Where is the in-game warning for ascended?

Where is the in-game warning for ascended?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tolmos.8395


Unfortunately, they expect that everyone here will have played WoW beforehand, like the above posters calling the addition of a better explanation than just the word “Unique” as being “Dumb protection”. Unfortunately, they forget that while some of us spent our time as WoW fanboys, not everyone in this game did. :-\

Those of us who played WoW got the joy of testing that “Unique” keyword on cheap items early in the game. Anet reserved that for high level items just to get more tears. =D

Where is the in-game warning for ascended?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mattbnh.9247


If unique was self-explanatory, the game would not let you buy 2.
There are plenty of other things the game won’t let you do. Heck at the laurel dealer there are items that the game will not lot you buy more than once – the crafting starters. Apply that code to the ascended gear.

Or get rid of the soul bound restriction. Here and everywhere. Free trade, man.
If I find it, buy it, or earn it, I should be able to sell it or give it to whoever I want.
IF I buy 2 of something and can only use 1, then let me sell the extra.
Don’t force me to drop it in the toilet.

It wasn’t called soul bound in GW1, but you could not trade armor or customized weapons. It was bullpucky then, and it still is.

account bound is almost as bad.

If I buy something with karma I earned, I should be able to sell it. I can’t sell Basil? I can’t sell a Bank express?
Give me one good reason.

“That’s more than I really needed to know.” – Adventurer in LA

Where is the in-game warning for ascended?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: eisberg.2379


They should change it from “Unique” and change it to “Highlander” =P

Where is the in-game warning for ascended?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Behellagh.1468


Sorry, you’re crazy. Unique is self explanatory and if you weren’t all that sure what it meant it was spelled out in the wiki.

1. It is not self-explanatory, which you would know if you read through this thread (or other similar ones) carefully. For example, GW1 also had Unique items. The term however meant something different than in GW2. There are many other MMO’s where this term is used for other things as well. And of course the basic meaning of Unique (the “self-explanatory” one) is in direct contradiction of the fact that you can in fact buy more than one.
2. I’d prefer if this game could be played without having to use off-game resources.

But I DIDN’T play GW1. The item is classified quality wise as Ascended, Unique is a qualifier like Soulbound or minimum level requirements and was displayed near the bottom of the list of item attributes. And in previous MMOs I’ve played Unique means unique, as in you can only EQUIP one of it.

Show me some other place in the game where the vendor interface does anything to prevent you from buying something you can’t use. Lets me buy armor and weapons I can’t use yet. Lets me buy cooking ingredients that are account bound when none of my characters have chef as a discipline. It lets me buy weaker items than I’ve currently have equipped. So why did you expect them to have coded the Laurel vendor any differently?

This is a case of buyers remorse, plain and simple. Yes, you “wasted” your precious time gated Laurels buying something you didn’t fully understand that 30 seconds with the wiki would have prevented you from doing. But since Laurels are so precious, an actual “rare” item that is limited about 40 a month, maybe, just maybe, you should be careful about on how and what you spent it on. You think?

No, no, you all just start clicking on items at the Laurel merchant. What does this “Offense” or “Defense” mean? What does “Unique” mean? Not important, it already took me weeks to earn enough Laurels to get something, can’t waste any time learning what those things mean. Clicky, clicky, ah crap!

Quick to the forums to express my outrage over my own actions. It’s all ANet’s fault for letting me do something dumb that was entirely avoidable on my part. They should have protected me from my own stupidity. I take no responsibility over my actions.

That’s what I’m reading here.

Edit: And the wiki is the game’s help system (/wiki <keyword>). Yes that annoys me. Yes I would rather have tool tip style help for terms and a proper optional in game tutorial.

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(edited by Behellagh.1468)

Where is the in-game warning for ascended?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Deepcuts.9740


I also bought two “unique” rings.
It is very easy to make this mistake and I think ANet should put a protection in place.
I have played MMOs that had this feature but developers of that game did not allow the player to purchase the item in the first place.
Now, in GW2 you can upgrade the item to an infused version and wear both. True.
But, for the every day player, the requirements to upgrade the item are pretty high. Even for a hardcore player can be tough, giving that some items required for upgrade can only be obtained through LUCKY DROPS in Fractals. And we all know what luck means to ANet
Fact is, this “unique” shouldn’t be in game.
Whoever came up with this non sense must be either new to MMOs or wanted to kitten off the players.

Who is not bothered by this, either heard about this problem from other players, do not have Laurels to buy them or simply got lucky and did not purchase the same item.

