This mostly pertains to both PvP and WvW but making a thread in each is clutter so I post this here.
As the title says when are conditions going to be seen as a problem? With the addition of burning stacks and confusion changed so DoT and on skill use damage and the high amount of stacks you can achieve with these two extreme high damaging conditions are they going to be changed?
Conditions as a whole aren’t a problem its just burning and confusion. The amount of stacks certain classes can do in a short amount of time is way too high, and nearly uncounterable even with cleanse.
I can speak for Engineer as its been my main since launch and I play Guardian as well. Mesmer I’m familiar with and have tried condition builds too.
For Engi its very easy to stack 10+ burns in as short as 2 second. And with high condition damage they’ll tick for 5000 damage per second. Even if you have a really good reaction time you will still take at least 1 or 2 ticks for 5-10000 damage for cleansing, maybe 3 ticks for certain skills with cast times (Elixir C for example). having 1 condition do this much damage is completely ridiculous! 10 stacks of burning for me on Engineer does 4700 damage a second whereas it takes bleed 37 stacks to achieve the same damage per second! that’s almost 4 times as many stacks! Sure burning is a “burst condition” but doing nearly 4 times as much damage as bleed? That’s very over-powered.
Same thing with Guardian. High amount of burning application/damage and tons of healing/block/blind/cleanse capability.
Could fix this is a couple ways:
1. Turn down scaling of burning to about 1.5x or 2x the damage per second of bleeds or,
2. Reduce the current stacks on burn applying skills in the game (Judge’s Intervention applies 3 now, make it apply 1 or 2).
As for Confusion it should go back to how it was before, only damaging the player when they use a skill and not have DoT and also the on use effect. and also reduce the damage/applications.
The Mesmer for example, the most recent OP class, has huge amounts of access to confusion after the specializations patch. For the condition builds I’ve fought mesmers who apply 10+ stacks of confusion and 6+ Torment in a couple seconds and can do it again and again with nearly no downtime. Fights with a condition mesmer is almost an impossible fight even with a high amount of cleanse just because they have such large amounts of application in short amount of time and on short cooldowns.
Not to mention the high amount of defensive abilities that are baseline with their mechanics and skills. Especially the current condition meta, even with the PU nerf is still way too defensive for how powerful the output of damage is. Stealth, constant interrupts/daze, high amounts of blind, teleports, blocks, invulnerability. And they can still deal thousands of damage in conditions while avoiding your every action.
I’m sure this hasn’t been address because of the expansion but hopefully burning and confusion and the classes who maximize them will be addressed when balancing comes after launch.
Please leave your input below I want to hear others opinions! Thanks for reading!