Which MMO were you playing before GW2?

Which MMO were you playing before GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JemL.3501


Lineage 2, very simple question, could be funny too.

I took an arrow to the knee

Which MMO were you playing before GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gwaiyn.4395


world of warcraft and runescape

yup, i’m expecting people to blast me with comments about how i’m not a true mmo player

Gwaiyn – 80 Thief
Ryfaul – 80 Warrior
Fluene – 80 Mesmer

Which MMO were you playing before GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TransparentlyOpaque.1824


Oh mine is funny.

I tried TOR as my first “MMO”. What a letdown. Not my cup of tea. I did not like the gear grind at all. Actually it was so bad, I was considering giving up video games!

Which MMO were you playing before GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Untouch.2541


None, played RIFT a while ago for like 2 months.

Which MMO were you playing before GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: HykCraft.4610



Oh wait…. that never happened. Huh. Weird.

Sorrow’s Furnace US

Which MMO were you playing before GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rpgtabbycat.5869


GW1, WoW, Rift and Aion.

Which MMO were you playing before GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drudenfusz.2971


I still have a sub for SWTOR.

Gwenya Drudenfusz [Boon], Norn Mesmer on Desolation

Which MMO were you playing before GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Romeo.4378


The game I played right before GW2 was The Secret World – amazing game!

Before that was Tera – awful game (good combat/graphics though!)

And before that I played RIFT for about a year – amazing game and amazing developers!

Annnnnnnnd before RIFT I played Runescape for many, many, many years.

Which MMO were you playing before GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: stayBlind.7849


I generally don’t get into MMOs too much. I was playing Path of Exile while waiting for GW2 though.

Which MMO were you playing before GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lambofodd.7640


I’ve played Galaxies and WoW (Only because I played the original games), and luckily I had the foresight to know that TOR was destined to fail. I also played Aion for all of two days.

Edit: And Guild Wars, the first one.

He who made kittens put snakes in the grass.

Which MMO were you playing before GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pandemoniac.4739


I didn’t have an active sub to any MMO right before GW2 came out. Y’all really don’t want to sit through the entire list of every MMO I’ve played so here’s the past few months.

I’ve played many MMOs. I most recently tried SWTOR and Secret World. I lasted in SWTOR for a while because I was enjoying the heck out of the stories, but then the MMO drudgery started to get to me. I left before the 1.3 patch so there was no group finder. Even the addition of legacy perks couldn’t really get me interested enough to lay down another $15.

Secret World was disappointing mostly because it had so much potential and the clunky, boring combat ruined it for me. I loved the investigation quests, but I hated having to trudge through killing so many mobs to experience it that I gave up.

I played some Diablo 3 (technically not an MMO) and enjoyed it for um about 140 hours (so I got my money’s worth). I might go back after they get some of the problems sorted out, but the community stinks. Tried Path of Exile’s beta. It has some neat ideas, but it has polish issues, and the devs are hard core in all the wrong ways for my taste.

My husband bought into the MechWarrior Online beta, and really enjoyed it. Not my cup of tea. I logged into City of Heroes to say goodbye. That was the one game I don’t begrudge a single penny of my 5 years of subscription fees. I played the kittens out of it.

And of course the original Guild Wars because I had to get my heritage armor at least. Hmm I should check my birthday presents and see if I can add any more minis.

Don’t ever think you know what’s right for the other person.
He might start thinking he knows what’s right for you.
—Paul Williams

(edited by Pandemoniac.4739)

Which MMO were you playing before GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jack of Tears.9458

Jack of Tears.9458

I played a bit of SWTOR, but it let me down and I couldn’t convince myself to keep paying for it. And that’s about it, for the last couple years … there just hasn’t been a game that has got and kept me excited as much as GW2 lately.

I’m sorry I stepped outta yer box, don’ worry, if
ya whine enough they’ll put me right back.

Which MMO were you playing before GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Corian.4068


Everquest → World of Warcraft → EVE Online → Aion → Rift → Guild Wars → Guild Wars 2

Played a couple of others along the way but not for more than a hundred hours or so. City of Heroes probably most notable among those. RIP.

Hit level eighty
Priorities, what to do?
Spend hours with dye

Which MMO were you playing before GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lambofodd.7640


On a side note, all of these posts about SWTOR’s failure make me feel very vindicated for arguing on it’s forums for a solid year before the release. I may just mosey back over to it’s site and partake of a hearty chortle.

He who made kittens put snakes in the grass.

Which MMO were you playing before GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Johnny Boi.4980

Johnny Boi.4980

Well, right before GW2 I played Forsaken World :p (but played a lot more before)

Which MMO were you playing before GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rynnline.4598


SWTOR, WoW, Aion, Fallen Earth, TSW, LOTRO, DDO, Lineage 2. Well, I can say for sure, that GW2 is one of the best MMO I’ve ever played.

