When are we getting...
Careful now what you complain about. They might just nerf the bosses/champs so no one wants to do them in an effort to reduce the effect spam.
(edited by JustTrogdor.7892)
Careful now what you complain about. They might just nerf the bosses/champs so no one wants to do them in an effort to reduce the effect spam.
I thought they already nerfed champs?!
Not really complaining…. visually I would love to see myself fighting a boss and not a blob of light
— Never was one to partake in champ trains and I was kinda happy to see them updating this.
They’re actually working on this one already
You should post this in tech support, it looks like your bloom and postprocessing settings are too high.
They’re actually working on this one already
I hope this is true. I cannot wait to see what i’m shooting at. Seriously.
You should post this in tech support, it looks like your bloom and postprocessing settings are too high.
I was going to suggest that. I turned my post-processing all the way off a couple weeks ago and it’s not only made fights much easier to follow, but the world is a lot more “visible” now, for lack of a better word.
People have been asking for this since beta, but it doesn’t seem to be a concern for Anet. I remember one of the last topics about this a dev poked his head in and responded… about the UI, not the ridiculous spell effects. GG Anet…
This most recent patch tweaked culling priority for certain skills and reduced the scale of certain effects. A gradual process towards being able to see the fight unfold is underway.
Devona’s Rest [OHai][GloB]
You should post this in tech support, it looks like your bloom and postprocessing settings are too high.
My post processing setttings is actually on low. I’m not sure about bloom, couldn’t find that option.
Glad to hear some positive things about this from other comments as well
Actually being able to turn off effects for:
1) Turn off other than self
2) Turn off other than party members
3) Turn off friendlies
Are all good options and have been used in many other games. Personally I’d love these options.
Perish [FLEE]
Turn off “post processing” completely. it’ll reduce those effects even more