What would you like to see in the future?
In order of preference:
- Dungeon for 10 people.
- More Weapons for Each Class
- More Classes
- More Elder Dragon Fights
- More Races
-William Shakespeare
- Greataxe
- Greataxe
- Greataxe
- Greatsword for Elementalists
- Lightning/Teleport/Direct Damage Based Arcane-Warrior Heavy Armor Class
Bug Fixes would be great.
better quality assurance
..being a cynical forecaster.
..being a doom-monger….and being a hopeless jinxer.
- Dungeons that scale with the heroes inside, so that we can go 10 heroes together to do a extra difficult dungeon, but also go only 3, or even only 1 hero by himself. Add here multi-part dungeons.
- Dungeons, Fractals, and content in general that need (or at least, that prefer) different classes or different skills to be finished. Let’s used other builds besides zerker.
- New races & classes. Admit it: everybody loves new races and classes.
- More epic storyline. I want another PS/LS quest line, one in which the character can feel like a hero. After a year or so without PS, and with LS where our heroism was secondary to that of the npcs, we need a chance to feel like the stars again.
- PvP: 1v1, 2v2, GvG, maps with missions (ctf, for example).
- Talking about guilds, lets ask for the guild halls, or for a hero’s house. And let us create guild alliances.
- More infinite transformation potions.
My child love them! XD
- More global events, but poor-machines-friendly.
Something like the Marionette, or the Pavillion, where I don’t need to be in the same exact spot that 200 more heroes.
@ Sorrow’s Furnace (VE)
As you just said future, with no specified time frame (short or long term), I will add some ’sky’s the limit’ ideas:
Repeatable PvE content, that is fun to repeat
Some examples:
– Tower Defense mini game
– Base Defense/Mob Horde Survival mini game
– Polymock Arena (vs Players and NPC’s)
– Make Super Adventure Box permanent
Generally add more mini games to play when we are bored of the dungeons, fractals and events. The living story is fine, but it gets consumed very quickly by many and they are often left with little to do apart from repeating content to farm shinies, which often gets boring. If we had more mini games and content we can jump into at any time, we would have more options to fill our time with. Variety is the spice of life, without it our meals soon taste bland.
Guild vs Guild Siege Battles (with some element of guild base customization)
After reading about the idea of the Warplots in Wildstar, I would love to see this form of large scale PvP in the form of GvG siege battles, where each guild has to attack each others castle/fort and defeat their guild lord. Or maybe even just a sPvP game mode that can hold a decent amount of players (10-30 per side?).
Then, if you had Guild run matches each guild could use their own, pre-customized fort. Guilds could save up influence and/or merits to buy fort upgrades and floor plans. The guild leaders and, if permitted, officers could then choose a fort layout and set defenses such as arrow carts, cannons, traps, etc.
It could even be taken a step further with ranked guild battles. The more a fort is upgraded the high a guild rank and similar ranked guild could battle it out with their similarly upgraded forts.
Unique non-symetrical maps in WvW, rather than them all being identical and symetrical
There is one thing I have never understood in WvW. Anet has allowed players to be extremely unbalanced against each other, by having upleveling and PvE gear, but then went the opposite direction by making all the maps equal and balanced. If war is not fair or balanced why are the maps symetrical and identical? That makes no sense to me. If we are going to have to put up with unbalanced stats and gear I think it would be more fun and interesting, and more fitting, if each of the maps was different to each other and not symetrical. War is chaos and fought in many different surroundings and situations, not in carefully constructed arenas.
Short Term Wish List
For the short term I would like to see the following (in no particular order):
– More weapon options for all professions.
– More variety in armour skins (for example, the vast majority of heavy armour leggings are skirts). I’d also love to see some more GW1 skin remakes.
– The ability to mix and match outfit pieces (though I do not see this happening)
– A lot more dynamic events added to each area, that can go on rotation with other existing events to make the world feel more alive and varied, rather than the current feeling we have of a CD stuck on a loop.
– More playable races (Tengu spring to mind).
– More playable professions (but ONLY if it doesn’t upset the balance in a big way like it did in GW1). I was very fond of the Ritualist profession.
– More of the current map filled out with new zones. And if posible, please can we uncover the entire map before we get a new continent? One thing that always frustrated me about GW1 was the fact you had all these areas unexplored, that we would never get to explore. It was frustrating to not being able to go there.
– More sPvP game modes, besides conquest. Including some more casual PvP modes like Fort Aspenwood style games.