Angels on the sideline, puzzled and amused.

Which MMO were you playing before GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: sinister.9216


Howdy folks

I started MMOs with GW1. After that, I played wow from the start of the 2nd expansion up until cataclysm. While looking for a new mmo, i tried about 99% of the free trials out there, from Warhammer to Conan. I moved on to Star Trek online and then to Champions Online. I’ve been on champions for the last year or so. Great lil F2P mmo. Tons of customization. You can even change what color your abilities are (purple firekitten ftw?) Been waitin on GW2 for a while now, and I’m glad its finally here.
edit – ( fire b a l l ) was censored

Tywin Onassis – 80 Necro Mez Yar – 40ish Mesmer
Uri Nightshade – 50ish Thief
Sarugaki Hiyori – 80 Warrior – Blackgate [FEAR]

Which MMO were you playing before GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lynce.1705


World of Warcraft

The first MMO I ever really got into around 2006 in the middle of TBC. I’ve put countless hours into it, probably around 365 days over the period of about six or seven years. I still play this game from time to time and keep up with it the best I can. I do not like what it has turned into; the world is dead, people sit in cities all day, the community is just terrible, the questing is linear and too easy, the in game story from 1-85 has been screwed up thanks to Post Cataclsm Level 1-58, Illidan 58-68, Arthas 68-80, Post Cataclysm again 80-85. The leveling literally makes no sense story wise anymore, though it’s not like anybody in the world actually pays attention to it now as you can just level without even leaving a city at level 10. Cataclysm is also terrible.

Warhammer online

Honestly for as much crap as this MMO gets it actually brought a lot of new things to the genre. Queuing from anywhere in the world, an in game lorebook and achievements and world events. EA Destroyed this MMO, it was released too early and a good amount of the content was cut out at launch. I enjoyed it but it just felt unfinished and the endgame was for the most part terrible. Though at least it still brought some new things to the genre.

DC Universe Online

This game actually wasn’t that bad as it was quite a bit different than the average MMO. It just got repetitive fast and the end game was terrible. It was a game you could enjoy for like 15-20 hours before getting bored with it and moving on.


Another MMO that EA destroyed. SWTOR had potential, and it really could have been a great game. I think the developers really thought that it would become the next #1 Pay to play MMO, they were even going off on how many more planets they could add and all this great content they had planned for the future. To start, the engine was terrible and the game was badly optimized and the player stories were good at the start but really became mediocre as they went on. The PVP was horrible and like 90% of the skills were ripped off of WoW, even some of the names of the skills were the same.

There was basically no world PVP and the factions didn’t even quest on the same planets. The game had so much potential using the Star Wars license yet failed so badly. There wasn’t even space exploration or anything, it was all on rails and basically pointless. It just didn’t feel like star wars……..also everybody running around with light sabers was just lame.

This game

I am enjoying Guild Wars 2 a lot more than any of the previous MMO’s on my list currently. That could change in the future, but I like the direction this game is going so far and the lack of the monthly fee pretty much guarantee’s that I’ll be playing this game for a long time.

(edited by Lynce.1705)

Which MMO were you playing before GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: texhnolyze.6425


a lot
and my latest is AION

Which MMO were you playing before GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jot.1287


Last 2 I have been playing for a couple years now are:

DC Universe: Online- I read a lot of comics so its fun to mess around in some

Guild Wars- I really like the lore and the novels

Jot Vau – norn Guardian
Josef Vau – human Revenant

Which MMO were you playing before GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tsmith.7915


Wow ( private server), Allods, Eden Eternal, Sevencore, Firefall (still playing in beta!)

[AMD FX6300 @3.5Ghz][ASRocks 970D Mobo][8GB DDR3 G. Skill Sniper]
[XFX R9 270X O.C Edition][Thermaltake 600W PSU]
[Windows 8.1 64-Bit]

Which MMO were you playing before GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: sfxblade.3459


I started playing gw1 when it came out, since then i think i have around 5000hours on my account.

Then i started playing WoW, didnt get much attention from me tho.

Jumped to Aion, and made several max lvl characters, got bored.

Went to Rift, raided a bit with my ranger and had quite some fun, friends stopped playing so i stopped too.

Retried Age of Conan, made it to level 78 and stopped playing.

Got into Tera online, made it to max level, finished content in less than a month.

Now Gw2.

Which MMO were you playing before GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bhuta.1480


Since Faxion online shut down i struggled to find another mmo i wanted to play tried swtor but that was a dissapointment,then Tera but couldnt even bring myself to get to lvl cap with that and finally TSW which after a very short while i was bored.Still playing Firefall and now GW2 which i definatley see myself playing for a long time.

