Where did all the players go?

Where did all the players go?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LucosTheDutch.4819


First let’s get something straight, for everyone that keeps bringing up the Guild in Guild Wars title, even in the first game, though it did include GvG, the title referred to the Guild Wars in Tyria’s past, it was lore, nothing more.

Which is dumb. Why name a game after some event in the long distant past that nobody cares about anymore?

I never understood why Anet chose the name Guild Wars for a game that doesn’t revolve around actual guild wars. The closest thing we had to actual guild wars were GvGs in GW1 and we don’t actually have that anymore in GW2, making the title even more silly.

They should have renamed Guild Wars to Dragon Wars. As stupid as that might sound, it would make more sense than the current game title.

Where did all the players go?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nexxe.7081


It’s funny seeing people blame others, for wanting an expansion. That’s just a load of bs. Almost all other MMO’s release content patches between expansions. It keeps the existing playerbase interested. Even Gw2 did it with Feature Packs and Holiday Events, but not this time. There is absolutely no new content since January. At the least they could’ve released an Easter holiday event.

Just look at the link: https://www.guildwars2.com/en/the-game/releases/

As always, their policy keeps their players in the dark. They will never learn their lesson on this stupid policy. This just reaffirms that GW2 resources were siphoned to fund WS, which bombed disastrously.

(edited by nexxe.7081)

Where did all the players go?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xillllix.3485


It’s funny seeing people blame others, for wanting an expansion. That’s just a load of bs. Almost all other MMO’s release content patches between expansions. It keeps the existing playerbase interested. Even Gw2 did it with Feature Packs and Holiday Events, but not this time. There is absolutely no new content since January. At the least they could’ve released an Easter holiday event.

Just look at the link: https://www.guildwars2.com/en/the-game/releases/

As always, their policy keeps their players in the dark. They will never learn their lesson on this stupid policy. This just reaffirms that GW2 resources were siphoned to fund WS, which bombed disastrously.

It’s sad to see all that great stuff from Season 1 being unavaible for new players and not replayable for the rest; really bad planning.

Where did all the players go?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: torakun.9638


I came back after 1 and a half years because when I teased my gf about playing game (the first GW), she surprised me with the fact that she’s liking it. I then helped her to get 40 pts for her HoM, all under 3 weeks. She’s excited for GW2 because I told her its prettier and she can get all of her stuffs she’s been working on GW1 in GW2 as well.

Well, to cut it short.. HoM that has been awaited, didn’t work. It’s been on error/disabled state for weeks. Her favorite profession Ele wasn’t very inspiring. She can’t wreck foes with Meteor shower or other skills that pops out large numbers on her screen anymore. She now finds the combat tedious and the only interesting part for her everytime she plays now is.. EOTM..

That’s it. Now she’s trying warrior and she likes warrior better than her Ele (makes her sad) but she kept telling me that she really miss her Ele and Monk in GW1. I have been telling her this past 3 days to keep giving it a chance though..

I honestly don’t remember the leveling in GW2 is this boring.. sure I only got 1 lvl 80 loooong time ago, but for some reason, I feel that the current leveling has been changed. It’s very very boring and unrewarding. Or maybe just me..

Bottom line is, me and my gf can agree that one thing that we appreciate in GW2 more is the amount of people playing. Compared to GW1. But since we are so used to seeing mission outpost with just 1-3 souls, we are just so glad seeing a lot of players.

GW2 is a missed opportunity I think.. Keeping the old skill system that makes “GUILD WARS – GUILD WARS” is mandatory. Changing weapons? not so much.. I hate skills number 4&5 for example.. well, tough! because I like skill number 1-3..

O well, my hope is that we will still continue to play until at least she have 1 character lvl 80. But after that? who knows.

True story btw, I bought her a new laptop just so that she can play GW2. Her 5 years old laptop just cant handle it. She’s a nice person, I hope she plays GW2 because she likes it, not because she will feel bad not using the laptop for its intended purpose..

o well..

Where did all the players go?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JUN YANG.4328


i dont really know the others
2 of my guild one got 200+ players the other one around 150. less then 5% guildmate online. 90% guildmate always more then 3month.

maybe still lots of players on gw2. i dont know.

Where did all the players go?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: southbeatz.2780


It’s sad to see all that great stuff from Season 1 being unavaible for new players and not replayable for the rest; really bad planning.

It has always seemed like poor planning making Season 1 of Living Story temporarily change the game only to later remove it making it impossible for players that were not present for it to ever enjoy it. If this were a single player game then it would be different but everyone knows that players come and go on MMOs. Everyone knows that new players try out MMOs that are new to them. Regardless of how many years a MMO is around it will still have new players and those new players miss out on some content.

Where did all the players go?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lordkrall.7241


And that’s why people complain about Guild Wars 2 recently. We got Living Story updates and content every two weeks to two months, depending on certain situations, and now we’re getting nothing. In a nutshell, ANet set a certain standard of expectations with their continual updates.

