When weill i use my left hand

When weill i use my left hand

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Warchiefomega.2738


I currently use my left hand to click keys like 1,2,3 etc and the movement keys, but my character refuses to use his left hand when dual wielding unless it is a spell. Will our characters ever use their left hands (btw i m playing a warrior)? I don’t want my left handed item to just simply be a stat stick. I wanna see my guy swing at something with it!

When weill i use my left hand

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mellotron.7598


It would be nice to see off hand weapons incorporated into the #1 animation somehow. Although with some skills it might look too weird.

Dual pistols on a thief looks really, really unnatural when shooting with just the one most of the time.

When weill i use my left hand

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zora.8437


off hand effects 4 and 5 so respectively they move only on 4 and 5 123 is for your main hand…this is pretty logical and obvious…i could see implimenting the movement with offhand for 123 if 123 was changed by dual wielding….but it is not…

Fan with a plan,

When weill i use my left hand

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kryptonite.9376


I understand why they did this, and it makes sense from a technical standpoint, but as users we all love fluid and visceral combat. We’re close to it currently, but when they only use one arm to designate which weapon theyre using, it just looks and feels funny.

I’ve no idea what kind of work would have to be done to utilize both hands for a simple attack animation but I know for now they have a lot more important things, still, I would love to see this on the bottom of a to do list maybe a year from now or at least when things straighten out.

When weill i use my left hand

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blaqwolf.1264


IMO I’ve found this to be rather… disruptive of immersion when you’re wielding two weapons or a weapon/shield. Things like foci, torches, and the like are simply ‘carried’, as seems logically expected.

But when using two actual weapons like dual pistols or dual axes… the primary attack animations (1,2,3) should have the character using both of them, alternating each attack with main and off hand. There would be no need to change the attack speeds or power of the actual ‘attack’.

The main attacks with dissimilar weapons (sword/dagger, ect) should also be modified to strong attack (main) and weak attack (off hand), with the off-hand attacks of 4 & 5 switching the leading weapon for that particular animation. For instance, with a sword slash attack you would have 70% of the attack’s damage coming from the sword (main) and 30% from the dagger (off hand); but the damage calculations all come from the primary weapon (sword). This would not change the game in any way other than visually.
Torches, foci, ect would be using animations such as whacking the enemy, where daggers would slash or stab, and shields would be drawn across in a blocking animation.