I’m going to start off by saying that this is my personal opinion of where I would like this game to go. There will probably be a lot left out as I’ll try to state the things I would love to see the most. This also means that I will not give full examples of the progression I would like to see to keep things clean.
- Instances
It’s been said before, but playing with people you don’t know can be problematic when something happens to the instance leader. Simple solution: create a new host after the instane leader is no longer in your party. And on top of that let vote kicking require at least 3 votes, considering 4 people can vote, I feel 3 is a better amount to warrant a kick.
Que’ing for a zone should come back. ‘’Join in’’ should redirect you to the que if a map was full. This should solve a lot of the issues people are having when they are doing world events.
- Gemstore
More meaningful items that increases user friendliness.
An example would be a 6 slot bag that you can purchase that is shared amongst all your characters.
No ’’lottery’’ themed items.
- Living World
More impactfulness on the world. Often people come back to the game from a break and ask ’’what’s new? what did I miss?‘’… and sadly now the answer is ’’not much’’. Not because the content was few, but because it was temporary or non-replayable.
For example, the LA events were fun to do. But when I got there after the events, I was done exploring after 15 minutes. Thew new fractals are amazing, but there’s a good possibility a lot of casual people will not get to see them in a timely manner.
The aetherblade path is a good example. Although there’s not a real incentive for replayability.
I feel the story part of the living world has been discussed enough.
- Dungeons
Balance the rewards. Fix the exploits. I can’t stress this enough.
Get a topic up to create the top priority issues in dungeons and address them.
You want the community to know that you’re listening? That’d be a perfect way.
Take a better look at scaling down. Since the ferocity all of the lower level dungeons are too easy. More dungeons that offer interesting rewards and have interesting mechanics. Right now there’s too much of an emphasis on ‘’line of sight’’ in most of the dungeons. This creates boring gameplay and less replayability. So, whenever new dungeons will come around take that in consideration to make for a better experience.
- Fractals
Balance the rewards. Fix the exploits. Same deal, get a topic up in the same fashion as dungeons would get one. The biggest issue right now I feel is that the rewards are too random. You can’t work towards a nice reward, and I feel really sad when I get something I don’t want. Another issue is that fractal relics (prestine and normal) don’t really have any use after you get what you want. In comparisment, you can use dungeon tokens to get rares to salvage or exotics to forge.
The instabilities are not increasingly becoming harder. They are a random mixture of quirky mechanics.
On a side note, there was a preview stream up for the ’’fractured’’ release and a lot what was promised still has to happen. More clarity on this subject would be greatly appreciated. As well as more feedback on the ’’Fractured’’ sub-forum.
- Exploration / New Zones
If there’s going to be new zones they have to have interesting mechanics to them.
Southsun cove is a good example of how not to make a new zone. After the events that happened there, there’s not much reason to go back except for the karka queen.
So, what makes an interesting zone?
Right now we only have: Exploration / Events / Bosses.
Take a look at what worked in other games.
For instance the ‘’Fissure of Woe’’ in Guild Wars 1.
The area was challenging, rewarding, not always accesible*, gave you things to desire, offered a special merchant, interesting enemies/bosses, fun mechanics, surprises and special loot.
Another simple idea you could do is make the whole area transform you into a special being depending on where you are. Go through sand: Wurm, water: Shark, grass: Panther.
But in conclusion: make the area interesting enough for people to come back to.