Whats a guild leader to do

Whats a guild leader to do

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Brimstar.9036


The game has grown extremely stale, I’ve done everything there is to offer PvE wise (for about 6 months now). There is nothing challenging anymore nor rewarding. I love this game, I do but there is literally nothing for my guild and I to do together anymore, even guild missions have become repetitive and extremely boring (since they’ve never updated them since they launched them or the rewards). I have people going on hiatus for long periods of time and my peak concurrent is relatively low. I have no way to save this guild anymore, there is no point in recruiting for a PvE environment when all your players have done everything there is to offer in a guild and the new playerbased would feel abandoned in a guild who’s done everything and has no ambition to help a new player out. (Because we’ve all done the content over 1000 times now.) Take a break? I’ve been starting to do login-reward/daily everyday and thats it. Whats a guild leader to do? I don’t want to leave and have no playerbase anymore.

Whats a guild leader to do

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


Take a break is the real answer. It’s what most groups end up doing in most games. I’ve seen it time and time again in other MMOs.

My guild is strong, because we enjoy helping new players and there are plenty of those around.

Whats a guild leader to do

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sparks The Rescue.5043

Sparks The Rescue.5043

You don’t want to recruit new players and you can’t be bothered to help + organize events inside of the guild, and you only log in to do the dailies. As a guild leader, what else do you think would happen?

Whats a guild leader to do

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Basandra Skye.4031

Basandra Skye.4031

You don’t want to recruit new players and you can’t be bothered to help + organize events inside of the guild, and you only log in to do the dailies. As a guild leader, what else do you think would happen?

Frankly if that’s the OP’s outlook right now, they’re better off passing leadership to someone who still enjoys the game. I mean, YOU might think the game’s stale, yet there’s whole Communities out there that are still around and playing the game. I mean, sure, the one I’m a part of might not have the 6k+ members it had this time last year, but we’re still around, still kicking kitten , and probably should be upgrading a few extra guilds to prep for HoT.

Whats a guild leader to do

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: eureeka.5368


I have been in many guilds. once the leader goes, guild is done. sorry is a fact. i have seen guilds drop (full members ) because this patch. They wont cry on forms, they just leave.

Whats a guild leader to do

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


As an example, OP, after the guild mission this week, we took a few mesmers and got a percentage of the guild through the new jumping puzzle. We didn’t use a guide, but figured it out for ourselves as we went.

A lot of us did the same with the karka hunt, trying to figure it out using the clues in the achievement panel and this sound queues from the karka’s themselves.

In a couple of weeks time we’re having a guild beach party.

We run a WvW event once a week as well.

Whats a guild leader to do

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Brimstar.9036


You don’t want to recruit new players and you can’t be bothered to help + organize events inside of the guild, and you only log in to do the dailies. As a guild leader, what else do you think would happen?

To be fair, we’ve all helped our fair share of new players out on a regular basis. I don’t want to recruit anymore because the guild is bored with the game ( in sense not many log on enough to help new “what if” recruitments" plus, this isn’t very rewarding for them and becomes a chore. Very few of us WvW and PvP. Whats to organize in PvE? Non-existent content? As a guild leader, I would of hoped the developers would give us something to bite on a for a while but thikittenus of content has been staggering slow. I’ve done guild raffles, guild world boss nights, and much more but it still doesn’t fix the fact there is nothing new to do in the game, when half the guild has a legendary, all ascended and done fotm 50. Guild Halls look absolutely amazing and promising in real guild progression/roles but its hard to keep the concurrent players you’ve grown with throughout the game a reason to keep playing besides being a social outlet. If there were something to work towards (besides gold) as a PvE Guild before HoT launches, that would be enough. Nevertheless, there is nothing because they’re revamping pretty much everything pertaining to guilds in general (halls).

I apologize for the rant guys, it just really sucks to see something you work hard for grow so..stagnant and not evolving much anymore. If I were a WvW guild, it would be different but we’re not. :/ Still open to suggestions.

Whats a guild leader to do

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Enko.6123


What kind of guild are you? Dungeons, fractals, open world mapping?

