What would you change in GW2?

What would you change in GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fenom.9457


I will do my best not to be rude of criticizing of the game, this is my list of new features/ expansions on existing features I like the best.

1. Housing! Anet did pretty well with guild hall decorating, as a way to make them feel a little unique and yours. As a housing replacement, however, (not saying they said that it was), this is nowhere near what we need. The good news is that housing does not have to take up space in the open world. Every game I’ve seen with housing has where you buy a given lot (for example Maguuma lot, shiverpeak lot, etc. Or more specifically to sell more stuff make more money; Verdant Brink lot, Wayfarer Foothills lot, etc etc etc.) Also all the decorations for guild halls can be added a second time (gemstore or elsewhere) as housing stuff, at least to begin with :P

2. Mounts! This really needs no suggestive explanation. Not only do I believe I’ve explained my way before, but others have suggested great ways to introduce it as cosmetic and not ruin the waypoint system… I will also say I’d pay pretty much anything for a dragon like this (pic at end of post I believe.)

3. Classes swapping! I really like masteries and elite specs, and am incredibly excited to see more of both, but one complaint I do have with this game compared to my other favorite is that you can’t switch jobs. I’m not sure how to implement this now, but I’d like to see it. Maybe not switching combat/main jobs but adding new jobs (or versions of crafting ones) as some sort of minigame leveled thing?

4. MAPS!!!! So I tried to list new features, but the truth is I really only truly care about the first two, everything else I would want is here. We need moar maps as fast as possible! :P also if/when we fill in the entire current map, I vote we go north or east, further into the supercontinent, not where we’ve already been… (cantha elona).

5. MASTERIES! I don’t have any specific ideas at this time, just more of them!

6. ELITE SPAECS! I have a few ideas (but now is not the time or post), but I do want to mention that ele will require much more work and that’s just haow it is. ( I liked tempest, I’m just putting that out there.)

7. NEED MORE STORY! I just realized this should be #3 but oh well. Add as much lore as possible, and more LW and expansions!

8. Armor?!??!!!!! I want more. I have no problem with gemstore only being outfits. What I don’t like is outfits being the only new thing. Please add more armor – I know you said armor will only be stuff earned in game now, then add some plz! Surely there are plenty of things to do even to the already existing maps, core or HoT.

9. raids! I really like the idea and implementation of raids in every way. I prefer of course the main story and primarily standard maps, but I do love raids. Also you could do raids as the main story (or a tie in to main story) and recap for ppl at the start of the next central story with some sort of a “previously on” and show cutscenes from the raid, and dialogue from your character.

10. Guild Halls! I’m not a huge guild person, but I do enjoy being in a great guild, and I definitely feel these were very much needed. I also like it as even another way to fill in the map faster

ok so now I did 10, top 10 things I want to see more of/added.

Also here is that dragon in the original game it was in. (some adaption of this would be amazing!)


Want to read about a nice mini expansion to make Mordremoth and Zhaitan better?

What would you change in GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fenom.9457


I will do my best not to be rude of criticizing of the game, this is my list of new features/ expansions on existing features I like the best.

1. Housing! Anet did pretty well with guild hall decorating, as a way to make them feel a little unique and yours. As a housing replacement, however, (not saying they said that it was), this is nowhere near what we need. The good news is that housing does not have to take up space in the open world. Every game I’ve seen with housing has where you buy a given lot (for example Maguuma lot, shiverpeak lot, etc. Or more specifically to sell more stuff make more money; Verdant Brink lot, Wayfarer Foothills lot, etc etc etc.) Also all the decorations for guild halls can be added a second time (gemstore or elsewhere) as housing stuff, at least to begin with :P

2. Mounts! This really needs no suggestive explanation. Not only do I believe I’ve explained my way before, but others have suggested great ways to introduce it as cosmetic and not ruin the waypoint system… I will also say I’d pay pretty much anything for a dragon like this (pic at end of post I believe.)

3. Classes swapping! I really like masteries and elite specs, and am incredibly excited to see more of both, but one complaint I do have with this game compared to my other favorite is that you can’t switch jobs. I’m not sure how to implement this now, but I’d like to see it. Maybe not switching combat/main jobs but adding new jobs (or versions of crafting ones) as some sort of minigame leveled thing?

