Which MMO were you playing before GW2?

Which MMO were you playing before GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ReturnedNoob.5976


Before GW2, I played World of Warcraft, and Maple Story….I still play both but I really enjoy playing Guild Wars 2 a lot more.

Which MMO were you playing before GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wryscher.1432


Tera. The best combat and Graphics I have seen in an MMO yet. On the downside just about everything else was standard or less.

On the good side GW2 has a ton to do and the combat is just different and fast enough from the normal mmo that i didn’t quit after 5 minutes and go back to Tera.

[Sane]-Order of the Insane Disorder
Melanessa-Necromancer Cymaniel-Scrapper
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Which MMO were you playing before GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rukia.4802


In the past year I haven’t played any MMO’s. Mostly just single player RPGs.

But my MMO history is as follows.. GW1 & WoW (started around the same time) from 2006-2012, but I quit warcraft when Cataclysm hit that expansion made me die a little inside. And since I had done everything in GW1 I was just waiting for this game… bored as hell. WiK and WoC content kept me alive though but didn’t last very long at all.

I was smart enough to dismiss all other horrible MMO’s that have come out recently as obvious WoW clones that brought nothing new to the table.

“I find this rain quite pleasant, it feels as though raindrops are blessing our victory”

Which MMO were you playing before GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TrickSmartly.7391


I was playing D3 before this. Then WoW before that. I’m about finished with this game and will return to WoW to play the new expansion.

Which MMO were you playing before GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DusK.3849


World of Warcraft and Guild Wars. I played a bit more of WoW than GW, though, usually only turning on the latter when I couldn’t afford my WoW sub. I quit before downing the Lich King after reading about Guild Wars 2 and realizing that ArenaNet was making a game that wouldn’t have the disappointing gameplay WoW had all throughout.

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Which MMO were you playing before GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nemesis.1948


Ragnarok Online

Which MMO were you playing before GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Janhyua.8130


Allod online is the game i used to play befor i come here

Names Unknownsg in Allod Online
Names Janhyua in Guild War 2

Nice to meet you

Which MMO were you playing before GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: stormstrike.9147


At the time of GW2 release, I was in TOR and STO. Since GW2 release, those as well as CoX since NCSoft announced the CoX shutdown on the same week as GW2 release. Trying to get some time in Paragon City and Rogue Isles before the shutdown.

Which MMO were you playing before GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raf.1078


EQ2 for the last few years, but dropped my sub there for now. Playing here, I have no desire to head back to EQ2 at this time.

PF/ GOAT on Tarnished Coast (Semi-Retired)
Raf Longshanks-80 Norn Guardian / 9 more alts of various lvls / Charter Member Altaholics Anon

Which MMO were you playing before GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gilandred.9870


World of Warcraft – Started in 2009 and still have a sub. Although open world anything is all but dead, I still love the dungeons and battlegrounds. It’s a well polished game with tons of content, and here I can still get my healer fix:)

Aion – about 9 months back in 2011. Another beautiful game, but ran like crap when you had more than a few people on the screen at the same time, which is what the Abyss battles consisted of. And, gear was king! If you didn’t have it, you died.

Rift – about 6 months after launch. Best development team out there. Always on the forums, and lightning fast updates and content expansions. However, I found WoW to be a better overall package.

SWTOR – maybe 3 months tops. I so looked forward to this game, and was a big letdown. The static world and lack of quality of life features killed it for me.

Also dabbled in AoC, Eve, FFXIV, and maybe a few others I’m forgetting.

Which MMO were you playing before GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sarisa.4731


MUD’s, then a few 2D hobby games (biggest peaked at ~60 people), then a couple Korean grinders, then DDO, then GW2.

Will stay with GW2 unless a development/design decision destroys the foundation of the game, like what happend with DDO.

Lille of the Valley [WHIP]

Which MMO were you playing before GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Deadly Toy.2630

Deadly Toy.2630

None, cause MMO bores the crap out of me especially when the sore purpose of all the grinding is to get to the endgame and try to be better than everyone else with gear while paying fees each month; I’m sorry but that’s just incredibly stupid and a waste of time. Guild Wars 2 is the perfect game for me.

