What would you like to see in next expansion?
- Playable Tengu.
(or any of the several other potentially playable species <3 Largos)
(then again, I’d much prefer them to be added sooner than in the next expansion, possibly as a 10k gem account unlock in the gem store – I’d buy that in a heartbeat)
- Everything Ashen and coso posted below me
- A vast new selection of frequently added armor skins being earnable in-game (without massive grind), as general drops, and for sale in the gem store
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(edited by StinVec.3621)
New blood on the writing staff. Perhaps an entirely new team.
Less vertical map design.
A rework of the Ranger core mechanic that involves the option to trade the pet for a DPS buff of some sort. This could be implemented via a new elite spec.
Fewer unethical business decisions (such as removing a core game feature and adding it back, in modified form, gated behind the expansion purchase)
more armor choices, and I mean real choices. no more jackets/coats/long drapes for medium armor. Leather Harnesses for males, more form fitting armor, things that could be useful for a barbarian or a athetic kind of thief available for all races, not just norn or charr.
We guys also want to feel sexy sometimes ;o
And as for new places, I’d LOVE a dark sinister city, with a dark victorian england vibe to it. Also haunted places, haunted houses, haunted ships, haunted graveyard, sinister and dark forests, creepy tower ruins, creepy towns, BRING ON THE CREEPY!
(edited by coso.9173)
more armor choices, and I mean real choices. no more jackets/coats/long drapes for medium armor. Leather Harnesses for males, more form fitting armor, things that could be useful for a barbarian available for all races, not just norn or charr.
We guys also want to feel sexy sometimes ;o
And this.
They need to work on fixing and balancing what we have now, before they even think about doing another expansion.
But let me give you my wish for Guild Wars 3. Please, please use a totally new engine. With modern architecture, that will properly support things like multi-threading, a large number of CPU cores, modern versions of DirectX, etc…
The original GW engine was made for a multi-player (not MMO) instanced game, with instances having a maximum of 8 players. It will not be suitable for another iteration of Guild Wars.(IMO, it isn’t suitable for GW2, even) So please use a totally new engine for GW3. Develop it in house or license it from a reputable 3rd party, but please just get a new engine for GW3.
And once again, it is my feeling that we should get the vast majority of bug fixes and balancing on what is currently out completed before even thinking about a new expansion.
I’d love to see them use Shriketalon’s LS ideas as inspiration for telling a more world-wide complex story.
As far as specific game things to include, I think some of what you are asking for is stuff they could deliver for free in the current expansion via patches and would rather that happen than wait another 1 to 2 years for it. Weapons, armor, more elites, new raids (which Colin specifically mentioned on Guild Chat were coming this year), new fractals and guild halls, all those can come as additions in HoT, with even more variations included in an expansion as a natural part of one.
A new continent? Now that would be an expansion! Especially if it has the scope of Pact Tyria.
Player housing. I really hope it comes out in the current game, but as it would need some substantial changes from the guild hall system to be viable and fun it might warrant an expansion treatment. Sad though I’d be to wait that long to give my alts their various apartments, mansions, labs, holdings, or back alley crates to live in …
I want the game actually fixed, a completely new team would be nice but unlikely,
Also if the next expansion doesn’t have the tengu as playable race then the game is as good as dead to me.
more armor choices, and I mean real choices. no more jackets/coats/long drapes for medium armor. Leather Harnesses for males, more form fitting armor, things that could be useful for a barbarian available for all races, not just norn or charr.
We guys also want to feel sexy sometimes ;o
And as for new places, I’d LOVE a dark sinister city, with a dark victorian england vibe to it. Also haunted places, haunted houses, haunted ships, haunted graveyard, sinister and dark forests, creepy tower ruins, creepy towns, BRING ON THE CREEPY!
So much this. I also want a real return of the Lost Spirits and Old gods. Give us more Racial based storylines, and adventures.
