Lion Arch being decorated. Snow, garlands, giant gifts, kids having fun, small details, that was the magic of Guild Wars 1 parties!
For the “real content”, I’d love to see an area dedicated to the event, like Mad King’s labyrinth. But we would have to chose our side (Grentchs or Snowmens?
) and all our skills would be replaced by special skills (Snowball fight!) and that would create a huge PvP fight with events like WvW (thought there may be balance problems if a side is overplayed?).
For the dungeons, I’d love to see two mini dungeons like Mad King’s fight, involving killing the boss of Snowmens or Grentchs (so involving chosing your side again).
For items, I’d also love Halloween’s model. Looting Candy Cane Shards (->like Pieces of Candy), crafting Candy Canes, also using gold items (Snowballs? Candies? Ribbon?) and opening Wintersday Gifts (->like Candy Bags).
On Arenanet’s side, I’m sure that they’ll find tons of costumes and hat to sell. Even maybe skins in Black Lion Chests.
So, let’s come back to our main question: and you?
SNOWBALLS! MOAR SNOWBALLS! One of my favorite heart quests is throwing snowballs at the kids. Would love to grief and be griefed with snowballs in Lion’s Arch. Maybe make it a brawl type thing.
About kids in Lion Arch, I forgot to say: I’d love a little quaggan with a christmas hat, or playing with a baby bear. Also I can easily see a charr kid throwing snowballs at everyone. That kind of awesome details, you know <3
Also, I loved that mini-game in cities (in GW1), you know, where you had to gather gifts on the floor, and bring them to the kids before the Grentchs run on you and destroy it. (In exchange, they were giving you a special gift).
And finally, those little quests where you had to gather ingredients all over the world to build a snowman or create a grentch. It was just like Mad King’s memoires during Halloween.
more truly fun events, less grind. If I have to cut down 150 xmas trees or open 100 xmas presents I am going to go postal.
Just about anything like they did for Halloween, except that there shouldn’t be anything tied specifically to the gem store (except actual costumes). There definitely shouldn’t be anything (skin/permanent item wise) in the chests again, or if there are they better drop almost every time. And if they’re gonna do the rent a skin thing again, the permanent versions should not have legendary item requirements. They should be obtainable within playing a little in the event.
Other than those two gripes, I wouldn’t mind the same kind of holiday events/activities/puzzles (just with wintersday themes).
Please give us a keyring…
I want a mountain-made-of-apple-pies jumping puzzle. Where at the top, you can jump in a giant apple pie and eat your heart out.
In real life please.
I’m a big fan of Terry Pratchett and I would love to see a spoof on Hogfather. Something like: the spirit of Wintersday has been captured and we have to work together to save him from a powerful avatar of Grenth and his assassins.
Story aside, I would love to see some really ornate Christmas inspired clothing. Like an entire Santa suit with gilded trim and glowing runes.
Right now I know we have the labyrinth, so I would like to see another area like that. Maybe we could go into a giant snow-globe, and have to fly around on sleigh’s pulled by reindeer and jump onto platforms to get to the middle… Could be fun.
I would love to see if they could make a snowball fight fun. It always seemed lame in every other game I’ve played. I Want a fun, dynamic snowball fight. Maybe a PvP area where we could collect snow and build forts, stock pile ammunition and so on. It would also be fun if it was like the costume brawls where it could happen pretty much anywhere in the city. Would be fun if they could really come up with something interesting.
Officer of Bloodwork [RED] http://bloodwork.boards.net/thread/145/interested-joining-red
I want to craft an exotic rifle that looks like a Candy Cane and shoots Tinsel as the particle effect… MAKE IT SO!
Being new to GW, the current holiday is quite impressive. I love the immersion factor in LA. My hope is whatever they do for the winter holiday it matches and/or surpasses the Halloween event(s)!
I’d really like snow accumulation! Have to wade through lots of snow, maybe even a snow maze?
Feed them and they multiply.
Please do not feed them.
Axe 5 warriors being forced to run Plinx with a mesmer or even just a thief for the rest of the event, and farming balance. People other than warriors want to make good money on these quest chains too you know! Increase thief shortbow arrow speed or give us an axe 5 (the closest we have is dagger storm, and mobs are packed in enough where axe 5 is simply better than an ELITE high CD skill anyway and can’t even use it until warriors blow their axe 5 so we don’t axe 5 and dagger storm at the same time since axe 5 would mitigate any of my loot gains) or something!
(edited by Agemnon.4608)
A jumping puzzle where maybe you have to jump on the ornaments to get to the top of a large Wintersday tree.
Sledding! And snowball fights! A minigame where you have a snowball fight against another team would be fun.
I like the scavenger hunt type quests as well.
The Grenth Who Stole Wintersday….another little realm with minigames and minidungeon.