Which MMO were you playing before GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: psw.5042


DCUO—> SWTOR, still playing SWTOR as my main MMO, and loving it. I play GW2 if I need a 1-2 day break

Which MMO were you playing before GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lonewolf.5869


WoW, Rift, Warhammer, SWTOR, Aion…. All by miles better than this game end game…

i cant even bother logging in anymore

Which MMO were you playing before GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Optimism.7213


SW:TOR since June. Before that was WoW from launch till last Dec.

Which MMO were you playing before GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wolfend.5287


GW1, AoC, tried a few others, with little result.

Which MMO were you playing before GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: asperbianca.3196


2 Moons
Silk Road
Perfect World Intl.
Forsaken World
Dragon Nest
Perfect World Blue Moon
Perfect World Vendetta
Darkeden Intl.

The best out of all of them was Darkeden; it’s a shame it’s not open anymore.

Which MMO were you playing before GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dym Mahk.5768

Dym Mahk.5768

Guildwars, I played that for about 5 years. I also played Ever Quest II for a couple of months.

Which MMO were you playing before GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: daemonlama.5413


EQ > EQ2 (from 2004 to 2009) > Saga of Ryzom > Warhammer > Rift

I dabbled in a number games like Allods (Beautiful world and fun until you feel you need cash shop to succeed), Guild Wars, Vanguard, wow and some other f2p games.

(edited by daemonlama.5413)

Which MMO were you playing before GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ari Kagura.9182

Ari Kagura.9182

My first MMO was GW1 and played all three campaigns from start to finish. However, I was somehow suckered into playing WoW with a friend. I played WoW starting at the beginning of the Burning Crusade expansion onward to the beginning of the Cataclysm expansion pack. I did take a long break when Lich King came out. I first started out as Alliance but then went Horde when Lich King came out.

I eventually got frustrated and bored but I just couldn’t leave my guild since I was the Main Tank, but I eventually quit the game when my guild /gdisband’ed, thus I didn’t had a reason to play anymore. I could remember that time in Vent when it happened too. The guild leader somewhat flipped his noggin mid-raid, left the raid, ninja’ed the bank, and /gdisband the guild. No one really saw it coming. I think most in my guild tried to reestablish themselves and continued on, but other went to play other games like Rift, TERA, SW:TOR, and The Secret World.

I did play Final Fantasy XIV for a few months after my WoW guild disbanded, but there was something about it that I didn’t quite kept me motivated. It felt too grindy and disconnected in some parts … and I actually like just about every Final Fantasy in the main series.

Eventually, I retired from being “hardcore” and settled with a casual guild that I ran with when playing TERA. I only played TERA for about a month since it was on sale for like 5 bucks at Best Buy, but when my subscription ran out, I decided to catch up with some unfinished business in GW1. Eventually, the guild went on to play Guild Wars 2 and I decided to join them. Some still play TERA but others moved on. I’ve been with them ever since and became an officer with them for being founding member of the GW2 version of the guild.

“I control my fate!” — Claire Farron
I am Fleeting Flash, in-game dungeon cosplayer of Reddit Refugees [RR] .

(edited by Ari Kagura.9182)

Which MMO were you playing before GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gathslan.1870


Age Of Conan

The only MMO to have kept me playing more than a single month, looks like GW2 will be the second MMO to do that :>

Which MMO were you playing before GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Neppu Demion.7439

Neppu Demion.7439

Well I started playing WoW about 6 months before the first expansion, and quit about 6 months after WotLK, then I tried LOTRO which I loved but it was like a carbon copy of WoW just with different class names so I couldn’t really put too much effort in to it and quit after 3 or 4 months. Then I played EVE for about a year in 2009/10, enjoyed it but quit because I realized there was an elite that controlled the game whose level of experience and wealth I could never even hope to come close to, also the GM’s all played the game and many were members of GoonSwarm, a corporation highly favoured by the GM’s who regularly got reimbursed for the destruction of massively expensive ships whilst other corporations didn’t get reimbursed, proving to me beyond a shadow of a doubt that the developers were favouring certain players.