I can think of more, but I think my post is long enough for now, so I’ll leave it there.
1. New races, but more importantly new professions
2. Additional weapon types usable by each class
3. I’d like to have a Guild Hall or at least a house to call my own.
4. I’d like to have mounts (like the flying broomstick) in different varieties.
- Dungeons that scale with the heroes inside, so that we can go 10 heroes together to do a extra difficult dungeon, but also go only 3, or even only 1 hero by himself. Add here multi-part dungeons.
A dungeon that scales wont be challanging if more people are inside. You just beat the same content with more people. Soloing current dungeons are actually a challange.
Hint. Current combat system cant support well 5+ member dungeon content.
- Dungeons, Fractals, and content in general that need (or at least, that prefer) different classes or different skills to be finished.
If you would do dungeons, fractals and content in general, you would know that its already true.
Let’s used other builds besides zerker.
Berserker gear aka “zerker” is you know, just a gear type, not a build.
- New races & classes. Admit it: everybody loves new races and classes.
New races are possible, but wont increase replayability. Classes are already covered or options can be expanded further by added weapons. Think about giving staff to rangers, which would make the more like druids.
- More epic storyline. I want another PS/LS quest line, one in which the character can feel like a hero. After a year or so without PS, and with LS where our heroism was secondary to that of the npcs, we need a chance to feel like the stars again.
Books and movies. Highly related
Talking about guilds, lets ask for the guild halls, or for a hero’s house. And let us create guild alliances.
Useless afk spots, which costs serious development time and resources. Just an opinion.
Personally i would prefer much higher (infinite?) member cap in each guild. Maximum of 500 members is really really small if some serious community want to jump on this game. Worth the reading. Page 38.
To be on topic.
1. Bug fixes and class balance across all game modes over anything else.
2. Overhaul of the reward system across all game modes.
3. Increase the replay value across all game modes (more dungeons and open world encounters, new PvP maps, WvW … well, do something)
1. New races
2. More options for build diversity (so more weapons and more skills)
3. New classes
4. I would love housing, or at least something akin to the Hall of Monuments
An expansion pack
with a lot of new dungeons, the ability to swap 1-5 skills (some if not all), new utilities, and a lot of new skins
I make PvP & WvW videos
1. A solution to WvW population imbalances
2. New WvW content
3. New Pve Content New Dungeons/Fractals/Word Bosses and other cool stuff like that. Epic dungeons/raids like The ruined city of Arah would be welcome (I love that dungeon).
4. More Living Story content
5. More traits and skills
(edited by Davey.7029)
1. Revamp WvW (which I think anet has a team working on it)
2. Better story contents
3. More guild related improvements (like activities)
Henge of Denravi Server
1. A solution to WvW population imbalances
2. New WvW content
3. Dwarf race and Bard/Skald profession
In terms of new WvW content, I’d like to see this:
Instead of a silly waypoint, I’d like to see you enter into the map from a heavily npc defended mega castle. These would always be at the edge of a map (so more like ebg and not like a borderland)
With this, I’d like these mega castles to be capture-able but make it extremely difficult to do so. Siege in the mega castle would be maybe a little extra effective and the guards/Lord would be extra tough. The idea would be to help make WvW feel a bit more fair by heavily outnumbered forces being able to make a legitimate stand against vastly superior numbers and almost always be able to hold something in their home area. If the castle was to be taken, it would be easier to reclaim than take. This could be done through a huge buff that initiates when you are near the castle. The castle can’t be upgraded by invading forces and you can set off a siegerazer or two to help reclaim the castle.
I’d also like to see a new “server only zone” that would basically be un-megaserver’d. This server could have guild houses, etc. Once you capture a megacastle (remember they are supposed to be VERY hard to take) enemies can then port into your server only zone and sack your server’s zone. If you are able to sack the whole zone, each player gets 30 gold or something. After the take is completed, the invading army gets ported out and the megacastle is even harder to take for that week. Maybe a 2 hour RI or something as well so that a poor server doesn’t keep getting raided over and over. Once this happens, the server that got invaded, their home zone regenerates.
oh and I’d like to see less flat maps. Hills is okay but for the most part, there are no towers in the clouds, etc.
Make WvW armor/weapon salvageable, even if we only get back the rune/sigil.
More www and pvp focus instead of achivement grind shi… i mean living story.
But at this rate i probably be playing WH40k or Camelot Unchained ,whichever comes first,before anet decides to release new content.