I have really enjoyed Halloween and if they do as well for Wintersday it will be a lot of fun!
It’s not even Thanksgiving yet; and, even though my daughter is singing Christmas carols daily, I’m not even thinking about the Yuletide holidays yet.
NO pvp, jumping puzzles, skins that only drop 1 in 546986092384509 chests or take months/years to get the mats for.
Some wintersday events likes the ones in GW1. Eg Defend some presents from grenchies or steal them from people when your a grench. Event items for EVERYONE not just the lucky few or the bots that can grind for hours to get them. Info on what is going on BEFORE it happends.
Hopefully an Xmas version of the Lunatic Inquisition. More unique skins that are super rare would be nice; gives people something to shoot for. Hopefully one that looks cool that is not a greatsword.
Hopefully we get some kind of Santa Claus themed dungeon where we get to take down the big man and steal his sack full of loot.
These are just random ideas I came up with, which probably aren’t very good. I think each race could have its own focused mini-game (although anybody can play them), but you have to visit the capital city in order to do. This will help bring more attention to the capitals, away from LA (which is a suggestion I’ve seen a few times).
Asuran: (kind of like in the intro of Asuran, you can play “chess” with golems) A group of x amount is formed, and their golems are transformed into dredels. They have to maneuver the golems, who may have some attacks, to knock the golems off of the ledge.
Norn: We already have the keg brawl, so maybe expand it a bit more to “Egg Nog” instead of just Kegs. Obviously, the skills can change to resemble something more holiday-like.
Human: I remember playing in GW1 the beetle race… So this time, humans can select their own design of a snowsled (all of which will have the same skills, etc.) and let the races begin! They can throw candy canes and snowballs at each other or get a speed boost by drinking some egg nog.
Charr: A bit more PvP style, but add two temporary holiday legions which are either chosen or randomly assigned when the character enters the arena (already in the city). Transform the arena into a large maze, and which ever team gathers all of the materials to create the candy-cane cannon to destroy the other side first wins. They can fight, brawl, etc. also.
Sylvari: The Pale Tree has been transformed into a jumping puzzle similar to the Clocktower, decorated with ornaments that act as the platforms.
I want to go on a personal story-like quest in Hoelbrak on my Norn where I help Eir and Knut Whitebear chop down the biggest pine tree in the Shiverpeaks. Then I want to haul it back to the Great Lodge and decorate the kitten out of it.
R.I.P. City of Heroes, 2004-2012
Long Live Atlas Park 33
Presents mainly. A skimpy Ms Santa outfit and some flashing deely boppers, something like that would be nice.
Skimpy Ms Santa? Are you a pervert?
Legendary Ranger, Simon
Skimpy Ms Santa? Are you a pervert?
Ms.Santa? Since when did Mrs.Santa divorce Mr.Santa? =(
Should be a battle, zone by zone, for Grenth or Dwayna control. Where the players must beat out Grenth’s minions to allow control.
If Grenth wins: the map stays icy with his mobs running rampant for xxx amount of time. Grenth rewards happen.
If Dwayna wins: Spring happens as per normal, her rewards happen.
Id like to see named armor become unique with their own skins.
More jumping puzzles! Or maybe a snowboard race? That would be kinda neat.
The main thing I want for Wintersday is for it to be different from Halloween. The worst thing would be for Arenanet to develop a shtick that they simply follow again and again for each holiday. As far as specific suggestions: a focus on the existing world rather than adding new areas, a focus on new armor rather than new weapons, a lack of Black Lion Trading Company involvement, and festive decorations for all of the cities of the game would all be just lovely.
i would like to see ALL of the bots gone so i can go back to enjoying the gw2 world
For Wintersday, well I verais an Asura and mechanical golems instead of father christmas irl, to replace the war between Grenth and Dwayna are silent …
With snowball battles and give gifts to children! Suits the small shop christmas father and mother.
A story or we will seek the gods, asking them to come back with a jump puzzle, and a dungeon, or a special area reproducing the FoW. Or the Domain, true! Dwayna!
A series of tests to convince both back at this period with our Reward in dutifully, a set of armor!
That way we also ensure the return of two gods for the years to come, at history!
Well since it’s wintersday, at the end of the event, it would be cool if Jormag stormed the place and ruined the whole thing. Then ANet releases an announcement trailer for the Far Shiverpeaks expansion :P
Won’t happen ofc but it’d be pretty funny
Elf costume that uses costume brawl ice magic
Snowball fight just like GW1 where every class has a special skill.
Throwing bunnies.
Finishers that drop snowmen on people like the Snowman Summoners.
Candy Cane Weapons.
Another jumping puzzle, with cupcakes.
Costume Maker NPCs (if not added sooner)
Skimpy Mr Santa outfit.