I came here to say swimsuits, but I realized that no, I don’t want them in the next expansion. I’d like them way earlier than that.
So… I would like to see a randomly generated dungeon.
Dungeons – msg has to be 14 chars or longer.
More precisely DoA, FOW, UW, Urgoz, Deep – these places still exist- why can’t we go there?
Cantha based. Pleeeeease? -puppy eyes-
Tengu as a playable race (maybe a new class…would be nice but doesn’t really matter).
One or 2 new weapons which would give new skills to all classes. New Utility and Elite Skills would be nice too, but I know that would mess with balance and stuff.
Revamped dungeons with revamped rewards.
More than 2 new armor sets. And Canthan-based weapon skins (not gemstore only ones, either).
Hero Followers with customizable gear and skills. (Kidding!)
I’d like to see more guild-related activities, and also some new cool ESpecs..
I’d really like to see the idea of guild hall being developed into something even more amazing than it is now- maybe personal rooms in the guild hall that can be assigned to guild members, or guild master’s office? :P having sort of a housing system inside the guild hall could be amazing imo and ofc as other people already said- new skins!!!
maybe dyeable weapons? It’s sometimes saddening when i find a good looking weapon but then understand it won’t go well with my armor colors :/ what about sort of underwater maps? Bringing back this amazing battle mechanic could be amazing
(i said bringing back because it’s mostly not used in the game :/ and it was one of the 1st things that made me really excited when i just started playing the game
) a new race could be amazing
i remember that in the LS2 the priory mentioned an underwater dragon- it’d just fit in, having an underwater-based expansion!
also, i heared that some people asked for having the underwater pvp map again.. just sayin’ ;D (i didn’t play it, though.. it was before i joined the game
i just heard about it from my friend who played since launch )
And yes, i play [Teef] :)
(edited by Reem.3578)
Here are a few things I would like:
- More armor, and, if possible, more cultural armor
- More elite skills for eles!
- Being able to make small personalization upgrades to home instance
- Fewer adventures
- More maps
- No mastery points for basic progression (xp is enough ;p)
- Being able to save and swap builds/armor
- Longer story
- More choices and to see the results of the choices within the story, even if they are small
- More tone and dialogue options such as having the option for the pc to agree/disagree or be happy or angry with what someone says
I was one of the folks that didn’t like HOT. At this point any expansion would be a hard sell. It would have to lie somewhere between the Elona expansion and the EOTN one to spark my interest and I don’t think they have it in them anymore.
Given we have no understanding of their timetable for expansion releases, we should fight Primordus next. Guild Wars players have been waiting nearly nine years to face him, and it’s doubtful the game will have an expansion to cover each elder dragon.
-Trader/Merchant profession/feature/system like in Silkroad Online.
Makes you travel from city to city with your personal dolyak carrying goods that you bought in the city where you departed. Selling them in other cities for a higher price.
More profit depending on the distance between the cities.
If we go water dragon i want to see boating and fishing if we go earth dragon i guess digging and farming? I think each expansion will have a glider like effect and maybe a new craft.
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA
To be honest, I’d like the ability to ride a mount.
I can’t think of a more interesting way to use the Mastery system. Mounted combat could function like aquatic combat now and give us profession specific list of mounted skills that become more effective by unlocking masteries for your mount (Just make the mounted skills be based on the mount’s stats and not your own so you don’t have to be wearing a specific gear set to maximize your mount’s damage or survivability). Masteries could also make your mount faster, more resilient, and more capable of traversing terrain you can’t cross on foot.
The big combat change for the expansion would be knowing when to get on and off your mount to fight certain enemies, as well as the ability to be dismounted by enemies or knock them off their mounts.
Some examples:
Nothern Shiverpeaks mount – Dolyaks or a new breed of giant mountain goat that can walk through blizzards unhindered, scale steep cliffs, cross ice without slipping, or leap up to higher peaks.