It is too easy to make this mistake.

Where is the in-game warning for ascended?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: eisberg.2379


gah, I make a clever joke, and I get nothing as a reply… is this mic on? -.-

Where is the in-game warning for ascended?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pandalishus.8426


Was I seriously suppose to infer from the keyword “Unique” that I could only equip one?


u·nique [yoo-neek]
1. existing as the only one or as the sole example; single; solitary in type or characteristics: a unique copy of an ancient manuscript.
2. having no like or equal; unparalleled; incomparable: Bach was unique in his handling of counterpoint.
3. limited in occurrence to a given class, situation, or area: a species unique to Australia.
4. limited to a single outcome or result; without alternative possibilities: Certain types of problems have unique solutions.
5. not typical; unusual: She has a very unique smile.

Honestly, not even WoW holds players’ hands on this one.

(edited by Pandalishus.8426)

Where is the in-game warning for ascended?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sil.4560


Heh, this thread. Further evidence that people will stop at nothing to “prove” themselves more intelligent than someone else on the internet, no matter how petty the cause or how weak and contradictory their argument.

Where is the in-game warning for ascended?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PearlGore.7419


How come when I log in I Don’t get free child brides?

Where is the in-game warning for ascended?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Spiral Architect.6540

Spiral Architect.6540

Seriously. Just get rid of the whole concept of “unique” already.

Is +4 more of a stat really that game breaking? No.

It’s a stupid concept, and should just be kittencanned.

Edit: But the chances of 1) someone from ANet actually reading this, and 2) someone from ANet actually giving a kitten about it are zero.

This thread is a waste of electrons.

(edited by Spiral Architect.6540)

Where is the in-game warning for ascended?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: morrolan.9608


Was I seriously suppose to infer from the keyword “Unique” that I could only equip one?


_u·nique [yoo-neek]
1. existing as the only one or as the sole example; single; solitary in type or characteristics: a unique copy of an ancient manuscript.

Do we really have to go over and over this again? Dunno why you and others need to try and validate the lack of a warning.

Only 1 doesn’t exist, I can have 1 on alts, I know 100,000s are probably being worn in the game world.

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(edited by morrolan.9608)

Where is the in-game warning for ascended?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JustTrogdor.7892


2. I’d prefer if this game could be played without having to use off-game resources.

And we see how that worked for you. Just sayin’

The Burninator

Where is the in-game warning for ascended?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


But I DIDN’T play GW1.

So? Lot of people here didn’t play WoW. I don’t see why the meaning of the Unique in the second game should be more important than the first (especially since the first was a precursor to this one).

And in previous MMOs I’ve played Unique means unique, as in you can only EQUIP one of it.

And i have seen all the range of meanings for the word, from purely fluff one without mechanican consequences to really unique (only one in the game world).

Show me some other place in the game where the vendor interface does anything to prevent you from buying something you can’t use.

Example, you say? Temple karma vendors give a warning popup when you try to buy from them.

Edit: And the wiki is the game’s help system (/wiki <keyword>). Yes that annoys me. Yes I would rather have tool tip style help for terms and a proper optional in game tutorial.

Just for your information – the explanation for Unique appeared on wiki rather late. Lot of people ran into the problem then (obviously, because noone could be sure what the world meant until someone first checked it – since there was NO explanation of the term from the Anet’s side).
And even now, most of the people playing this game aren’t even aware that there is something like GW2 wiki or the /wiki command.

Actions, not words.
Remember, remember, 15th of November

(edited by Astralporing.1957)

Where is the in-game warning for ascended?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Katai.6240


The term isn’t even consistent between TWO GAMES IN THE SAME FRANCHISE, how the kitten can you believe that the term “Unique” has some universal meaning at all?

“I didn’t play GW1, so therefore it doesn’t matter” is not a proper explanation.

Where is the in-game warning for ascended?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rage The Numbers.7943

Rage The Numbers.7943

Aren’t the Karka 20 slot bags “unique” as well, but you can equip two of them? I don’t recall now.

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Where is the in-game warning for ascended?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Afya.5842


When thread like this appear every week or so, you know something’s wrong.

Anet: Just give it a warning on purchase/bold unique/CAP LOCK “UNIQUE”/etc and save your support team’s work.

^it is
from google image:

(edited by Afya.5842)

Where is the in-game warning for ascended?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: HawkMeister.4758


Fanboism and RTFM posts excusing and actually blaming the user on this are so counterproductive, it´s past ridiculous.

