Where on Tyria is everyone?

Where on Tyria is everyone?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SpiritSharD.2650


Hey all,

So after a month or so break from GW2, I decided to reinstall and give it another go; I’m really surprised with how empty the game feels. I’m on Blacktide server, the status of which was “Full” last time I checked, and during a couple of hours game-play I have come across very few players. Now, admittedly some of the locations I’ve visited are low-level (Snowden Drift, Black Citadel, Divinity’s Reach), but I would’ve thought these areas would still be fairly populated. I’m probably not logging on during the right times or something, but it just seems strange. My highest level is 40+, by the way. It’s a bit of an issue since I have no one to play with and it’s difficult to do some of the more group-oriented events, plus I get bored easier.

Not really meaning for my first post on the forums to be a bit of a whine, but I was just genuinely disappointed and hoping that someone could shed some light as to why this is. I had the same problem with WoW, but that was probably owing to the fact I started playing after four expansions and several years of it being out. xD

(edited by SpiritSharD.2650)

Where on Tyria is everyone?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zia.9251


Like you said it’s probably the hours you are playing, like right now Blacktide is full so players are somewhere I play on TC and I see lots of players even on my new alt who is only level 8. At this point many players have a high or max level character and maybe they are passing more time in Lion’s Arch crafting or trading?

Where on Tyria is everyone?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DaButtNakedTruth.5712


Other than alts and new players in starter zones, everyone is in LA spamming for FotM groups. Anyone else in LA is begging for other dungeon content. Shame to. This game has the most beautiful world maps imaginable in an mmo today. Mad props to the environment artists of Timberline falls. They are all gorgeous. That one just happens to be my favorite.

Where on Tyria is everyone?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Esrever.8613


people are all in 1 city.

sllaw eht no nettirw gnihtemos saw ecno ereht

Where on Tyria is everyone?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bashful Heart Bear.1953

Bashful Heart Bear.1953

Lions Arch. No reason to go anywhere else.

Where on Tyria is everyone?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lwio.7942


Seeing a lot of overrun camps in Malchor etc. Very few people around.

Where on Tyria is everyone?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Grimrah.9256


This should not be a surprise to any of us who are seasoned MMOers. Look at other titles and as you know people flock to certain towns or areas for specific reasons and the rest of the world feels barren. I for one have no issue with this other then it can make some of the karma events a bit not doable solo. On the other hand I enjoy exploring so much that even if someone was with me I am lost in the gorgeous surroundings so I pay little attention to who is around. Now if you find a good active guild they always have groups running stuff together so really it is up to you to get in groups if you make a little effort this should not be an issue.

Where on Tyria is everyone?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arisal.9740


These posts are hilarious. I see more people in this game than I ever saw in WoW from a density stand point. And that is a good thing… I don’t want to see other people in WoW unless they are in my raid or party :P

Bottom line is after 3 months everyone is either in LA (fractals are hip I guess) or spread out in ALL zones.

Where on Tyria is everyone?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ChairGraveyard.2967


@OP: Everyone is in Lion’s Arch doing the new Fractals of the Mists dungeon. It’s the only place to get best-in-slot gear, and ANet also heavily nerfed rewards and timers on Cursed Shore events.

I guess you missed the memo. ANet is changing the game’s direction into a “grind for hundreds of hours for meager rewards” game, and putting heavy emphasis on massive amounts of grinding.

Essentially a 180 from the design goals and marketing information they sold the game on. The GW2 you knew is dead, basically, replaced with Grind Wars 2.

Happy grinding!

Where on Tyria is everyone?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sylosi.6503


Like you said it’s probably the hours you are playing, like right now Blacktide is full so players are somewhere

The server status does not show concurrency, certain servers still show full at 3 am, when it is abundantly clear that from WvW, the number of sPvP servers being used, Lion’s Arch, Orr, that you don’t get placed in overflow, etc that there are far less people on at that time than 9 pm.

Nor would it make any sense from the point of view of controlling server pops to show concurrency, at a guess it shows how many people have logged in during some designated time period.

Which results in a world showing ‘full’ even if people are spending less time playing, as logn as enough log in to do their daily whatever.

Where on Tyria is everyone?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tobias Trueflight.8350

Tobias Trueflight.8350

I’ve been out sick, mostly. And busy preparing for a family trip out of town. And trying to do some other things which are even less important.

I’ll drop back in when I’m good and ready and have time to devote to actually doing things. Until then, Tyria’s not going anywhere.

Seeking assistants for the Asuran Catapult Project. Applicants will be tested for aerodynamics.