Crystal Desert mount – Some form of camel or giant beetle/scorpion that can walk through sandstorms unhindered, leap over quicksand rivers, and cross blistering hot regions without dying.
Aside from mounts if we ever go to Cantha a good mastery line would be the use of grappling hook technology. Cantha is mostly cityscape, and swinging around those massive apartment complexes with a zip line would be fantastically fun. Bonus if you keep your glider from Heart of Thorns and can combine the grappling hook swings and zip lines with the glider for even more mobility!
(edited by Ehecatl.9172)
Skateboarding quaggans.
more armor choices, and I mean real choices. no more jackets/coats/long drapes for medium armor. Leather Harnesses for males, more form fitting armor, things that could be useful for a barbarian or a athetic kind of thief available for all races, not just norn or charr.
We guys also want to feel sexy sometimes ;o
And as for new places, I’d LOVE a dark sinister city, with a dark victorian england vibe to it. Also haunted places, haunted houses, haunted ships, haunted graveyard, sinister and dark forests, creepy tower ruins, creepy towns, BRING ON THE CREEPY!
Oh I wish we could see the Echovald Forest again sometimes <3 But I’d love to see more creepy landscapes too. Something very dark and tormented.
Nerfentalist of Augury Rock
Content that doesn’t make me feel like I have to rush to do it in the first two months and spend the next two years regretting that I didn’t because nobody else is doing it anymore.
Skateboarding quaggans.
You win.
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA
What would you like to see in next expansion?
Wait what?!
Does that mean we there is already an expansion of GW2?
While I’d really like to see if they can make it so there is an actual reason to take different elites for each class, I don’t think I will be playing this game by the time it comes out. Since HoT, I’ve actually been playing less. Honestly, I don’t know what would bring me back at this point.
I would not mind Heroes for instances only, like Dungeons. Wouldn’t have to rely on PuGs, then.
Lots of earnable skins is always a plus.
Fishing could be fun.
A new continent would be great, but I would be happy with any large new explorable area.
Oh Cantha, that would definitely gain my interest! In general, I’d be looking more for something like a new game (like Factions and Nightfall) than another HoT-like expansion.
- New elite spec for each class
- Playable tengu with new city and 3 levelling maps for casuals
- 3 new hot-style zones for lvl 80’s
-more adventures with better implementation
-another guild hall for variation
-Player housing (revamp of the home instance) with the ability to decorate it
-2 new fractals
-more legendary items
-another raid
-6 new armor sets for each weight tier
-smaller maps
-more objectives for smaller groups
-wvw to not be dead
-new game mode e.g capture the flag
- large free for all map
- much better matchmaking system and removal of the 50/50 w/l ratio
- solo queue to return
Things I would like but arent likely to happen:
- return of dungeon paths, with new paths added for new areas
-event tracker for core maps
-worthwhile class balancing
-cosmetic mounts
-revamp of the outfit system to allow mix and match
There is one thing that would make me so happy I would probably shed a tear…
The ability to name, save, and load a build.
I miss that so much it hurts.
Edit: I almost forgot… the community Design-a-Weapon contests! please and thank you
chopping wood one day, dropped a piece,
all I could say was, “…fell…foot…”
(edited by Fellfoot.8156)
Next Xpac?
Kitten, I’m not even sure we got a first one at this point. DLC maybe, but not an Xpac.
One thing NON INSTANCE HOUSING……… please and thank you
Anything less and its no expansion for me this time:
- One additional Elite Specialization for each Class that adds this time also new Weapon Types like Whips, Polearms, Greataxes, Crossbows, Claws and Throwing Weapons like Chakrams
- New Utility and Elite Skills for all the Basic Classes, like 4-5 new Utility Skills and 2 new Elite Skills per Class additionally to what we get new with the next ES.
