When it's ready

When it's ready

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: toafarmer.8401


For months, maybe years, when you guys were asked when GW2 would be released, the answer was always “when it’s ready”. I have been playing the game, trying to complete and fully explore everything, as I did in GW. My first impressions of the game were not good, so I decided to give it a break in early september and came back a couple of weeks ago. Well, my impressions about the game in general are better, even though I expected a way better game. Maybe because of the overhype, maybe because I was a huge fan of GW and expected GW2 to have more of GW in it, I dont know. Well, those are frustrations based in personal opinions, which are normally not welcome on those forums (unless they say the game is perfect and awesome, but when you say something is wrong you make some people rage real bad).

The point is, in those 2 weeks I have been playing, the game was more fun than in the first times I have played it (during beta and the first few days after release). But unfortunatly the game has bunches of gamebreaking glitches and bugs. And they are everywhere. And devs dont seem to care a lot. An example is the skill challenge “defeat the ancient sharks”, which is bugged for months. Yes, I said months. It is not acceptable (at least for my stardards, some people are just satisfied with everything) that a glitch like that takes so long to get fixed.

During my walks, Ive found bugged quests (the hearts things), glitched monsters, had lots of battles against “invulnerable” foes (who should not be invulnerable), specially underwater, and so on. Now you send me an e-mail asking me for inviting 3 friends for a free weekend of GW2. Well, I am sorry to say I would be ashamed to invite a friend to play a game with so many problems. There are bugs and glitches everywhere.

I followed GW2 for a long while. Looked at beta videos, read all the interviews avaiable, kept a close eye to everything. I remeber something about killing bosses to get special traits, learning elite skills from them (using scrools or something like this if Im not mistaken), wepons that had different attributes during day and night and so many more cool things. I see none of those in game. What I see is a dumbed down and more beautiful GW, but that is not my point here.

All of this makes me think that you had to hurry up, probably due to the pressure of investitors, and because of that, you have released a game that was not complete. It is not a bad game, even though I dont think it is an awesome game for it’s time (like GW was), but the way you treat customers, the way you deal with bugs and glitches, the time you take to solve issues are just not good. In fact, you are doing a terrible job in those aspects.

Anyway, I still want to like this game as I liked GW, please help me doing so. Please, pay attention to yous costumers concerns. I know it is better to read the fanboys, but you cannot (or should not) ignore the unsatisfied players. I know you have already pocketed your money, but we can still bring more people and spend money in cash store. Fix the glitches, fix the bugs, answer the tickets.

I can understand you released the game before it was ready, but I cannot understand why it is taking so long to make it ready. And I am sorry, but I will not invite anyone to play the game before I feel it is ready, even though I think you really dont care.

BTW: I will gladly answer whoever wants to agree/disagree with anything I said here, but I will not answer fanboy’s posts, because I have learned that arguing with fundamentalists is pointless. So, please, go rage somewhere else.

When it's ready

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: edamber.1549


It was more ready than any other MMO i’ve played at release. I only noticed a couple of bugged DE’s and some minor stuff except the trading post (which I didn’t need in the beginning).

When it's ready

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lacrimstein.5603


It was more ready than any other MMO i’ve played at release. I only noticed a couple of bugged DE’s and some minor stuff except the trading post (which I didn’t need in the beginning).

The OP’s point is that it has been 2.5 months, and a lot of Day 1 bugs are still in game. Grace period is over. I think it’s perfectly reasonable for a few eyebrows to be raised at this point in time after release.

(edited by lacrimstein.5603)

When it's ready

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cirth.1543


Totally agree there has been many people saying they released a game that wasn’t finish. I’m actually amazed that people haven’t been more in-raged that Anet hasn’t brought out the Guild Halls or hasn’t fixed the Guesting system yet. I don’t understand why they are doing this one time event this weekend instead of fixing the game.
They are taking some of the Anet employees and having them do this weekend event instead of fixing the kitten game.I rather have them hold off on it and fix the Guesting system. Start putting together the Guild Halls either before they start doing the Christmas events or after them then have this weekend event next year.

When it's ready

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: gooberkid.6029


OP has a valid point. Glad to see his disclaimer about fanboys, but I highly doubt that’s going to stop any of them from telling him he’s “playing the game wrong” or some such rot.
OP: they rushed this thing out the door because of MoP. I say this because I played GW for four years, and there was a certain amount of grumbling about how inordinately long it was taking ANet to release a sequel, even after five years of development.
Blizzard and ANet communicate directly more than most people think. Why? Because (a) they respect one another and (b) they aren’t going to put each other out of business. You have to think that both of these companies knew the release dates of MoP and GW 2 long before the general public did.
Simply put, I don’t think ANet could stand to see their most gargantuan competitor put out yet another major expansion before they released a sequel that, quite frankly, took too long to be made. They rushed it out the door, and now they are reaping what they sowed.

“What is it men cannot be made to believe!” – Thomas Jefferson, 1786

When it's ready

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mr Crazy Moose.5760

Mr Crazy Moose.5760

I’ve seen an escort quest in Gendarran Fields being broken pretty much every time I’ve gone through that area, ever since it was added during a BWE.

Always the same place too, they stop on the bridge and the pirates never show up to attack them.

When it's ready

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: toafarmer.8401


Yeah, I didnt mention the dozens of broken dynamic events due to the fact they are not that gamebreaking, but there are a lot of those too.

I’ve seen an escort quest in Gendarran Fields being broken pretty much every time I’ve gone through that area, ever since it was added during a BWE.

Always the same place too, they stop on the bridge and the pirates never show up to attack them.

When it's ready

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Natural.7013


There are bugs in Wow 7 years later.

When it's ready

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: toafarmer.8401


That is why I dont play WoW.

There are bugs in Wow 7 years later.