Sorry, you’re crazy.

No U!
Gotsa waste them electrons. :p

Polish > hype

Where is the in-game warning for ascended?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Behellagh.1468


So what you are all suggesting is that ANet should code up a special version of the vendor interface, just for Laurels, that will go into your character’s inventory, bank and equipment slots to check to make sure the you don’t do something stupid? Right now all the vendor code does is highlights the items that you don’t have enough currency, a fairly simple test.

And for the record I haven’t played WoW either.

Edit: Unique was defined in the Wiki in November last year. Granted the mention on the page for Ascended didn’t happen until the end of March this year. But to say that Unique wasn’t defined until rather late is a misnomer.

On one hand you all say “but Unique isn’t universal between MMOs” but on the other say “but it’s not the same from GW1”. You can’t have it both ways. In GW1 it was a color coded item rarity level, what GW2 calls quality. Is it being used as a quality in GW2? Is it its own quality color? Is Unique displayed in the same location on an item’s info box as Rare or Exotic are? No it’s not. It’s listed below that where limitations are listed. Limitations like level minimum, soulbound, account bound yet this didn’t make anyone wonder if it had some important meaning.

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(edited by Behellagh.1468)

Where is the in-game warning for ascended?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Katai.6240


No, I think what they’re asking for is a pop-dialog that says

“Warning: You cannot equip multiple unique items with the same name on a single character. Do you still want to purchase?”

Heck, we get pop-up dialogs for salvaging green items, and those are basically worthless. Having a pop-up for a laurel vendor isn’t too far fetched, is it?

Where is the in-game warning for ascended?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


So what you are all suggesting is that ANet should code up a special version of the vendor interface, just for Laurels, that will go into your character’s inventory, bank and equipment slots to check to make sure the you don’t do something stupid?

No, i’d like for anet to remove the Unique mechanics, that doesn’t serve anything except creating confusion. Barring that, i’d like them to add a warning message on buying unique gear similar to the karma temple merchants.

Actions, not words.
Remember, remember, 15th of November

Where is the in-game warning for ascended?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Behellagh.1468


No, I think what they’re asking for is a pop-dialog that says

“Warning: You cannot equip multiple unique items with the same name on a single character. Do you still want to purchase?”

Heck, we get pop-up dialogs for salvaging green items, and those are basically worthless. Having a pop-up for a laurel vendor isn’t too far fetched, is it?

If that’s the case that’s fine but then expect a bunch of threads about having to double click though the warning and how annoying that is.

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Where is the in-game warning for ascended?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Goldar.4075


I’m a little surprised to see this complaint so often. Most gamers should know the concept of “unique” and everyone should know the meaning of the word in general. Not reading the item in full is the player’s mistake. HOWEVER that doesn’t change the fact that uniqueness is a seemingly pointless mechanic and a beginners trap.

Where is the in-game warning for ascended?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Afya.5842


No, I think what they’re asking for is a pop-dialog that says

“Warning: You cannot equip multiple unique items with the same name on a single character. Do you still want to purchase?”

Heck, we get pop-up dialogs for salvaging green items, and those are basically worthless. Having a pop-up for a laurel vendor isn’t too far fetched, is it?

If that’s the case that’s fine but then expect a bunch of threads about having to double click though the warning and how annoying that is.

How often do you buy ascended rings?

I’m a little surprised to see this complaint so often. Most gamers should know the concept of “unique” and everyone should know the meaning of the word in general. Not reading the item in full is the player’s mistake. HOWEVER that doesn’t change the fact that uniqueness is a seemingly pointless mechanic and a beginners trap.

I played 15years of video games, 10+ years of MMO, 7 is in GW1 and I don’t consider myself as beginner in gaming. But I didn’t get the “unique” meaning until I look up more info on the rings themselves.

Where is the in-game warning for ascended?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ThiBash.5634


To be honest, I don’t understand why they even added 2 versions of the item to begin with. 95% of the players runs with a Simple Infusion anyway, and should they really want to, they can have offensive types for defensive slots anyway.

All this system does is needlessly complicate the game.

If you can read this then it is proof that ArenaNet’s moderators just, kind and fair.

Where is the in-game warning for ascended?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Goldar.4075


Well that’s just my opinion but you’re also kinda proving my point. You are unaware of a “unique” mechanic, so upon seeing it on the item you look it up before making a purchase. Had you already bought the item, you obliviously or mistakenly didn’t read the item in full. So you either fell into a beginners trap (being unaware of a mechanic and haphazardly falling for it) or just messed up. Not that I’m defending the current setup (safety nets are worth the slight inconvenience)

Where is the in-game warning for ascended?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mastermavrick.2439


Man the more i see of these threads the more i cry about the fact that people to do not READ. Let alone think to look something up if they are unsure about it.