- New Playable Race: The Tengu (they are long overdue, how many dragons want they hide in their hometown, until they come out finally and HELP, it was already kind of weird that they didnt help at Mordremoth as allies to help us recruit the Quetzals in the jungle as allied NPCs)
- A longer more complex multi path story similar to the Personal Story of Zhaitan with lots if different kinds of “Missions” that feel actually more like missions of a Commander, where you have to strategetically command your troops also with different results, based on how good your tactics went and how well you self participated in your assigned tasks…
- New Masteries for Central Tyria and the newer explorable Regions (including also HoT)
- New Raid Maps
- New PvP Maps
- New Fractals
- for example implement that one about Abaddon, I mean, you already worked on it, so you can implement it also now)
- or a Marionnette Battle Mass Fractal
- or a Lions Arch Invasion Mass Fractal (these are kind of needed, if you want to implement ever Living Story Season 1 in a kind of “complete” way" similar to Season 2 - New Fractal Mode – Heroic Fractals – special SOLO Fractals that work more similar to GW1’s Bonus Mission Pack, where you play as different Characters with their unique skills, where you can earn unique skins and other stuff by completing History Books and turning them in to a historian, starting with the first Heroic Fractal of “Ghosts of Ascalon”, allowing us to replay the novel book and playinmg as Dougal Keane
- Rework of the Dungeon Reward System to give live back to Dungeons (if not done already earlier with a Feature Pack)
- Redesign of the LFG Tool (if not done already earlier with a Feature Pack)
- Guild Raids (called Guild Crusades) which are special Raid Maps that can be played only as a Guild, not with PUGS… and that are part of the Guild Mission System.
- Hunting Grounds – special SOLO Raid Instances that are designed around it, that players can go hunt there daily once, wekly once however and be able to farm there for a certain amount of time, where chances are significantly better to get some good rewards that help you in receiving materials ect that would be otherwise a terrible grind. Simply said, Huntign Grounds should help reducing the grind of this game, but with the twist ,that their access is limited.
- Battlefields are special PvE maps, where occasionally unique Invasion Events occur similar to the one of Scarlets Invasions…
- Player Housing/Gardening (whe have now Guild Halls, now let us bring the decoration to the players and give us a new personal redesigned home instance, on which we can build our own personal houses…)
- New Gathering Jobs – Fishing and Digging, so that Fishing Rods and Shovels become finally more useful in this game, so that they get a reason for their existance.
- Bringing Jeweler and Chef finally to Job 500 and reworking Scribe to work like all other Crafting Jobs (if not done already per Feature Pack earlier)
- Adding Polymock as new complex collectable Card Minigame
- Implementation of Legendary Accessoires
- Accountbased Unlocking Feature for Runes and Sigils for PvE in form of Ascended Runes, Gemstones and Ascended Sigils, so that you can exchange Runes, Gemstones and Sigils in PvE then so easily and comfortably, as like in PvP without ever having to buy units of these upgrades
- Implementation of a Build Saver Function (if not done already with a Feature pack earlier finally, to allow us finalyl with one quick click to change out builds ouside of combat)
- Implementation of Quick Use Slots for useable items, like Buff Food ect. (if not done already with a Feature Pack earlier)
- New claimable Guild Hall Maps that actually DO LOOK also like civilized Guild Halls and not like some weird wild zones and caves ect.. Give us for example again different themed ISLANDS (the world map has so many of them) that we can use. In GW1 we had different themend islands for the Guild Headquarters and I think this fits alot better for Guild Halls, than to place somewhere into the midsts of the world map some guild hall maps, which are then only explorable, if you claimed the places with the guild first and are otherwise always a disturbing grey patch on your world map …
Simply said, these maps should always be explorable, even if you dont claim them for your Guild Hall, what is then anyways in an own instance, so why not make those GH maps persistent and normally explorable, when the claiming happens anyways in anown instance and the claimed GH later is then also an own instance
- A Tropical Island
- A Desert Island
- A Volcano Island
- A Normal Plain Island
- A Forrest Island
- Ascended and Legendary Racial armor Sets
- Ascended and Legendary Dungeon Armor and Weapon Sets
- Crafting to be improved with the Feature of Weapon Refinement and Weapon Reinforcement to raise through Crafting also the Level and the Rarity of an item, by fusionizing said Weapon with other Weapons and Materials to raise this way the Weapon Level to maximum 80 or to change its rarity grade for exampel from rare to Exotic, or from Exotic to Ascended… as a kind of alternative cheaper way to get Ascended items, but which requires longer time. Time Gatign from normal Ascended Crafting gets REMOVED.