Which MMO were you playing before GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Razamis.1062


World of Warcraft, where I will be heading back to in 9 days, and shelving GW2 for good.

Which MMO were you playing before GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Darryl.6489


Ok there has been.

1. Guildwars 1 – Started playing game when first released and didn’t stop.
2. Final Fantasy XI – Lasted 2 Month
3. WoW – Just didn’t like it one bit
4. Dungeon Runners – Sad to see it go
5. Aion – Started In Beta and stop when GW2 released.
6. Guildwars 2 – Started In Beta

Which MMO were you playing before GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bluefunk.2758


TSW – still playing it. GW2 and TSW are both great and in my mind don’t really step on each others toes. I feel between them you get the full package.

Good stuff

Cult Of Xtc – Necromancer

Which MMO were you playing before GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mightylink.3816


Generic answer WoW, but I felt quite betrayed by Blizzard over how they been treating us lately, I quit that game a few months before GW2 came out and just waited patiently for it.

It wasn’t really GW2 that took me from WoW, it was more like WoW that drove me away to seek out other games.

Mightylink – Norn Necromancer
Mythiclink – Asura Engineer

Which MMO were you playing before GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ashmedai.8736


Played almost every major MMO released in the past 15 years but just came from The Secret World. Sadly I paid for a lifetime subscription there and should have known better. My suggestion is to avoid that game like the plague or at least until it goes free to play as it is NOT worth paying a monthly sub for. I am very happy with GW2 and already paid them extra for 3 char slots so I can have one of each class to play with anytime I want

Which MMO were you playing before GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Selekt.3710


Hmm, my first mmo was Everquest Online Adventures for PS2. From there I moved to Everquest, Asheron’s Call, Star Wars Galaxies, Vanguard, Everquest 2, Guild Wars, Final Fantasy XI, World of Warcraft, Aion, Rift, Final Fantasy XIV, Star Wars the Old Republic, Tera, The Secret World (which I’m still playing).

And a few others I’m sure I missed…

(edited by Selekt.3710)

Which MMO were you playing before GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: berries.7016


Too many that I care to admit, and I still play others here and there. It’s not because I try something and I don’t like, but I actually seem to have a curse of liking so many themes and styles of MMO’s and wanting to play them all. For now this is taking the most of the time but it’s not something that would make me quit playing the others, in fact this just makes me want to play the others again even more but in a good way.

Which MMO were you playing before GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Izithel.6853


1 Month of ToR (noticed recently that I never actually activated my game copy after playing at pre-release.)
Some EVE online before that.
Lots of WoW untill I started raiding DS and was like, not gonna do that for the next 6 months.
More or less half a year of Rift before that.

Then it’s just loads of EVE online and WoW for 2 years or so.
That is pretty much my recent MMO history.

(edited by Izithel.6853)

Which MMO were you playing before GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: August.2678


I previously enjoyed GW1, Ultima Online, Lineage 2 and yes I actually played and enjoyed some Tibia before it got infested with botters.

Also played a very unknown game called Auteria.
Though it’s certainly not massive in terms of players, there are just a tight bunch of people still playing.

nastyjmanThat explains why there were kittens muddled in some posters emotionally charged responses.

Which MMO were you playing before GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Santana Kazan.1730

Santana Kazan.1730


Really excited for 2.0.

Which MMO were you playing before GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zederok.4173


Asherons Call 1999- 2012 (on and off again for a total of about 6 solid years)
DAoC from 2002-2003
CoH 2004-2005
WoW 2005-2011 with several breaks inbetween mostly for WAR and AoC
Since I quit WoW for good in early 2011 (2 months after Cata) I have gone from AC to Rift, back to AC to SWTOR back to AC and finally to TSW.

Proud member of Vigilance of Sanctum of Rall. Order of Longbowman’s local 187 since 1971

Which MMO were you playing before GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zanryu.3417


I played Runescape for a long time before moving on to Perfect World International for 4+ years. It got amazingly stale, classes were imbalance, there was virtually no GM support, and it became a pay to win game where everyone had a massive ego. Then a friend of mine brought me here, and I’m having a blast.

Which MMO were you playing before GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Diva.4706


EQ2 for years (closed)
Sw:tor for 3 months (closed)

Which MMO were you playing before GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: gurugeorge.9857


SWTOR and TSW are new MMOs I was playing recently, but I also dabble in EQ2, Vanguard, STO, CO and EVE Online.

Which MMO were you playing before GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zeropride.2984


Only mmos ive played before GW2 were EVE, RIFT and Aion. Still subbed to RIFT.

Which MMO were you playing before GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: boghogextreme.3749


I started out with wow and have pretty much stuck to it since then. Cancelled my sub a few times, once to play warhammer online since I’ve always like the warhammer world.