Now? We get nada until some undisclosed time in the future. Maybe this summer? Maybe this Christmas? Maybe next year?

See the problem? I know I am and so are a lot of players. Thus this thread and the exodus.

And yet everyone with any sort of understanding of reality would know that it could not go on for ever. Especially not if they were going to start releasing expansions. Which interestingly enough those of us that preferred the Living Story system warned about when people were demanding expansions. And here we are.

There is no exodus. People can claim that all they want, but the fact that there are daily posts about people just starting the game or coming back to the game suggest otherwise. So does actual activity in the game itself.

Krall Bloodsword – Mesmer
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square

Where did all the players go?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kousetsu.1627


Been playing GTA 5 in Online mode for the last week, sheet is crazy fun and addictive.

Where did all the players go?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

Let me tell you a story. Before I got married, I used to always open the door for my girlfriend and later my fiancée. After we got married, I slowly started to stop that behavior. And she got kittened and said, “If you did it before, and I liked it, you don’t get to stop now.”

And that’s why people complain about Guild Wars 2 recently.

TIL players are mad at ANet because Collin doesn’t hold the door open for Gaile or Rubi anymore. ;-)

More on topic, some people always complain. Some people never complain. In a game that is approaching 3 years of age, people will have moved on to other games, have RL that interferes with gaming, or are ready for new things.

None of that means that the game is unpopular; it only means that the people who used to play aren’t playing today. It also doesn’t tell us why people aren’t playing (although I’m sure some have stopped playing because they got used to new/newish stuff every two weeks and are getting bored more easily now).

Regardless, I don’t see what ANet can do about it right now unless they release the expansion before it’s ready or start publishing highlights that might not make it into the game (or might be drastically different in the final release). To me, both of those options are worse than the current situation.

John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”

Where did all the players go?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nexxe.7081


And that’s why people complain about Guild Wars 2 recently. We got Living Story updates and content every two weeks to two months, depending on certain situations, and now we’re getting nothing. In a nutshell, ANet set a certain standard of expectations with their continual updates.

Now? We get nada until some undisclosed time in the future. Maybe this summer? Maybe this Christmas? Maybe next year?

See the problem? I know I am and so are a lot of players. Thus this thread and the exodus.

And yet everyone with any sort of understanding of reality would know that it could not go on for ever. Especially not if they were going to start releasing expansions. Which interestingly enough those of us that preferred the Living Story system warned about when people were demanding expansions. And here we are.

There is no exodus. People can claim that all they want, but the fact that there are daily posts about people just starting the game or coming back to the game suggest otherwise. So does actual activity in the game itself.

These people aren’t staying for the long term. It’s a short term investment.

It’s just like a themepark in real life. You get people on the ride, then funnel them out quickly so others can have a ride.

There is no long term investment for gw2.

Where did all the players go?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MeanCoffeeBean.2073


The appeal of an MMO is precisely rooted in the fact that it -is- a long-term investment. In fact, it is the only game genre out there that can make that claim. MMOs are not the latest Call of Modern Honor’s Battlefield Duty 17: Rainbow Zombie-Clancy edition. Those are games you play for a few weeks and move on. Destiny was a game you played for a few weeks and move on. MMOs require a significant investment of time, and therefore emotional attachment.

The so-called prognosticators that spelled doom and gloom with an expansion are actually right, but not for the reasons they now purport. An expansion is what GW2 needed. It is what it still needs. What is killing it right now is the complete lack of anything to do that is even remotely fresh or fun. Where ANet fell down on this was to send out the hype train so early, and then fail to release any content whatsoever in the meantime just to keep people interested.

Where did people go? To other games of course. There is nothing to do. Dungeons are boring. Farming the Silverwastes grew wearisome long ago. WvW has gone from stale to somewhere south of moldy.

I tried leveling alts and stuff to kill time, but how many 80s do I really need now to do content I am already bored with.

The difference between GW2 and a game like WoW in terms of the expansion cycle is that WoW had massive raids with challenging content being added and tweaked while they worked on the expansions. GW2 does not have that. It has the same dungeons now that it did at release (plus one path no one does), and the same stale 5-man content. What they needed to do was release the expansion last year ideally, or at least keep people motivated with some content until Hype Of Thorns is released. Instead we have gem store updates and stale WvW.

They couldn’t even be bothered to put Lion’s Arch back, which would have been pretty simple given that the map already exists and would represent a nice quality of life change. Instead we are still walking around the same workers repairing the same boards since we spiked Scarlett on her drill platform. Seriously, how long ago is that? I got bored even trying to find the release notes that far back. How long has the Fort Marriner Waypoint going to remain broken? Taimi’s fix to the waypoints was last year in the fall. I still can’t use that stupid waypoint.

Yeah, I log in now just to get my login reward, bank it, and then log out. My wife threw in the towel a couple of weeks ago too and doesn’t even log in at all. So, yeah… people are quitting.