Are you sure with it?
- Better story telling and more lore-based content. More flavour text. More backstory. Guild Wars has an interesting world and I’d like to see it fleshed out. HoT was really disappointing in that regard.
- Land spears! Pls Anet. This is the best way to add a new weapon type. The art is already there. Make some elite specs that use spears / tridents. I want to play a tanky warrior with a spear.
Legendary amulets, rings and earrings.
And my life will be complete.
Crystal Desert and hopefully a bit of northern Elona. Would like to see more open maps – and the tighter canyons of Vabbi might make good gliding spots. It’d be a crime to fight Kralkatorrik without Palawa Joko getting a say.
The Hall of Heroes rediscovered for PvP or WvW – along with Fissure of Woe and Underworld, perhaps as raids, and perhaps something else.
A cycle of weekly missions for the Order of Whispers, Vigil and Durmand Priory, plus racial side-quests to bring some of those early NPCs to life.
Another book of dance moves, another set of racial armour, charr front feet leaving footprints, and a /hug emote.
- A story that is not full of a series of short-lived plotlines never picked up again (PS), terribly inconsistent in the lore (S1/S2), or giving an obvious rushed feeling (HoT).
- No obvious plot “twists” (Eir and Trahearne’s deaths were terribly obvious) and no potential unfulfilled story hooks (Malyk, Faolain/Caithe fighting Mordremoth, Nightmare/Dream/Mordremoth relation, Nightmare Court fighting Mordrem, etc.). ESPECIALLY when such unfulfilled story hooks are explicitly stated to exist (Nightmare Court fighting Mordrem was stated pre-release to be explored in depth in HoT, but we barely scratched it).
- Retroactive improvements to prevent powercreeping.
- Tengu and/or largos playable race.
- New weapon types – not just new weapons available to professions (warrior’s gonna run out of sensible weapons without new ones soon).
- A revamp of the Guild World Boss ‘missions’ that make them actual medium/hard/opportunity missions (instead of tokens as they are now) which takes a bunch of current and old world bosses and makes them truly challenging in an instance (e.g., a Shadow Behemoth that is on par to Mouth of Mordremoth/Tequatl or Triple Trouble/Chak Gerent).
- More than just four maps – I’d like six at least, preferably eight though, given HoT’s maps.
- Maps which have more story to them than the meta event. Dry Top worked because the sandstorm wasn’t ‘the story’ of it; Silverwastes worked because it wasn’t on a timer, was well balanced, and was one of a kind at the time; but five such maps? Boring. Especially when one limits exploration and map completion based on meta progression. I’d prefer a mix of Silverwastes/Auric Basin and Orr maps. A central meta to guide players, but plenty of exploration outside of the meta, with full exploration access from the get go (if necessary, maybe except one or two easily-reached things).
- A raid that is more reminiscent of Underworld or Fissure of Woe – not just miniboss-boss-miniboss-boss-miniboss-boss.
- More fractal maps.
- More dungeons. Fractals are NOT a proper replacement for dungeons.
- Tier 4 Cultural armor/weapons, which sell as exotics.
- Legendary trinkets
- 500 Jeweler/Chef
- More means of Crystalline Ore
- Larger in-game world map. There’s no reason for ArenaNet to squeeze their maps into the current world map. It made the location of Mordremoth seem silly due to the proximity to Rata Sum but lack of attack on it, which wouldn’t have been an issue if ArenaNet expanded further west in the world map.