Whats a guild leader to do

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SirDrygan.1823


You know, you can make events like invade Gendarran Fields or find a map where there isn’t enough people to do world boss and bring your whole guild there running in to save the day or something. Make something up.
untill HoT arrives…. if not, you are going to lose guild members who got bored and just go play Fallout 4 instead when it comes out. or something….

Whats a guild leader to do

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Brimstar.9036


We’re a 90+ (we cap at 100 members)PvE guild, dungeons, fotm, boss trains, open world mapping, etc. We’ve also got no one over 1 month inactivity rule to keep concurrent users and to try to maintain a close knit feel.

Whats a guild leader to do

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Brimstar.9036


You know, you can make events like invade Gendarran Fields or find a map where there isn’t enough people to do world boss and bring your whole guild there running in to save the day or something. Make something up.
untill HoT arrives…. if not, you are going to lose guild members who got bored and just go play Fallout 4 instead when it comes out. or something….

I do like this idea, seems like a lot of the Orr events can work since they’re on the longer side of the meta event chains and can still be not a pushover for level 80s. Keep the ideas going! : D

Whats a guild leader to do

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Enko.6123


We’re a 90+ (we cap at 100 members)PvE guild, dungeons, fotm, boss trains, open world mapping, etc. We’ve also got no one over 1 month inactivity rule to keep concurrent users and to try to maintain a close knit feel.

Have you tried having a guild meeting and seeing what the rest of your guild wants or if they have any suggestions?

My guild is mainly doing dungeons, fractals, training new guys for speed clears, and continually aim for better times. Other than that, we usually are just talking on TS doing whatever.

The challenge of always pushing keeps a bunch interested despite it pretty much being the same dungeons/fractals we’ve had.

Whats a guild leader to do

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seera.5916


You say you’re an open world mapping guild.

Do a run through X map event. Be it a low level area, mid-level area, or high level area. Open it up to non-guild members and advertise that your guild will be in X map during Y hours on Z day. Who knows, you may get a few new guild members along the way. Maybe do this one day every week. Don’t repeat a map until you’ve done them all! Yes, the lower level maps may be easier for you, but you never know what you may have forgotten about or missed the last time you were there.

You aren’t recruiting directly, but just letting lurker players know that if they have a hero challenge they need help with, a good time to be on that map.

Organize dungeons tour over the course of a week or so. One or two nights per dungeon. Story and explorable. Your choice on what rules (if any) for the dungeon runs. Or say once a week we do a dungeon. Dungeon with most interest wins, unless you did it within the last X week(s). Story and explorable paths are open that day. Help members get their Dungeon achievements.

Do several days of FOTM. Help your guild members raise their Fractal levels.

Whats a guild leader to do

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Spirited Was Eceni.3869

Spirited Was Eceni.3869

Or invite me to your guild so I can poach your remaining active players. Only joking OP!

I know how you feel though, we have a similar problem in our guild with some very active players now coming close to and even passing the one month offline deadline. They won’t be kicked but it is disheartening to see their names on the roster knowing that if new stuff was still coming through then they’d probably be online.

We have shrunk from a capped 150 member guild to 84 and could be even smaller. We have all missions unlocked including world events, lots of good times behind us and a solid core of diehard players. All this will vanish before long and I am also desperate to save it.

I really hope HoT delivers what we need from it.

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Whats a guild leader to do

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DresdenAllblack.1249


Take a break or reroll a new toon.

Angelina is free game again.
Crystal Desert

Whats a guild leader to do

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

You don’t want to recruit new players and you can’t be bothered to help + organize events inside of the guild, and you only log in to do the dailies. As a guild leader, what else do you think would happen?

Frankly if that’s the OP’s outlook right now, they’re better off passing leadership to someone who still enjoys the game. I mean, YOU might think the game’s stale, yet there’s whole Communities out there that are still around and playing the game. I mean, sure, the one I’m a part of might not have the 6k+ members it had this time last year, but we’re still around, still kicking kitten , and probably should be upgrading a few extra guilds to prep for HoT.

Yes, indeed.

