Whats "new"?

Whats "new"?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Llamacub.5123


So i’ve been away from the game for a couple of months and I just logged in again to see quite a lot of patching going on. My question is, whats new? The people I used to play with no longer play so I’m sort of not sure where to go from here.

Obviously bug fixes has taken place, what I would love to know is, what makes you keep playing the game?


Whats "new"?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arran.3247


there was the halloween event you maybe missed. that was pritty kittening awesome. but yeah maybe you came back at the wrong time because you missed everything.

Whats "new"?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Llamacub.5123


aww, my highester char is only level 41, so I still have the leveling to do Please don’t think of this as me complaining that there is nothing to do, I am not in the position to question that. I simply would like to know what you guys think, A friend of mine is considering buying the game, but im not really sure what to tell him since i havn’t experienced the late game yet.

Whats "new"?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: derekisazombie.2359


There are quite a few new jumping puzzles and open world dungeons they added.

Check out your “explorers” tab in the achievements. It’s been greatly updated.

Also in a recent interview Colin J. said that the team is really working towards more things to do at endgame (lvl 80) So get your character up there so you can experience all the new stuff inevitably coming! The plan so far seems to be 1 big content patch a month.

Whats "new"?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: zargnath.9524


also new big patch at 15 november. Not much said about it so far though.


Gnarl Blackfur – Charr ranger
Bob – Four legged shapeshifter
HeXagonis [HeX]