When is the patch coming?
Usually, if there is a patch, it would be after 18~ hours from this post, give or take.
Downunder Guild [DU].
hmm ok thanks for the answer anyway I just heard a dev post that said “for the patch on monday” so i just assumed it would come now i jsut wasted a whole day for nothing
Thanks for the response anyhow
hmm ok thanks for the answer anyway I just heard a dev post that said “for the patch on monday” so i just assumed it would come now i jsut wasted a whole day for nothing
Thanks for the response anyhow
soooo… have you realised that the devs may be in a different timezone?
Oh yeah.. I need to remember to stay up late so I can get my 4 SPs before they glitch again.
yes they do live in a different timezone but unless they live in australia its not a day difference
Yes, they’re in a different time-zone but it is getting rather close to prime-time in eastern Europe, I’d hope it was patched before prime-time (or even afterwards) and not during it.
(Yeah, I know it’s always prime-time in some zone but there are European servers so you would think they’d take prime-time in Europe into consideration).
They patch at 11:59:59 PM Pacific US time on the day specified.
So by “Monday” they mean “early Tuesday” for most of the players.
Are there any upcoming patch changes anywhere?
Give me the patch!! Give it to me NAO!!
Content Marketing Manager, French
Hi everyone,
The patches will be ready “when it’s ready” and until then this discussion is pointless.