Then for about a year I didn’t play any MMO’s at all because nothing could equal the wonder and amazement that vanilla/BC WoW could (still can’t, not even GW2), then I played SWTOR for a month, got to level 50 but hated the fact that the game is so heavily instanced and not open-world at all, hardly any PvP between Sith and Jedi unless you join an actual arena, I wanted open-world, random PvP.

Now I’m playing GW2 and loving it, but to be honest I’m a bit nervous about reaching max level. I like more content once you reach max level in an MMO. If there is none… why continue?

Which MMO were you playing before GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Volias.9653


Right before GW2 I was juggling between GW1 and SWTOR.

past history has included: UO, EQ, EQ2, AC, AC2, AO, Shadowbane, DAoC, SWG, WoW, Aion, CoH/CoV, LOTRO, Warhammer, Rift, Champions Online, PotBS, and maybe a few more.

Which MMO were you playing before GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jasott.7914


Mabinogi, then wow on in game holidays, then back to mabinogi.

Which MMO were you playing before GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: FatFuzzy.2659


Kudos to anyone who reads every post here.

I played LoTro for almost 5 years….mostly the pvp which NEVER changed after all that time, big turbine fail. D3 is pretty fargin awesome…got about 300 hours into it, tried 3 different classes until I finally settled on the mage/tank, but inferno mode act 3-4 is a joke and i’ve had enough. Now it’s gonna be GW2 for a while.

LvL 80 Thief “Axxeman”
Sorrow’s Furnace
Planet Earth

Which MMO were you playing before GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: sotose.4312


UO→DAOC→WOW/GW1 as far as mmos go

Which MMO were you playing before GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: hype r.5431

hype r.5431

The Secret world (still play it actually)

Which MMO were you playing before GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bobby.2918


Any World of Tanks players? That game actually held my interest longer than the past five MMOs I’ve done.

Waiting for Mechwarrior Online to get some muscle on its skeleton.

LOTRO was my first. It still has many of my favorite MMO memories. Then various dabbles in DCUO, STO, WoW, CoH and SWTOR.

Which MMO were you playing before GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: blackthunder.7415


I played Tera for a little bit before starting GW2. I’ve played many MMOs since 2002.

Which MMO were you playing before GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SteveK.5827


started my first MMO with GW1 and loved it …. still do.
WOW was next for several years.
Aion ….. just the first month then did not renew.
Perfect World for a few years.
GW2 but not sure how long this will hold my interest. Hope the content will be improved and made more varied.

Which MMO were you playing before GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shifted.3697


UO and EQ > GW1 (until they screwed the economy overnight) > WoW (until they went Hello Kitty mid-Wrath) > WAR > LoTRO > lots o’ F2Ps > DCUO > SWTOR > TERA > TSW > GW2……. [Stray doggy, looking for good home]

Fear the Reaper

Which MMO were you playing before GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Uchi.2419


Played TERA up until the release of GW2.

I was part of the original batch of focus group testers for that game back ’08. Stuck with it for a long time.

Ask me anything.

Which MMO were you playing before GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rokien.6405


I was/am still playing FFXIV You maybe already know me!

Which MMO were you playing before GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Anatarin.7018


The Secret World and I am still playing it along with GW2. Have played WOW since vanilla, LOTRO and Warhammer briefly and Rift for a while.

Which MMO were you playing before GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Qelris.6901


Aika and Divina.

I miss my friends a lot from Aika.

I’m only responsible for what I say, not for what you understand.

Which MMO were you playing before GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phoenix the One.4071

Phoenix the One.4071

WoW, CoH/CoV, GW, runescape, Eve, Rift, Aion beta only, DCUO, Champions, lot of those free asian games including mapple and perfect world (which wasn’t that perfect), a fps mmo forgot the name and probably more:D

Which MMO were you playing before GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dutch Rental.8360

Dutch Rental.8360

played GW1 for 7 years also started playing AION 2 years ago but still an fan based player of gw

80 Guardian
Veteran of Far Shiverpeaks since headstart

Which MMO were you playing before GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Unshaken.7146


Most recently (within the past year) GW1 and LOTRO. Played some WoW back in the day but that was quite a few years ago.