Fluttershy – Mesmer
Clarishy – Ranger
Tinkershy – Engineer

Where did all the players go?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nexxe.7081


What is killing it right now is the complete lack of anything to do that is even remotely fresh or fun. Where ANet fell down on this was to send out the hype train so early, and then fail to release any content whatsoever in the meantime just to keep people interested.

This sums exactly what’s wrong with GW2 currently. They conjured all this hype surrounding HoT, and failed to follow up with any interesting.

The sad part is, they’ve had so many new players join the game, and this was the perfect opportunity to keep them invested longer. Imagine all those new players that bought GW2 due to HoT’s hype, and have now quit because of boredom. A wasted opportunity.

Where did all the players go?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SkiTz.4590


The reason anet started the HoT so early is specifically for this reason:

To tell the community “well, we are busy working on HoT, bye”

As soon as that HoT hype train was started, a lot of my guildies knew they were just gonna take a break until HoT releases, which is exactly what anet decided to do- take a break and so now we are in this lull period until HoT release.

I don’t even have the willpower to login just to grab the daily lol. This game has gone completely stale since HoT hype train started rolling.

to answer the OP, A break/vacation – that is where a lot of the players went lol. Game is a snooze fest right now. I’m not logging into for a daily/brain dead chest&shovel train/same ole dungs/same ole PvP/same ole WvW…

cya when HoT releases…

Where did all the players go?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lordkrall.7241


As soon as that HoT hype train was started, a lot of my guildies knew they were just gonna take a break until HoT releases, which is exactly what anet decided to do- take a break and so now we are in this lull period until HoT release.

You make it sound like the expansion is developing itself. ArenaNet is probably working even more intensively now than they did before they announced the expansion. They are in no way or form “taking a break”.

Krall Bloodsword – Mesmer
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square

Where did all the players go?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Endless Soul.5178

Endless Soul.5178

I don’t know about previously, but I can tell you that starting today, a LOT of players are back in Guild Wars 1 for the 10th anniversary celebrations. I’ll be there myself after I get home from work.

Asura characters: Zerina | Myndee | Rissa | Jaxxi | Feyyt | Bekka | Sixx | Akee | Tylee | Nuumy
| Claara
Your skin will wrinkle and your youth will fade, but your soul is endless.

Where did all the players go?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ardenwolfe.8590


If you did it before, you should still be doing it, even if you have been married for 15 years like I have.

(laugh) Yeah, I got a rather harsh reminder upside the head.

Gone to Reddit.

Where did all the players go?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aeolus.3615


I don’t know about previously, but I can tell you that starting today, a LOT of players are back in Guild Wars 1 for the 10th anniversary celebrations. I’ll be there myself after I get home from work.

so they moved to a better game, clever option >:]

1st April joke, when gw2 receives a “balance” update.

Where did all the players go?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nexxe.7081


As soon as that HoT hype train was started, a lot of my guildies knew they were just gonna take a break until HoT releases, which is exactly what anet decided to do- take a break and so now we are in this lull period until HoT release.

You make it sound like the expansion is developing itself. ArenaNet is probably working even more intensively now than they did before they announced the expansion. They are in no way or form “taking a break”.

I’m pretty sure he meant taking a break from the usual living story and feature pack stuff. It’s obvious to everyone they are working on HoT.

Once again though, they leave their playerbase in the dark, and then speculation runs rampant. We haven’t heard of anything new for almost 4 months now, except some tidbits about HoT. We have no idea when HoT is even releasing. It could be in 6 months, or it could be in a year.

Quite frankly, it’s arrogant of the people in charge, to do this to their playerbase. They hype up their fans, then go dark, and think they will always have their loyalty. That loyalty fades over time when people have had enough. Many veterans have already abandoned the game, and only log in for the daily reward. When your game gets to that point, it’s no longer worth playing, and then it leads to uninstalling.

Where did all the players go?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tigaseye.2047


But, even beautiful gets boring, eventually, if there is no real substance under the surface.

so it’s easy to hop from playing one game to another.
guess why im not in gw2 right now?
im playing maplestory. because they got new damage skin at an event, so i made an angelic buster, prepared her with nx (about 50 euros in my phonebill to come, and depending on wednesday cash shop update, +50 euros more. fun has a cost. SECRET TRUTH: GW2 IS TOO DARK GAME – like graphically dark. games are traditionally CONTRASTIC. thats what gw2 is missing. WoW is dark as well but still flashier than GW2. (just think about draenei, orc, goblin skin colors. mounts. contrast.)

so yea im just playing maple its not hard to leave 3d and do 2d. reasons above.

Well, I don’t really view GW2 as dark.

I think it’s pretty colourful, in fact.

WoW is probably darker, ATM, as the latest xpac is quite masculine (snow, lava, purplish tinted zones, Orcs…).

But, I guess GW2 is darker than a very cartoony game, yes.

“Turns out when people play the game, they don’t admire your feet at all.” sephiroth