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.
(edited by Konig Des Todes.2086)
1 # New pvp maps
2# Capes
3# more armor sets in the gemstore
4# dancing volume 2 (Let us breakdance)
5# New xmas and haloween content (we getting tired of the same o stuff every year)
6# better borderlands. The newones are a joke. I miss the old ones.
7# more decent loot, less crappy ( it doesnt feel rewarding If you wait for a big event while receiving 3 yellows at the end and only 1 of the 3 items gave me 1ecto when salvaging
W v W-r o a m e r
For 45€ in new exp you get:
HoT as f2p game
expansion without extra character slot
4 new maps with underground
9 new elite specs
1 new race
1 armor piece per elite spec
nerfing all drops before this expansion (we want you to more grind on this one so in this expansion we are giving you more greens cause we love trees)
30 ca$h shop armor$, 60 ca$h shop weapon$, ca$h shop land mount$, cape$ as backpiece$, lots of minis like (air mini (oxygen) or tree mini cause anet can sell a rock as a mini), new ca$h shop instrument$, ca$h shop legendaries (yes now you can buy them exclusively for gems), ca$h shop…
+ balancing every 3 months
+ we are already starting working on next expansion
(edited by Ragnarox.9601)
Guys, reconsider this player-housing thing. Wow players asked for it for long and it came in WoD expansion as the abomination called Garrisons. People hate it and it strip the MMO idea from game making a lot rage quit. If you wish it so much let’s hope Anet will take a close look to how it killed wow and won’t reproduce same tragic ideas Blizzard had (Please no dumb time-consuming Facebook games in it).
About topic – I would Love to see way more content instead of artificially enlarge small content by huge grind gates like in HoT. And of course more maps. 6 of a scope of these in HoT would be acceptable at release with more to come in pathes. And of course make unique and meaningful masteries for them and also implement some of old stuff to new zones like gliding. Other nice things folks already posted here.
A huge, soloable map with solo dungeons and no, not any, none jp’s or jumping levels. And of course tons of new items to drop (NOT to craft!)…
Underwater butterfly people as a playable race.
A rework of the Ranger core mechanic that involves the option to trade the pet for a DPS buff of some sort. This could be implemented via a new elite spec.
Hear Hear! And we shall call the New Spec for DPS Ranger – DERVISH!
- One additional Elite Specialization for each Class that adds this time also new Weapon Types like Whips, Polearms, Greataxes, Crossbows, Claws and Throwing Weapons like Chakrams
You forgot a Guild Wars 1, 2 handed weapon that must be added.
So that the all new DPS Spec Ranger can be made. And its name – You all know it. Dervish!
One thing NON INSTANCE HOUSING……… please and thank you
….so you wouldn’t be upset if someone enters your house without permission?
Here’s some things I’d like to see:
An expansion of any of the Far Shiverpeaks, the timberlands, flame legion homelands, or Crystal Desert regions (so we can go after Kralkatorrik)
An underseas expansion with the Largos as a playable race… with explorable underwater cities, combat, dungeons, ect.
An expansion that will have a dark Victorian industrial look that also includes airship battles, etc……
(edited by Emiko.3217)
that ^^ and also look at tech to consider making zones more open and take advantage of 64 bit memory at some point.
“Trying to please everyone would not only be challenging
but would also result in a product that might not satisfy anyone”- Roman Pichler, Strategize
1. new armor sets
2. more new armor sets
3. even more new armor sets
4. did i mentioned .. new armor sets ?
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.
1. No mastery grind or other ways than doing events after events after events after events… for a measly amount of xp.
2. Separation of PvE and PvP balance so that nerfs (and rare buffs) stay in the respective game catergory where they belong.
3. More than only events in end-game zones. I like doing events from time to time, and even repeating them but not as the only thing to do in a zone.
Dungeons back.