Where on Tyria is everyone?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tonyl.5063


@OP: Everyone is in Lion’s Arch doing the new Fractals of the Mists dungeon. It’s the only place to get best-in-slot gear, and ANet also heavily nerfed rewards and timers on Cursed Shore events.

I guess you missed the memo. ANet is changing the game’s direction into a “grind for hundreds of hours for meager rewards” game, and putting heavy emphasis on massive amounts of grinding.

Essentially a 180 from the design goals and marketing information they sold the game on. The GW2 you knew is dead, basically, replaced with Grind Wars 2.

Happy grinding!

As opposed to what? Get to level 80, get handed a full set of gear, then go level an alt?

You can’t avoid grinds in these games, they’re the reason you bother logging on. Even leveling is just another form of a grind.

These posts are starting to get really old. I’m amazed that any of you actually expected an MMORPG with no grind to it. What exactly were you expecting? You ding 80 and the credits start? How do you expect people to atually find groups for help for stuff when there’s not a reason to keep bringing people into that content?

Welcome to top heavy MMORPGs, GW2 is already top heavy… Not everyone is an explorer, some people actually like to do dungeons and stuff (I know, it’s crazy, i always thought the millions of people some of these games have all think exactly the same way I do)

(edited by tonyl.5063)

Where on Tyria is everyone?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gele.2048


im on gandara and is full iv just made new caracter and is insane full i dont know for your kitteny server but here is fine and btw nobodt plays low lvl zones once they hit lvl 80

Where on Tyria is everyone?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ChairGraveyard.2967


@OP: Everyone is in Lion’s Arch doing the new Fractals of the Mists dungeon. It’s the only place to get best-in-slot gear, and ANet also heavily nerfed rewards and timers on Cursed Shore events.

I guess you missed the memo. ANet is changing the game’s direction into a “grind for hundreds of hours for meager rewards” game, and putting heavy emphasis on massive amounts of grinding.

Essentially a 180 from the design goals and marketing information they sold the game on. The GW2 you knew is dead, basically, replaced with Grind Wars 2.

Happy grinding!

As opposed to what? Get to level 80, get handed a full set of gear, then go level an alt?

You can’t avoid grinds in these games, they’re the reason you bother logging on. Even leveling is just another form of a grind.

These posts are starting to get really old. I’m amazed that any of you actually expected an MMORPG with no grind to it. What exactly were you expecting? You ding 80 and the credits start? How do you expect people to atually find groups for help for stuff when there’s not a reason to keep bringing people into that content?

Welcome to top heavy MMORPGs, GW2 is already top heavy… Not everyone is an explorer, some people actually like to do dungeons and stuff (I know, it’s crazy, i always thought the millions of people some of these games have all think exactly the same way I do)

If you love mindlessly grinding, there are about a thousand WoW clones. Go play one of them.

Where on Tyria is everyone?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tumbero.3945


open world = forever alone, actually.

SBI Firstborn.
(LX) Legion

Where on Tyria is everyone?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GrapeGatsby.6937


The wave of people that originally purchased the game at release all have 80s are doing end game. I mean no one really expects that the population in lower level areas to be as occupied as they were in the first few weeks of release RIGHT??

Where on Tyria is everyone?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jabronee.9465


open world = forever alone, actually.

In GW2 that is lol!
But with other mmos im playing, if im caught alone in the open world, i could be attacked, ganked or camped by other players on a Pvp Server. Most probably players do not wanna be alone in the open on a Pvp Server.
Going out in the open with a group, a guild or raid is extremely entertaining if there are reasons to it.
Commonly the reasons are lil lil things like a guildmates or guildleader was ganked while farming/questing or badmouthing other guilds will turn out into a mass guild vs guild battles out of a sudden in the open. lol yea!

Sadly this is GW2. None of that would ever happen. We are safe here without any Pvp Servers

Edit: WvW isnt the same as its an Instance. We can choose not to do it or just simply hop out. But on a Pvp Server we have no choice but to be prepared for Pvp anytime out in the open.
Thats the difference!

(edited by Jabronee.9465)

Where on Tyria is everyone?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wasabi Kitty.8247

Wasabi Kitty.8247

Spamming LFG for fractals and other dungeons.

Anet make Rev great again.

Where on Tyria is everyone?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lankybrit.4598


I find plenty of characters out and about in the world on Devona’s Rest, in the 15-25 and 25-35 zones.


My Life in Tyria: http://lankygw2blog.blogspot.com/
Updated every Monday