Preemptive TL;DR: The current state of the game is seriously lacking in decent story content, especially for characters that are not max level. This results in PvE feeling incredibly more like a grindfest and makes the game decidedly boring to play. ArenaNet needs to add more story content, both at end-game and at every level between arcs of the Personal Story.
Ignoring all of the old debates about vertical progressions and various grindy aspects of the game, there is definitely a more grindfest feel to the current game experience for new characters due to the revamp of the Personal Story system. The old system had too many breaks between linked story segments within a given story arc. So ArenaNet’s choice to make it more coherent was a good idea. Unfortunately, the result of their implementation is that the leveling progression for characters now feels like more of a grind than it used to. And for players like my girlfriend who already felt like it was more of a grind than it should be, it is even worse.
In GW1 a character could little beyond story missions and easily gain enough levels to be appropriate to the next mission, or very close to it. This made for a game that was truly lacking a feeling of grind until you started farming. My girlfriend and I both loved this aspect of that game. GW2 is a different game, and has its own uniqueness in play style, and that isn’t a bad thing. Many of the things GW2 has done have been fantastic and amazing. But it has always been more grindy.
Be that as it may, at least in the past you could participate in the personal story missions and only have to grind 1-2 levels or so at a time. It lacked coherency in the story, but at least it wasn’t a totally dreadful grind. But with the new system everything feels totally dragged out. You get your tutorial finished, and then you have to grind through 10 levels with absolutely no story whatsoever before you even begin your personal story missions? And once you finish your first Personal Story arc you might have leveled up all of 2-3 times and have to grind through another 7+ levels before you touch the next story arc? Plus the new system for unlocking weapon skills, utility skills, weapon swapping, class mechanics, etc. also makes it feel like more of a grind. It was bad enough to have Traits changed to unlock much later on in the game (previous Feature Pack), but now some of the most basic and fundamental aspects of the game are not unlocked until after you grind out a large number of levels!
It doesn’t matter that you can level up more quickly and easily in GW2 than in many other MMOs. This isn’t about how long it takes to reach max level cap and fully kit out a character compared to how long similar milestones take in other games. It is an issue of how the game feels. Does it feel fast-paced and fun, or does it feel slow, dull, boring, and like a chore? The latest iteration of GW2 feels like the latter.
I understand the reasons behind these changes. But the game now feels like it has no hook. What RPG game anywhere requires you to grind 7-10 levels between any story aspects?
Part of this is because the side-stories (heart regions) require zero interaction. There’s no actual story-based reasons given unless you deliberately pursue them (force yourself to talk to the NPC that you don’t actually have to talk to). There is no motivation to participate in the story of a given heart region, or even to participate in the story of a Dynamic Event; they simply exist, and nothing more. There is little reward to participating either, except for the exp. and occasionally some acceptable (albeit unspectacular) loot. So why participate in hearts and events? The only significant reason is to gain more levels. And when the majority of your activity (heart regions and DEs) is done only to gain levels, that is my definition of a grindfest, and it isn’t fun.
Where’s the story? Where’s the motivation to do anything except hit max level as quickly as possible? What do new players have to look forward to except to mindlessly grind out to level cap as fast as they can possibly manage so that they can participate in Living World content? For people like myself and my girlfriend who have absolutely zero interest in PvP, there is simply no reason to play right now.
ArenaNet needs to start focusing more attention on PvE content writing and development. Players have been begging for new end-game content for a long time, but they need to do more than that. They need to create additional story content suitable to every character level along the way as well, so new players, and new characters, have solid motivation to do more than just mindlessly grind out levels.