If the Guild Leader thinks the game is stale and doesn’t feel like working to maintain the guild, they have four choices:

  • Take a break.
  • Take a break and hand over leadership to someone else.
  • Take a break and disband the guild.
  • Take a break, find an alternative guild or three for the members, and disband the existing one.

Any of those are viable and how it goes over with the rest of the guild only depends on how well the GL communicates their intentions. I’ve seen each done poorly; I’ve seen each done well.

John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”

Whats a guild leader to do

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crimsonjr.4708


Get three people to Command the Guild but you keep the highest rank possible. Let those three run the Guild so you can do your own thing but you can stay in it

Mázai – Guardian
Legendary Jr – Engineer
Member of Cube on Piken

Whats a guild leader to do

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


If you don’t want your guild to die, you need to find a co-leader who is well liked by the majority of members- maybe ask your members to whisper/mail you nominations. If your current members have no interest in making new friends and helping newbies, I’m not sure that anything will help.

Whats a guild leader to do

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SkyShroud.2865


you have only been talking about pve…

try pvp and wvw.

Founder & Leader of Equinox Solstice [TIME], a Singapore-Based International Guild
Henge of Denravi Server

Whats a guild leader to do

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Erron.5327


We have been doing weekly guild raffles after guild missions and this has kept numbers and participation up more than I thought it would. If you don’t want to invest your own gold to get it started you can do lotteries for a few weeks 50% of entries go into the bank for big item raffles 50% goes to the winner. 2g per entry. It works for us. Just have them mail you entries.
When the time comes for the raffle, note down the order that the entries were received and those become their entry numbers. Then just use something like random.org to generate a number in the range of entries.
Like I said, this has helped our guild keep active. It may seem crazy, but just wanted to offer it up to the community.
I second the suggestion to spread the leadership duties around.
This boosts the feeling of ownership and takes the burden off of you.

Oh, one more thought I am planning for our guild. Castaway dungeon runs!
Each member starts naked with a single white weapon. In past experience it is nice to keep trinkets and accessories, but you can go full monty if you are crazy. You can equip any loot you find in the dungeon. It encourages full clears and it will really make you appreciate your equipment!

Whats a guild leader to do

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mireles Lore.5942

Mireles Lore.5942

Been doing this guild leader thing for about 10 years. I too feel your pain. Many of us that perfered the living story format as it kept people logging in did not want this kinda pick it up burn the content up and drop it until the next expansion format.

Many guilds are experiencing this. My regulars that I have seen nearly everyday for 2 and a half years have also stopped logging in. I am clearing out 40-60 inactives a month as before it was 20-40. I have seen droughts like these many times before, but with this game it seems specifically severe because of the lack of end game. And with no light at the end of the tunnel that would be a release date it is only set to get worse. The living story and regular updates was what kept people coming back. GW2 has already lost so many players confidence and attention. If this expansion flops it could very well be the end of GW2.

What I have and usually resort to is turning my focus my goals to that of newer players and cranking up the effort to recruit them. I know you stated you aren’t interested in assisting new players but if you run a veteran’s guild it will go the way veteran’s are going now, inactive. There are alot of new and returning players looking for a community that is willing to take them in and teach them, not so many willing to do so.

Currently, my guild is more active than its ever been. It is a bitter sweet taste though as my roster looks nothing like it did in February. The bitter, I have removed alot of people I did not want to see go, but left them a mail in hopes when they return they will come home. The sweet, I have met many new and wonderful people, seen friendships and bonds form out of what used to be total strangers that brought new life into the guild and our teamspeak. It is always exhilarating to see your guild reborn.

I guess what I am trying to say to my fellow leaders is dont give up. Remember its not just the content that makes the game fun its also the people you play it with. Reach out to new and returning players even if you have nothing to gain game wise from it. Make a point to reach out to someone that doesn’t have friends in this game and be thier friend, recruit them, and watch your circle grow. You have everything to gain to have a strong guild for your veterans to return to when the expansion hits.

Good luck out there.

Director – Xunlai Heroic Service Agents [XHSA] | Yak’s Bend

(edited by Mireles Lore.5942)