4. MAPS!!!! So I tried to list new features, but the truth is I really only truly care about the first two, everything else I would want is here. We need moar maps as fast as possible! :P also if/when we fill in the entire current map, I vote we go north or east, further into the supercontinent, not where we’ve already been… (cantha elona).

5. MASTERIES! I don’t have any specific ideas at this time, just more of them!

6. ELITE SPAECS! I have a few ideas (but now is not the time or post), but I do want to mention that ele will require much more work and that’s just haow it is. ( I liked tempest, I’m just putting that out there.)

7. NEED MORE STORY! I just realized this should be #3 but oh well. Add as much lore as possible, and more LW and expansions!

8. Armor?!??!!!!! I want more. I have no problem with gemstore only being outfits. What I don’t like is outfits being the only new thing. Please add more armor – I know you said armor will only be stuff earned in game now, then add some plz! Surely there are plenty of things to do even to the already existing maps, core or HoT.

9. raids! I really like the idea and implementation of raids in every way. I prefer of course the main story and primarily standard maps, but I do love raids. Also you could do raids as the main story (or a tie in to main story) and recap for ppl at the start of the next central story with some sort of a “previously on” and show cutscenes from the raid, and dialogue from your character.

10. Guild Halls! I’m not a huge guild person, but I do enjoy being in a great guild, and I definitely feel these were very much needed. I also like it as even another way to fill in the map faster

ok so now I did 10, top 10 things I want to see more of/added.

Also here is that dragon in the original game it was in. (some adaption of this would be amazing!)

EDIT: ERMEHFRICKINGAWD I forgot to mention races!!! This is number 3, move everything else down one mentally please. This is rather self explanatory (what isn’t self-explanatory, well read another post I’m tired of typing.) My top votes are Tengu, Kodan, Largos as most likely and favs

Want to read about a nice mini expansion to make Mordremoth and Zhaitan better?

What would you change in GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phy.2913


Time gated crafting. I can see the reasoning if this was a subscription based game, but it’s not, and caused more frustration and burnout.

What would you change in GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zet.9130


Yep – If I could change things I’d make the game a sequel to GW1. Start there, ask yourselves what did the players enjoy the most, what worked best, what was it’s core strengths. What we got was – “how can we manage skills with the least effort, how can we be unique and sell this game”. What we continue to get is how can we sell more gems?

1. Add GvG – novel idea huh?

2. Add Cantha and think big maps. Have areas in each map where solo play would be impossible and add a chest/foe/prize that that equals the effort.

3. Add a drop that gives players the same rush that Black Dye did in GW1.

4. Lose all the soul bound crap and reduce account bound items by 75%. It was my reward let me do what I want with it.

5. RNG is not fun. Really only gambling junkies like it.

6. Now with Gliding you hit a bulls eye – introduce it to the rest of the game. Yes it’s hard to do…if it was easy they wouldn’t call it work.

7. Very little of the game is fun, killing the same Boss 100’s of times isn’t how you sold this game. Retire Teq, have the Nageling Giant raise a small army and wander that map for 2 or 3 week. Then retire him and find another map and put another Boss on it. Add foes and rotate perhaps rotate maps. anything to add some variation.

8. Have dailies change format every 1-3 months. I hated when they were changed, then grew to like the new format. But it has grown stale.

9. Getting fat loot is fun. Sort out the game economy and figure out how to get loot to players that they want. Do that and there will be a future for this game.

(edited by Zet.9130)

What would you change in GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PaxTheGreatOne.9472


I would…

-Restore TA FW/UP and balance it (the old 3rd parth)
-Restore rewards… getting paid better for the story mode isn’t fun. even if we would go back to 1 gold for a path and 1.5-2 gold for the arah paths it would be way better then now.
-Improve token drops.

-Bring back the random 3 fractals-set
-Restore rewards

Old conrtent
-Festival of the 4 winds
- SAB (even though I personally do not like ik I know at least 50 ppl ingame personally who would be very happy)

-Not even going to comment on this I’d suggest bringing back the ice borders. as the desert(-ed) ones are not fun.

just do what you thinkl is right and then stay away from WvW and PvE with any and all related content (read magic find buffs in PvE whcih only apply to PvP, prize anouncements for stuff I coudln’t care for. I like twitch for some things but I refuse to watch e-sports.