When I started out in wow there was a good feel among the players. You cared for your rep, knew people from your server (especally before cross realm) and it wasn’t as easy as it is now. People are whining about everything and blizzard doesn’t really seem to care that much. I’m hoping that the disgruntled players don’t bring that attitude to this game and start to whine about everything.

GW2 seems very fresh so I decided to give it a go.

Which MMO were you playing before GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Marvyra.1729


Well, I’ve been playing A LOT of MMORPGs throughout my life. But the ones that I’ve stick to to a longer period of time are World of Warcraft (not big surprise) GuildWars, Ragnarok Online and Aion.

I also recently tried Vindictus and Continent of the Ninth and they are simply amazing! After playing those I could never go back to the old generic combat system. The problem with them though is that it’s only instance based. :<

We also have RaiderZ which is a pretty nice game, sadly it doesn’t have the features that GW2 does which makes me wonder if I could go back to it when it releases. But I do love that combat system.

Which MMO were you playing before GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: byolith.8160


The games I played right before GW2 were TERA and Ragnarok Online. I’ve also played WoW, Aion and lots of f2p games though.

:: Gandara ::
- Rhéidyn :: Thief

Which MMO were you playing before GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kevin.7204


Rift. /15 chars

Which MMO were you playing before GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wintyre Fraust.6534

Wintyre Fraust.6534

I had stopped playing MMOG’s years ago, and figured really that there never would be one I’d be interested in playing. So glad to be wrong!

Which MMO were you playing before GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orion.9753


I was playing SWTOR while the GW2 betas were starting and once trying BWE3 I quickly cancelled my sub to SWTOR and jumped back into my longtime favourite MMO Dark Age of Camelot to get some 3 faction pvp in while waiting for GW2.

I’ve played almost every P2P mmo out there and until now DAoC has never even been challenged in terms of fun pvp and enjoyable classes but GW2 has beaten it on all accounts except the RvR(WvW) character progression (realm ranks/titles/realm abilities etc)

Which MMO were you playing before GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tyncale.1629


The one I played rather intensely right before GW2 was Rift. I love GW 2 but I did order the expansion for Rift too. I feel these 2 games complement eachother in a great way, so I see myself playing both in the future. I like that both have the “Public Questing” now (Instant Adventures in Rift, DE’s in GW2) because I just can not seem to get enough of that paricular playstyle.

I feel that Rift has a bit more meaty Lore and background, while I think GW2 has the more vibrant and alive world(lovely chitchatting of NPC’s). Rift has more of a power progression, while GW2 is more relaxed in that way.

And off course I log into Everquest now and then, purely for nostalgic purpose, not for real play( gotta love FTP).


Which MMO were you playing before GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pandemoniac.4739


Warhammer online

Honestly for as much crap as this MMO gets it actually brought a lot of new things to the genre. Queuing from anywhere in the world, an in game lorebook and achievements and world events. EA Destroyed this MMO, it was released too early and a good amount of the content was cut out at launch. I enjoyed it but it just felt unfinished and the endgame was for the most part terrible. Though at least it still brought some new things to the genre.

I really liked Warhammer until I got my characters into their mid 30s. The public quests were unique and the PvP that you could start at level 1 was a blast. Then you got into the last tier and the PvP was completely unbalanced because you got matched up with folks 40 reknown ranks above you. The open world PvP never had a balance of players from each faction. The high level PvE content was so buggy it was unplayable. When they announced they were raising the reknown ranks without creating a new PvP tier, it was dead to us. It was a shame, because both my husband and I love the Warhammer lore.

Don’t ever think you know what’s right for the other person.
He might start thinking he knows what’s right for you.
—Paul Williams

Which MMO were you playing before GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shaileya.7063


GW1 was my first MMO. I went back to it in the past year to work on my HoM after a long break. I did a stint of several years of weekly raiding on WoW, but it got old and tiring after a while. I also vaguely poked at SWTOR with a pointy stick, albeit somewhat distantly. I liked the SWTOR story stuff, and.. nothing else about it at all, really.

Which MMO were you playing before GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tyncale.1629


Yes, the public quests in Warhammer were great fun, untill they became deserted because people leveled up/moved on. Still the best part of Warhammer for me.

This is the biggest issue that Anet may be facing in the future: population too low/spread out that you are doing DE’s in your lonesome, or that they never really trigger(I realize that you can initiate a lot of them yourself).

Which MMO were you playing before GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: pineneedle.8471


Played WoW for 6 years. Played LoTRO for 2 years on/off. Played aion recently for about 2months-ish. Played Rift at the start for a bit.

GW2 trumps them all.

[TEST] Guild of Isles of Janthir

Which MMO were you playing before GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wasabi Kitty.8247

Wasabi Kitty.8247

None unless you go a few years back. Before GW2 I played (and still play) League of legends, Dota 2, and Team Fortress 2.

Anet make Rev great again.