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Where is the in-game warning for ascended?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mystic.5934


the word ‘unique’ is not enough of a warning. no where else is ‘unique’ used, therefor no one would even think twice that it might mean something pertinent to them.

Where is the in-game warning for ascended?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: stof.9341


Actually, WoW Unique doesn’t mean the same thing than in GW2. In WoW, a Unique item is an item where it’s impossible for you to even own two copies. In GW2 you can own multiple copies but can only equip one at a time.

WoW system is much more user friendly here since the store will refuse to sell a second copy to you.

Where is the in-game warning for ascended?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Afya.5842


Well that’s just my opinion but you’re also kinda proving my point. You are unaware of a “unique” mechanic, so upon seeing it on the item you look it up before making a purchase. Had you already bought the item, you obliviously or mistakenly didn’t read the item in full. So you either fell into a beginners trap (being unaware of a mechanic and haphazardly falling for it) or just messed up. Not that I’m defending the current setup (safety nets are worth the slight inconvenience)

I thought it was just item tier like “ascended” and thought it’s redundant and not aware of it. But when I look up more about the stats, the infusion mechanism, those guides, I think it was gw2hub….and I see this in the first paragraph on ascended items:

“With fractals came a new tier of equipment: Ascended. It’s higher than Exotic in terms of stats, offer a new customization slot called “Infusions” and offer higher numbered stats. These items are limited to trinkets and are considered Unique, meaning only one of each named piece can be equipped (For example: You can’t equip two Rings of Red Death, but you can equip Ring of Red Death and Bagh Nakh).”

If I didn’t step on those sites, and just purchased by looking at the stats, I would be screwed too.

Where is the in-game warning for ascended?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Spiral Architect.6540

Spiral Architect.6540

Actually, WoW Unique doesn’t mean the same thing than in GW2. In WoW, a Unique item is an item where it’s impossible for you to even own two copies. In GW2 you can own multiple copies but can only equip one at a time.

WoW system is much more user friendly here since the store will refuse to sell a second copy to you.

Not to mention that in WoW, you have a window of time in which you can get a refund from the vendor if you realize you’ve purchased the wrong thing. Not so in GW2.

But again… they should just get rid of the whole concept of “unique.” It’s pointless.

Where is the in-game warning for ascended?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Treeline.3865


In the end you noticed the “unique”. Yet didn’t wonder what it was. So yes in common sense you should have either realized what it meant or researched it.

Leader of Heroes [Hero] – Seafarers Rest

Where is the in-game warning for ascended?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tolmos.8395


Actually, WoW Unique doesn’t mean the same thing than in GW2. In WoW, a Unique item is an item where it’s impossible for you to even own two copies. In GW2 you can own multiple copies but can only equip one at a time.

WoW system is much more user friendly here since the store will refuse to sell a second copy to you.

Not to mention that in WoW, you have a window of time in which you can get a refund from the vendor if you realize you’ve purchased the wrong thing. Not so in GW2.

But again… they should just get rid of the whole concept of “unique.” It’s pointless.

Pretty much this. To adopt a WoW system and not even adopt the safeguards that it involves is pretty silly.

And I <3 all the people “OMG YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT UNIQUE IS?! NUB!”. It’s making it pretty easy to spot the WoW players =D

Where is the in-game warning for ascended?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Deepcuts.9740


Here we discuss about the problems some of us are facing.
For those that had the pleasure of not falling into this “noob” trap, please find some other topics to fill.

Where is the in-game warning for ascended?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pandabro.8743


That’s just bad design, but thanks for letting me know about it before I bought any ascended gear! It’ll save me the headache!

Where is the in-game warning for ascended?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: StormageddonBK.9842


That’s just bad design, but thanks for letting me know about it before I bought any ascended gear! It’ll save me the headache!

Having made the infusion slot mistake myself (I severely face-palmed myself) I’m not surprised these mistakes are made. I too am glad I read this before making the same mistake in the future.

This is the first game I’ve played where you can have 2 unique items and not use them and the game should not let you equip (soul-bind) them if you already have 1 soul-bound to that toon. I write automation scripts for a living and this is a fundamental requirement to not allowing the human factor to screw everything up.