-Old skins/rewards and so on.
I have a lot of skins and some are quite special, due to events I did partake in, still I was in the hospital during Halloween when mad memorie was released, I got some insides removed, and I crept back behind the computer and tried to get the complete edition, but was already to late. I cannot seem to redo it, I’ve sen 3 halloweens since and STILL I do not have the complete edition. glorious armor, after 1-2 years skins mightt be released to the public. same for tribal skins and so on. bunny ears…

-get the economy running again, I cannot buy anything atm as the prices are way too high, no dyes no mats, no nothing. scarcity is nice, not being able to buy anything sucks ballz!

- change the price of black lion tickest to 5 scraps, no make it 3 scraps and in season make 1 skin 1 ticket , out season 2 tickets and out of normal roulation 3 tickets.
I might actually be able to fill some of my collections.

- Oh…, and maybe I do not need a guild hall, just make it a guild room for my bank guild. you know where I can put a bed and a mirror and hang my weapons on a rack. with a fireplace and a kitchinette

23 lvl 80’s, 9 times map, 4ele, 4ncr, 3war, 3grd, 3rgr, 2thf, 2msm, 1eng, 1 rev.
Been There, Done That & Will do it again…except maybe world completion.

(edited by PaxTheGreatOne.9472)

What would you change in GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zet.9130


I knew there was one more thing.

10. Add a Luxury Tax on items valued over 10g listed by a player more than once. Have the tax increase exponentially each time it is listed there after. Many of the high priced items are at that level only because of flipper manipulation.

What would you change in GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lucent.8906


I wish PvE would be less focused on DPS. I’d love to have more difficult content where lack of time isn’t the reason for the difficulty.

Also, SAB really needs to come back.

(edited by Lucent.8906)

What would you change in GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: qbalrog.8017


tl,dr: If you could change everything in the game to make it your masterpiece, your dream game, what would it be?

It was pretty close to my dream game pre-HoT. Honestly, I was fine with a new zone every now and then but given what I paid for it, I would have liked more zones and much more in the way of new skins.

I don’t need the adventures. Masteries are fine, as long as not much is gated behind them or if you could earn them a bit faster with XP in any zone. The specializations are fun, no problem with that.

For me, what kills it is the new zones are just no fun- between having to catch them at the right time and then having to hang in them for a long time makes it tedious. I’m fine with needing some coordination but they seemed to have tuned it wrong. In SW, you could start small and build up to something fun and worthwhile. In HoT, if you don’t start big, you don’t hit good tiers in time and it isn’t worth the trouble. Plus, the zones are just “sticky” very hard to navigate on a toon new to the zone.

In the end, perfect game: remove all arbitrary gates (be they time or masteries), make the zone events more forgiving on timing, scale back the trash mobs because they are just a finger in the eye to solo players (and folks who want to level multiple characters).

I don’t care about raids (fine with me that they are in but I won’t do them). I would like dungeons, fractals and wvw to be viable again. Pvp was fine enough for me in HoT so no real complaint there (except that most of the HoT rank finishers were kind of weak)

I loved GW2. I will keep an eye on it but pretty sure, if they do change it enough to bring me back, it will take them a year or so to do so, which worries me: if they don’t fix it, then it means other players like the new paradigm enough they don’t need to, which is fine but makes me sad (I did really enjoy it for a time) or alternately, in a year they will have lost so many players it won’t be worth fixing, which also makes me sad.

What would you change in GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Guhracie.3419


While I won’t mention the distressing personnel losses over the years, I will say this: Joshua Foreman for president.

Other than that, here are my opinions. It should be noted that I have yet to find another game that is as compelling to me as GW2 has been, but with each recent change, the bar is getting set lower and lower.

