(edited by faunabay.9320)
Where do you log off?
I always log off in DR, I have a Royal Terrace Pass so costs me nothing to return home and “cash out” so to speak.
RIP City of Heroes
I like being in a safe place. Secondarily one where I know where things are and have everything I could need. So most of the time this means LA. I did log off from the waypoint above the main pact encampment in VB last though because I wanted to continue some stuff I was doing there.
Well…I log off where I last played…usually AB. Where I log in is the fun part…at the north entrance of LA.
More than 30% of the time when I log in my character has been moved to the entrance by the mystic toilet. The same thing happens to me when my game crashes. Middle of the octovine event: crash, log in at the entrance of LA and have to port back and pray I can get back on the map I was on.
Te Nosce [TC]
Ubi…..the game moves your character while you’re logged off? How strange.
Safe place (elevation or WP)
Fight the queens
Ubi…..the game moves your character while you’re logged off? How strange.
The game will move your character to LA if it is unable to find/place you where you were last located. This wasn’t always the case but was added in because it sucked having your character get locked out “forever” because the map you were on no longer existed in the files.
I always log off in DR, I have a Royal Terrace Pass so costs me nothing to return home and “cash out” so to speak.
I usually go to a city (any will do), but sometimes a safe spot in whatever map I’m in, then head to my guild hall, and walk to my room, say goodnight to my guildies, use the /sleep emote, then log off.
| Claara
Your skin will wrinkle and your youth will fade, but your soul is endless.
Usually on the airship, sometimes at a safe place to stand near the green asterisk story marker, or in the pvp lobby. I have a small army of flax farmers too.
Usually in Rata Sum in front of the bank.
I log off my characters in their home cities, so it depends on their race. More specifically I log them off at the bank, except when they’re crafters. Then I log them off at one of their crafts’ stations. I clean out their inventory, put my gathering tools in the shared inventory slots (before I used to put them in the bank) so they won’t get “lost” in the process. This way they’re “clean” next time I log on, no clutter or other stuff to deal with.
I usually log off some place useful, like a rich node or open-world chest. That way, even if I don’t play the toon much the next day, s/he is still amortizing their 800 gem cost.
In 99% of the cases in the Metrica Province.
I NEVER log off in the middle of the field. This night I logged myself out in the corner of a Norn tavern, next to a window.
For some reason, I can not just turn off the game. There’s a need for a safe place for my Asura to stay over night.
I always did so in other games, probably coming from MS-DOS games like “Das Schwarze Auge” or Megadrive games like LANDSTALKER, where the saving spot was the church or some inn. Before I dived into this awesome franchise, I played FF14, and there I always logged out in my (instanced) inn room, because logging off could be done at the bed and the game shut down with a “going to bed” animation.
and politically highly incorrect. (#Asuracist)
“We [Asura] are the concentrated magnificence!”
(edited by Zedek.8932)
Half my toons are parked at resource nodes or chests so they login collect logoff, the rest are a safe places because logging in and being attacked is not cool. I don’t like being in LA due to the load times.
Royal Terrace ever since I got it. First I thought it was a waste of money but it quickly became my favorite thing in the game. So comfy!
All except my main PvX toon is logged at chests in Tangled Depths atm (I don’t have a ton of time to sink into HoT metas during the week, so opening 4 chests almost daily on my characters is a great way to earn the map currency towards my next goal, Ex-Machina. Gotten almost 2k for 10mins each day over maybe just under a week, idk. It suits me doing it so I do it.)
I don’t do this to match my character. It’s a more personal thing about it. Some think it’s weird xD
I do have “my spot”. I had one in World of Warcraft too, in the Vally of Honour by the water next to the bridge looking at the bank ^^..
It was extremely hard to find a place for myself in Gw2. It took a while in the old Lions Arch to find my afk spot, the place I logged into and logged out of. I did find it, but then it got destroyed. . so my spot became non existant. It was just infront of the water system between the bridges infront of the Mystic Forge. I tried DR, I tried The Grove, it was not home and until the dust of LA settled, I stayed in Caer Shadowfain.
Then LA was rebuilt, and then my dilemma hit, I needed to find my spot again. It’s been a task. But I think I have found my spot. It’s on the verge near the frog pond looking towards the bank. We’ll see.
All of my toons are in HotM, about 28 of them.
Bank, trading post and merchant all right next to each other, not as laggy as Lions Arch either and takes less time to load.
I’ve avoided LA since megaservers, no server identity and way too many players on map to have a nice frame rate.
….. And Elementalist.
The ones I’m not actively playing are mostly parked at a node or chest. If I’m playing it I might return to Divinities reach but usually I find an out of the way spot to log out at.
At the airship for convenience.
I log off in my living room, ‘cause that’s where my computer is.
I usually log off in Rata Sum due to close proximity to the most convenient home instance for mining, vending and also access to crafting. My ranger is located in Black Citadel to access that home instance and maybe to do zone specific vista/miner. As most of my characters just WvW, they are generally very static.
As a side note, there seems to be always people RP’ing in the racial cities, and I find that entertaining though YMMV.
Beyond that, I really only need a nearby vendor to sell things and a Mystic Forge Vendor (have a conduit), so Bloodstone fen with its portal scroll often means I log out there instead and as long as I have someone bothering with the Rata Sum garden I just don’t bother moving that.
I don’t mystic forge enough especially with the extra materials so I usually just visit Lion’s Arch and buy in bulk if I actually need because I have so many spirit shards and now that leveling in Maguuma gives me them, that will be more so. I generally avoid LA like the plague and the only time you will see me log into Lion’s Arch would be WvW reset night or if I crashed.
for there you have been and there you will long to return.
(edited by ArchonWing.9480)
All of my alts are currently parked at the flax farm in VB. When I’m finished using a character and am switching to someone else, I head to Jaka Itzel waypoint and jump down to the flax farm to log off there. I realize it’s not as profitable for daily harvesting as a rich iron node might be, but I’m in a small personal guild with a few friends of mine so we need all the flax/linseed we can get.
I do sometimes park a mesmer at Not So Secret jumping puzzle (or other “difficult” JP’s), but usually only do this if I’ve been running and/or porting a JP that day.
Interestingly, I find that the Jaka Itzel waypoint and the flax farm area load really quickly compared to other areas in the game. Keeping all my alts at the flax spot makes harvesting each day a really fast process—even if I don’t have much time to play, I can log on and swap alts to harvest all the flax within about 15 minutes or so. This is great if you have to work and know you won’t get home before reset.
I like home instances. I have also used the Vigil instance in Gendarran when I lived in the airship.
Another common location is near a jeweler station, city or airship, which is okay since I was there anyway, for those times I don’t feel like watching all the loading screens. Moved the game away from SSD at some point, later the game got too big to go back.
If I happen to go to a slightly more complicated jump puzzle I will leave them there to wait. Same if I ran somewhere far during a gathering trip.
I log my characters off… anywhere, really. When I’m done playing, I just quit to desktop, regardless of wherever I am – in combat, in a city, by a crafting station, in the guild hall, mid-glide… anywhere.
I log off in my living room, ‘cause that’s where my computer is.
There’s always one. And it’s always you…
I always park in LA.
Wherever they are.
The usual place, in your mum’s house!
The airship, right next to the bank NPC.