  1. Loot. I’ve said it before, and I’ll keep saying it: Find a middle ground between “everyone has thousands of this item” and “it’s so rare/costly to make that only a few players will ever get this drop/have the means to craft it.” Your reward system is stingy. Whatever you’ve been doing is simply not engaging. And enough with the containers within containers within containers.
  2. On the subject of stinginess… Make engaging content. When you gut old content because you don’t have faith in your new content, or because you can’t deliver on your promotions, it doesn’t make me want to invest in your new content. And it is never good design to remove a feature and try to sell it back to people from behind a paywall, and that’s what you did with the restructuring of guilds, as well as fractals. When you have to downgrade your core game in order to get people to play the new content you’ve sold to them, I think you know that’s bad design.
  3. Speaking of bad design… Stop making the exact same mistakes. You knowingly added event failure prerequisites to the precursor collections. HOW. does this keep happening? I wish text could convey the level of utter disbelief in my tone, here. You guys aren’t new at this, but this keeps happening, and I don’t understand who is making the call to keep trying this tactic, when you know it will have to be changed, because it is such bad design.
  4. I miss Season 1 of the living world. I would so love to go back to that style, with some modifications. Adjusting the flow of the storytelling, for example, would have gone a long way toward fixing my personal issues with it. Season 2 feels like a single player game. It’s all cutscenes, and it lacks urgency. Season 1 was full of world-wide events, and if they could have staggered the later releases a bit more (instead of the 2-week insanity), I think it would bring back a great deal of the magic. The addition of new maps has been great, and I think that could certainly be utilized as a permanent impact of temporary content, but if the maps were more than just gimmicks, it would be helpful.
  5. Spvp is no longer an even playing field. This is mind-boggling, because it’s something you’ve gone out of your way to maintain since launch. I don’t believe I should have access to elite specs in PvP without owning HoT, but I also feel as if I should have the option to be queued against other players who don’t own HoT, or in a mode where elite specs are disabled. (Please note the word “option,” as I know not everyone without HoT should be forced out of playing against people with elite specs, if that’s their preference.)
  6. When you sell something in the gemstore, don’t make it useless for over 2 years and act like the people who bought it are being unreasonable when they want access to that content again. Yes. I’m talking about the Infinite Continue Coin.
  7. When you sell your $50 expansion with incomplete features, it’s really tasteless to sell a majority of the thematic cosmetics via microtransactions that range from ~$10 to literally half the cost of the entire expansion for a single (non-modular) look, as well as entire weapon sets whose real monetary value can’t readily be calculated, because they rely on your RNG boxes. You clearly have the ability to churn out quite a lot of art assets. It’s really weird to me that you decided not to use one of your greatest strengths to promote your expansion.
  8. If you’re going to talk to your customer base, use your own forum. I shouldn’t even have to mention this to a company with more than a decade of experience, but here we are.

I miss the company that seemed to like what they did, and who seemed to genuinely care about their customer relations. I have more to say on this topic, but this seems like a fair starting point.

I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t care about the game.

Edit: Huh. The formatting seems to think that all of my points are number 1. I swear, I’m not being overimportant, here. I guess… just pretend like they’re numbered properly. I’ll look into it once I’ve had more sleep.
Edit 2: I think I fixed it!

“Be angry about legendary weapons, sure, but what about the recent drought of content?”
-Mike O’Brien
Because we can’t be angry about both?

(edited by Guhracie.3419)

What would you change in GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Redfeather.6401


Maybe try to be different.
Seems like GW2 tries to copy an existing mmorpg, despite that game having 10 times the content because it has been existing for over 10 years.

What would you change in GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Carighan.6758


If we’re just counting big things, here’s my top 3:

  • Remove sPvP entirely, and make it a separate F2P game. Otherwise I can’t see “competitive-lulz” have any future, really.
  • Interweave WvW and PvE much more. PvE players should have superior farm spots, however to get to those you need to brave danger-land, as they are in WvW or obtained temporarily via WvW. WvW OTOH should fully be integrated into the current PvE story, changing landscape and having events which endanger both sides of a conflict.
  • Implement guild alliances to band guilds together into larger units. The alliance can have a guild hall which is one of the large current ones. Then add smaller ones for individual guilds. That way the space actually makes sense. -.-
The strength of heart to face oneself has been made manifest. The persona Carighan has appeared.

What would you change in GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Glass Hand.7306

Glass Hand.7306

One of the biggest problems I have with the game right now is the dead dungeons. There are a lot of small things like tokens that are needed for legendaries and there is a Mastery Point tied to dungeons.

Anet has stated that they are discouraging people from doing dungeons by nerfing liquid rewards. I don’t have a problem with that. What I do have a problem with is that by doing this it makes certain kinds of progressions very difficult if you don’t also decouple these progression tracks from dungeons when you de-emphasize them. For example how the kitten are people supposed to get Gift of Ascalon now???

You can’t have it both ways. This seriously needs to be fixed.